Age Islam News Bureau
December 2020
• Arab Spring: Remembering the Women Who Gave Their Lives for Change
Gal Gadot ‘So Honoured’ To Appear as Wonder Woman on Dubai’s Burj Khalifa
US: Michigan Prisons Sued Over ID Photos of Muslim Women without Hijab
Woman in Hijab Assaulted In 2nd 'Hate-Motivated' Attack in Edmonton This Month
Top Panelists Highlight Best Practices In Combating Violence Against Women
Doha Forum Holds Webinar On Empowering Afghan Women
by New Age Islam News Bureau
Cans Female Football Tournament as Un-Islamic
17, 2020
Players fight for the ball during Sudan's first
women's league soccer match at the Khartoum stadium, Khartoum, Sudan September
30, 2019. REUTERS/Mohamed Nureldin Abdallah
(Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Somalia’s breakaway region of Somaliland said on
Thursday it had cancelled its first women’s football tournament as it fell foul
of Islamic values, sparking outrage among women’s rights groups.
Somaliland Women’s Football Tournament, featuring six female teams representing
Somaliland’s six divisions, was expected to begin on Thursday in the capital
Abdirashid Aidid, director of sports at the ministry of youth and sports, said
authorities had opted to can the seven-day event as it was un-Islamic.
cancelled it because it is not in line with Islamic values and norms,” Aidid
told a news conference.
public anger, including from the sheikhs, we agreed to suspend it. Everyone saw
our women playing during the training sessions on TV and social media
platforms. We don’t want that at all.”
Adan - an athlete, women’s rights advocate and businesswoman - who organised
the tournament, said authorities had first given her the go-ahead earlier this
were later swayed by complaints from religious leaders after pictures were
broadcast of the players training, she said, adding that all had been
appropriately dressed.
a decision is a denial of our rights as women. We didn’t do a sinful thing.
What we did in the training is not something new. Women were fully covered,”
Adan told the Thomson Reuters Foundation by phone.
is co-founder of Ubah Inspire and Fitness Center in Hargeisa, a health and
recreation centre that aims to empower women and girls through physical
said Somaliland was an outrider in the Muslim world.
football tournaments happen in other Muslim countries. I encourage the
government to reconsider so that women can play sports and enjoy their rights
a population of about 4 million, Somaliland declared independence from Somalia
in 1991 following civil war, but is not internationally recognised as a
other regions of Somalia, women are permitted to play football and do other
forms of sport in private places only.
much of Somalia, women in Somaliland face a barrage of challenges - largely due
to poverty, conflict and a clan-based culture that promotes a strict male
hierarchy and authority.
has high rates of rape, female genital mutilation and child marriage, and
women’s access to justice is restricted, according to UN Women.
cancellation of the tournament prompted swift criticism from women’s rights
campaigners on social media.
governments decision to ban the #Somaliland national women’s football
tournament is a clear reflection of the gov’ts position towards women,” tweeted
Maria Gaheir from the Center for Policy Analysis in Horn of Africa.
is also a result of the lack of women’s representation in the gov’t, who can
speak & express the woman’s stance on issues like these”.
Arabia launched a women’s football league in November, two years after women
were first allowed to watch football matches in stadiums in the Gulf kingdom.
2019, Iran also lifted a ban on women watching football matches, after FIFA
threatened to suspend the country over its controversial stadium restrictions.
Spring: Remembering the Women Who Gave Their Lives for Change
Dec 2020
Of course it was women who were front and centre –
so many had nothing to lose (Picture: LWPP)
it will be a decade since the smoke from fire raging in Tunisia reached Cairo,
the city I call home. In December 2010,
a trickle of protest in a small city in Tunis quickly became a flood, engulfing
North Africa and the Middle East almost entirely, becoming known as the Arab
Spring. As a Somalian activist committed to securing greater rights and
freedoms for women and girls, the energy and determination of the young people
leading it reminded me of Somalia’s revolt against our own dictator nearly 20 years
earlier. The ongoing impact of the
2007-8 global financial crisis had hit hard, and many protestors had grown up
in countries led by the same regime, and often the same man for decades –
dictators and authoritarians who had never faced a fair election. The young
people of the Arab region felt they had no future, so they took the streets to
story we must remember from that time, however – one it has been convenient for
many to forget – is that from Tunisia to Egypt to Yemen, it was often women who
were leading the protests and were the most powerful and persuasive voices.
Women like Amal Basha from Yemen, a prominent advocate for human rights, who
opened the eyes of the world to violations carried out during the Yemeni
revolution, she reported on them from the streets. Like Mouna Ghanem, who
co-founded a movement – the Syrian Women’s Forum for Peace (SWFP) – and became
a powerful voice for peace and women’s participation. And Zahra’ Langhi, a
peace advocate who formed one of the first campaigning groups for Libyan women,
the Libyan Women’s Platform for Peace (LWPP). Of course it was women who were
front and centre – so many had nothing to lose.
Women were not only facing the same economic hardship as men in the late
00s due to the worldwide economic downturn, but they weren’t seen as equal in
the eyes of the law in most Arab countries at the time. They could not receive
an equal share of inheritance for instance, and, in Yemen, their testimony in
court counted only for half of a male witness’. From girls excluded from
getting an education, to women politicians denied the chance to stand for
election, they were discriminated against in almost every aspect of life with
all sorts of violence permitted against them. Up until 2017, in Lebanon, Jordan
and Tunisia, a convicted rapist could walk free if he married his victim. The
protests that started in 2010 offered a chance to address these injustices and
inequalities, but it was chaotic. To stabilise and smooth the course of the
revolutions, it was clear that the network of women’s rights groups I belonged
to had to help. I first met Libyan human rights lawyer and activist Salwa
Bugaighis in Cairo in October 2011. I was immediately enthralled: she was
brilliant, articulate, wise, funny, passionate, and so stylish. Salwa had a
vision for her country of democracy, justice and equality, and even through the
suffocating grip of former Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi, she had managed to
become an internationally recognised advocate for Libyan women. Together, we joined a group of others to
launch the Libyan Women’s Platform for Peace (LWPP), a group that put women’s
rights on the national agenda and successfully lobbied for increased women’s
political participation.
activism went in tandem with her political aspirations, which saw her resign
from one of Libya’s governing councils in protest at the poor representation of
women. The dreams of a peaceful and democratic Libya were becoming more distant
as the country slipped toward civil war – Salwa, though, kept her faith. On the
day of the last general election to be held in Libya, 25 June 2014, Salwa urged
her supporters to the polls. As she returned home from casting her own ballot,
four armed men stormed in after her, shooting Salwa in the head, and abducting
her husband Essam never to be seen again. Nothing has ever hit me like her
murder. It felt as though they had not murdered one person, but the hopes and
dreams – my hope and dreams – of women across the Arab region. Salwa was the
embodiment of so much of what we had spent years campaigning for and showed
undeniably that there were women who had the skills, determination and the
courage to build equal and just societies in our troubled lands. Her murder
proved that there were forces who would stop at nothing to crush them. There are thousands of stories of women who
rose to the occasion during the Arab Spring and were prepared to grab the
opportunities it presented with both hands. So when I look back over the last
10 years, I see the positive potential for so much. From the initial
uncertainty and hope of the Arab Spring came the incredible energy of women
struggling toward shared goals, knowing full well the scale of the task but
finding strength in our solidarity. As
time passed, however, the odds against us mounted, and in its wake has come an
appalling sense of loss and devastation. So many women were beaten, raped and
sexually assaulted during the revolution. Women like Mona Eltahawy, sexually
assaulted and beaten on the streets of Cairo. Or Loujain al-Hathloul, one of
many voices for women’s rights imprisoned in Saudi Arabia for their activism.
Only last month, another outspoken Libyan woman – Hanan al-Barassi – was shot
dead in Benghazi. To this end, no one
would argue that the revolutions lived up to the promise of an end to
corruption and for people to have a say in how they are governed. Conflicts
rage on, authoritarians tighten their grip, hard-won gains are under threat.
Influential lobbies in parliaments plot to reverse progress, moving to abolish
protections for women, like reducing the legal age of marriage to just nine
years old, as was proposed in Iraq in November 2017. However, there has been
progress, especially for women. It was female voters in Tunisia who became a
critical electoral bloc and secured a victory for Beji Caid Essebsi in the 2014
elections. Under his leadership, the country passed some of the most
progressive laws to protect women and girls from violence ever seen in the Arab
region. Though he has been criticised for not going far enough, it has
demonstrated that progress can be made through women’s activism and political
engagement. Women’s groups have mobilised to abolish discriminatory laws.
like Salwa Bugaighis dedicated their lives to achieving dignity; they saw a
chance to build the future they wanted for themselves. For me, this is the
legacy of the Arab Spring. Salwa’s
message of justice was so powerful that her enemies knew they had nothing to
counter it but fear and violence. She led the way to ending discrimination and
violence against women and girls – now
we just have to find them, support them, and protect them. I remain hopeful,
and defiant. Joined by a new generation of brilliant young women, I and others
like me are determined to learn the lessons of the Arab Spring to bring our
communities with us to an equal and just future.
Gadot ‘So Honoured’ To Appear as Wonder Woman on Dubai’s Burj Khalifa
16, 2020
Ahead of what is for many the most anticipated film of the year, Wonder Woman
herself took over Dubai’s Burj Khalifa on Tuesday night, two days before the
theatrical release of “Wonder Woman 1984” in both the UAE and Saudi Arabia.
Gal Gadot, Chris Pine and Kristen Wiig all appeared on the world’s tallest
building as part of a unique video experience created for a one-time-only
event. Inspired by the film’s 1980s setting, the video made use of a static
glitch effect that echoed the aesthetics of the time period, while also
incorporating footage from the film’s trailer.
ahead of her appearance on the Burj Khalifa, spoke to Arab News about the
special occasion.
so excited! Please take a photo and send it. I saw the model of what it should
be looking like and it’s insane. I’m so, so honored,’ Gadot told Arab News.
also expressed her thanks to the people of Dubai for giving her the chance to
appear on the iconic structure, expressing her wishes to visit the UAE as soon
as she’s able to.
would love to (visit Dubai) and I wish all of you guys happy holidays and I
wish you all health and happiness,” said Gadot.
also stressed the cultural significance of the character, a female role model
who projects both strength and moral courage for young girls across the world.
Having hero like Wonder Woman projected onto the Burj Khalifa, for example,
lets young girls looking up at the image know that there is no limit to what
they can become themselves.
realized the power of these movies. I’m a big believer that when you see it,
you think you can be it, and then you become it. I didn’t have the opportunity
to see all of these strong female characters (growing up). Now I’m seeing the
way that it affects my daughters, and also boys and men, and all different type
of people. It’s so powerful, and it’s so strong, and I feel very grateful that
I have the opportunity to be a part of this,” says Gadot.
Jo Blankernburg’s theme from the initial “Wonder Woman 1984” trailer, entitled
“The Magellan Matrix” accompanied the Burj Khalifa display, the film itself is
scored by Academy Award-winning composer Hans Zimmer.
replaces the composer Rupert Gregson-Williams, who scored the first Wonder
Woman film in 2017. Zimmer has a long history in the DC Comics world, scoring
Christopher Nolan’s entire Dark Knight Trilogy, Man of Steel (2013), and Batman
v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016), which itself marked the debut of Gadot as
Wonder Woman.
loved working with Rupert Gregson-Williams. There was nothing wrong with [him],
my first experience was incredible. But we’re working with Hans’s themes so
much,” said Patty Jenkins, referring to the film’s use of the music Zimmer
created for the character in “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.”
“Hans really is, I think, the greatest
composer of our times. Getting him to take on his own theme and this new shape
of the world was just something I couldn’t pass up. We had a great time. He’s a
genius. When he puts his spirit onto something, what comes out of him is pretty
incredible. What a thrill! Watching him, he took the Wonder Woman theme that he
had written, which is very ‘battle cry’, and he actually morphed it into this
grand heroic superhero theme, which I didn’t think he could do, but he proved
me wrong. So getting him to do that as well was pretty amazing,” Jenkins
Michigan Prisons Sued Over ID Photos Of Muslim Women Without Hijab
18, 2020
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a Muslim civil rights and
advocacy organisation, has filed a federal class-action lawsuit against the
Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) over allegedly forcing female inmates
to remove their hijabs for their ID photos.
lawsuit comes after more than 15 women claimed they were forced to remove their
headscarves for booking photos. The inmates include Muslim women and those
belonging to the Moorish Science religious movement.
attorney for the Michigan chapter of CAIR, Amy Doukore, said the state's prison
policy was not just a violation of religious rights but women's rights too.
embarrassing, it is humiliating and it is degrading for Muslim women," she
said. "The stripping of the hijab for a Muslim woman is equivalent of
making a non-Muslim woman walk around topless or shirtless in front of men and
then publishing them to a website."
photos were not only displayed on the women's prison ID cards but also made
publically available on the MDOC website.
has said that CAIR had tried to reach out to MDOC officials on more than one
occasion since 2017 when the organisation started to receive complaints about
the photograph policy from women housed at Huron Valley Correctional Facility.
have a dedication to our Muslim brothers and sisters facing incarceration to
protect their religious liberties," she said. "They shouldn't have
their religious freedoms taken from them. We take these issues very seriously,
as this is important regardless of whether someone is incarcerated or
a press release on Monday, CAIR Michigan's Executive Director Dawud Walid said
MDOC's procedures for booking photos are a violation of the inmates' religious
beliefs and freedoms, which are supposed to be protected under federal law.
is unfortunate and ironic that MDOC, which holds Americans in its custody for
legal violations, is not following the law when it comes to reasonably
accommodating the religious rights of Muslims."
statement further explained that the lawsuit alleges that MDOC had violated the
Muslim and Moorish Science women's rights under the Free Exercise Clause of the
First Amendment, Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA)
and the Michigan Constitution. The women are seeking declaratory relief, a
permanent injunction against MDOC's discriminatory photograph policy and
in hijab assaulted in 2nd 'hate-motivated' attack in Edmonton this month
16, 2020
police are investigating after a woman wearing a hijab was assaulted Tuesday at
the Southgate LRT station — the second high-profile attack in seven days
against Muslim women wearing headscarves.
attacks were at Southgate Centre, a mall at 51st Avenue and 111th Street in
south Edmonton. On Dec. 8, two women wearing hijabs were assaulted in the
parking lot.
Jason Kenney condemned the assault on Twitter, saying it is "completely
unacceptable, it is revolting, it is un-Albertan."
Sharon Aheer, minister of culture, Kaycee Madu, justice minister, Rajan
Sawhney, minister of community and social services and the Alberta Anti-Racism
Advisory Council issued a joint statement condemning the incident.
Mayor Don Iveson denounced the assaults as "heartbreaking" and said
"the responsibility to condemn racially motivated behaviour falls on all
of us."
32-year-old woman has been charged with assault with a weapon in Tuesday's
unprovoked attack at the mall's LRT station, police Chief Dale McFee said
said the victim — a 23-year-old Black woman — had just entered the southeast
doors of the Southgate LRT station around 10:45 a.m. when she was accosted by a
accused repeatedly tried to strike the victim in the head with a shopping bag
while yelling racially-motivated obscenities at her, McFee said.
victim ran away while the attacker tried to "thwart her escape,"
McFee said. A transit peace officer at the scene intervened and called police.
crimes unit investigating
Alberta Muslim Public Affairs Council received a letter from Edmonton police on
Tuesday, confirming an investigation by the EPS hate crimes unit.
the letter, which was obtained by CBC News, police said the attack
"appears to be racially and hate-motivated."
Ladouceur, 32, is charged with assault with a weapon and nine outstanding
warrants for unrelated charges.
a statement issued Wednesday, police said the EPS Hate Crimes and Violent
Extremism Unit is also recommending that Section 718.2 of the Criminal Code of
Canada be applied in this case, allowing the courts to consider increased
sentencing when there is evidence the offence was motivated by hatred.
said the two incidents at the Southgate Shopping Centre are not believed to be
denounced the latest attack and said police are working with the victim and her
not something we ever want to see in our city," he said. "This will
now proceed before the courts and hopefully we'll see this dealt with
things will never will be acceptable and those who choose to do this to other
members our community are going be held accountable."
'happening out of hate'
president Faisal Khan Suri, president of the Alberta Muslim Public Affairs
Council, said the council has also been in contact with the victim of Tuesday's
attack, and her family.
suspect had swung at the individual," Suri said. "She kind of ducked
out of the way, so she did not get hit. But there was ... one or two tries,
attempts to assault the individual."
said there has been a troubling rise in Islamophobia and racism in the city.
being targeted by their identity, what they show," he said. "These
are hijab-wearing women whose identity is very visible, and what is happening
is happening out of hate."
the Dec. 8 incident at Southgate Centre, Edmonton police officers responded to
an assault in progress in the parking lot around 3:40 p.m.
were told that a man approached two Somali women wearing hijabs sitting in
their vehicle and began yelling racially motivated obscenities at them.
told police the man then punched the passenger-side window, shattering the
glass. Fearing for her safety, the passenger ran from the vehicle and the man
chased her, then pushed her to the ground and began assaulting her.
second woman tried to help and was also shoved to the ground before bystanders
intervened and stopped the attack.
an investigation by the Hate Crimes and Violent Extremism Unit, Richard Bradley
Stevens, 41, was charged with two counts of assault and one count of mischief.
said the investigation into the Dec. 8 case is ongoing.
a statement on Facebook on Tuesday, the Muslim affairs council thanked the
Edmonton Police Service for its "prompt action" in the latest
investigation and urged community members to be vigilant of their personal
Muslim community is on edge, Suri said.
are a couple of utterly unprovoked incidences," he said.
"Unequivocally horrendous and horrific for anyone to experience."
definitely fear because this could be anyone's daughter, sister, mother."
mayor condemn attacks
Twitter, Kenney said it is "frustrating to see another instance of
hate-motivated violence" in Edmonton.
the legal process takes place, we hope to see justice swiftly rendered for the
victim of this crime," the premier said.
a news conference Wednesday, Iveson described the attacks as heartbreaking and
unacceptable. "I condemn these assaults in the strongest terms," he
mayor said the city remains committed to improving commuter safety with
additional security officers, surveillance cameras and new crime reporting
tools. However, he said low ridership during the pandemic has brought added
the system was full, Iveson said, there was "natural accountability."
addition to all of the cameras, you'd have literally the eyes of Edmontonians
on each other. And that does create a certain amount of accountability and
said the city will continue to work with community leaders in an attempt to
confront racism in all its forms.
is heartbreaking because it is not my idea of Canada, and it is definitely not
my idea of Edmonton. But that hatred does linger and fester in all communities
and needs to be called out for what it is."
Panelists Highlight Best Practices In Combating Violence Against Women
18, 2020
— Saudi Arabia’s Human Rights Commission (HRC), in cooperation with the US
Embassy to Riyadh, conducted a joint virtual panel discussion entitled “Best
Practices in Combating Violence Against Women.” The event included four
high-profile panelists from Saudi Arabia, the US, and the international
Al-Tamimi, the vice-chair of Saudi Arabia’s National Committee to Combat Human
Trafficking, introduced the event by reflecting that, “Violence against women
both shapes and is shaped by broader gender inequality in society” which is
why, “the Kingdom has undertaken a series of critical measures in prevention,
protection, and prosecution.”
Abizaid, the wife of US ambassador John Abizaid and a longtime educator and
family support advocate, echoed the need for adopting a comprehensive approach
in her opening remarks, “Eliminating this violence requires all of us — women
and men, governments, civil society, and religious-based organizations — to
take action and demonstrate through words and deeds that this violence has no
place in today’s society.”
first panelist was Dr. Hala Al-Tuwaijri, the secretary-general of the Saudi
Family Affairs Council, who provided an overview of the Kingdom’s efforts to
combat this crime including the passage of both the Anti-Abuse Law and Child
Protection Law in 2013, the launch of a dedicated call center to receive
domestic violence complaints (dial 1919) in 2016, and the passage of an
anti-harassment law 2018. She also discussed the Kingdom’s network of shelters
and other services for victims of abuse.
Manal Benkirane, representing UN Women, discussed international and regional
case studies and best practices while touching on the important work the UN
Women’s regional office has done in productively engaging with government
Maha Almuneef, the founder of the National Family Safety Program and professor
at King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, discussed the
importance of data collection in prevention measures. She also highlighted the
important roles that actors in the public, private, hybrid, and civil society
sectors play. She especially highlighted the efforts of the National Family
Safety Program in building capacity and raising awareness.
Debby Tucker, the president of the Board of Directors at the US National Center
on Domestic and Sexual Violence, shared valuable insights from her 30-year
career in the field, emphasizing the need to engage with not only victims but
perpetrators of abuse if one is to fully address this problem on a societal
concluded by stating that, “Combating violence against women is a pre-requisite
for empowering women — a central plank of Vision 2030.”
Forum Holds Webinar On Empowering Afghan Women
December 2020
Forum, in collaboration with The Wilson Center in the US, hosted a virtual
webinar that addressed the topic of empowering Afghan women’s rights in light
of the ongoing Afghan peace negotiations.
session hosted a group of the most prominent Afghan women who play an important
role in shaping the current Afghan-Taliban negotiations.
session was moderated by Congresswoman Jane Harman, CEO of The Wilson Center.
the panel, Fatima Gailani, member of the Afghanistan negotiating team and
former president of the Afghan Red Crescent Society, stated that “Taliban is
very focused on tradition, which is why their women are not well represented
within their society. There are many examples of female representation in
Islams history. This is why religion should not be used an excuse to alienate
also added that “Islam should not be confused with tradition. Our religion is
very progressive, and it was the first to grant women the right to
Sarabi, former Afghanistan Minister of Women’s Affairs and former Minister of
Culture and Education, pointed out that “the new team representing Afghanistan
is very diverse. We have men and women and people from different political
parties and religious backgrounds”.
Mahboob, an Afghan businesswoman and entrepreneur, highlighted the bright side
as she explained that today’s Afghanistan is not the same as 20 years ago. She
added, the younger generation wants more and is willing to work for it.
the pandemic, a group of Afghan teenagers worked with MIT engineers to design
an open-source ventilator.
session dealt with several topics, the most prominent of which was the
importance of the leadership role of women in the future of Afghan peace and
addition, the panel shed light on the importance of dealing with women’s issues
as core issues in the Afghan-Taliban talks and in the future of Afghanistan in
session was concluded with the panellists stressing the importance of women’s
participation and inclusion in the political process, and their aspiration
towards a future that includes all spectrums of the Afghan people.
New Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Women in Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab Women, Women In Arab, Islamophobia in America, Muslim Women in West, Islam Women and Feminism