By Arman Neyazi, New Age Islam
11 October 2021
Terrorism and Militancy Revolves Around
the Anti-Islamic Axis of Hate, Feud between the Communities, Illiteracy and Ego
Main Points:
is shocking to know that those who are fighting for the sake of Islam, do not
know even the basic tenets of it.
is no place for brutality, hate, anger and exclusivism that constitutes
supremacism and ego.
revolves around the axis of peace, kindness, compassion, brotherhood and divine
attributes of inclusiveness.
perpetrated by ISIS in Syria, Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Boko Haram
in African Peninsula has been behind the spread of Islamophobia in the world.
It is shocking to know that those who are
fighting for the sake of Islam, do not know even the basic tenets of it. Islam
revolves around the axis of peace, kindness, compassion, brotherhood and divine
attributes of Inclusiveness. There is no place for brutality, hate, anger and
exclusivism that constitutes supremacism and ego. Islamic essence advocate, ‘no
compulsion in religion' hence there has to be a no compulsion policy and
strategy for true Islamic life. Islam propagates scholarly discussions and
entertains questions, with pleasure, even about religion and its ethics.
Terrorism and militancy revolve around the
anti-Islamic axis of hate, the feud between the communities, illiteracy and
ego. Terrorists’ blind faith in their ideological beliefs created a mess in
their minds. Their supremacist ideology created sectarianism of a different
kind that created lots of terrorist organisations of different demeanour. If
the terrorists are followers of the seventh-century Arabian cultural ethos that
Islam denounced, they are working against Islam in the name of Islam.
Boko Haram: Anti-Western Education
Some terrorists are against western
education when Islam has categorically commanded to ‘read’, even if one has to
go as far as China, according to one Prophetic tradition. Boko Haram’s
ideological masters should come forward and refute the Ahadith given below or
should change their way and take to the mainstream social life and work for the
achievement of the Prophet Muhammad Pbuh’s teachings, in the field of
seeking of knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim." - Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 74
“One who
treads a path in search of knowledge has his path to Paradise made easy by
God…” - Riyadh us-Saleheen, 245
knowledge and impart it to the people." -
Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 107
Do the ideological fountainhead of Boko
Haram not acknowledge that the above-mentioned traditions are ‘right’ and
accepted by all the traditionalists? In the light of the above-mentioned
traditions, no one should go against any kind of education. When there is ‘no
compulsion in religion’, how can there be any compulsion in education.
Taliban: The Terror
Then there is a militant organisation that
calls itself ‘Taliban’. Talib means ‘seeker’ and ‘Talib Ilm’ means seeker of
knowledge that is a student. This terrorist organisation kept Afghanistan under
its reign of terror and brutality from 1996 to 2001.
Along with all other dastardly acts
Taliban, 1.0 in Afghanistan will be remembered for their scaredy-cat
relationship with women. In the name of piety, they sentenced women to
barbarous inequality. They were not allowed to move outside their dwellings not
even either for education or healthcare. The Taliban and their ideologues have
forgotten how Allah, the Exalted has bestowed gender equality to women by
addressing them together. Consider the following Ayat:
Indeed, the
Muslim men and Muslim women, the believing men and believing women, the
obedient men and obedient women, the truthful men and truthful women, the
patient men and patient women, the humble men and humble women, the charitable
men and charitable women, the fasting men and fasting women, the men who guard
their private parts and the women who do so, and the men who remember Allah
often and the women who do so - for them Allah has prepared forgiveness and a
great reward. (Al-Ahzab: 35) - Sahih International
Taliban have maintained gender equality
only by killing men and women without distinction. They have beheaded both men
and women, demeaning what Allah, the Almighty says in the Holy Quran:
killed a person ... it shall be as if he had killed all mankind" (Al-Ma'idah:32)
Their ideological masters of Taliban have
either not read or pretend to have not understood the Qur’an verse mentioned
ISIS: The Fountainhead of Terror
ISIS established an Islamic State, as per
their admission, but was that administered on the values of the Meesaq e
Madina? Rather, the so-called Islamic State of ISIS was being governed against
the spirit of the Holy Quran and the traditions of Prophet Muhammad Pbuh.
History is witness to their chaotic rule where even the most pious and piteous
men were living in a state of uncertainty.
ISIS ruled Islamic State was run on the rules of the jungle. It had
rapists, blood-thirsty murderers who were all hypocrites. Inhumane treatment of
humanity was the rule of the day. They brought destruction and death in the
beautiful nations of Syria and Iraq. Their brutal and tyrannical ideology of
spreading mayhem distorted the Islamic vision of peace and tranquillity. The
damages they brought to the reputation of peace-loving Islam does not seem to
be repaired soon.
Pakistan also calls itself an Islamic State
that is upbringing Islam in all spheres of life. Pakistani style of Islamic
State is also run by the Mullahs that are to be found in every nook and corner
of the country. These Mullahs are betraying the Islamic teachings by being a
part of the domestic violence, forced conversions and forced marriages or
allowing these inhuman acts under their noses.
Allah knows the best what Islamic ethics
are being followed there in corrupt practices of the government agencies and
the powers that be. Incidents of bomb blasts, killing of innocent students,
everyday occurrence of rapes and murders that have become routine, are not a
sign of an Islamic nation.
Islam: Advocate of True Democracy
Islam is an advocate of true democracy and
true democracy is based on the teachings of Islam. Meesaq e Madina and Prophet
Muhammad Pbuh’s last sermon are testimonies of Islamic democracy. Pakistan and
other so-called Islamic nations should have been an example of true secular
democracy. These are not secular democracies is proof that these are not
following the teachings of Islam that advocates equality and brotherhood among
all the sections of the society.
Islamic essence, created by the life and
work of Prophet Muhammad Pbuh based on love, compassion and sense of
Inclusiveness as taught by Allah Almighty, has been disregarded and defamed by
the self-boasted warriors of Islam. The brutalities perpetrated by ISIS in
Syria, Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Boko Haram in African Peninsula has
been behind the spread of Islamophobia in the world. This Islamophobia has
taken the form of an epidemic that is swallowing Islamic pride and Muslim life.
The terrorist and militant organisations
are not following what Allah, the Exalted has said in the Holy Quran neither
have they understood the essence of what the Apostle of Allah, Prophet Muhammad
Pbuh says in his Last Sermon:
O mankind, We
have created you from a male and a female, and made you into races and tribes,
so that you may identify one another...
(Al-Hujurat: 13)
“All mankind is from Adam and Eve. An Arab
has no superiority over a non-Arab, nor does a non-Arab have any superiority
over an Arab; a white has no superiority over a black, nor does a black have
any superiority over a white; except by piety and good action. “ (The last
sermon of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ)
Muslims of the world better understand the
following Quranic verses and act accordingly to achieve equality, brotherhood
love and peace and tranquillity in the world for all the human beings, the
vicegerents of Allah on the earth. If the so-called Islamic nations and the
terrorists and militants failed to understand Quran and Hadith they are doomed
to be defeated here and hereafter.
Quranic Verses on Equality, Fraternity,
Women Rights and Human Rights
We have honoured the children of Adam
and carried them by land and sea; We have provided good sustenance for them and
favoured them specially above many of those We have created. (Al-Isra: 70) — Abdul Haleem
Because of that, We decreed upon the
Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul .... it is as if he had slain mankind entirely.
And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. (Al-Ma’idah: 32) - Sahih International
And say, "The truth is from your
Lord, so whoever wills - let him believe, and whoever wills - let him
disbelieve." (Al-Kahaf: 29) - Sahih
Have you seen him who cries lies to the
Doom? That is the one who repulses the orphan And does not urge the (offering)
of food to the indigent. So woe to the ones who pray, Who are they that are
unmindful of their prayer, Who are they that show off, And (refuse and) prevent
(small) kindnesses. (Al-Ma'un: 1-7) — Dr Ghali
And do not come near to adultery; surely
it has been an obscenity and odious as a way.
(Al-Isra: 32)— Dr Ghali
Anyone who has a minimal understanding of
religion in general and Islam, in particular, would defy all that the
terrorists do in the name of safeguarding religious ethics. Terrorists’
brutality against non-Muslims has been behind Islamophobia, Islam hatred and
Muslim persecution all over the world. Muslim scholars and intellectuals only
duty has been ‘rebuttal’ and ‘refutation’ of the killings, murders, bomb blasts
and forced marriages and conversions. Why is it that the Muslim scholars,
intellectuals, Sufis and the innumerable humanitarian organisations working for
human rights find themselves unable to stop this carnage called terrorism and
And Allah Knows the Best.
Arman Neyazi is a columnist with
New Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Women in
Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab Women, Women In
Arab, Islamophobia in America, Muslim Women
in West, Islam Women and Feminism