Mushtaq ul Haq Ahmad Sikandar, New Age Islam
September 2021
Muslim Scholars,
Theologians, Heads of Islamic Organizations And Muslim Politicians Condemn The Umayyad
Dynasty Led By Yazid For The Karbala Barbaric Act While All Of Them Also Follow Yazid And
His Father Ameer Muawiyah
1. Muslim
scholars condemn Yazid theoretically but follow him pragmatically.
2. A figure
like Syeda Zainab (pbuh) does not fit in the constructed patriarchal mould of a
Muslim woman so Ulama seem to make her invisible in the Karbala narrative.
3. Unlimited
funds are given to campaigns where Yazid is praised and Ahle Bayt are degraded.
massacre of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) s family (Ahle Bayt) at the hands of Umayyad
forces under the patronage of Yazid bin Muawiyah is embedded in the Muslim
history and psyche as a battle between truth and falsehood. There are versions
about this battle and one fringe group known as the Nasibiyies uphold
Yazid as being truthful, honest ruler and count Imam Hussain (pbuh) as deviated
and rebellious being responsible for his own assassination and massacre of his
entire family.
These Nasibiyies
are being promoted by the current Saudi dispensation of Al Saud (family of
Saud) as their government too like that of Umayyads is based on the killing of
opponents and without elections or consultations have usurped power and
authority. One of the strands of Ahle Hadith and Salafis promoted by Saudi
Arabia government belong to the Nasibiyies and promote this anti Quran
and anti-Islam ideology among the masses. They receive unlimited funds for
these campaigns where Yazid is praised and Ahle Bayt is degraded. Anyways the Nasibiyat
continues to grow given the petro dollars that are adding fuel to it.
commemorate the tragedy at Karbala numerous Muslim scholars, theologians, heads
of Islamic organizations and Muslim politicians release a number of statements
to the press paying glowing tributes to the martyrs of Karbala and their
message. Almost all of them condemn the Umayyad dynasty led by Yazid for this
barbaric act while all of them follow Yazid and his father Ameer Muawiyah. The
battle of Karbala is symbolic of the fact that dynastic, hereditary rule is
unacceptable in Islam. But these all organizations, institutes, Islamic Dawah centres
and Darul Uloom pay glowing tributes to the martyrs of Karbala while following
the Sunnah of Ameer Muawiyah and Yazid. Most of these institutions are run by
few families, individuals and cults where the mantle of leadership does not
depend on merit but on birth. So after the father dies, a son replaces him, so
they are practically and pragmatically following Yazid while paying tributes to
Imam Hussain. Imam stood against tyranny and tried to rectify this innovation
of hereditary rule but all these people paying tributes are indulging in
hypocrisy of highest order. By mere lip service they are trying to conceal
their hypocrisy. Hypocrites have more grave punishment waiting for them in the
Hereafter. So I cannot comment on the fate of these hypocrites in the garb of
Ulama and Muslim politicians who rule like Muawiyah and Yazid and pay tributes
to Imam Hussain who was against such a system.
aspect that remains oblivious about the battle at Karbala is its aftermath. In
the aftermath it was the sister of Imam Hussain, Syeda Zainab (pbuh) who spoke
truth to power in the court of Yazid and it is due to her bravery that the
story of the massacre has reached to us. Her role is also overshadowed while
paying tributes to martyrs of Karbala. It is because these misogynist mullahs,
Ulama and politicians have always degraded and downplayed the role of Muslim
women. So a figure like Syeda Zainab (pbuh) does not fit in their constructed
patriarchal mould of a Muslim woman so they seem to make her invisible in the
Karbala narrative. These are the same Ulama who do not allow women to pray in
the mosques. These misogynist politicians do not let the women climb the ladder
of the party hierarchy. So the hypocrisy again becomes manifest in these acts
So next
time these types of Ulama, heads of Islamic organizations and Muslim
politicians pay glowing tributes to the martyrs of Karbala we should stop and
question their audacity to do so because then only are we doing justice with
the spirit of Karbala, otherwise the hypocrisy that has been going through the
centuries will continue to grow. It is very difficult to stand with Justice and
speak truth to power, but after someone has attained martyrdom for a cause,
masses make a cult out of the martyr.
It has
happened in case of Karbala too. Those paying the tributes are themselves
indulging in worst form of human rights violations and perpetuating Injustice.
Karbala is prevalent daily around us but we are not ready to stand with truth
and justice because it comes at a price. Rather paying ‘rich tributes’ costs
During the
battle of Karbala only the family of Imam Hussain, his close relatives and supporters
stood by him and were martyred. No one came to their rescue, a similar history
that is being repeated around us on a daily basis. Karbala teaches us that if
truth, justice and honesty are alone and helpless they should remain steadfast
as the sacrifices made for it will inspire the generations to come. It is what
the real spirit of Karbala demands from us all.
M. H. A.
Sikander is Writer-Activist based in Srinagar, Kashmir