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Islam, Women and Feminism ( 29 Jul 2019, NewAgeIslam.Com)

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Muslim Woman Wearing a Niqab Shouts 'Shame on All of You Despicable People' In Shocking Homophobic Rant at Pride March in London

New Age Islam News Bureau

29 Jul 2019

Women employed in the UAE can now sponsor their husbands and adult children to work in the UAE


 Yes, Women Can Sponsor Husbands for Work In UAE

 Women Rewriting the Rules of Reporting in the Arab World

 Regime Change Stressed As Main Demand Of Iran Women In London Rally

 Ministry’s 'Women in Trade' Project Aims to Pave Way for More Turkish Women in Business

 Muslim Women Key to BJP’s Minority Outreach Plan in UP

 Sisters in Islam Art Event Promotes Women’s Rights through Creative Artworks

 7 Israeli Teens Freed After Woman Recants Cyprus Rape Report

Compiled by New Age Islam News Bureau




Muslim Woman Wearing a Niqab Shouts 'Shame on All of You Despicable People' In Shocking Homophobic Rant at Pride March in London

28 July 2019

This is the shocking moment a Muslim woman spits homophobic abuse at a reveller on a Pride march in east London.

The niqab-wearing woman was filmed screaming 'shame on you' to a man draped in the LGBT rainbow flag during the rally on Hoe Street, Walthamstow, yesterday.

She screeches 'God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve' while a marshal in a high-vis jacket moves in to shield the clearly shaken Pride marcher.

The video was shared on Twitter by Yusuf Patel who wrote: 'Disgusting homophobic abuse at those on Waltham Forest Pride today.

'No matter what form hate comes in, we must stamp it out and say no to all forms of hate!

'Also, very importantly we cannot call out one form of hate but be silent/complicit on others.'

The confrontation also sparked fury among locals who have hit out at the abusive Muslim woman.

Walthamstow MP Stella Creasey condemned the homophobic rant as 'hatred'.

She tweeted: 'Gutted to see this and clear such hatred isn't acceptable anywhere let alone in our home town - proud that many from all faiths and none today including Islam joined the Waltham Forest Pride march to show Walthamstow really does mean welcome.'

The Walthamstow arm of the Metropolitan Police said officers are investigating and branded the abuse a hate crime.

The force tweeted: 'We are aware of footage circulating on social media of abuse directed at those taking part in the Waltham Forest Pride event and enquiries are underway.

'Abusing someone because of their sexual orientation or gender identity is a hate crime.

'If you have been verbally or physically abused, harassed or attacked in any way by someone because you are or they think you are LGBT+ please report these crimes to police or through a third party agency.'

Some 48 per cent of Walthamstow residents are from a minority ethnic background, and 22 per cent are Muslim.



Yes, Women Can Sponsor Husbands for Work In UAE

Marie Nammour

July 28, 2019

New work permit is also expected to ease the burden on employers as they don't have to bear the cost of visas while recruiting from the local labour market.

Women employed in the UAE can now sponsor their husbands and adult children to work in the UAE, a senior official at the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (Mohre) has clarified.

The ministry announced on Saturday that it has started issuing work permits to companies that want to hire eligible men who are under their families' sponsorship.

Speaking to Khaleej Times, Dr Omar Al Naimi, assistant undersecretary for communication and international relations at Mohre, said the new rule "allows women working in the UAE to bring their family members and sponsor them, irrelevant of their professions".

"It only sets a minimum salary for that sponsorship. It also broadened the scope of the women able to bring the family members (husband and children,)" said the official. Under the new work permit, men who are sponsored by their wives; parents sponsored by their children; and young graduates supported by their parents can join the UAE workforce.

Previously, these permits were exclusively issued to women who were under the sponsorship of their family. Many women who are employed in the UAE are under visas provided by their husbands or fathers.

"It (new work permit) will be implemented at all service centres of the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation," said Dr Al Naimi.

He said the new work permits is an initiative aimed at achieving more stability for expatriate families in the UAE.

The move is in implementation of a resolution issued recently by Nasser bin Thani Juma Al Hamli, Minister of Human Resources and Emiratisation, regarding regulations on granting of work permits.

The new work permit is also expected to ease the burden on employers as they don't have to bear the cost of visas while recruiting from the local labour market.

The procedures are easy and implemented at reduced fees, Dr Al Naimi pointed out.

Dr Al Naimi added that for the sons, other work permits are also available for them.

For those aged between 15 and 18, 'work permits for juveniles' can be obtained, while those aged 12 to 18 can apply for 'work permits for trainee students'.

Those two categories of permits can be availed of at all branches and centres of Mohre.

By issuing such work permits, the ministry aims to help employers recruit their staff from the residents rather than outsourcing from abroad.

Earlier in July, Mohre introduced 50 to 94 per cent reductions in fees for 145 services and transactions.

The new fee for a two-year work permit for a skilled or limited skilled worker is Dh300 for all categories of firms under the ministry's group classification.

Before the recent resolution, the fee was in the range of Dh300 and Dh5,000, depending on the firm category and the skill level of workers.



Women Rewriting the Rules of Reporting in the Arab World

By Dwight Garner

Jul 29, 2019

The best piece of advice I’ve ever heard about being a journalist is from the investigative reporter Amy Goodman, who has worked in Nigeria and East Timor, among other places. Goodman said this: “Go to where the silence is and say something.”

That sentence hung in my mind while reading “Our Women on the Ground: Essays by Arab Women Reporting From the Arab World,” a stirring, provocative and well-made new anthology edited by the Lebanese-British journalist Zahra Hankir. It’s a book that banishes all manner of silences.

Hankir invited 19 Arab and Middle Eastern sahafiyat — female journalists — to detail their experiences reporting from some of the most repressive countries in the world. The result is a volume that rewrites the hoary rules of the foreign correspondent playbook, deactivating the old clichés. Each of these women has a story to tell. Each has seen plenty.

Some of these journalists work (or have worked) for establishment media outlets like the BBC, NPR, The Financial Times, Bloomberg, Al Jazeera, The Washington Post and The New York Times. Others are freelance photographers, or small website operators.

They hail from, among other places, Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Morocco, Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, Sudan and Libya, though many also have a foot in the Western world. There’s a lot of self-scrutiny in this volume. A sub-theme is the guilt many of these reporters feel over their own relative privilege, the fact that their own families are safe while the people they write about tend to live in poverty and in terror.

“Our Women on the Ground” has many aspects to it — it’s about ambition, harassment and misogyny, sex, family, bravery, politics, religion, history, broken lives and double lives — but at bottom it imparts a pervasive sense of fear and loss. There are two harrowing deaths before we are 30 pages in.

The first is that of a young Syrian woman, a philosophy graduate named Ruqia Hasan, who was abducted and killed by ISIS for her outspoken posts on social media. She knew what was coming. She wrote on Facebook: “While they will cut off my head, I’ll still have dignity, which is better than living in humiliation.” Her story is delivered by Hankir, in her introduction.

The second is that of The New York Times’s Beirut bureau chief Anthony Shadid, who died at 43 in 2012, apparently of an asthma attack, while reporting in Syria. The author of this powerful and rueful essay is his widow, Nada Bakri, who has also reported for the Times.

Bakri, like nearly all the writers in this book, does not hold back. After Shadid’s death, she writes, “I quit journalism, left my home in Beirut and moved thousands of miles away from everyone I knew and everything familiar. Along the way, I became someone I don’t recognize.”

Many of these essays are about trying to work in dangerous circumstances, doubly so for women. As Zaina Erhaim writes in her essay: “I am a Syrian; a woman who lived in the most masculine of spaces; a journalist in a land of warlords; a secularist living among different kinds of extremists.” She adds: “I would be a great target, someone a fighter would be proud to have killed.”

There are accounts here of reporting from war zones and, for example, of being embedded with the United States military during the Iraq War. When these journalists were unable to be on the scene, they became skilled at scanning social media, especially YouTube videos, and gleaning information from those sources. Another kind of silence this book charts is the one that arrives when a source goes dark, because they’ve keen killed or forced out of their homes.

There are places these journalists can go that men cannot: kitchens and hair salons, to name two. In her essay, Hannah Allam, an NPR national security reporter who worked for McClatchy newspapers during the Iraq war, suggests that reporters ignore so-called women’s stories at their peril.

Noting that on an average day at the height of the Iraq war, it was common for 80 men to die from car bombs, Allam writes: “Consider those numbers for a moment: 80 dead men meant 80 new widows and dozens of newly fatherless children. Every day.” These women needed to become providers.

There is a good deal of gallows humor in “Our Women on the Ground.” There are high spirits; several romances are recounted. There are many, many stories of frightening and unwanted attention from men. Yet in her essay, Donna Abu-Nasr, Bloomberg’s Saudi Arabia bureau chief, catches some of the absurdity that can be in the air, too.

“Often, while I was stuck in traffic, young men would slam Post-its or papers with their mobile phone numbers scribbled on them on the window of my car,” she writes. “That was one way to pick up women. Another was to go to the mall and throw the little slips of paper at the feet of women covered head to toe in black.”

The optimism that attended the Arab Spring in the early 2010s slowly evaporates in these essays. Things grow worse, not better. About the Syrian crisis that began in 2011, Hwaida Saad, a reporter for The New York Times, notes: “Ideas changed, and so did faces — many of which grew beards. On the radio, jihadi songs replaced those of Elissa. Innocence gradually disappeared.”

The Palestinian writer and free-press advocate Asmaa al-Ghoul recalls some of the romance that attended the early days of the Arab Spring protests. “We thought that we were going to change the world,” she writes. “How I pity the generation that will have to go out to do it all over again.”



Regime Change Stressed As Main Demand Of Iran Women In London Rally

Jul 28, 2019

Some 3,000 Iranians, including a large number of Iranian women, demonstrated on the streets of central London on Saturday, July 27, 2019, to express their support for the ongoing anti-regime protests and strikes in Iran and stress their demand for regime change.

They urged the UK Government to stop placating Iran’s regime and to adopt a firm policy that recognizes the democratic aspirations of the Iranian people. They called for comprehensive sanctions against the mullahs’ regime, and expressed support for the Iranian Resistance and its president-elect, Maryam Rajavi, and her 10-point plan for the future of Iran.

Marching from London’s Trafalgar Square to the Parliament, the participants emphasized that while the clerical regime was at risk of being overthrown by the people and the Resistance, investing on this faltering regime is doomed to fail.

The Free Iran rally in London was the last and the peak of a series of rallies by the Iranian diaspora which started in Brussels, and continued in Washington, D.C., Berlin, and Stockholm for the past 1.5 months, extending the Iranian Resistance’s 5-day annual gatherings in mid-July at Asharf-3.

Prominent politicians such as Matthew Offord MP, chairman of the British Committee for Iran Freedom; Struan Stevenson, coordinator of the Campaign for Iran Change; Senator Catherine Noone, Deputy Leader of the Irish Senate; Senator Gerry Horkan of Ireland; Roger Godsiff MP; Paulo Casaca, former MEP; Brian Binley, former MP; Roger Lyons, former President of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) in the United Kingdom, Denise Lester from The Law Society of England and Wales, and Dowlat Nowrouzi, the representative of the National Council of Resistance of Iran in the UK; were among the speakers at the rally.

In a video message to the Iranians’ rally in London, the NCRI’s President-elect Maryam Rajavi emphasized that the mullahs understand no language except the language of force and firmness. She said, “The result of the policy of appeasement, the clampdown on the PMOI, and overlooking the violations of human rights in Iran in the nuclear deal can be seen in the regime’s attacks on shipping in the Persian Gulf, jeopardizing regional and international security and its terrorist and espionage operations in Europe and the United States.”

Mrs. Rajavi urged the U.K. and Europe to “stop giving concessions to the mullahs, to not help them decrease the sanctions, and to place the IRGC and the MOIS, Khamenei’s office and Hassan Rouhani on the terror list, and instead of shaking hands with the religious fascism, to stand on the side of the people of Iran for regime change…”

She specifically urged the new UK government “to support human rights and to take action to send an international fact-finding mission to Iran to visit the regime’s prisons and the political prisoners particularly, the women.”

Senator Catherine Noone, Deputy Leader of the Irish Senate and lawyer, pointed out the gross violations of human rights by the mullahs in her speech to the Free Iran rally. Among other issues, she said in her speech, “The misogyny of the regime is not hidden by any means and any of us female leaders throughout the world who support the Iranians are particularly disgusted and find this abhorrent. It deprives women of their very basic rights and humiliates them in public for crimes such as riding bicycles or mal-veiling or wearing colorful clothes…

“On the opposite end of the spectrum, we have the NCRI and its 1,000 brave and selfless women, and progressive female leaders and Mrs. Rajavi who all devote their lives and made many sacrifices for a wonderful a bright future for all Iranians, and in particular for the women of Iran…

“I’m proud to be part of a group of cross-party Irish senators and parliamentarians who support Mrs. Rajavi and her 10-point plan for a free Iran in which gender equality and both political and social rights will be observed… I’ll conclude by saying there needs to be a regime change in Iran and it needs to happen soon.”

Denise Lester, member of the Law Society of England and Wales, also addressed the gathering. She said in her remarks, “We support you and we are here to elaborate on the role of the Law Society of England and Wales which is the voice of solicitors and safeguards the rule of law in this country… The rule of law is essential to preserve democratic values, fundamental freedoms and good governance, also human rights. The Law Society has written to the Head of the Judiciary in Iran, regarding the treatment of lawyers who have been sentenced, given lashes and imprisoned as a result of their work to progress human rights…

“The Society reminded Iranian government and judicial leaders of the United Nations basic principles on the role of lawyers which states that lawyers must be able to perform their professional functions without intimidation, hindrance, harassment or improper interference… Members of Parliament from U.K. and Europe and join with you in advancing the course of human rights, women’s rights and democracy in Iran.”

In another part of the rally, Ms. Dowlat Nowrouzi, the representative of the National Council of Resistance of Iran in the UK, told the participants, “We are here to convey the four decades of suffering of the Iranian people. We are here to convey the main aspiration of the Iranian people, demanding justice, demanding freedom, demanding regime change and demanding support for Mrs. Rajavi…

“Decisiveness is the only solution to dealing with this regime. Our resistance movement has paid the highest price for the rights of the Iranian people…

“Enough is enough! The mullahs must go. They do not represent the Iranian people.

“The main message of protesters across Iran is ‘hardliners, reformists, the game is over.’ The people of Iran deserve the violators of human rights who are occupying the top to bottom of this regime to face justice…

“It is time for the UK government to realize that they must lead in Europe for a firm policy toward Iran… The recent terror attempts by the regime are all indications that the world community must be united with the NCRI for a policy of regime change in Iran.”

Anglo-Iranian supporters of the Iranian Resistance and the PMOI told the Free Iran rally, “We are a generation who have never seen our homes, whose parents were tortured and executed by the mullahs, whose aunts and uncles were massacred in Camp Ashraf and Camp Liberty, whose brothers and sisters are being beaten on Tehran’s streets and attacked by the mullahs’ thugs. The Iranian regime has failed in suppressing us…

“The people are rising across Iran. They have one clear message: The mullahs’ regime must go. This regime has only brought pain and hardship for the Iranian people and their neighbors. We show our support for the youth in Iran. You are strong and steadfast and you are an inspiration to us all…

“We stand here to say in one united voice that we want regime change. The Iranian people have the right to decide their own future. Boris Johnson has a duty to stand with the Iranian people. Appeasement has only resulted in hostage-taking and terrorism by the regime. We demand the IRGC and the entirety of the mullahs’ regime to be put on the list of terrorist organizations…

“Victory is ours. The future is ours.”



Ministry’s 'Women in Trade' Project Aims to Pave Way for More Turkish Women in Business


To ensure active participation by Turkish women entrepreneurs in Turkey's export operations and business life, the Trade Ministry has launched projects to pave the way for businesswomen to benefit from support packages and various incentives, Trade Minister Ruhsar Pekcan announced.

The minister said that the Department of Women and Young Entrepreneurs Exports has been established under the ministry's operations to increase the role of women in Turkey's export operations and encourage them to benefit from incentive programs. Thus, the department will act as a bridge between women entrepreneurs and the ministry, Pekcan said.

"As part of our initiatives to support businesswomen, we will bring together Turkish and Spanish women entrepreneurs. We will plan how they could engage in common trade operations via the 'Women in Trade' project," Pekcan said in a statement to Anadolu Agency (AA).

The Turkish Exporters' Assembly (TİM) has only one female board member as opposed to 12 male members, including the chairman. However, in October 2018, to support more women and increase the number of women exporters, TİM established a women's council.

During the G20 Trade and Digital Economy Ministers' meeting in Japan, Pekcan and Spanish Trade Minister Reyes Maroto met and discussed ways to deepen Turkish-Spanish commercial ties, expand bilateral trade volume and increase investments.

Pekcan noted that Spain is a significant European Union country with which Turkey has strong economic and trade relations. Last year, Turkey's exports to Spain stood at $7.7 billion, with imports of $5.4 billion.

"To invigorate our relations with Spain in new fields, we would like to see our businesswomen more actively involved in this process. Therefore, we will hold meetings bringing together Turkish and Spanish businesswomen. Spain's Trade Ministry and the Department of Women and Young Entrepreneurs Exports will jointly carry out the project," Pekcan said, stressing that the Spanish government consists of 10 women ministers and seven male ministers. Women ministers at the Spanish government oversee finance, economy, trade and industry operations, she added.

Pekcan also stressed that she discussed signing a protocol for a Joint Economic and Trade Commission (JETCO) at a meeting in the fall.

Netherlands, Turkey to discuss 'women's cooperation' at JETCO meeting

Trade Minister Pekcan pointed out that the Netherlands is one of Turkey's leading economic partners both in terms of trade and investment, recalling that the trade volume between the two countries rose from $4.6 billion in 2006 to $8.1 billion in 2018.

Pekcan noted that the Dutch direct investments reached $24.2 billion and that Turkish investments in the Netherlands surpassed $12 billion, stressing the Turkish-Dutch Joint Economic and Trade Commission Meeting (JETCO) constituted the most crucial pillar of commercial relations with the Netherlands. "We will hold the second installment of this meeting and the roundtable meeting in Istanbul in September. We think that new projects should be developed in addition to classical methods to improve our bilateral trade relations with the Netherlands," Minister Pekcan continued. "At this point, major roles fall on our women entrepreneurs. One of the topics of the JETCO meeting with the Netherlands will be to strengthen the cooperation between women entrepreneurs of the two countries. For this reason, a significant number of women entrepreneurs will participate in the meeting, explain their activities, and offer suggestions on cooperation areas."

Meanwhile, Pekcan said that in the JETCO agreement signed with Canada in Japan, they also included an article about women for the first time. "We aim to empower all segments of society, especially women, to create a positive impact on economic growth and contribute to reducing inequality and poverty," she added.

Pekcan stressed that the issue of women's economic empowerment was included for the first time in a text signed on bilateral trade and economic relations and cooperation. "We will continue to support and enlarge our exports. For this purpose, as the ministry, we will offer our support and guidance to exporters for international women's cooperation," Pekcan said.



Muslim Women Key to BJP’s Minority Outreach Plan in UP

Manish Chandra Pandey

Jul 29, 2019

Of many photographs that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)’s media cell in Uttar Pradesh releases regularly, a recent one stands out. It shows Sunil Bansal, BJP state general secretary (organisation), inducting a Muslim woman in a veil into the party during the membership drive that kicked off on July 6.

The ongoing drive aims to enlist nearly 1 million people from the minority communities, including an ambitious 500,000 Muslims.

The figure may sound unrealistic, given that the BJP has struggled to get even 100,000 Muslims into the party on record. But its intention to connect with the “aam musalmaan (common Muslim)” is not.

“I am with the BJP because it has done great service to the community by raising its voice against triple talaq and nikah halala, customs that exploit women,” says Gulistana, a Muslim woman from Aligarh who has signed up with the BJP.

Ever since PM Modi raised the issue of triple talaq at a 2016 rally in Bundelkhand, the BJP has been trying to engage with Muslim women. Party leaders claim many women have come forward to back to the BJP on the issue.

Bansal’s move to travel to a Muslim-dominated locality to draft in women from a community that has been apprehensive of the BJP is being seen as an extension of this outreach. “Edging closer to Muslim women is key to the BJP’s future plans,” says a party functionary aware of developments who did not wish to be named.

Two women from minority communities who joined the party have alleged being threatened by their Muslim landlord for doing so and gone on to file a police complaint. These women have been promised houses under the Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana.

UP has about 19% Muslims, whose combined vote in constituencies like Rampur, Budaun, Amroha, Bulandshahr, Muzaffarnagar, Moradabad, Kairana and Shamli, among several other places, is considered important.

Opposition parties, however, feel that the BJP is out to divide the Muslim vote. “They are dividing us. Don’t purchase any item from these traders who owe allegiance to the BJP,” Samajwadi Party (SP) MLA Nahid Hasan was heard appealing in a video that is being investigated by the police.

“Our support is growing among all communities, including Muslims. Have you ever spoken to a Muslim who has got free gas connection, power, medical insurance and houses under the BJP? The satisfaction on their faces is to be seen to be believed, because they have so far been mostly taken for a ride by the Congress, SP and the BSP [Bahujan Samaj Party],” says Mohsin Raza, UP minister and the Muslim face of the government.

The party’s good showing in the 2017 state polls and in the 2019 Lok Sabha polls has given it fresh hope of connecting with Muslims. It has two Muslim MLCs, Mohsin Raza and Bukhal Nawab. Both can be seen visiting temples and urging Muslims to join the BJP.

Lucknow-based Shazia Hasan, who runs Jamia-Uloom Din-e-Miswa, a madrasa for girls and is a women’s rights activist too said: “...if you were to ask politically, I guess there are certain apprehensions among the community at large. BJP has addressed some but needs to do more before minorities embrace it in large numbers.”



Sisters in Islam Art Event Promotes Women’s Rights through Creative Artworks

July 28, 2019

To unite Malaysian artists in pursuit of gender equality and justice in Malaysia, SISArt, for their third year in a row presents Awan & Tanah.

With 30 artists showcasing their most thought-provoking artworks yet, Awan & Tanah will be launched at CULT Gallery in Bukit Tunku, Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, 3 August at 7.00pm.

Last year’s show, Halal/Haram raised over RM115,000 for Sisters in Islam (SIS).

This year’s Awan & Tanah theme, discusses the relationship between the divine and the ordinary, between God and humans as well as inequality between men and women in the face of God.

Presenting a unique mix of well-established and emerging Malaysian artists, it will feature those in the local and international art world.

Artists including Ahmad Zakii Anwar, Ilse Noor, Jalaini Abu Hassan, Datuk Sharifah Fatimah Zubir, Bayu Utomo Radjikin, Chong Siew Ying, Kow Leong Kiang, Noor Mahnun, and Sharmiza Abu Hassan will be part of the established names.

Up and coming artists featuring Nia Khalisa, Nadia Nizamudin, Sanan Anuar, Aiman Asimuddin, and Hana Zamri are exploring this year’s theme.

Sheena Baharuddin, spoken word artist, poet and author will be perfoming at the opening of the Awan & Tanah show.

Mediums such as oil, print, threadwork, wood, textile and more would be used by the artists for their interpretation of Awan & Tanah.

Dato Sharifah Fatimah Zubir remains one of the most prominent abstract artists in Malaysia with over twenty solo exhibitions and more than a hundred group exhibitions to her name.

She graduated from MARA Institute of Technology (UiTM) and continued on to the University of Reading to complete a fine arts degree with first-class honours.

This was followed by obtaining her postgraduate qualifications from Pratt Institute in New York.

Dato Sharifah just passed the 50thanniversary of her career and shows no signs of stopping soon.

Anniketyni Madian from Sarawak is an emerging artist known for drawing inspiration from Pua Kumbu, a textile native to Sarawakian culture and channelling it into intricate and dynamic wood carvings.

Her sculptures defy the expectations of those who equate women artists with daintiness and she is one of the only women in a mainly male dominated area of creating large art sculptures made of wood.

Anniketyni’s craft depicts strikingly the beauty of her Sarawakian tradition and heritage.

Nadia Nizamudin mixes and mashes mediums such as embroidery, painting, printmaking and collage techniques.

She uses embroidery beyond its common misconception as a lowly genre of art by incorporating used and recycled images to amplify the story she wants to tell.

Driven by concepts such as heartbreak and grief, her artworks are vibrantly coloured despite the theme.

“In my collage work, I love to use the subjects as exploration of these themes,” says Nadia, “to convey the message that in our everyday world pain and sadness are almost inaudible and silent, except if you look closely enough, or if you bother to look at all.”

Sabri Idrus combines technology with traditional crafting, aiming to liberate the socio-cultural dogma found in the visual language of Malaysian art.

His works have been shown in London, Seoul and Singapore – expect to see abstract artworks with intellect.

All artists have agreed to donate half of the sales of their artwork to SIS like the past two shows.

All donations to SIS are tax-exempted.

SIS has been at the forefront of the fight for Muslim women’s rights in Malaysia for the last 30 years.

Their legal aid clinic Telenisa has helped over 10,000 women nationwide.

Among issues championed by SIS include reforms to Malaysian Family Laws that are discriminatory towards women, ending child marriage and criminalising marital rape.

SIS has also been instrumental in giving a voice to Malaysian women who are in need of help.-/TISG



7 Israeli Teens Freed After Woman Recants Cyprus Rape Report

July 28, 2019

PARALIMNI, Cyprus: Seven Israeli teenagers were freed from custody in Cyprus on Sunday after a British teen admitted her report of being raped by a dozen people was untrue, defense lawyers and a Cypriot official said.

Investigators concluded the 19-year-old accuser’s allegations “didn’t stand to reason,” Yiannis Habaris, a lawyer for two of the Israelis, said. The young woman was arrested and faces a public nuisance charge, he said.

A law enforcement official told The Associated Press the woman voluntarily recanted during questioning just after midnight, saying there had been sexual contact with the suspects but she wasn’t raped.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss details of the case.

The state-run Cyprus News Agency reported that the woman allegedly told investigators she filed a rape report because she was “angry and insulted” that some of the Israelis allegedly recorded video of her having consensual sex with a number of them.

The woman has a custody hearing scheduled for Monday.

Habaris and another defense lawyer, Nir Yavlovitzh, told reporters they intend to sue the young woman on behalf of those she accused, who were detained for 11 days.

“We will proceed with legal action against the individual that made the false allegations, for damages, for every day and every moment they were in prison falsely,” Habaris said.

Yavlovitzh said the seven ranged in age from 15 to 18 and the young woman “needs to think clearly about what she (did) to the boys who stayed in jail.”

The Israelis’ parents wept and where “shocked” when they learned Sunday morning that their sons would be freed from police district headquarters in the town of Paralimni, according to Yaslovitzh.

Jubilant relatives greeted them with hugs and kisses as they were released later in the day. Some of the youths carried suitcases and got into waiting cars that drove them away.

“I feel great. The truth came out and I am happy,” one of them said. He did not give his name.

Cypriot authorities arrested 12 Israeli teenagers on July 17 following the woman’s report of being raped by a dozen individuals at a hotel in the popular tourist resort of Ayia Napa where she and the Israelis were staying.

Five were released Thursday after investigators found no evidence implicating them.

Investigators told a Paralimni court during a custody hearing Friday that the British woman was in a relationship with one of the seven suspects and had sexual contact with several of the other six over several days, lawyer Habaris said earlier.

The 12 Israelis had come to Cyprus in three separate groups, some for a vacation before being inducted into the army, and didn’t know each other.

Cypriot police provided DNA samples to Israeli authorities to locate three other individuals as potential suspects, but that assistance is no longer necessary since the case collapsed, Habaris said.


This version has been corrected to show the 12 suspects were arrested on July 17, not July 18.




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