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Islamic Sharia Laws ( 25 Aug 2020, NewAgeIslam.Com)

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Bengaluru Muslim Violence over Blasphemy: The Responsibility of Ulema Who Ask Muslims To Take Law into Their Own Hands When Prophet Mohammad Is Vilified

By Sultan Shahin, Founder-Editor, New Age Islam

25 August 2020

Har Haal Me Wajibul Qatl Hai Shatim-E-Rasool

Ghairat-E-Muslim Kai Hai Ye Azal Se Usool

Mahboob-E-Rabbani Ka Agar Ek Gustakh Bhi Raha Zinda

Allah Ke Haan Tumhari Koi Ibaadat Nahin Qubool

(A blasphemer of the Prophet deserves death every which way,

Muslim self-respect has been following this principle since the beginning of time;

If even one blasphemer of the Prophet remained alive,

God will not accept a single prayer of yours.)


Pakistani Muslims offer noon prayers at the tomb of Mumtaz Qadri, who was hanged in February 2016 for the murder of a governor who criticized Pakistan's blasphemy law and defended a Christian woman, in Bara Kahu on the outskirts of Islamabad on March 1, 2017, on the last day of a period marking the anniversary of his hanging. | AAMIR QURESHI / AFP


This is how a respected Deoband cleric and regular columnist in Urdu newspapers Maulana Nadeemul Wajidi concluded a two-part series of articles he wrote in June 2011 following the dastardly assassination of Governor Salman Taseer of Pakistani Punjab. Taseer had been killed by his own bodyguard Mumtaz Qadri, who disagreed with the former’s opposition to Pakistan's blasphemy laws. When Qadri reached court as an accused, hundreds of lawyers showered rose petals on him, chanting his praises.


Malik Bashir Awan, father of Mumtaz Qadri, who was hanged last year for the murder of a governor who criticized Pakistan’s blasphemy law and defended a Christian woman, at his son’s shrine on the outskirts of Islamabad.

Image Credit: AFP


Showing exceptional courage, the Judge pronounced him guilty of murder and ordered his execution. Qadri was hanged for the murder by the Pakistan judicial system, but millions of Muslims of Pakistan have built a shrine for him and declared him a saint. Thousands gather at his shrine seeking intercession from him in fulfilment of their wishes. They consider him a martyr who should not be considered dead and has the powers to grant their wishes.

 Many Indian Muslims too would have liked to visit his tomb if they could. I am sure Maulana Nadeemul Wajidi and many of his colleagues too would love to visit his shrine, if they haven’t already managed to do so. Murderer Qadri has become an icon of many Muslims in the Indian sub-continent. After all he killed a man wo was under his protection for showing sympathy for a Christian Lady who had been falsely accused of blasphemy. Asia Bibi, the blasphemy-accused, has now been freed by Pakistani courts and finding life impossible in Pakistan, has migrated to Canada.


Activists say the blasphemy laws are often used to settle petty disputes and personal vendettas


I am reproducing below an English translation of Maulana Nadeemul Wajidi’s two-part article, along with my own comments, written in June 2011. I leave it for Muslims to debate if they should allow ulema to instigate violence in matters of blasphemy. Can people be allowed to take law into their own hands on any pretext? Peaceful protest is one thing, even allowed by our constitution, but violence, can that be propagated and allowed to take place in any situation. 

Punishment for blasphemy has no basis in the holy Quran. Indeed, the Quran details how the Prophet (pbuh) was vilified and persecuted during the first decade of his prophethood in Makkah for preaching oneness of God. But the Prophet's response was merely to pray for the Meccans to come to the right path and accept freedom of religion and freedom of expression. He never raised his arms in defence, nor did he allow his followers to do so. God too advised patience, perseverance, good neighbourliness and peaceful co-existence. It's only in Madina where it was not possible to survive without armed defence against an invading army that fighting was allowed. 

Bangalore violence has shown that there is no time to lose. At the very least Muslims should start a debate on the issue. They should not allow ulema to instigate violence under any circumstances and on any pretext..

Sultan Shahin, Founder-Editor, New Age Islam

25 August, 2020


Blasphemy Laws of Pakistan: Indian Clerics Are No Less Extremist and Obscurantist 

By Sultan Shahin, Founder-Editor, New Age Islam

19 June 2011

As the following series of articles by a Deobandi cleric Maulana Nadeemul Wajidi published in several Urdu newspapers show, so-called Ulema in India are no less obscurantist and extremist in their views. They justify killing in the same way as do Pakistanis. They are as happy at the killing of Salman Taseer, Governor of Pakistani Punjab, as are their Pakistani counterparts.

 These articles reveal the way this assassination is being justified in India’s Muslim Press. The minds of common Indian Muslims are being poisoned in the same way as has been done in Pakistan. The couplets by Zafar Ali Khan Zafar the Maulana quotes with approval are enough to reveal his mind. A loose translation is being presented below:

 (A blasphemer of the Prophet deserves death every which way,

This is the principle Muslim self-respect has been following since the beginning of Time;

If even one blasphemer of the Prophet remains alive,

God will not accept a single prayer of yours.)

And of course, there is no need for any evidence against a blasphemer. The courts or even media cannot perpetrate the ignominy of asking an accuser to repeat the act of blasphemy. So just if some so-called Muslim accuses any one of blasphemy, he or she should be condemned to death and since the modern courts may not do that in the absence of any evidence, even in Pakistan, so-called Muslims should take the law into their own hands and carry out the act of execution sanctioned by their “faith” or, to be more precise, the interpretation of their faith given by these obscurantist Mullahs.

This is the view being widely propagated. And this at the same time as Maulanas also proclaim that Islam is a religion of peace and amity, fit to be allowed to prosper in the 21st century, even in multi-religious, multi-cultural societies.

Let us hope India’s moderate Muslim intelligentsia is aware of the growing radicalisation of the Indian Muslim society and is ready to face what is coming. As many do not read these articles in the Urdu Press, we are providing an English translation.


 Blasphemy Laws of Pakistan: Indian Clerics Are No Less Extremist and Obscurantist – Part 2

Sultan Shahin, Founder-Editor, New Age Islam

20 June 2011

In the second part of his article Maulana Nadeemul Wajidi expresses his horror at the fact that the assassinated Governor of Pakistani Punjab Salman Taseer “felt sympathy for a Christian woman who committed blasphemy against the Prophet (PBUH) and even went to jail to meet her.” Of course, the Maulana has no use for any evidence against the lady who has simply been accused of some sort of blasphemy – exactly what blasphemy Asia Bibi committed no one knows as no one can ask the accuser, her sister-in-law with whom she had had a family quarrel earlier, to repeat the blasphemous statement.

Maulana’s advice and chilling warning to imaginary blasphemers against whom there may not be a shred of evidence that can stand in a civilised court of law: “People who have made it a habit to commit blasphemy against the Prophet (PBUH) should take a lesson from this incident. I will reiterate my stand that Muslims can tolerate anything but insult to the Prophet (PBUH). If the law does not punish such culprits, Muslims will be compelled to punish them themselves. There have been a number of incidents in the past when the law did not do its job, the Muslims came forward and made the guilty realise that their crime was unpardonable.” I wonder if such threats attract any laws of the land.

Cops investigating the social media post by Naveen, which sparked the violence, said they had found that most posts in his timeline had been of a balanced nature. The post under questions was unlike others, they said.


But the Maulana is ecstatic that “today, Salman Taseer has come down to zero and is lying underground while his assassin Mumtaz Qadri is ruling the hearts of millions of Muslims. The proceedings of the case have been started in the Islamabad court. Three hundred advocates have offered to fight the case without any fee. The court may adjudicate against Mumtaz Qadri and pronounce death sentence against him but nobody can stop him from attaining martyrdom. Saluting the courage of Ghazi Aleemuddin, Allama Iqbal had said that he wished that he had done it. Today every aalim (scholar, singular of ulema), rather every Muslim of Pakistan has the same feeling.”

In a tone of competitive extremism, as the “honour” of killing Salman Taseer has gone to the Barelvi sect, which was supposed to be more inclusive, tolerant and broadminded, the Maulana says: “The ulema of Deoband too declare the blasphemer deserving to be killed. Hazrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi says:” Committing blasphemy against prophets is infidelity (kufr)” (Imdadul fatawa 393/5). Hazrat Allama Syed Anwar Shah Kashmiri says: “Muslims have unanimity on the view that he who abuses Allah or the Prophet (PBUH) is a Kafir” (Akfarul mulhideen p 119). Hazrat Maulana Kifayatullah Dehlvi’s fatwa is:” The person showing disrespect to the Prophet (PBUH) or Hazrat Aysha (R.A.) is a blasphemer and the one not angry with the blasphemer is a Kafir.”(Kifayatul mufti 31/1).The principal mufti of Pakistan Maulana Mufti Mohammad Shafi Usmani says: “The open pronouncement of the Islamic Sharia is that the punishment for apostasy is death.”

The Maulana goes on to pronounce his considered fatwa of death to the alleged blasphemer who can virtually be any one: “The ulema agree on the fact that those committing blasphemy against the Prophet (PBUH) deserve the most severe punishment. The verses of the Quran, the hadiths and numerous incidents in the Islamic history prove that the blasphemer cannot be left alive. It is not an issue of mere emotions but of beliefs. In his book As-Saarimul Maslul 'Ala Shatim Ar-Rasul: Arabic Ibn Taymiyyah (Gustakh-e-Rasool ki saza Salaf k mutabiq), Imam Ibn Taimiyya has compiled all the logical and theoretical arguments in this regard. Even when Salman Rushdie had written a book committing blasphemy and a fatwa ordering his murder was issued against him the question was raised why Muslims consider blasphemers against the Prophet (PBUH) deserving to be killed. On that occasion a book titled ‘Sanctity of the Prophet (PBUB) and the punishment for blasphemy’ was published in Pakistan. The book consisting of about 800 pages sheds light on all the aspects of the issue. Those who are undecided on this issue should read this book.”

Maulana Wajidi is not alone in proffering these threats of death to anyone who is accused of blasphemy, without the accuser even asked to repeat what he claims has been said. Urdu Press in India, as its counterpart in Pakistan, is coming out daily with new write-ups in a similar vein. It’s time for a reality check for those who nurse the illusion that living in a multicultural society under a secular constitution has impacted our Mullahs and made them somewhat civilised. Far from that. Indeed, even our Press keeps providing generous space to these Juhala (ignoramuses). Editorial space in Urdu dailies is practically reserved for such fulminations. Conspiracy theorists and other enemies of civilisation rule the roost.

Thankfully, there are still some Muslims who believe Islam is a religion of civilisation. Islam had brought order in unruly Arabia and other parts of the world at one time. It stood for and established the rule of law. Let us hope such people take the threats from Maulanas seriously and get together to think a way of saving Islam from these marauders and even surviving themselves from this onslaught that is coming as much in India as it has come in Pakistan. Let us also hope that these Juhala do not further inspire Hindu right wingers too who have been dreaming for decades of Muslimising Hinduism. For, while Maulanas have only one person, Mohammad (PBUH), – that too not a god, just a messenger of God - the Hindus have 330 million gods and there are myriad ways in which these Maulanas keep expressing contempt for them or at least for their images.

Maulana Abul Ala Maudoodi, the founder of Jamaat-e-Islami, wanted India to be a Hindu state as he wanted Pakistan to be a Muslim state. He was clear that Hindus in India should be free to treat Muslims the same ignominious way as Muslims of Pakistan treat the Hindus. His vision has come true in Pakistan. Let us hope he does not succeed in India. -- Sultan Shahin, Founder-Editor New Age Islam


Punishment for Blasphemy and Laws of Pakistan - 1

By Maulana Nadeemul Wajidi

[Translated from Urdu by New Age Islam Edit Desk]


Even a non-practising Muslim cannot tolerate a word against Hadhrat Muhammad (PBUH). This fact was once again proved to the world when a guard of the security squad of the Punjab governor Salman Taseer shot him dead. Selman Taseer was a leader of the ruling People’s Party and had come from Lahore to Islamabad to play his role in the current developments in the political circles of Pakistan. After finishing his assignments, he reached the restaurant Table Talk in Kohsar Market of Islamabad to have his lunch. As he moved towards his car after finishing his lunch, Malik Mumtaz Qadri directed his gun towards him and before Salman Taseer could perceive the danger, the bullets did their work. The news of his assassination evoked mixed reactions. The media and the ruling party condemned the killing and called it an unfortunate event. On the other hand, the people all over the country expressed joy over the incident and Mumtaz Qadri became a national hero. When he was produced before the anti-terrorism court, thousands of people present there showered him with flowers and wished him a long life.

Salman Taseer was an influential leader and had a prominent place in the party. As a governor he had been provided comprehensive security. Nevertheless, he was killed in broad daylight. The assassination was carried out by none other than his own bodyguard who was appointed to guard his life. Pakistani people were well aware of the motives behind the murder but the world outside was shocked by the news. It did not know that Salman Taseer had himself created situations for his murder. Pakistani people had anticipated this eventuality. The governor had been continuously issuing provocative statements and the Muslims had been losing patience because he was a governor and was above the law and the government but he forgot that there was such a court and law which was above the both of them and that his case had been decided in that court. To understand why it happened we need to look into the past.

The mischief (fitna) of Qadianiyat emerged in the undivided India and the ulema put their efforts to fight it on both educational and practical levels. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani was a self-appointed prophet and claimed to be the last prophet. His claim negated the basic beliefs of Islam. So ulema came to the forefront, cases were fought in the courts and the truth prevailed. This fitna had the support of the British so the Qadianis continued to flourish and spread their influence all over the country till the country was divided. This fitna spread its tentacles in Pakistan too. Unfortunately, the rulers of Pakistan were weak with regards to both beliefs and practice. Taking advantage of their weakness, many Qadianis also remained on important posts in the government. But the struggle of the ulema continued in the mamlikat-e-khudadad (God’s own country). Many ulema attained martyrdom and many went through incarcerations but they did not accept defeat. They demanded that the Qadianis should be declared non-Muslims and their activities against the Muslims and Islam should be banned. If there was any nationwide, effective and passionate movement in Pakistan, it was on this issue.  The movement was run first in 1953 and then in 1974. The Pakistani rulers realised the fact rather belatedly that the issue of blasphemy was not too ordinary to be ignored. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto reached the seat of power on the promise of accepting the demand and fulfilled his promise. The Qadianis were declared non-Muslim minority. Notwithstanding, their activities continued that are going on even today.

On the other hand, in the undivided India, some other sects also continued to play with the sentiments of the Muslims. Sometimes they would make defamatory remarks against Hadhrat Aisha (R.A.), sometimes they would make unsavoury remarks against the Quran and sometimes they used blasphemous remarks against the holy Prophet (PBUH). Muslims confronted this section as well, went through legal proceedings too and even brought them to book. But this section could not be done away with completely. The members of this section are still present in the form of Salman Rushdie and Taslima Nasreen.  There is no dearth of people in Pakistan too who time and again hurt the sentiments of the Muslims. Such provocations were not illegal during the British rule. In later years too, the law failed to reign in these foul mouths. This way the rebellious elements continued with their task. The government of Pakistani parliament had passed the Anti Blasphemy Law (295-C) in 1980 on the demand of the ulema and the common people. Under the Bill, claim to prophethood was declared punishable with death and the death sentence was prescribed for the person who commits blasphemy against the Prophet (PBUH) with his words or acts. The so-called intellectuals of Pakistan had opposed the law. The so-called flagbearer of human rights Asma Jahangir had issued the unfortunate statement after the promulgation of the law that “Muslims take pride in being the ummat (followers) of an ummi”(One who has not received formal education in schools). The so-called broadmindedness of the ruling class of Pakistan did not take action against Asma Jahangir though she should be the first victim of the anti-blasphemy laws. The woman had committed blasphemy by regarding the word ‘ummi’ synonymous with ‘illiterate’. Although she was well aware of the truth that the word ‘ummi’ was used for the Prophet (PBUH) in the sense that he (PBUH) was never a pupil of any teacher. Otherwise the verse of the Quran ‘wa almaka maalam takun taalam’ shows that his (PBIH) real teacher is Allah who gave him( PBUH) all knowledge of the universe and the hereafter. Who can then be a greater scholar and educated person than him? The tradition carried forward by her reached to Salman Taseer and the government could not punish him as well. But the Almighty did not like a blasphemer to go scot free.

The incident that culminated in the assassination of Salman Taseer occurred on June 2, 2009. The incident revolves round a Christian lady Asia Bibi who drank water from the bowl meant for two Muslim women Afia and Asima during their work in a Falsa orchard in Itan Wali in Nankana Saheb. They did not say anything but drank from another bowl. This act of Afia and Asima offended Asia Masihi. If she had said something to them as a reaction, it would not have meant much. In fact she said something blasphemous about the Prophet (PBUH), Hadhrat Khadija (R.A.) and the Holy Quran. The owner of the orchard also reached the spot. She said the same thing before him as well. Even when an FIR was registered against her and the investigations were initiated against her she admitted her guilt before the SP in the presence of the villagers. On the basis of her confession, the statements of the witnesses and the inquiry report, the court had no option but to pronounce death sentence for her under the Anti blasphemy Laws. The court did the same. The Additional Sessions Judge’s court pronounced death sentence and a fine of Rs One hundred thousand against her on the basis of circumstantial evidence and testimonies of the witnesses.

Now, the flag bearers of human rights started their work. It was said that the court’s decision was barbaric. The governments of America and England protested against it. The religious heads of the Christians appealed that Asia should be released and deported to a western country. Punjab governor Salman Taseer was one of those who criticised the court order. Infuriated at the incident, he called the anti-blasphemy law a black law although the law is the voice of millions of Muslims. He did not stop at that. He went to the jail with his wife and daughter to see Asia. He put his hand on her head, wrote a letter asking for pardon on her behalf and promised that he will take rest only after getting her pardoned. He called a press conference outside the jail and reiterated his resolve and said that he will get the ‘black law’ repealed.

It can be said that Salman Taseer was no less guilty; rather he was a greater criminal. He committed contempt of court by calling the judgment wrong though the judgment was pronounced by his own court under his own laws. He did not rest at that but to express his indignation at the judgment of the court set up by his own government he went to the doors of the jail. No other person of his stature had gone to that extent ever before. Not only that, by calling the Anti-Blasphemy Law ‘black law’ he also proved that he did not have respect for the Prophet (PBUH). His statements were not only hurtful but also against the law of the land. Favouring someone convicted of blasphemy is also a blasphemy. The punishment will be the same for everyone for this crime, whether it is committed by a common man, a governor or a President. Salman Taseer committed the crime but he was not punished because he was a associate of the President of the country and an influential personality. Action should have been taken against him but it was not. So in these circumstances if people get infuriated, lose control of their emotions, take some action in a fit of anger or under religious passion, how can they be held responsible? It was bound to happen. If Mumtaz Qadri had not done it, someone else would have done it. The people of Pakistan have demonstrated their unity by observing a strike on December 31, 2010 against the statements of Salman Taseer and in favour of the punishment to Asia and conveyed the message to the world that the Muslims might differ in their sectarian interests and political views but on the issue of their love of the Prophet (PBUH), their views are unanimous. (To be concluded)

Source: Hamara Samaj



Salman Taseer’s Assassination and The Sanctity of The Prophet (PBUH) – Part 2

By Maulana Nadeemul Wajidi

(Translated from Urdu by New Age Islam Edit Desk)

Salman Taseer


 Today there is jubilation at the ignominious death of Salman Taseer in Pakistan. In Mumtaz Qadri People see a reflection of Ghazi Aleemuddin who had sent the author of Rangeela Rasool, Rajpal to hell in the undivided India. Of course, the Sessions Court sentenced Ghazi Aleemuddin to death and he was hanged in the Lakhpat Rai jail of Pakistan but he became immortal as a lover of the Prophet (PBUH) in the hearts of millions of Muslims. It is possible that Mumtaz Qadri will also be sentenced to death because the Pakistani rulers did not like his act. More importantly, the European masters were very annoyed at the incident. That is the reason; many European countries including America and Britain have expressed grief at Salman Taseer’s assassination. Expressing his grief at his assassination, the American ambassador in Pakistan Cameron said that he was a flag bearer of tolerance. In the eyes of America, tolerance is the feeling harboured for those who express disrespect and dishonour to the Prophet (PBUH). If Salman Taseer was really tolerant and secular, he would have expressed sympathy and solidarity with Afia Siddiquee who has been getting punished for her uncommitted sins in American jails. Many innocent women must have been incarcerated in Pakistani jails but Salman Taseer did not care two hoots for them. Many of those women have been sentenced to death but Salman Taseer never said anything in their favour. And he felt sympathy for a Christian woman who committed blasphemy against the Prophet (PBUH). He went to jail to meet her. He was planning to knock the door of the President. Why?

Pakistan newspapers are writing that Salman Taseer was pro-American. He took this step to please the West. Though he belonged to a Muslim family, his mindset was purely western. It is an irony that his father Mohammad Deen Taseer was a devout Muslim. He was the one who had informed Allama Iqbal of the death sentence given to Ghazi Aleemuddin with tears in his eyes. The sentence was executed. The government had planned to cremate him silently. It was due to Deen Md Taseer’s efforts that the Muslims were handed over the dead body of the Aashiq-e-Rasool. It is also a coincidence that the cot on which Ghazi Aleemuddin’s dead body was carried out of jail had come from the house of Deen Mohammadd Taseer. It is a pity that today a member of the same family was killed for committing blasphemy against the Prophet (PBUH). Both these characters of this family have gone down into history.

Salman Taseer’s dead body was brought to Lahore. There were only some family members and defence officials to receive his corpse. Initially his dead body was supposed to be buried in the common graveyard but in view of the rage of the people, it was decided that he be buried in the military graveyard. The authorities had the apprehension that Muslims would not allow him to be buried in any Muslim graveyard. Before that, when the arrangement was made for the namaz janaza (funeral prayers) in the governor house, the defence officials did not find any religious scholar to lead the prayer. Today, Salman Taseer has come down to zero and is lying underground while Mumtaz Qadri is ruling the hearts of millions of Muslims. The proceedings of the case have been started in the Islamabad court. Three hundred advocates have offered to fight the case without any fee. The court may adjudicate against Mumtaz Qadri and pronounce death sentence against him but nobody can stop him from attaining martyrdom. Saluting the courage of Ghazi Aleemuddin, Allama Iqbal had said that he wished that he had done it. Today every aalim, rather ever Muslim of Pakistan has the same feeling.

Some Pakistani newspapers have asked if Mumtaz Qadri’s act was justified. Isn’t it wrong to take the law into one’s own hands? Simultaneously, doubts are being raised on the Islamic point of view. So far Mumtaz Qadri’s action is concerned, it cannot be termed legal, but the issue of law comes into picture where the law is being followed. In Pakistan, the punishment for blasphemy is death. Salman Taseer committed the crime continuously but neither the court nor the government took notice of it. He was not even removed from his post, not to speak of dragging him to court. In these circumstances there should not be any doubt if tempers run high.

Definitely, the murder was committed in a fit of rage and under religious passion. The tragedy could have been avoided if Salman Taseer’ had been silenced. People who have made it a habit to commit blasphemy against the Prophet (PBUH) should take a lesson from this incident. I will reiterate my stand that Muslims can tolerate anything but insult to the Prophet (PBUH). If the law does not punish such culprits, they will be compelled to punish them themselves. There have been a number of incidents in the past when the law did not do its job, the Muslims came forward and made the guilty realise that their crime was unpardonable.

The ulema agree on the fact that those committing blasphemy against the Prophet (PBUH) deserve the most severe punishment. The verses of the Quran, the hadiths and numerous incidents in the Islamic history prove that the blasphemer cannot be left alive. It is not an issue of mere emotions but of beliefs. In his book Al Sarim al mas-ool fi hukm-e-Shatimir Rasool, Imam Ibn Taimiyya has compiled all the logical and theoretical arguments in this regard. Even when Salman Rushdie had written a book committing blasphemy and a fatwa ordering his murder was issued against him the question was issued why Muslims consider blasphemers against the Prophet (PBUH) deserving to be killed. On the occasion a book titled ‘Sanctity of the Prophet (PBUB) and the punishment for blasphemy’ was published in Pakistan. The book consisting of about 800 pages sheds light on all the aspects of the issue. Those who are undecided on this issue should read this book.

The ulema of Deoband too declare the blasphemer deserving to be killed. Hadhrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi says:” Committing blasphemy against prophets is infidelity (kufr)” (Imdadul fatawa 393/5). Hadhrat Allama Syed Anwar Shah Kashmiri says: “Muslims have unanimity on the view that he who abuses Allah or the Prophet (PBUH) is a kafir” (Akfarul mulhideen p 119). Hadhrat Maulana Kifayatullah Dehlvi’s fatwa is:” The person showing disrespect to the Prophet (PBUH) or Hadhrat Aysha (R.A.) is a blasphemer and the one not angry with the blasphemer is a kafir.”(Kifayatul mufti 31/1).The principal mufti of Pakistan Maulana Mufti Mohammad Shafi Usmani says: “The open pronouncement of the Islamic Sharia is that the punishment for apostasy is death.”

After the Quranic verses, a huge number of hadiths has been proclaiming this out of which thirty hadiths are in my knowledge. Sheikhul Islam Hadhrat Hussain Ahmad Madani says, “ Those making unsavoury remarks, even if they do not mean it literally  but suggestively, it still causes  hurt to Allah and the Prophet (PBUH).That is the reason why the Quran ordains us not to say ‘Raa-ina’ but asks us to say ‘anzurna’. Therefore, if someone makes these hurtful and insulting remarks, he should be dissuaded from doing it and if he does not abstain from it and one has the power, then he should be killed as he is a cause for hurt to Allah and the Prophet (PBUH).”

This is the stand taken by the Saudi ulema. Replying to a question, all the ulema of Saudi Arabia including the Imam-e-Kaaba, Md bin Abdullah Al Sabeel issued the fatwa:” Killing of the blasphemer against the Prophet (PBUH) is justified as the blasphemer, if a Muslim, becomes an apostate and the apostate deserves to be killed and if he is a non-Muslim dhimmi, then he breaks the agreement and becomes liable to be killed.

Qazi Ayaz says: “There is unanimity of the ummah on the issue that making allegations against and abusing the Prophet (PBUH) invites death sentence.” The famous poet Zafar Ali Khan Zafar had composed the following couplets when Rajpal had authored Rangila Rasool that had hurt the emotions and sentiments of the Muslims. The couplets are still driving home the message.

Har Haal Me Wajibul Qatl Hai Shatim-E-Rasool

Ghairat-E-Muslim Kai Hai Ye Azal Se Usool

Mahboob-E-Rabbani Ka Agar Ek Gustakh Bhi Raha Zinda

Allah Ke Haan Tumhari Koi Ibaadat Nahin Qubool

(A blasphemer of the Prophet deserves death every which way,

Muslim self-respect has been following this principle since the beginning of time;

If even one blasphemer of the Prophet remained alive,

God will not accept a single prayer of yours)


Source: Sahafat, New Delhi

URL for Part 1:


URL for Part 2:سلطان-شاہین-،-ایڈیٹر-،-نیو-ایج-اسلام-ڈاٹ-کام/blasphemy-laws-of-pakistan-indian-clerics-are-no-less-extremist-and-obscurantist-–-part-2/d/3968



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