By S.
Arshad, New Age Islam
5 July 2021
Good Treatment
Of Animals Is The Characteristic Of A Civilised Society
1. A woman was cursed because of showing
cruelty to a cat
2. A corrupt woman was forgiven and sent to
heaven for showing mercy on a thirsty dog
Man has
always depended on animals for their services and for their meat and milk. He
makes many thing from their skin and hair. He domesticates some animals like goat,
sheep, cow, camel, horse, ass and dog for various purposes. He uses some
animals as means of transport. God has allowed domestic use of these animals
with the condition of providing them good food and shelter and good treatment.
On the
other hand God disapproves of torturing or killing even an ant without reason.
Similarly, God also disapproves of putting animals or birds in chains or in
cages only for fun and entertainment or as a piece of decoration.
Many people
have a liking for keeping beautiful birds or parrots in cages in their homes.
Similarly, some people called Madari keep monkeys in chains and use them
for providing entertainment to people by making them dance and do various hilarious
stunts in the streets for a livelihood. The hapless monkeys do what their
master dictates to them to as they cannot escape. These come under cruelty to
animals and not supported by Islam. There is a hadith on this topic. Hadhrat
Abdullah bin Umar r.a. narrated: The holy Prophet pbuh said that a woman was
put in Hell after her death because she had confined a cat and did not give it
food or water till it died.(Kitab Bad-il-Khalq; Sahih Bukhari; Vol 2; Chapter
14; ;700)
God enjoins
on man to show mercy and compassion not only to human beings but also to
animals. Those being kind to animals are praised rewarded by God. Another
hadith speaks of a corrupt woman who was forgiven by God because she had
provided water to a thirsty dog.
The two
hadiths make it clear that even good or bad treatment to animals can decide the
fate of a human being in the Hereafter.
Arshad is a columnist with
New Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic
Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Women in Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab Women, Women In Arab, Islamophobia in America, Muslim Women in West, Islam Women and Feminism