Shakeel Shamsi
from Urdu by New Age Islam Staff
20 Aug,
Scholars Must Focus on Muslim Unity Rather Than Adding Fuel to The Fire of
Muslims are
confronted with numerous Problems and Transgressions
divisions in beliefs and creeds can’t be bridged today so let them do what
suits their beliefs
1. Muslim
orators should deliver the message of unity rather than that of further
2. Other
nations should also be informed of the fact that Islam is not a religion of war
and violence but rather a religion of patience and self-sacrifice.
3. Let Muslims
remember and mourn Imam Husayn in their own ways.
Today, the
Muslim Ummah is confronted with numerous problems, troubles and transgressions.
There has not been much discussion about it among religious scholars and
preachers. It is no longer possible to alter the course of history. How can the
religious divisions that have existed among Muslims for the past fourteen
centuries be bridged today? Some people have attempted to convert faith into
history and history into faith.
t is a
well-known truth that the Muslim intellectuals find a larger platform to
deliver their speeches during Muharram processions and gatherings than they do
during the year. Young people are also observed attending enormous gatherings
at imambaras, mosques, and monasteries during the first ten days of Muharram,
but instead of conveying the true message of Islam, the orators start talking
about personal and sectarian conflicts.
Some folks
simply want to say something that must hold the audience spellbound. Some
people wish that no matter whether their message be received by the audience or
not, but everyone must be convinced of their art of oratory. Instead, they must
have highlighted the teachings of the Prophet [peace be upon him] while
delivering the sermons commemorating the martyrs of Karbala, specifically Imam
Husayn’s martyrdom, the grandson of the Messenger of Allah [peace be upon him].
During their sermons, they must have advocated for Muslim unity and informed
other nations about the teachings that Islam is not a religion of war and
violence but rather a religion of patience and self-sacrifice.
some people believe that accusing other sects of polytheism and heresy is the
most effective way of spreading Islam. Some of our scholars appear to assume
that bringing up controversial subjects will help all Muslims. Once I had an
opportunity to observe and listen to a gentleman's speech. The message
attributed to Allama Iqbal was the focus of his entire discourse. He was making
numerous arguments as to why we do not mourn a living person.
He is
unaware, however, that the response to the mourning over Karbala martyrs was
supplied fourteen years ago by Hazrat Zainul Abidin (Alahissalam), the son of
Imam Hussayn (Alaihissalam). When someone asked him, “If Martyrdom is your
inheritance, why do you mourn over it?” He [Imam Zainul Abidin] replied saying,
“Is it our heritage that the horse should be run over the corpse of the
Prophet’s grandson [peace be upon him]? Is it our heritage to set fire to our
tents? Is it our heritage to tie ropes around the arms of the Prophet's
granddaughters and the honourable women of our house and make them walk in the
markets of Kufa and Syria?”
That is why
we believe that those who choose to mourn should be permitted to do so, while
others who do not wish to weep should be permitted to remember Imam Hussayn in
their own way. However, no one should add gasoline to the fire of Ummah's
divisions and transform them into hypocrisy. We ask scholars, preachers, and
orators to make it [“Can Muslims be unified in this volatile time?] the topic
of their remarks.
Article: Muharram Religious
Gatherings and Speeches محرم کی مجالس، جلسے اور تقاریر
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