Arman Neyazi, New Age Islam
26 August
Propagate Their Self-Doctrine Ideology That Does Not Match From That Of The
Islamic Ideology Prescribed In The Holy Quran And Propagated By Prophet
Muhammad Pbuh
1. Terrorist
organisations like Afghan Taliban, Pakistan Taliban, ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko
Haram talk of establishing an Islamic State but seem to be unaware of even the
basics of Islam.
2. Terrorists
have formed a mentality that resembles the mentality of the days of Jahiliya.
3. Terrorists’
attitudes towards women should be a subject of research to find out the reasons
and cure for their brutal attitude towards them.
4. Taliban’s
coup over Afghanistan is not the victory of the terrorists against a particular
country but it is a defeat of our humane approach towards our fellow beings.
5. Freedom of
every aspect of life was abused by the Taliban in their previous rule in
Afghanistan in the name of Islamic Ethics.
Photo Caption: A displaced Afghan
girl peers from her makeshift tent at a camp in northern Afghanistan in July
2021. (AP Photo/Rahmat Gul)
There is a
psychological trait behind every extreme action of a human being. It can be an
aura of self- supremacist ideology that can create an animal-like attitude of
forcing one's one-sided belief on others. Terrorists’ attitudes towards women
should be a subject of research to find out the reasons and cure for their
brutal attitude towards them. Their brutal and heinous behaviour with women
demands the immediate attention of world organisations. They, Taliban and ISIS,
are certainly not more powerful than the united world societies working for
human rights established in the society.
Ideology Uncalled for and Un-Islamic
propagate their self-doctrine ideology that does not match that of the Islamic
ideology prescribed in the Holy Quran and propagated by Prophet Muhammad Pbuh.
Terrorists have formed a mentality that resembles the mentality of the days of
Jahiliya. Islam is the most modern religion. It is Islam on which Allah has
completed His Deen. Islamic ideology is a mixture of piety, human rights and
pluralism. It is one of the most socially relevant ideologies. Terrorist
organisations like Afghan Taliban, Pakistan Taliban, ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko
Haram talk of establishing an Islamic State but seem to be unaware of even the
basics of Islam.
Islam is a
religious ideology that bestows upon all human beings the right to live. All of
us have been blessed with freedom of expression, freedom of religious belief by
Allah the Most Gracious. Allah the Almighty has bestowed upon His creation
every kind of humane right that translates into a life free of all bondage.
Allah has blessed humanity with the power of understanding the good and the bad
and to decide the way of his life. Allah says in the Holy Quran that no one
will be held responsible for anyone on the Day of Judgment. Allah the Most
Compassionate has declared what is piety and what is worship and how to follow
the guidelines of Islam for a better life hereafter. Consider the following
Quranic verses depicting the above-mentioned rights of the believers:
Let there be no compulsion in religion... - Quran 2:256
For you is your religion, and for me is my
religion." - (Al-Kafirun
- 6)
“By the Soul, and the proportion and order
given to it. And its enlightenment as to its wrong and it's right. Truly he
succeeds that purifies it. And he fails that corrupts it.” - (Al-Shams: 7-10)
“And shown him the two highways”. - (Al-Balad: 10)
"The truth is from your Lord": Let
him who will believe, and let him who will, reject (it). (Al-Kahf: 29)
As the
above-mentioned verses fix the parameters of everybody’s dos and don’ts, the
Taliban’s fixing their parameters, which is against the spirit of the Quranic
Ayat is all but Islamic. Taliban are self-styled guardians of Islam. Their
language, their behaviour with the believers and their way of life raises
eyebrows and does nothing except creating Islamophobia and hatred for its
believers. Their brutal ideology is not compatible with that of the Islamic
A scene from Afghanistan’s “Palwasha” TV series, which draws attention
to the issue of violence against women. (U.N. Photo / Jawad Jalali)
the following diktats of the previous Taliban regime in Afghanistan:
From the age of eight onward, girls in
Afghanistan were not allowed to be in direct contact with males other than a
close "blood relative", husband, or in-law (Mahram). Other
restrictions for women were:
Women should not appear in the streets without a blood relative or
without wearing a Burqa.
Women should not wear high-heeled shoes as no man should hear a woman's
footsteps lest it excites him.
Women must not speak loudly in public as no stranger should hear a
woman's voice.
All ground and first-floor residential windows should be painted over or
screened to prevent women from being visible from the street.
Photographing, filming and displaying pictures of females in newspapers,
books, shops or the home was banned.
The modification of any place names that included the word
"women". For example, "women's garden" was renamed
"spring garden".
Women were forbidden to appear on the balconies of their apartments or
Ban on women's presence on radio, television or at public gatherings of
any kind.
(Treatment of women by the Taliban/From
Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia)
The above
mentioned inhuman diktats of the previous Taliban regime in Afghanistan are
against the humane ethics of Islam, the religion they propagate. The Taliban
and its ilk who are against the equal rights of girls against men must not
ignore the guidance of the Holy Quran and the Prophetic traditions, as it says:
When one of
them gets a baby girl, his face becomes darkened with overwhelming grief.
Ashamed, he hides from the people, because of the bad news given to him. He
even ponders: Should he keep the baby grudgingly or bury her in dust? Miserable
indeed is their judgement.” (An-Nahl — 58-59)
“Do not
hate having daughters, for they are the comforting dears.” (Al-Tabarani)
has three daughters, and cares for them, is merciful to them, and clothes them,
then paradise is certain for him.” (Jabir ibn Abdullah)
of knowledge is binding on all Muslims, male and female… The person who goes
forth in search of knowledge is striving hard in the way of Allah, until
his/her return.”
Strange are
the ways of the terrorists that they look another side of the religion, they
say they are following. Islam is a way of life and life without education and
equal participation of women in day to day life is impossible. They will
understand these things but only after they will ruin not the life of the
believers but the religion itself in the eyes of the Islam bashers.
Humanitarian Organisations
coup over Afghanistan is not the victory of the terrorists against a particular
country but it is a defeat of our humane approach towards our fellow beings.
National boundaries are a concern when it comes to managing humanitarian ethics
against the rampaging social evils of terrorists or the fascist regimes against
their people. When it comes to the safety of humane ethics international
borders should not come between the respect of human rights and terrorists or
fascists. If it is a big issue at least the establishment of human rights of
women and children must be given the uppermost priority at the international
forums and nothing should come in between the safeguarding of the rights of the
weaker sections of the world society and the abusers of humanity.
intention of the humanitarian organisations is not under doubt. But, we have
been witness to the fact that intentions do not matter in the face of actions.
What is needed, therefore, is besides good intentions result-oriented actions
are also needed. International forums
working for the establishment of humanitarian ethics will do better to take
action before the Taliban coup in Afghanistan again takes all the humane norms
to the wind. International organisations are empowered by various conventions
and resolutions accepted on various forums, such as:
27 of the Geneva Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons
in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949, states:
“Women must
be especially protected against any attack on their honour, in particular
against rape, enforced prostitution, or any other form of indecent assault.”
In June
2020, Human Rights Watch in a report titled “You Have No Right to Complain”
“While in
power in Afghanistan in the 1990s, the Taliban’s rights record was
characterized by systematic violations against women and girls; cruel corporal
punishments, including executions; and extreme suppression of freedom of
religion, expression, and education.”
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation’s 1990 Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in
Islam states:
rights and universal freedoms (…) are an integral part of the Islamic religion”
and that “all the rights and freedoms stipulated in this Declaration are
subject to the Islamic Shari’ah.”
All the
three abovementioned international undertakings grant sufficient rightful power
to the international humanitarian forums to safeguard women of Afghanistan,
Pakistan and of any other such countries where women are subjected to inhuman
thoughts of the previous Taliban regime’s brutality subjected on women,
children and men in Afghanistan send a chilling effect down the spine.
Humanitarian ethics of every sphere of human life of women, children and men
were torn to shreds during their previous regime in Afghanistan. Freedom of
every aspect of life was abused by the Taliban in their previous rule in
Afghanistan in the name of Islamic Ethics. It is time, therefore, for the world
society to come together and fight those who are destroying the thread of
humanity. It is not a fight against any religion, it is a fight against the
inhuman beings, threatening to abuse humanity, at large.
developed nations coming to rebuild the devastated nations is the norm
nowadays. And it also is a sign of being superior in human ethics. But coming
to the rescue of the countries when these are being devastated by the terrorist
organisations, by the authoritarian regimes is out of fashion. Truly democratic
countries must come to the rescue of all the countries like Pakistan, Syria,
Iraq, Afghanistan, almost all the African countries before these are ruined by
the sectarian and terrorist conflicts and their people become refugees, fed on
the mercies and charities of others. People of war-torn countries lose their
self-respect and self-esteem and are almost doomed forever. Psychologically
speaking people fed on the mercies of others are unable to stand their feet.
They are a big loss to the human race. Humanity loses its bright face in the
face of the brutalities the war-torn people face.
Allah Knows the Best.
Neyazi is a columnist with
New Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic
Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Women in Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab Women, Women In Arab, Islamophobia in America, Muslim Women in West, Islam Women and Feminism