New Age Islam
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Debating Islam ( 1 Jun 2021, NewAgeIslam.Com)

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Removing Doubts Concerning Verses of Jihad in Quran: Are Jihad-Verses not the Verses of Quran? Part 4

By Kamal Mustafa Azhari for New Age Islam

Translated from Urdu by

7 May 2021

Jihad-Verses are undoubtedly Verses of the Quran – One just needs to understand the context

Important points discussed in Part 4

Jihad-verses are Verses of the Quran

The Quran is protected from distortion, increase or decrease

Allah Almighty Has taken the responsibility of Protecting the Quran

Believing in Islam requires faith equally in all the Quranic verses

Disbelieving in any verse of the Quran is an act of disbelief (Kufr)

Satan can never succeed in distorting the Holy Quran by adding something to it or deleting something from it


Suspicion 4:

Another suspicion is that verses of Jihad are not really verses of the Qur'an but added because they contradict other verses.

Such suspicion is created by Wasim Rafidi and his like-minded individuals who publicly make a false claim to be the followers of the Quran and at the same time deny certain verses of the Quran.   

All the commandments of the Shari'ah are firm and unwavering and everyone must believe in them. The Holy Qur'an is protected from alteration, distortion, increase or decrease. Allah Almighty says, “It is certainly We who have the Reminder [the Quran] and it is certainly We Who will preserve it” (15:9)

If Wasim Rafidi says that Allah Almighty did not take the responsibility of protecting the Quran which is before us today in the form of paper and ink but instead the Quran which Hazrat Jibril (Gabriel) gave to the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him); then a question arises; where is that Quran that Allah Almighty took responsibility for? If it does not exist then it means, God forbid, it is no longer protected and the Muslim Ummah is still without the Quran!!!  

Wasim Rafidi too does not believe so because he has made an objection only to 26 verses. That he has not objected to the rest of the Quranic verses is proof of accepting the rest of the Quran, i.e. according to him, this Quran is the same, but only 26 verses are extra. If these 26 verses are extra, then verse 15:9 in which Allah has promised to protect the Quran forever is also included in verses that he has accepted as the verses of the Quran.

That is, he is obeying verse 15:9 and at the same time denying 26 verses from the same Qur'an. This was the habit of the Children of Israel, in whose rebuke Allah Almighty said:

“So do you believe in part of the Scripture and disbelieve in part? Then what is the recompense for those who do that among you, except disgrace in worldly life; and on the Day of Resurrection they will be sent back to the severest of punishment. And Allah is not unaware of what you do.” (2:85)

Believing every verse of the Qur'an by heart is faith [Iman] because this Qur'an is an attribute of Allah Almighty and denying His attribute is an act of disbelief [kufr].

The oppressor [Wasim Rafidi) says that since one verse of the Qur'an reads, “For you is Your religion” and another verse connotes “Kill him who does not believe in one God [Referring to verse 9:5 kill the mushrikin”, there is a contradiction in the Quran. But he has ignored the context of these two verses of the Quran and accused the Quran of contradiction.

One must ask him that the Quran that he believes except for 26 verses also includes the following verse;

“Then do they not reflect upon the Qur'an? If it had been from [any] other than Allah, they would have found within it much contradiction.” (4:82)

If the Quran had been from any person other than Allah, there would have been a contradiction in it. Since Wasim Rafidi believes in this verse, he too should believe that there is no contradiction in this Quran.

Understanding the great Qur'an requires strong faith, special knowledge, abundant wisdom and insight.

When the same Qur'an was recited on Abu al-Hakam, he disbelieved and became Abu Jahl, and when the same Qur'an was recited on Abu Qahafa, he became Siddiq-e-Akbar.

Ye to apnā apnā hai hausla ye to apnī apnī uaan hai

koī u ke rah gayā baam tak koī kahkashāñ se guzar gayā

(It's one's own motivation; it's one's own flight

Some flew to the roof and some passed through the galaxy)

Today, people, such as Narsinghanand and Wasim Rafidi, talk about the increase and decrease in the Holy Qur'an. These ignorant people should think that when Iblis [the devil’s name] could not increase or decrease the Holy Qur'an, then obviously it is not possible for his disciples to commit such a heinous act?

Allah Almighty says, “Falsehood cannot approach it from before it or from behind it; [it is] a revelation from a [Lord who is] Wise and Praiseworthy.” (41:42)

Quoting the statement of Hazrat Qatadah, Imam Jalaluddin Suyuti (may Allah be pleased with him) comments under this verse;

“Allah has bestowed this honour on the Holy Qur'an because it is His speech and has protected it from falsehood. He [Hazrat Qatadah] said, ‘batil’ (falsehood) in this verse means Shaitan (Satan). Satan’s manipulation and contrivance just do not work on this Book. Shaitan cannot distort this Book by adding something to it, or deleting something from it”.

Similarly Allah Almighty says, “And if you are in doubt about what We have sent down upon Our Servant [Muhammad], then produce a Surah the like thereof and call upon your witnesses other than Allah, if you should be truthful” (2:23).

The Quran is a kind of Book that cannot possibly come from anyone except Allah, and the like of which no human being can ever produce. This demonstrates that this is the Word of Allah. The biggest supporter of those who had doubt and hesitation in accepting the Holy Quran as the Word of Allah was Iblis. When their master Iblis could not do anything in propaganda against the Holy Quran and can never succeed in distorting the Quran, then it is more impossible for his disciples to do so; therefore, they should not be engrossed in their wishful thinking for doing so.

Fanus ban ke jiski hifazat khuda kare

Wo shama’ kiya bujhe jise raushan Khuda Kare

Literal translation:

Whose protection air provides by becoming a glass shade

How would that candle be put out which God illuminates?

Meaning: No harm can be done to those who are guarded by Allah Almighty, or the one, whose guardian is God Almighty, cannot be impacted by any force, ever.


Mustafa Kamal Azhari, the son of a popular Sunni debator Allama Sagheer Ahmad Jokhanpuri, is a classical Islamic scholar (Aalim and Fazil). Presently he is doing research work in the Faculty of Theology at Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.


Related Article:

Removing Doubts Concerning Verses of Jihad in Quran - Does Islam force Non-Muslims to Accept Islam -Part 1

Removing Doubts Concerning Verses of Jihad in Quran: Is Jizya in Islam an act of oppression? Part 2

Removing Doubts Concerning Verses of Jihad in Quran: Do Jihad-Verses in Quran prove that Islam prefers war and fighting? Part 3

Removing Doubts Concerning Verses of Jihad in Quran - Does Islam force Non-Muslims to Accept Islam -Part 1 ردِ وسیم نام نہاد در شبہاتِ آیاتِ جہاد: مذہب اسلام غیر مسلموں پر داخل اسلام ہونے کے لئے بلا وجہ جبر و اکراہ کرتا ہے ؟

Removing Doubts Concerning Verses of Jihad in Quran: Is Jizya in Islam an act of oppression? Part 2 ازالہ شبہات در آیاتِ جہاد: کیا اسلام کا جِزیہ لینا ذمیوں پر ظلم و ستم ہے ؟

Removing Doubts Concerning Verses of Jihad in Quran: Do Jihad Verses in Quran Prove that Islam likes war and fighting? Part 3 ازالہ شبہات در آیاتِ جہاد: قرآن میں متعدد بار مذکور جہاد سے معلوم کہ اسلام جنگ و قتال کو بہت زیادہ پسند کرتا ہے؟

Removing Doubts Concerning Verses of Jihad in Quran: Are Jihad-Verses not the Verses of Quran? Part 4 ازالہ شبہات در آیاتِ جہاد: کیا آیات جہاد قرآن کی آیات نہیں بلکہ اضافہ شدہ ہیں؟


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