New Age Islam
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Radical Islamism and Jihad ( 27 May 2020, NewAgeIslam.Com)

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Maulana Arshad Madani, Maulana Mahmood Madani, Asaduddin Owaisi and Kanhaiya Kumar May Be in The Kill List of The ISIS in India

By New Age Islam Special Correspondent 

27 May 2020 

Recently some news reports of emergence of the ISIS in India have created anxiety among the secular minded- Muslim community and have alerted the security agencies. The terrorist group had declared the establishment of its Caliphate in Mosul, Iraq in June 2014. Subsequently, they killed Christians, Jews, Yazidis, Shias, and even killed Sunni Muslims who did not agree to their version of Islam. Some Islamic scholars and Muftis also supported the ISIS believing that the Caliphate of ISIS was the extension of the Khilafat-e-Rashida and on their call thousands of young men and women from the Muslim majority countries, even from European countries joined the ISIS. Some youth from India (Maharashtra) also joined the terrorist outfit only to get disillusioned later with them after seeing the bloodshed and killing of innocent people by it there.

A section of the Urdu press in India also glorified the ISIS and criticised those who opposed and condemned the ISIS. The glorification continued till February 2015 when the Indian government banned the ISIS in India. Earlier, New Age Islam had demanded a ban on it. (India Should ban the JSIS, September 2014) 

The ban suddenly stopped publication of articles glorifying the ISIS in India.

 The ISIS was routed in 2019 by the forces fighting it and after that it revealed its real identity of a terrorist organisation by conducting terror attacks in New Zealand, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and elsewhere. It has recently fixed its sight on India as the reports of the publication of its mouth-piece, Voice of Hind suggests. 

The publication of the Voice of Hind and an analysis of a portion of its contents as mentioned in media reports indicates that: 

1. Voice of Hind is being compiled by its ideologues in India. It means that the supporters of the ISIS had gone underground after the government ban on it. They were waiting for an opportune time to emerge with their violent agenda. 

2. The magazine is being managed by the group opposed to Maulana Arshad Madani and Mahmood Madani. Maulana Arshad Madani is known for being close to the Saudi government which causes a lot of heartburn to another group of Islamic scholars. 

3. The group running VOH may also be the pollical and ideological opponents of Jamiat-e-Ulema Hind. The magazine has appealed to the Indian Muslims not to be carried away or influenced by the peaceful and secular ideology of Jamiat and particularly the ideas of Maulana Arshad Madani, Maulana Mahmood Madani, AIMIM leader Asaduddin Owaisi and Communist leader Kanhaiya Kumar. It does not include Maulana Jalaluddin Umri of Jamat-e-Islami in the list of its 'secular' (apostate) personalities. Does that mean that JIH fits the ISIS's scheme of things in India? 

4. The ISIS prepared a list of liberal and secular and Sufi minded Muslims who preach peace and present a multicultural version of Islam. The list is called the 'kill list'. In the past, some Sufis featuring The list have been killed. An imam in Raqqa in Syria was killed as he was in the kill list of the ISIS. Shaikh Kabbani was also in the kill list. The mention of four political and religious leaders of India in the VOH raises the fear that these four personalities apart from some others, may also be in the kill list of the ISIS in India. In 2016, a Sufi called Mohammad Shahidullah was killed by a youth influenced by the ideas of the ISIS in Bangladesh. The VOH also preaches such individual acts of terror against the government of India and against the Hindus. There should not be surprise if in future, sufis or secular political and religious leaders are attacked by fanatic youths. 

5. The magazine gives an account of incidents of mob lynching of Muslims by Hindus and also of protests against NRC, NPR and CAA in India and tries to convince the Muslims that the time to take revenge has come. This indicates that the editors of the magazine are from India and well aware of the issues of the Indian Muslims and of the psychological state of Indian Muslims. 

The ISIS through VOH is trying to unleash the same kind of violence and mayhem in India which it did in Iraq and Syria in 2014-2019 in the name of Khilafat. In India it tries to win the support of Indian Muslims by highlighting the injustices done to them but they executed atrocities against the minority communities of Iraq and Syria like the Christians, the Shias, the Sabians, the Yazidis, the Shabaks etc who were not harming the majority Muslim community. They conducted suicide attacks on Churches and monasteries of Cairo and Alexandria to name a few and killed hundreds of innocent Christians; they conducted suicide bombings on Shia congregations in their controlled area because they thought Shias followed a false Islam; they attacked Sinjar and killed more than 5000 Yazidis because they believed the Yazidies were infidels. The ISIS terrorists captured thousands of Yazidi women as young as 9 years old and held them as sex slaves and concubines. The mouth-piece of the ISIS said that keeping infidel women as concubines was a firmly established part of Shariah. In India they want Indian Muslims to revolt by taking up arms because Muslims here are being oppressed by the majority community and the government but what justification does the ISIS have for its bloodshed in Iraq and Syria where the governments were run by Muslims and the Muslims were in majority. 

The bloodshed by the ISIS in Iraq and Syria turned millions of Muslims of the Middle East into refugees living in Turkey, Jordan and European countries for the last five years. There are another millions of Muslims who are internally displaced. Majority of Muslims have become strangers in their own country only due to the ideology of violence preached and propagated by the ISIS. After destroying the Muslims of Middle East, it now wants to destroy the Muslims of India. The Indian ideologues who are definitely extremist religious scholars should sit back and introspect what kind of society they want to create by supporting and promoting the ideology of the ISIS which justifies the rape of women and slaughter of innocent people. Should they stoop so low out of ideological opposition and political jealousy. 


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