By Mohammad Hashim, Tr. New Age Islam
(Translated by New Age Islam Edit Bureau)
27 May 2020
Today a great responsibility has fallen on the shoulders of Indian ulema. The banned global organisation ISIS that unleashed violence on religious grounds is presently trying to woo Indian Muslims particularly the Muslim youth. In the previous two three editions of the Voice of Hind, articles provoking Indian Muslims have appeared though the Indian Muslims have not fallen in their trap till now nor is there any possibility in future. But it is imperative for our ulema to pay attention to this. With an eye on the Indian Muslims the organisation has launched an online propaganda to draw the youth to their fold. Presently the organisation is trying to provoke Indian Muslims in the context of the laws like CAA, NRC, and NPR through their magazine Voice of Hind. The organisation that emerged as a religious demon needs bloodshed on Earth because through it only it can shed the blood of innocent people. And for this, it finds India a fertile ground. It is running a propaganda in the backdrop of protests against the Citizenship Amendment Bill, NRC and NPR telling Muslims that the Indian government is committing excesses against them and so they should take up arms.
It is a good sign that Muslims have till now been calling the CAA and other controversial issues their internal matter and are not ready to fall in any such trap. Nevertheless, the ulema have a great responsibility on their shoulders to tell the youth, about the enormity of bloodshed the group has caused. Our ulema should tell our youth that that the world we live in today is a global village and the entire world is a composite society.
No religion preaches violence nor can such absurdities be accepted in this world. This organisation is not content even after taking the lives of millions of innocent people in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq and Syria. During its reign in the Middle East, the ISIS published magazines like Dabiq and Rumya in order to rope in the youth in their bloody game. But now that it has failed completely in this, it has turned towards our country, India. They have been running regular propaganda to provoke the peace-loving Muslims of India. For this purpose, they have launched online campaign. In the Voice of Hind, their ideologues write that the Indian Muslims should not be carried away by the views of Maulana Arshad Madani and Maulana Mahmood Madani and political leaders like Asaduddin Owaisi and Kanhaiya Kumar as they are fools who want to induce inertia among Muslims by calling them towards peace. The ISIS is trying to win the support of Indian Muslims through the Voice of Hind. Recently three editions have been published by the Al Qital Media Centre in which articles like "Al Junud Al Khilafa Al Hind" have been included.
Till now, the ISIS has not succeeded to win the support of Indian Muslims except a few fundamentalists. From the study of the three editions, it becomes clear that they have made serious effort to provoke Indian Muslims but they will never succeed. Inshallah. Through their propaganda, they seem to be trying to instil a sense of injustice in the minds of Muslims and exhorting them to take up arms. In the first edition of Voice of Hind published on 24th February, the ISIS has given an account of the atrocities committed against Muslims by some communal groups In India and highlighted the public protests against the Citizenship Amendment Bill, NRC and NPR. It's another matter that Indian Muslims consider it their internal matter and as the reports indicate, they are not ready to fall in their trap. Recently the ISIS has even accused the Taliban of travelling "From jihad to Apostasy" for their peace treaty with the US.
In the third edition of the magazine, published on 22 April, it has instigated Muslims to prepare for Gazwatul Hind. Reminding Muslims of mob lynching and other similar incidents against Muslims, it tells Muslims that the time to take revenge has come and that observing silence is not going to yield any result.
Although the Indian Muslims cannot accept their hate-mongering, it is the responsibility of our ulema and intellectuals to keep a keen eye on the developments and make people aware of the threats posed by the ISIS. It is true that the Jamiat-e-Ulema Hind and some other similar organisations have condemned the activities of the banned outfit in strongest words but it is time for collective initiatives. As for the Muslim scholars and intellectuals of India, they should refute and reject the propaganda of the ISIS and fight it tooth and nail.
Urdu Article: Responsibility of Indian Ulema Against ISIS آئی ایس آئی ایس کےخلاف ہندوستانی علماءکی ذمہ داری
Source: Hamara Samaj, Urdu
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