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Jemaah Islamiah Malaysia Leader Hambali, ‘Southeast Asia’s Osama bin Laden’ Detention At Guantanamo, Is Not Just An Artefact Of History

New Age Islam News Bureau

12 December 2021


A US soldier walks next to the razor wire-topped fence at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Photo: AFP


• Jemaah Islamiah Malaysia Leader Hambali, ‘Southeast Asia’s Osama bin Laden’ Detention At Guantanamo, Is Not Just An Artefact Of History

• No Permission, Second Time In Less Than Two Weeks For 'Aarti' At Mathura Mosque

• Pakistan’s Political System Is Not Islamic: Taliban Spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid

• Canadian PM: Nobody Should Ever Lose Their Job Because Of They Wear Or Their Religious Beliefs

 Southeast Asia

• Sarawak DCM Refutes Claims That State Govt Had Given Grants In Millions To Churches

• Dr M: Pakatan leaders took time to change ‘Opposition mindset’ after becoming ministers due to zeal to right old wrongs



• Any Person Actively Associated With Islamic Research Foundation Of Zakir Naik To Face Charges under UAPA: Maharashtra ATS

• Kerala: Case Registered Against Muslim League Leaders, Workers for Violating Covid Protocol During Protest



• Sufism Can End Extremism: Pakistan FM

• US and West use Islamic countries for wars, conflicts: President Alvi


North America

• Sinai tribes hunt Islamic State bomb makers

• US allows money transfer to Afghanistan



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Compiled by New Age Islam News Bureau



Jemaah Islamiah Malaysia Leader Hambali, ‘Southeast Asia’s Osama bin Laden’ Detention At Guantanamo, Is Not Just An Artefact Of History


A US soldier walks next to the razor wire-topped fence at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Photo: AFP


Susan Sim

12 Dec, 2021

Two decades after Singapore began cracking down on a pan-Southeast Asia terrorist group calling itself Jemaah Islamiah (JI), the network’s operations leader, Hambali, remains at Guantanamo Bay awaiting trial. The evidence against him shows that he took orders and money from the al-Qaeda mastermind behind 9/11 to stage terrorist attacks in the region, including the deadly Bali bombings in 2002, and was planning yet more attacks when captured in 2003. In the second of a two-part feature, Susan Sim, who was a journalist in Jakarta during the events of September 11, 2001, takes a look at his legacy of mayhem.

In late August this year, a US military commission in Guantanamo Bay charged Hambali and two Malaysians he had recruited for an aborted al-Qaeda suicide attack on the United States – Mohd Farik bin Amin, alias Zubair, and Mohammed Nazir bin Lep, alias Lillie – with conspiracy, murder, terrorism and attacking civilians.

The charges centred on two terrorist attacks in Indonesia where Americans had been among the casualties. Hambali himself does not appear to dispute his involvement in both attacks. But the charge sheet also implicates him in every significant JI activity up to and a year beyond his capture.

In addition to his planning of the Bali bombing and facilitating the financing of the Jakarta Marriott Hotel bombing he is accused of scheming with senior al-Qaeda leaders to carry out post-9/11 attacks against US interests; a plot to use an all-Malaysian cell to hijack an aeroplane and fly it into the Library Tower (now known as the US Bank Tower) in Los Angeles; and helping al-Qaeda develop an anthrax programme by providing Malaysian microbiologist Yazid Sufaat.

When a summary was read out to Hambali during a hearing in March 2016 to determine if his “continued law-of-war detention” was warranted, his response, as read out by his personal representatives and publicly released, was that “he wants nothing more than to move on with his life and be peaceful. He hopes to remarry and have children to raise.”

During his time at Guantanamo, Hambali had learned English and taught himself Arabic and “enjoys watching the programmes Planet Life [and] Blue Planet” on DVD, they said, adding: “His father and uncles were all teachers, so [studying] came naturally for him.”

While mostly compliant, Hambali’s jailers noticed that he did use the daily prayers and lectures he led to “promote violent jihad” among fellow detainees, and said they believed he was using his language classes and status as “teacher” to exert undue influence over others.

Then, as now, Hambali’s pleasant demeanour and religious knowledge is thought to have helped him recruit acolytes and command their loyalty. But not all those who plotted alongside him were so enamoured by his leadership.

Ali Ghufron, a JI leader better known as Mukhlas who was executed in 2008 by Indonesia for his role in the Bali bombings, happily provided photo identification of Hambali to Thai investigators – apparently aggrieved that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) had named the younger man leader of al-Qaeda operations in Southeast Asia despite him being two years Mukhlas’ junior, and having trained in Afghanistan at a later date.

Armed with this photo, Thai Police Major-General Tritot Ronnaritivichai spent almost eight months hunting Hambali in 2003. With the country hosting the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum that year, he could not afford to have a wanted terrorist – who US and regional security services had announced was based in Bangkok – on the loose, he told me when we met five years later.

Hambali was indeed plotting more attacks at this time, as Tritot would discover after the arrest of Malaysian co-conspirator Mohd Farik bin Amin, alias Zubair, in June 2003.

Thai investigators captured Zubair while on the trail of a more elusive target: Mohammed Nazir bin Lep, a Malaysian better known in JI circles as Lillie who police knew had been in contact with one of KSM’s couriers, though they did not know what Lillie looked like.

Tritot’s team, working alongside the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), tracked Lillie to a Bangkok building where they jammed the mobile phone signal in an attempt to flush him out. Soon enough, a man emerged who Tritot said “just looked out of place” and the police swooped in.

But the foreigner was Zubair, who for a month after his arrest kept silent – both to protect Hambali’s plans, and to stop the authorities knowing how close they had come to getting their man. Lillie, as Tritot would later realise while reviewing a video recording of Zubair’s arrest, had stepped behind a pillar when the police emerged.

In the flat Zubair and Lillie shared, Tritot’s team found a note tucked into the pages of an old newspaper that outlined a plan to use a surface-to-air missile (SAM) to shoot down an Israeli El Air flight taking off from Don Maung airport in Bangkok.

Hambali had wanted to buy an old Vietnam war-era heat-seeking missile from the black market in Cambodia, but Lillie, who had trained to use SAMs in an al-Qaeda camp in Afghanistan in early 2001, knew it required a trigger component not easily available. Hambali had also ordered Lillie to survey the Jewish quarter in Bangkok to identify Jewish stores, restaurants and the synagogue and to plan an attack. Lillie, noting the presence of a backpacker’s left-luggage store next to a store selling gas canisters in the vicinity, had suggested that a bomb left in a backpack would have great explosive force when the gas canisters caught fire.

In the end, Hambali was caught because he broke his own rules on operational security. Although he moved every few months with his wife, Hambali stayed in constant communication with other al-Qaeda and JI operatives. He tasked Zubair and Lillie with planning terrorist operations, casing targets, and facilitating money transfers, and they left trails that eventually led to his hideout when they were caught through a combination of communications intercepts, intelligence sharing by regional security services, surveillance of known criminal syndicates, and old-fashioned police intuition. He appeared to believe his co-conspirators would never betray him.

At the time of Zubair’s arrest, Hambali was in Cambodia with another JI member to plan attacks against Western embassies in Phnom Penh and to buy weapons. On his return to Thailand, he tasked Lillie with obtaining new passports. However, Tritot had anticipated this and had put known forging syndicates under surveillance. Lillie, whose identity Zubair eventually revealed under interrogation, was arrested as soon as he came to collect the fake documents. Unlike Zubair, Lillie broke almost immediately and gave Hambali’s location away – a flat in an area of Ayutthaya city popular with businessmen and workers from South and East Asia.

Tritot learned from Lillie that Hambali was armed with an M16 rifle and two pistols. Wanting to avoid a firefight, the police major-general attempted to lure the terrorist out by getting the building’s landlord to tell him he had a call on the lobby telephone. When the landlord turned heel and ran, however, Hambali spotted Tritot and a brief scuffle ensued.

“He scratched my hand when I grabbed his gun,” Tritot told me, nodding at a framed pistol in his office bearing the legend, “Operation Black Magic, August 11, 2003”. Hambali had left the other Norinco pistol in the flat with his wife.

“Hambali looked surprised when we arrested him but he knew he would be caught if he stayed in Thailand too long,” Tritot said. “He said nothing when we put him in a van to drive straight back to Bangkok.”

It was almost midnight on August 11, 2003, when Tritot began his interrogation of Hambali. “Are you Hambali?” he asked. To his surprise, Hambali replied, “Yes. I surrender to you.”

Tritot told me, half in jest, that when the CIA asked him to provide a code-name for the Hambali operation, he chose “Black Magic” because that was what he used. The CIA told the world it was the waterboarding of al-Qaeda suspects in its black sites that worked magic. In subsequent years, the capture of Hambali became one of the “Eight Most Frequently Cited Examples of Plots Thwarted and Terrorists Captured Provided by the CIA as Evidence for the Effectiveness of the CIA’s Enhanced Interrogation Techniques”, a US Senate report on the CIA’s use of torture noted in 2014. In the CIA’s telling, it was information provided by Majid Khan after being waterboarded and deprived of sleep that led to the capture of Zubair, which subsequently led to Hambali’s location.

The CIA’s representations were “inaccurate”, the Senate report said, concluding instead that “the intelligence that led to Hambali’s capture in Thailand was based on signals intelligence, a CIA source, and Thai investigative activities.”

For years, the CIA also sought to obscure these “Thai investigative activities”. When my friend and colleague Ali Soufan, a decorated former FBI special agent who had opposed the CIA’s use of torture, wrote an account of how Tritot captured Hambali in his 2010 book The Black Banners, the CIA insisted he cut out every word even though none of the material had come from US sources. It was only in 2018, when the Oscar-winning filmmaker Alex Gibney and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Raymond Bonner, who were making a documentary about torture, challenged the CIA’s censorship of Ali’s book in court, did the agency reverse this redaction and the numerous other cuts it had demanded on national security grounds.

If there were ever any doubts as to the pivotal role Tritot and his team played in Hambali’s capture, they were dispelled by the CIA’s actions. As Ali and I used to joke, if Tritot’s account were not accurate, why try to censor it? After all, I had seen in Tritot’s office a glass plaque with an embedded bullet that he said the CIA had presented to him. Addressed to him by name and emblazoned with US and Thai flags, the plaque said “H, August 2003, The Right Team At The Right Time”.

The US government’s case against Hambali might have been made stronger by Majid Khan’s plea agreement with a US military court that recently sentenced him to 26 years’ imprisonment; among the charges Khan pled guilty to was one of delivering US$50,000 from al-Qaeda to Hambali to fund the bombing of the Jakarta Marriott Hotel in August 2003.

But if found guilty, might Hambali get a sentence much longer than time served? The US Senate report also revealed that he had been subjected to “enhanced interrogation techniques” in US custody. At his sentencing hearing in late October, Majid Khan provided such graphic descriptions of his torture by the CIA that seven of the eight-member military jury later denounced his brutal treatment as a “stain on the moral fibre of America” and urged clemency on his behalf. Even if that is not granted, Khan’s plea deal means he is eligible to be released as soon as next February.

Hambali has no such plea agreement. Indeed, he refused to take part in his periodic review at Guantanamo Bay in November 2019. The nightmare scenario for Southeast Asia would be if the US, under domestic pressure to close Guantanamo Bay and repatriate detainees to their countries of origin, sent Hambali back to Indonesia to stand trial, or if already tried and sentenced by then, to serve out the remainder of his prison term.

There is no doubt that Hambali helped put Southeast Asia’s violent extremists on a collision course with the US and its allies, against what al-Qaeda calls the “far enemy”.

Hambali had been talent-spotted by the leader of Darul Islam, Abdullah Sungkar himself. Sungkar sent Hambali and others to Afghanistan to acquire military skills to fight the “near enemy” – the Indonesian state – not to join Osama bin Laden’s “vanguard of elite fighters” to take jihad global, to fight what Bin Laden saw as the bigger enemy propping up repressive regimes: the US.

Perhaps Hambali was seduced by what bin Laden offered – money, expertise and training. So too perhaps was the JI leadership; “JI leaders were interested in Osama because of his background – a Saudi millionaire who sacrificed so much,” Nasir Abas told me.

As leader of JI’s Mantiqi 1 cell, and KSM’s representative in Southeast Asia, Hambali was able to hand-pick some 150 Indonesians, Malaysians and Singaporeans to undergo training in terrorist camps in Afghanistan and the southern Philippines between 1997 and 2001, with Imam Samudra, Noordin M Top and Azahari Husin – the men who planned and built the bombs for the Bali and Jakarta attacks – among the first trainees he sent.

But when Hambali began urging attacks on the US, in accordance with a fatwa issued by Bin Laden, some of his fellow JI members said they balked. “We didn’t understand why he was demonising the US. We had a different strategy and many of us had problems with Hambali’s direction,” said one former member. Others questioned why Hambali was seemingly taking orders from the leader of another group.

Undeterred, Hambali ordered members of Mantiqi 1 to join in a series of attacks on Christian churches across Indonesia on Christmas Eve in 2000. He planned the bombings like a gang initiation, a Singapore counterterrorism official later told me, to ensure his recruits’ commitment to the cause – but not everyone was entirely on board.

An Indonesian policeman watches as cars burn in the street following bomb explosions in front of a church in Jakarta on December 24, 2000. Photo: AP

An Indonesian policeman watches as cars burn in the street following bomb explosions in front of a church in Jakarta on December 24, 2000. Photo: AP

Ali Imron, currently serving a life sentence in Indonesia for helping to build the bombs used in the 2002 Bali attacks at the behest of his brother Mukhlas, told me in an interview in 2010 that when he asked if the Christmas Eve attack had been sanctioned by JI’s leadership, “Hambali said it was none of my business”.

After agreeing to target a church in East Java, Imron decided to attend a service beforehand – but what he heard made him place the bomb he was carrying in a spot “far from people”, he said.

“I listened to the preacher. He didn’t ask people to attack or hate Muslims,” Imron said. “I was confused. Christians are not against us. Why attack them?”

Imron, who now works on deradicalisation efforts with the Indonesian police, said he had never before told anyone about his actions that day.

“If I had known Hambali was carrying out orders from another group, from al-Qaeda, I wouldn’t have done it. I was betrayed,” he said.

The carnage of the Bali bombings created such a public backlash that the Indonesian police were finally empowered to go after JI. As former national police chief and current Indonesian cabinet member Tito Karnavian once told me, it was a “turning point of Indonesia recognising Jemaah Islamiah as a terrorist group and subsequently revealing the network and finding that the network is quite extensive, encompassing the Southeast Asian region”.

Within a year of the attacks, the Indonesian police – now better equipped, trained and partially funded by Australia and the US – had arrested many of the JI leaders and operatives, and gained intelligence on those who underwent training in Afghanistan and the camps set up by JI in Abu Sayyaf territory in the southern Philippines beginning in 1996.

Several senior JI operatives escaped the dragnet, however, later surfacing in Mindanao where they kept at least one training camp operating.

What remained of JI declared it would henceforth focus on dakwah, or spreading its ideology. When the Australian embassy in Jakarta was bombed in 2004, Bali again in 2005, and two Jakarta hotels in 2009, JI distanced itself from the violence, blaming instead a splinter cell led by the Malaysian terrorist Noordin M Top.

But JI never stopped recruiting. Indeed, it was able to expand its networks by doubling the number of schools controlled by its members and sympathisers in the first 15 years after the Bali bombings. When an Indonesian researcher and I did a study four years ago, we found that the number had grown from about 31 in 2002 to 66 by 2017.

Many of these newer schools are being run by alumni of four well-known JI schools, the “Ivy League” of the Indonesian jihadi universe with its own counterculture and preparation for life as a mujahid (holy warrior). While many of the schools added secular subjects like information technology and English language to their religious curriculum, they remain true to JI founder Abu Bakar Ba’asyir’s vision of the pesantren (religious boarding school) as “a cauldron for the building-up of a cadre of mujahedin”, bringing to life “the spirit of war in the path of God”. Signs in the dormitories urge students to “die as a noble man or die as a martyr”.

The first Indonesian to carry out a suicide bombing for Islamic State (Isis) in Iraq went to one such JI-linked school. At the age of 15, Wildan Mukhallad, a student at the Al-Islam boarding school started by the family of Ali Imron, began dreaming of becoming a suicide bomber after attending the funerals of Imron’s brothers, Amrozi and Mukhlas, following their execution in November 2008. Five years later, Wildan was dead, his death celebrated in a tweet by a pro-Isis account that eulogised him as a martyr who “after one year of performing jihad in Syria together with Isis, died in a martyrdom operation in Iraq”. When word spread among Indonesian jihadi circles, Wildan’s infamy inspired other young Indonesian men to join Isis in Syria.

Faced with competition from acolytes of Isis, JI tried to outbid its rivals by sending some 60 of its most promising cadres to Syria for “exposure”. Pro-Isis elements in Indonesia have, however, staged increasingly audacious terrorist attacks, beginning with a commando-style attack on the streets of central Jakarta in January 2016, the dispatch of fighters to help seize the town of Marawi in the Philippines in the summer of 2017, and at least four successful suicide attacks in Indonesia and the southern Philippines in the last three years.

The Isis groups also proved themselves to be equal opportunity instigators with women taking part in the recent suicide attacks, and in the case of the Surabaya suicide bombings, their children as well.

Still, in a landscape littered with violent actors and too many corpses, no Southeast Asian terrorist has captured the world’s attention as much as Hambali did almost two decades ago. His capture, the CIA said at the time, was the “most significant” since that of his friend and patron KSM.

However long it takes, Hambali’s victims deserve justice. For today’s aspiring jihadis, on the other hand, is Hambali the man merely an artefact of history?

Whatever his currency, the reality is that the consequences of what he did, even if almost two decades old, continue to reverberate in the security landscape of the region today. Therein lies the conundrum for governments – what do you do with Hambali?

Source: scmp

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No Permission, Second Time In Less Than Two Weeks For 'Aarti' At Mathura Mosque


View of Sri Krishna Janmabhoomi temple and Shahi Idgah mosque, in Mathura. Credit: PTI Photo


IANS, Mathura

DEC 12 2021

The Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha has been denied permission to hold 'Aarti' of Lord Krishna at the Shahi Idgah mosque in Mathura.

In a letter sent to the national president of the organisation, Rajyashree Chaudhuri, the district administration said permission has not been granted "in the interest of law and order and peaceful atmosphere of the city. Section 144, prohibiting pub...

Chaudhuri said: "Earlier, the administration) refused permission citing communal harmony in the city. This time, they have said it would violate Covid norms. These are lame excuses."

The Mahasabha has now announced that it would launch a 'referendum' for construction of the Krishna Janmabhoomi temple from January 26 at Kurukshetra, the land where Krishna gave 'Gita' sermons to Arjun.

This is the second time in less than two weeks that the Mathura administration has stopped the Mahasabha from going ahead with their programme at the Shahi Idgah.

The outfit had earlier announced it would install Krishna's idol at the Shahi Idgah on December 6.

Source: firstpost

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Pakistan’s Political System Is Not Islamic: Taliban Spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid

By Najibullah Lalzoy


 Taliban Spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid


11 Dec 2021

Deputy Minister of Information and Culture and spokesman of the Taliban Zabiullah Mujahid said that Pakistan’s ruling political system does not represent an Islamic system.

Zabiullah Mujahid in his recent interview with Radio Free of Afghanistan said that Pakistan is still being governed by an imposed system from abroad.

The spokesman of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan added that Pakistan’s rulers prioritize economic interests over Islam.

This is the first time that the Taliban talks against Pakistan’s government and question its political system.

In the meantime, Zabiullah Mujahid in a separate interview denied TTP’s leader statements over their group being under the umbrella of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

Source: khaama Press

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Canadian PM: Nobody Should Ever Lose Their Job Because Of They Wear Or Their Religious Beliefs


 Canadian PM Justin Trudeau


December 12, 2021

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has not "closed the door" on legal action against a Quebec law that cost a teacher her job last week because of her hijab, his office said on Friday.

A Grade 3 teacher in Chelsea, Quebec was transferred to a different position under a Quebec law that forbids public sector employees in positions of authority from wearing religious symbols, Wayne Daly, interim chair of the Western Quebec School Board, told Reuters.

He has been inundated with phone calls and emails since, he said - the vast majority opposing the move. In a hand-drawn card posted online by human rights advocate Amira Elghawaby, a Grade 3 student decried the transfer as "not fair."

The mostly French-speaking province of Quebec enacted the law in 2019 ostensibly to maintain "laicite" - secularism - in its public service.

The bill, partially upheld by a Quebec court this spring, has been slammed for targeting Muslims, Sikhs and Jews. Federal party leaders demanded an apology during a September federal election debate after the moderator called it discriminatory.

"Nobody in Canada should ever lose their job because of what they wear or their religious beliefs," Trudeau's office said in an email. "We haven't closed the door on making representation in court in the future," it added.

Inclusion and Diversity Minister Ahmed Hussen told reporters on Thursday it was "premature" to ask the federal government if it plans to oppose the two-year-old law.

The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA), the National Council of Canadian Muslims and other groups filed documents supporting their argument before an appeals court, likely next year.

They face an uphill battle because Quebec has invoked a clause allowing governments to enact legislation that violates some parts of Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms. But support from the federal government might make a difference, said University of Waterloo politics professor Emmett Macfarlane.

"Ultimately it is human beings that are being pushed out of their jobs, human beings that are suffering and fundamental rights that are being violated."

Source: Abna24

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 Southeast Asia

Sarawak DCM Refutes Claims That State Govt Had Given Grants In Millions To Churches


11 Dec 2021

KUCHING, Dec 11 — Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah today refuted claims by former Anglican Bishop of Kuching and Brunei Datuk Bolly Lapok that the state government had given grants in millions to churches after he joined Parti Sarawak Bersatu (PSB).

“We have no issue at all with him joining politics after years and years of service to the God Almighty, but his latest statement to the press is unbecoming of his last office.

Source: Malay Mail

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Dr M: Pakatan leaders took time to change ‘Opposition mindset’ after becoming ministers due to zeal to right old wrongs


12 Dec 2021

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 12 — Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said having been in Opposition for over six decades, many Pakatan Harapan (PH) leaders needed time to make mindset adjustments after they were appointed as Cabinet members when he took over Putrajaya after winning the 14th general election.

In his latest book titled Capturing Hope: The Struggle Continues For A New Malaysia, Dr Mahathir revealed that even after becoming ministers, PH leaders continued to behave as if they were still in the Opposition, and that caused problems.

Source: Malay Mail

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Any Person Actively Associated With Islamic Research Foundation Of Zakir Naik To Face Charges under UAPA: Maharashtra ATS

Press Trust of India

December 12, 2021

In view of the Centre extending ban on Islamic Research Foundation (IRF) of controversial Islamic preacher Zakir Naik by five more years, the Maharashtra ATS on Saturday said any person actively associated with this organisation will be charged with the stringent anti-terror law.

In an advertisement issued in a newspaper, the ATS said that participating in activities of IRF, collecting donations or becoming its member will be charged with the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act.

Source: Newsx

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Kerala: Case Registered Against Muslim League Leaders, Workers for Violating Covid Protocol During Protest

DECEMBER 11, 2021

Kozhikode Police has registered a case against Indian Union Muslim League (IUML) leaders and party workers over alleged violation of Covid-19 protocol and obstructing traffic during their protest held on December 9 in Kozhikode beach against the handing over of Waqf Board appointments in Kerala to the Public Service Commission (PSC). The police have registered the case against 10,000 workers including leaders.

Source: News18

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Sufism Can End Extremism: Pakistan FM

By Our Correspondent

December 12, 2021

MULTAN: Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi has said the saints have rendered immense services for the propagation of Islam and their abode is the source of forgiveness of mankind.

He said by following the teachings of these saints, extremism, terrorism and sectarianism can be eradicated from the country. The present day demands that the teachings of the saints be followed in the light of the Seerat of the prophet.

Source: The News

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US and West use Islamic countries for wars, conflicts: President Alvi

By Web desk

December 11, 2021

ISLAMABAD – President Dr Arif Alvi has called for change in the current exploitative world order, where big economies like India are supported by the world powers.

In an interview, he said: “Today we have a ‘Testosterone’ driven world order, driven by vested interests, human phobias and hatred. It has a far bigger capacity to destroy the human race than nuclear weapons”.

Source: Pak Observer

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North America

Sinai tribes hunt Islamic State bomb makers

Amr Emam

December 11, 2021

An association of Sinai tribes allied with the Egyptian army is hunting down the explosives experts of the Islamic State (IS) branch in this Egyptian territory, which will potentially weaken the branch even more and deprive it of its last survival technique.

IS has resorted to planting explosives on roads used by Egyptian army troops and policemen fighting them in northern and central Sinai.

Source: Al-monitor

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US allows money transfer to Afghanistan

By Najibullah Lalzoy

12 Dec 2021

US Department of Treasury announced that they have made a regulation based on which people will be allowed to transfer money to Afghanistan.

The new regulation was announced on Saturday, December 11 and it will lift sanctions on all those who are involved in the transfer.

Source: khaama Press

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City University of New York supports BDS, calls for boycotting Israeli regime

News Code : 1207644

December 12, 2021

The City University of New York (CUNY) School of Law’s Student Government Association passed a resolution on December 2 endorsing the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement targeting Zionist campus groups like Hillel.

“Israeli academic institutions are complicit in the occupation and colonization of Palestine and the state’s violence against Palestinians by developing military hardware, weapons, drones, and surveillance technologies; offering military training courses and posts for high-ranking military officers; declaring, via their leaders and other surrogates, their support for Israeli military offensives; discriminating against Palestinian students; and repressing voices in support of Palestinians and their struggle for self-determination,” its resolution states. 

Source: En.abna24

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Gantz: I told the US I’ve ordered the IDF to prepare a strike against Iran



HOLLYWOOD BEACH, Florida — Defense Minister Benny Gantz said Friday that he notified US officials during meetings this week in Washington that he had instructed the Israel Defense Forces to prepare for a strike against Iran.

In a briefing with reporters on the sidelines of the Israeli American Council’s national summit in Florida, Gantz said the order he gave was to “prepare for the Iranian challenge at the operational level.”

A senior defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity, indicated that Gantz had presented a timeline for when such an attack might take place during his meetings with US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Secretary of State Antony Blinken, but the source did not specify further.

Source: Times Of Israel

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Israel Conferred With US Before Attacking Iran's Nuclear Sites

By Ajeet Kumar


A new investigative report of the New York Times revealed that Israeli forces sought permission from the United States before launching an attack on Iran's nuclear project and a missile factory, news agency Sputnik reported. As per NYT, the report was prepared after consulting several US and Israeli officials who spoke to the media outlet on the condition of anonymity. Irrespective of the media report, the Israeli forces denied such interaction with the US officials related to the destruction of Iran's nuclear sites. Notably, Iran's Karaj nuclear facility and a missile base were allegedly targeted by Israeli forces earlier this year.

Source: Republic World

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A year on, Iran’s execution of dissident leaves exiles rattled


11 December 2021

PARIS (AFP) — A year after dissident Ruhollah Zam was executed in Iran after apparently being lured from France, his hanging strikes fear into Iranian opposition exiles over the reach of the Islamic Republic.

Zam, the founder of a popular Telegram channel despised by the Iranian authorities for its use in November 2019 protests, was executed on December 12 last year just weeks after leaving France, where he had refugee status, on a mysterious trip to Iraq.

Colleagues say he was abducted in Iraq by Iranian forces, taken over the border, paraded on TV, forced to take part in a televised “confession,” convicted and then hanged with astonishing speed.

Activists argue that his abduction and killing is part of a long history of reprisals carried out by Iran against opponents living outside its borders, dating back to the first months after the Islamic Revolution in 1979.

Source: Times Of Israel

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Arab world

Gulf Islamic Investments acquires US office portfolio for $100m



Gulf Islamic Investments (GII), a leading shari’ah-compliant global financial services firm, has announced that it has acquired the Glen Forest Office Portfolio; a best-in-class, core-plus suburban office development in Virginia, US, for $100 million.

The acquisition is GII’s first in Virginia, thus bringing the value of the firm’s US real estate assets unde management (AUM) to over $350 million and a total AUM of $3 billion.

The Glen Forest Office Portfolio (Portfolio) consists of eleven-buildings strategically situated on an 85-acre campus between Glenside Drive, Forest Avenue, and Interstate 64 in Richmond.

Source: Trade Arabia

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Saudi Arabia designates 2022 as ‘Year of Saudi Coffee’


December 12, 2021

MAKKAH: The Kingdom’s Ministry of Culture has designated 2022 as “The Year of Saudi Coffee,” celebrating the authentic taste of a local household staple.

Saudi Minister of Culture Prince Badr bin Abdullah bin Farhan said that the “Saudi Coffee Initiative” would be the umbrella under which all celebrations would gather as an essential component of the Kingdom’s culture.


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Thousands of residency, labor, border violators arrested across KSA

December 11, 2021

RIYADH: Saudi authorities arrested more than 15,000 people in one week for breaching residency, work and border security regulations, an official report has revealed.

From Dec. 2 to 8, a total of 7,567 people were arrested for violations of residency rules, while 5,600 were held over illegal border crossing attempts, and a further 1,902 for labor-related issues.


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Saudi Arabia reports 53 new COVID-19 cases, 1 death


December 12, 2021

JEDDAH: Saudi Arabia confirmed one new COVID-19-related death on Saturday, raising the total number of fatalities to 8,852.

The Ministry of Health confirmed 53 new cases reported in the Kingdom in the previous 24 hours, meaning 550,189 people have now contracted the disease. Of the current cases, 27 remain in critical condition.


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Algerian President receive holy book of Quran from Great Mosque of Paris

December 12, 2021

The rector of the Great Mosque of Paris presented a copy of the French translation of the Quran to Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune.

Chems Eddine Hafiz, rector of the mosque, met and held talks with the Algerian official on Thursday in Algiers.

Source: En.abna24

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MoFA Strongly Condemns Terrorist Attacks on Mosque and Bus in Nigeria


MANAMA, Bahrain, December 11, 2021/APO Group/ -- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Bahrain strongly condemns the two terrorist attacks on a mosque and a bus in the Federal Republic of Nigeria, which led to the death and injury of dozens of people, which contradict all moral, humanitarian and religious values and principles.

Source: Africa-Newsroom

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Chief Imam, 10 Others Kidnapped In Sokoto During Prayers


DEC 11, 2021

Bandits have kidnapped 11 persons including a chief imam, Aminu Garba, who was preparing to lead Juma’at congregational prayer at Gatawa Village in Sabon Birni Local Government Area of Sokoto State.

The Imam was kidnapped along with three others on Friday, a report by Daily Trust said.

The assailants also blocked the Sabon Birni-Gatawa Road on Saturday, shot three persons and kidnapped seven others.

Source: Sahara Reporters

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You’re pathetic – Aisha Yesufu blasts Bishop Oyedepo, Islamic group over Buhari

By Seun Opejobi

December 11, 2021

Aisha Yesufu, a popular activist, has berated Bishop David Oyedepo of Living Faith Church over his latest comment on President Muhammadu Buhari’s government.

Source: Daily Post

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UK to allocate nearly $100 million in humanitarian aid to Afghanistan

By Najibullah Lalzoy

12 Dec 2021

As Afghanistan is still suffering from potentially the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, Unite Kingdom has announced that they will allocate the US $99.5 or 75 million pounds in humanitarian aids to Afghanistan.

The allocation of money comes hours after foreign ministers of G7 met in Liverpool on Saturday, December 11, and discussed the world’s conflicts including Afghanistan.

Source: khaama Press

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Scunthorpe's first purpose built mosque opens after 20 year wait

By Christian Brayford

12 DEC 2021

After more than two decades, Scunthorpe will now have its very first purpose built mosque and it looks incredible.

It will function as both a place of worship for the Muslim community and as a focal point for all the people in Scunthorpe who wish to use it.

Source: Grimsby Telegraph

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London cops shoot man dead near Kensington Palace

11 Dec, 2021

London Metropolitan Police officers confronted and fatally shot an armed man near Kensington Palace, home of Prince William and Kate Middleton. The incident is not being treated as terrorism.

Officers were dispatched to Marloes Road in the central London borough of Kensington on Saturday afternoon to investigate reports of an armed man entering a bank and a bookmakers. According to a police statement, the man left the scene in a vehicle and was stopped at Palace Gate shortly afterwards.


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UK and US warn of ‘serious consequences’ if Russia invades Ukraine as G7 meets in Liverpool

Patrick Daly


Russia will face “serious consequences” if it invades Ukraine, the foreign secretary has warned, following the build-up of tens of thousands of troops at the Ukrainian border.

Liz Truss discussed the threat of a Russian incursion into Ukraine during talks on Saturday with her US and German counterparts before a G7 foreign ministers meeting in Liverpool.

With US secretary of state Antony Blinken, Ms Truss agreed there would be “serious consequences” for Moscow if troops were sent across the border.

Source: Independent

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Covid booster jabs extended to over 30s as NHS steps up fight against Omicron

12 December 2021

By Will Taylor

Anyone aged 30 and older in England can book their Covid booster jab from Monday, as medics look to ramp up jabs to fight the Omicron variant.

Experts worry its mutations could erode some of the protection provided by vaccines but they are still seen as the best way of preventing serious illness from infection.

The addition of over-30s to the programme comes as NHS England accelerates its booster rollout while experts worry about Omicron's ability to spread and infect people who've gained some protection from it.


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South Asia

Daesh claims responsibility for explosions in Kabul

By Najibullah Lalzoy

11 Dec 2021

France Press has reported that ISIS-K/Daesh has claimed responsibility for three explosions in the West of the Afghan capital that killed two civilians and wounded at least five more.

Source: khaama Press

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Bangladesh capable of protecting itself from external aggression: PM

Dec 12, 2021

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today said Bangladesh has attained all capabilities to protect its independence and sovereignty from any external aggressor.

"We believe in peace. Father of the Nation has given us the foreign policy 'Friendship to all, malice to none'. We believe in that policy, but if we're attacked from outside, we've attained the capability to protect our independence and sovereignty," she said.

The Prime Minister was addressing the President Parade 2021 of the 81st BMA Long Course at Bangladesh Military Academy at Bhatiari in Chattogram, joining it virtually from her official residence Gono Bhaban.

Source: The Daily Star

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Myanmar man pleads guilty in plot to attack UN envoy

Dec 12, 2021

A citizen of Myanmar on Friday pleaded guilty in a plot to attack or kill the country's pro-democracy UN ambassador, who has refused junta orders to quit, US officials said.

Source: The Daily Star

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