To the Widespread Radical Agenda That Islam Is a Religion of War and Terrorism
1. We must continue to preach
the correct word of Islam, in the hopes that our efforts on to
combat radicalization will have positive and effective outcomes.
2. As may be seen from a study
of the Qur'an and Sunnah, the passages of the Quran and hadiths that contain
combat injunctions are related to defensive warfare.
3. Peace is a magnificent
blessing of Allah for humanity, according to the holy Quran
4. If we look at the Quran as
a whole, we might conclude that combat was permitted in the face of injustice
and evil. In today's world, we can understand why battling terrorism is
5. God Almighty, who chose
Islam as a religion (Din) (3:19) and filled it with a message of peace and
welfare, prefers peace to war to the point where He commands the entire Muslim
community, through the prophet (peace be upon him), to accept the hands
extended for peace and tranquilly, even if the opponents (enemies) have evil
6. In an age when some
radicals are attempting to demonise Islam, it is our responsibility to continue
to spread the message of the Quran, which emphasises the importance of
fostering peace.
By Kaniz Fatma, New Age Islam
10 November 2021
The goal of Islam should be seen from the
Hudaybiyyah episode, from the provision of security in the residences of Abu
Sufiyan and Hakam bin Hazam following the conquest of Makkah. In an age when
some radicals are attempting to demonise Islam, it is our responsibility to
continue to spread the message of the Quran, which emphasises the importance of
fostering peace. Even when hostile and combatant foes gravitate to peace, the
Quran instructs believers to establish peace. Allah declares,
“And if they (the combatant or hostile
disbelievers) incline to peace and reconciliation, you also incline to it and
put your trust in Allah. Surely, He alone is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.” (8:61)
Islamic teaching is unambiguous. Even so,
we see militants committing terrorism and excesses across the country. Leaders
of such militants may or may not have been aware of the Islamic message in this
way, but one thing to remember is that today's common youth are influenced by
such leaders' propaganda. As a result, we must continue to preach the correct
word of Islam, in the hopes that our efforts on to combat
radicalization will have positive and effective outcomes.
Furthermore, the world should protect
Muslims’ human rights, including their religious rights, because violations of
their human rights may aid extremists in brainwashing naïve youth into joining
the militant route, and no amount of reform would bring them back to the road
of peace.
We know that there are two types of wars,
both of which can be witnessed today: one that incites terrorism, as ISIS does,
and the other that seeks to prevent terrorism. After 12 years of persistent
patience and tolerance, the early Muslims were able to defeat Arab pagans’ acts
of terrorism, gaining freedom for their religious practises as well as their
lives. This is the truth, and historical data backs it up.
In the words of M.M. Pickthall, a brilliant
non-Muslim intellectual who eventually converted to Islam and translated the
Muslims are those who only fight “in the way of Allah” (as it is called in the
Quran), that is, in self-defence or for the protection of the weak oppressed,
or for the redress of wrongs. To wage aggressive war on people, simply on
account of their religious opinions, is not allowed, nor can the term Jihad by
any means be stretched to cloak such warfare. Jihad is “striving in the way of
Allah” and the way of Allah, if we must seek a modern phrase to express it, is
devotion to the cause of human progress. It is only a nation or community does
grievous wrong to Muslims, attempting to exterminate or enslave them and
extinguish truth by force of arms, that war against them is a duty for all
Muslims” (M. M. Pickthall, The Cultural Side of Islam, p. 27, Islamic book
Trust, India)
Some people constantly quote Quran verses
like "kill them wherever you see them" (2:191) or "Kill the
Mushrikin wherever you find them" (9:5). However, it is regrettable that
people do not attempt to comprehend these verses in their entirety. They merely
take them, apply a broad brush to them, and attempt to foment Fasad (disorder)
amongst Muslims and Mushrikin. This is unquestionably a matter of grave
Why don't they try to realise that these
verses 2:191 and 9:5 were written in the context of a struggle against the
militant Mushrikin, who sought to deprive Muslims of their basic rights as well
as their existence? When reading such verses in context, this becomes extremely
“And fight (in
defence) in the cause of Allah against those who impose war on you. (Yes,) but
do not exceed limits. Surely, Allah does not like those who exceed limits. And
(during war) kill them (the aggressing and combating disbelievers) wherever you
find them, and drive them out (through military operation by the state) from
where they drove you out. And rousing mischief and disruption is a severer
(crime) than killing. But do not fight against them in the proximity of the
Sacred Mosque (Ka‘ba) unless they themselves fight there against you. Then if
they attack you, kill them (in defence), for that is the right penalty of (such
aggressing and combating) disbelievers. But if they desist, then surely Allah
is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful. And keep fighting against them until the
disruption and mischief is totally eliminated and the Deen (Religion)
practically becomes subservient to Allah alone (i.e., the system of the
protection of peace and human dignity is practically established). But if they
desist, then offensive action is not permissible except against the wrongdoers
(i.e., transgressors). A sacred month is the requital of a sacred month, and
(other) sacred things also requite one another. So if someone wrongs you, you
may also respond in kind but proportional to his offence. And fear Allah. And
remember that Allah is with those who fear Him. And spend in the cause of
Allah, and do not cast yourselves into destruction with your own hands; and
adopt righteousness. Verily, Allah loves the righteous.” (Quran: 2:190 –195)
If we read the Ayat of 2:191 in its
entirety, as described above, the misunderstanding that is forcibly generated
in our minds would vanish.
Dr Abdul Haleem's interpretation of the
second ayat (9:5), which is identical to 2:191, is as follows:
must also comment on another verse much referred to but notoriously
misinterpreted and taken out of context – that which became labelled as the
‘Sword verse’: “…Then when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters
wherever you find them, take them and besiege them and prepare for them every
ambush….” [9:5] The hostility and "bitter enmity" of the polytheists
and their Fitna [persecution, 2:193; 8:39] of the Muslims grew so great that
the unbelievers were determined to convert the Muslims back to paganism or
finish them off. “They would persist in
fighting you until they turn you back from your religion, if they could ….”
"It was these hardened polytheists in
Arabia, who would accept nothing other than the expulsion of the Muslims or their
reversion to paganism, and who repeatedly broke their treaties, that the
Muslims were ordered to treat in the same way - to fight them or expel
them….Even with such an enemy Muslims were not simply ordered to pounce on them
and reciprocate by breaking the treaty themselves; instead, an ultimatum was
issued, giving the enemy notice, that after the four sacred months mentioned in
9:5 above, the Muslims would wage war on them. The main clause of the sentence
"kill the polytheists" is singled out by some Western scholars to
represent the Islamic attitude to war; even some Muslims take this view and
allege that this verse abrogated other verses on war.
“This is pure fantasy, isolating and
de-contextualising a small part of a sentence. The full picture is given in
9:1-15, which gives many reasons for the order to fight the polytheists. They
continuously broke their agreements and aided others against the Muslims, they
started hostilities against the Muslims, barred others from becoming Muslims,
“expelled” Muslims from the Holy Mosque and even from their own homes. At least
eight times the passage mentions their misdeeds against the Muslims.
“Consistent with restrictions on war
elsewhere in the Qur'an, the immediate context of this "Sword Verse"
exempts such polytheists who do not break their agreements and who keep the
peace with the Muslims [9:7]. It orders that those enemies seeking safe conduct
should be protected and delivered to the place of safety they seek [9:6].
“The whole of this context to v. 5, with all
its restrictions, is ignored by those who simply isolate one part of a sentence
to build their theory of war in Islam on what is termed "The Sword
Verse" even when the sword’s word does not occur anywhere in the Qur'an”. (Muhammad Abdul Haleem, “Understanding The
Qur’an” {I.B. Tauris & Co Ltd 2005}, pp. 65-66, “Jihad: a war against all
Non-Muslims or not? By Kevin Abdullah Kareem”)
We can correctly comprehend these verses
2:191 and 9:5 based on the above-mentioned passages. Furthermore, if all the
Mushrikin were meant in these passages, the verses 9:6 and 9:7, as well as
60:8, would not exist.
“And if any of the idolaters seeks asylum with
you, provide him with protection until he listens to the Words of Allah. Then
escort him to his haven. This is because these people do not possess the
knowledge (of the truth).” (9:6)
“(How) can there be a promise for the
polytheists with Allah and His Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him)
except for those with whom you have made a treaty near the Sacred Mosque (at al-Hudaybiyyah)? So as long as they remain true to
(the treaty with) you, remain true to them. Surely, Allah loves those who fear
Him.” (9:7)
does not forbid you to be good to them and treat them with equity and justice
who did not fight against you on (the question of) Din (Religion), nor did they
drive you out of your homes (i.e., homeland). Surely, Allah likes those who
conduct themselves with equity and justice.” (60:8)
According to the majority of scholars,
verse 60:8 is Muhkam and has not been abrogated. This passage advises Muslims
to treat non-Muslims, including Mushrikin and Kafirin, as allies rather than
foes. It indicates that Allah does not ban Muslims from being good to
non-Muslims, such as Mushrikin and Kafirin, who do not oppose Muslims in
religious matters and live in peace and justice with Muslims.
M.M. Pickthall, in his book “The Cultural
Side of Islam”, says “in those passages of the Holy Quran which refer to
warfare, the term Kafir is applied to the actual fighting enemies of Islam. It
is not applicable to the non-Muslim as such, nor even to the Mushrik as such,
as is proved by a reference to the famous Proclamation of Immunity (9:1-4) from
obligation towards those faithless tribes of the Mushrikin who, after having
made treaties with the Muslims, had repeatedly broken treaty and attacked
We learned before that the Quran calls for
peace through the verses (Aayaat). As a matter of principle, it also prevents
people from being tyrannical to others in questions of religion choice. The
Quran allows for the spread of faith, but not through any forceful means.
continuously admonish them, for you are but an admonisher, You are not imposed
upon them (as) an oppressor and persecutor” (88:
Through the following message, the holy
Quran has called all religions and communities around the world to establish
(this): ‘I believe in every Book that Allah has revealed, and I have been
commanded to do justice between you. Allah is our Lord as well as your Lord.
For us are our deeds and for you are your deeds. There is no debate and dispute
between us and you. Allah will gather us all together and to Him is the return
(of all).” (42:15)
Islam's values for peaceful mutual
cooperation can undoubtedly assist the globe in overcoming all forms of
oppression, violence, riots, and confrontations. Polytheism (shirk) is frowned
upon in Islam, although the Quran has taught its adherents how to deal with
Mushrikin, or idol worshippers.
The Quran says,
“And, (O Muslims,) do not abuse those whom these
(polytheists) worship besides Allah, lest these people should (also, in
retaliation,) revile Allah’s Glory wrongfully due to ignorance. Thus, have We
made the conduct of every sect (and faction) seem attractive to (their own eyes
and they regard only that as truth). Then all have to return to their Lord, and
He will inform them of (the results of) their deeds which they used to do.” (6:108)
This scripture forbids Muslims from
disparaging other gods for fear of their followers abusing their God in a fit
of fury. This is an area where it's reasonable to believe that the majority of
riots between people of different faiths have occurred as a result of people
throwing dirt at each other's gods and prominent figures. Many communal riots and
conflicts have undoubtedly resulted from this.
Let us now sum up this article by quoting
the following verses which seek to establish ideas of peace, harmony, justice,
forgiveness and peaceful mutual coexistence among followers of different
God Almighty says:
“On account of this, We prescribed (this commandment
in the Torah sent down) to the Children of Israel that whoever killed a person
(unjustly), except as a punishment for murder or for (spreading) disorder in
the land, it would be as if he killed all the people (of society); and whoever
(saved him from unjust murder and) made him survive, it would be as if he saved
the lives of all the people (of society, i.e., he rescued the collective system
of human life). And indeed, Our Messengers came to them with evident signs.
Yet, even after that, the majority from amongst these people are certainly
those who commit excesses in the land.” (5:32)
“And do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden,
except by right. And whoever is killed unjustly - We have given his heir
authority (of retribution as per the legal procedure), but he should not exceed
the just limits in [the matter of retributive] killing. Indeed, he is to be
helped.” (17:23)
“And these are
the people who do not worship any other god apart from Allah, nor do they kill
the soul whose killing without any lawful cause Allah has forbidden, nor do
they commit adultery. And whoever does this will receive the punishment due for
the sin.” (25:68)
“And among men is one whose conversation may please
you in the life of this world, and who calls Allah to witness to that which is
in his heart, whereas [in truth] he is the most quarrelsome! And when he turns away [from
you], he goes about the earth to create turmoil in it [i.e. the earth] and
destroy crops and lives; and Allah does not like turmoil and violence”.
“And seek the
abode of the Hereafter with what (wealth) Allah has given you, and do not
forget your portion of the world, and do good (to others) as Allah has done
good to you, and do not seek to cause turmoil in the earth; indeed, Allah does
not like those who violate peace.” (28:77)
“And those who
break the promise of Allah after making it firm and sever all (the relations
and obligations) that Allah has commanded to be kept unified, and do mischief
and strife in the land—upon them is the curse and for them is an evil home;” (13:25)
“Indeed, Allah
decrees the commands of justice and kindness, and of giving to relatives, and
forbids immorality and bad conduct and rebellion; He advises you so that you
may receive admonition.” (16:90)
“The way (to
persecute) is only against those who oppress people, and wrongfully spread
rebellion in the land. It is they for whom there is a painful punishment.
(42:42) And indeed whoever patiently endures and forgives – this is surely of
the acts that demand great courage and determination”. (42:42- 43)
retribution of a harmful deed is the harm equal to it; so, whoever forgives and
amends, he shall have his reward from Allah; indeed, He does not love the
unjust” (42:40)
“Tell the
believers to forgive those who do not fear the days fixed by Allah, so that He
may give a nation the reward of what they used to earn.” (45:14)
“And if you
want to punish, then punish only (as severely) as you were afflicted, but if
you remain patient, then certainly that is better for those who keep patience.
And, (O Glorious Beloved,) be patient and your patience is by Allah alone. And
you should not grieve over their (defiance), nor distress (your gracious and
benevolent heart) on account of their deceptive plots. Surely, Allah blesses them
who live with God wariness and who (also) live with spiritual excellence with
His (special) companionship.” (16:126-128)
“There is no
compulsion in Din (Religion). Surely, the guidance has been evidently
distinguished from error. So he who rejects false gods and believes in Allah
has grasped such a firm handhold that will never (possibly) give way. And Allah
is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.” (2:256)
“And had Allah so willed, certainly all inhabitants on
the earth would have believed. (When your Lord has not made them believe by
force,) will you coerce the people until they become believers?” (10:99)
“We know best what they say, and you are not the one
to coerce them. So advise by means of the Qur’an anyone who fears My threat of
punishment.” (50:45)
One of the Article: Islam is a Religion of Peace or a Religion of War and
Violence? Part 1
New Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Women in Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab Women, Women In Arab, Islamophobia in America, Muslim Women in West, Islam Women and Feminism