Kaniz Fatma, New Age Islam
5 October
Are the
Muslim Women of the Modern Days Living in the Pre-Islamic Arabia?
1. Women's
fundamental rights are being trampled on.
2. Women are
thought to be mentally and physically weak.
3. In modern
society, the extremities of oppression over women are visible when this
narrow-mindedness is referred to as religion.
4. When a woman
is oppressed, the domestic life becomes a living hell. After that family life
drags on like a torturous pain.
5. For humans
to develop a pure civilization, they must have a strong and successful family
6. The only way
out is to obey the commands of God and His Messenger.
The fact
that oppression over women and violation of their rights has always been
justified is a tragedy of human history. During the pre-Islamic period, some
Arab tribes exceeded the line of violence by burying their daughters alive,
whereas Islam honoured and respected Eve's [Hazrat Hawwa’s] daughters. During
the Prophet's era and the Righteous Caliphate, Muslim women made prominent and
notable imprints in many sectors of life. Hazrat Khadija, a successful
businesswoman who not only encouraged but also supported the Prophet when he
was fulfilling such an essential role as prophethood and steadfastly
propagating the divine summons. She believed first and foremost as a witness to
his sincerity and honesty. The Holy Quran declared that in Allah’s view, the
most honourable of you is the one who is more pious, and it ripped off the
roots of superiority between man and woman based on anything other than taqwa.
pre-Islamic history of women is being replicated in our society now. Women's
fundamental rights are being trampled on. They are thought to be mentally and
physically weak. Islamic teachings have become a part of history that is
repeated at conferences and gatherings, but the battle to put them into
practice is not the same. The practical demonstrations appear to contradict the
theory. The atmosphere of narrow-mindedness continues to pervade.
Even now,
women are denied the right to make life decisions. Even now, there is a
noticeable disparity in parents' attitudes regarding their daughters. Parents
work long and hard hours to ensure that their sons have a good education and
spend the majority of their hard-earned money on it. Yes, but it is evaded when
it comes to girls' education by claiming that they do not require higher
education. As a result, the skill that was supposed to emerge in them is
stifled someplace. Yes, and their prized asset of self-assurance begins to
deteriorate until it is engraved in their thoughts that this is their fate.
importance of the mother's lap as the first school for children is highlighted,
but the teacher of this school is unable to make her own decisions. Women still
rely on men to help them solve their difficulties. In modern society, there are
various symptoms of narrow-mindedness toward women, and the extremities of
oppression are visible when this narrow-mindedness is referred to as religion.
When it comes to women's rights, there is no better method to hide one's flaws
than to claim that Western civilisation will impact them.
In Muslim
society, divorce rates are low, but who would look after the divorced women who
have no one to turn to? It would be inappropriate to suggest that if they speak
up for their rights, others are conspiring against them. Rather than
disregarding the realities, we must recognise the urgency of the situation and
identify the best solution.
rights granted by the Qur'an and Sunnah have been taken away from them. For the
appropriate raising of the next generation, it is vital to restore women's
societal roles and to grant them all of the privileges that Islam has bestowed
upon them.
For humans
to develop a pure civilization, they must have a strong and successful family
system. It all starts with the husband and wife's marriage, their love, and
affection. The bounds of the husband and the wife have been established by the
Lord of the Worlds and the Holy Prophet. If they both live within their bounds,
they can enjoy a very happy life, and many families do so by following Islamic
standards. The stronger the trust bond between husband and wife, the happier
and calmer life will be, and the better the effect on the children will be.
The Prophet
is reported to have said, “The believers who show the most perfect Faith are
those who have the best behaviour, and the best of you are those who are the
best to their wives.” [This hadith was classified as Hadith Hasan Sahih by
hadith states that this world is the entire capital (the thing to be used), but
the virtuous lady is the most valuable thing in the entire world. It's worth
noting that our beloved Prophet valued women beyond all else, dedicating four
moons to her honour and dignity. These are Islam's blessings on women.
The Prophet
(peace be upon him) said: A woman who dies while her husband is pleased with
her will enter Paradise (Tirmidhi).
Women were
given their deserving status in Islam, and the Prophet Muhammad stated that
just as males have rights over women, women also have rights over men. He
declared marriage to be an independent contract that can include any number of
legal terms. When extraordinary circumstances exist, both men and women have
the right to be separated from one another. Without her husband's
participation, the woman is the sole owner of her capital and property. While
several hadiths extol the importance of women's rights, Allah Almighty has also
commanded men to treat women with respect and pay their dues. He declares,
“O you who have believed, it is not lawful for
you to inherit women by compulsion. And do not make difficulties for them in
order to take [back] part of what you gave them unless they commit a clear
immorality. And live with them [women] in kindness. For if you dislike them -
perhaps you dislike a thing and Allah makes therein much good.” (4:19)
commentary of Ibn Abbas on this verse encourages males to treat women well,
live in love and harmony, and do them a favour. If you despise her likes, you
will despise the numerous excellent things and hundreds of different blessings
that God has provided for you.
When a
woman is oppressed, the domestic life becomes a living hell. After that family
life drags on like a torturous pain. The only way out is to obey the commands
of God and His Messenger. These directives are based on the premise that women
should be treated well in order to have a pleasant home and social life. The
screams of all groups and parties for a just society will cease today if
Muslims exercise their rights. Women should be treated with respect, according
to Islam, and that their rights must be recognised in all aspects of their
relationships, whether they are daughters, sisters, mothers, or wives. Allah
says in the Quran, “...And the women also have rights similar to those of
men over them...” [2:228]