By Mushtaq Ul Haq Ahmad Sikander, New Age Islam
28 August
West Has
Always Been Denying Facts About Muslim History
1. When the
Christian world was reeling under darkness, ignorance and superstitions, the
case was simply opposite for Muslim civilization.
2. The violence
that resulted in the aftermath of renaissance that led to horrible war crimes,
colonization and imperialism of West over the rest.
3. West has denied
the contribution of Muslims in making western civilization vibrant.
Kitab Ul Urooj: Tahzeeb Kye Qurani Safar
Ka Ek Chashm Kusha Tazkira
Author: Rashid Shaz
Publisher: Milli Publications, New
Delhi, India
Year of Publication: 2012
Pages: 243, Pages: Rs 500
since past few centuries are lamenting about their decline. Many theories, both
factual and conspiracy have been propounded to understand the reasons of the
decline. The Golden Age of Muslims has been a reality and most Islamic
revivalist movements intend to reinvent the same. They have chalked variegated
courses, which according to them if followed can usher once again the Golden
Age that Muslims had witnessed earlier. Thousands of Muslims have followed
their strategy and course of action but the Golden Age seems evasive more than
ever. One of the basic issues that have been overlooked in this discourse is
the analysis of the past, particularly in the vernacular Urdu.
Rashid Shaz
as a prominent scholar, academic, ideologue and writer in this academic book
has analyzed the features of the Golden Age of Muslims and the factors that
contributed to it. Shaz has very well analyzed the factors in this academic
work that led to the strong foundations of what today is known as Muslim
civilization. The book very well articulates the details about the Muslim
contribution to the collective civilization, benefit of the humanity and
universal values. Each page of the work is filled with details about the legacy
and contribution of Muslims in different fields of science, technology,
architecture, arts, social sciences, philosophy, logic, and education. These
all aspects have been analyzed in the context and background of Quran that
empowered Muslims to understand and ponder over the universe, nature and
environment around them.
While these
aspects have been studied and analysed by orientalists and other scholars too,
the contribution of Shaz appears in his criticism of the European Orientalists,
Western scholarship and civilization that is presently at its zenith. This
contemporary civilization has denied and in fact erased every contribution of
Muslims towards it. Prof Shaz analyses how the lackadaisical attitude of
Muslims contributed towards their contribution and legacy being erased from
history. This book is an attempt to rediscover the same legacy. Western
civilization as it is known today is indebted to the contribution of Islam and
Muslims. When the Christian world was reeling under darkness, ignorance and
superstitions, the case was simply opposite for Muslim civilization. But later
when the history was written using the Euro-centric model this period was
dubbed as Dark Ages, without taking in consideration the Muslim civilization
that was the leading light of the world.
Related Article:
Causes For The Rise And Fall Of The Muslims
The use of
Gunpowder in battles is an invention of Muslims and then Europe learnt it from
Muslims. The modern irrigation practices particularly irrigation techniques
were conceived by Muslims. West played fraud when Muslim rule and civilization
declined as they took credit of every invention, feat and progress that led to
the creation of a new world in which we are existing today. The contribution of
Muslims was further retrograded to periphery when Francis Bacon was declared as
the father of enlightenment and renaissance (P-145-146). Eugenics, Euro
centricism and Europhasia is discussed by Shaz including the theory of White
Man’s Burden. These all contributed to the violence that resulted in the
aftermath of renaissance that led to horrible war crimes, colonization and
imperialism of West over the rest. The remnants of this violence can still be
witnessed all over the non European and colonized lands. Prof. Shaz is not over
awed and over whelmed by the West but depicts its colonial-slavery model that
has rendered millions distraught and devastated. He very well lays bare the
bloody history behind the progress of Europe that was based on the massacre,
genocide and ethnic cleansing of indigenous people and races of the colonized
Rashid Shaz
believes that calling Industrial Revolution miracle of Europe is being utterly
naïve and ignorant about history of technology and infact akin to distorting it
(P-159). Shaz can be compared to Thomas Kuhn, as he too believes that once
paradigms become incommensurable there is a need for shift and new paradigm. So
now this shift will be possible only through the rediscovery of Quran, as
Muslims still are not aware how their minds retrograded from Iktishaafi to
Asateeri Weltanschauung that resulted in the impasse. The theories like Divine
origin theory, Clergy being appointed by God, attributing divinity to Mashaiqh
and Ahle Bait always handicap and restrain the human minds. The mission of the
Prophets was to unshackle the minds, destroy these theories, challenge humans,
help them think and ponder so that the creative potential among humans is
utilized for the collective good of humanity. But now Muslims have shackled
their minds, so West has taken lead and being biased and prejudiced towards
Muslims they have denied the contribution of Muslims in making western
civilization vibrant.
criticizing the blindness, denial of facts and knowledge opaqueness of the West
and orientalists including historians, scientists and colonizers, Shaz is not
oblivious of the solution. He has it in mind and has provided a blueprint of a
future university that can help once again the Muslims to create a new world
order, free from chaos and violence. The book is a result of laborious efforts
of Prof. Shaz as the heavy bibliography and notes at the end of each chapter
depict. Given the academic nature of this work it needs to be translated in
English language for a wider reach. Also the paper quality of the book is very
marvelous as it has been printed on photo paper, as there are numerous old
paintings, drawings, maps and manuscript writings that adorn the pages of the
book. It must have taken laborious efforts to get hold of this old and rare
material that has added to the beauty of the work. Rashid Shaz needs to be
commended for this work.
is Writer-Activist based in Srinagar, Kashmir.
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