New Age Islam
Sun Feb 09 2025, 11:16 PM

The War Within Islam ( 19 Jul 2014, NewAgeIslam.Com)

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'Recruit Sunnis for a Powerful Global Islamic Army to Fight Shias and Help Muslims in Need; Five Lakh Brave Indian Youth Will Be Provided': Maulana Salman Nadvi to Saudi Government

Note:  New Age Islam is presenting below full text of a charter of demands presented some time ago to the Saudi government by Maulana Salman Hussaini Nadvi, the first Indian Muslim to embrace the self-styled Khilafat of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. It gives us an idea of how this member of al-Baghdadi Khilafat, also apparently still a holder of Indian nationality, looks at terrorism, sectarian war, the role of Saudi government and Muslim Umma in general. His world view is here in full view. The worrying thing for me is that this is not just his view. There are many takers for this view. If he is promising to put together an army of five lakh (5, 00,000) Muslim youth from the Indian sub-continent, essentially India, as he has no influence anywhere else, is he just making a tall claim? Only proper investigation can reveal.

The silence with which Indian Muslims have greeted the call of Baghdadi's so-called Khilafat is also quite confusing. One doesn't know if it is meaningful and revealing. One would have thought that Muslim Ulema here would come out all guns blazing against this absurdity of a medieval Khilafat in the 21st century. Instead, there is no protest even when an influential Maulana joins the Khilafat. The Sufi Ulema and Mashaikh that New Age Islam correspondents interviewed are quite categorical in their condemnation but they have got little influence now. Most Muslims have already developed a radical Wahhabi mindset, even though some of them continue to go to Sufi shrines and do not even realise it yet. Power of the petrodollar-funded Islamic mass media, you can say.

Let me just give you a rough and very brief idea of Nadvi's world view here. In this charter of demands, following in the footsteps of his grandfather, Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Hasani Nadvi, he is asking Saudi Arabia to organise a Khilafat for the Muslim Umma, the global Muslim community, which would have a world Islamic Army in which he would contribute five lakh Muslim youth from India. He says there is no need for recruiting youth from among the messed up youth of the Gulf, when you can find them right here. This army would stand behind Muslims wherever they are in trouble. He wishes that terrorists should not be called terrorists and thus antagonised. They are sincere Muslim youth fighting for a noble cause. There should be a confederation of Jihadi organisations active across the Islamic world midwifed by Ulema who should help them hold a dialogue among themselves so they come together and iron out their differences and emerge as one powerful global force.

Let me quote to you his exact words, though in translation from Arabic. (A picture of the original letter in Arabic is given below) Syed Salman Hussaini Nadvi says: "as for the issue of Qadiyanis particularly Safvids and those who abuse the Sahaba (companions of the Prophet - meaning Shias), we should not be afraid of them and we do not need to go to the US or Israel to ward off threats from them. Just recruit the Ahl-e-Sunnah youth from the Indian sub-continent and form a powerful Muslim army of the Islamic world. After that there will be no need of the so-called army of the sick youth of the Gulf States. If you are sincere towards the True faith, True path, Sunnah and for the protection of the true path of Islam, then simply make an appeal, a call. Five lakh brave youth from the Indian sub-continent will be provided."

Maulana Nadvi says: "Since the land of Kaabah is the beating heart of the entire Muslim community and is the centre of the Islamic world, the holy Prophet (pbuh) had said about it, 'Drive out the Christians and the Jews' (from Arabia) and had decided that this land is a sacred land for the entire Muslim Ummah and so there is no room here for the Christians and the Jews in the same way there is no room for Muslims in Vatican.

"Therefore this is the responsibility of the government of the Aal-e-Saud (to drive out the Christians and the Jews from Arabia and establish such a nation which will have no non-Muslims)."

He also says: "Military training among the Muslim youth should be stressed. Every effort should be made to save them from Freedom and social ills."

We Indians have a peculiar problem to deal with. The father of our nation, Mahatma Gandhi had vociferously supported Muslims having double loyalties, extra-territorial loyalties to an Islamic Khilafat, the Ottoman Empire, then based in Turkey. Now that Gandhiji's party is not in power, maybe the government will put its foot down and say that those who are loyal to al-Baghdadi's Khilafat will no longer be Indian citizens. They will not be allowed to recruit here for the proposed global Islamic Army.

Sultan Shahin, Editor, New Age Islam


Maulana Salman Hussaini Nadvi

Charter of demands presented to the Saudi government by Maulana Salman Nadvi, the first member of Al-Baghadadi's Islamic Khilafat in India, allegedly on behalf of all the Muslims of world

By Syed Salman Hussaini Nadvi

(Translated by New Age Islam)

Many dynasties ruled over the Arab Peninsula right from the rightly-guided caliphate till today. The rightly-guided caliphate was a God-supported caliphate with the condition that Muslims would fully worship God and will not involve themselves in the system of those who set up partners with God. The Muslims of the first age fulfilled this condition and God bestowed on them the rightly guided caliphate (Khilafat-e-Rashidah). In all the later periods, Muslims demanded from every government that they should form their government on the line of the Khilafat-e-Rashidah and follow the Divine Book and Sunnah of the Prophet pbuh.

After the Khilafat-e-Rashidah, the period of Umayyid, Abbasid and Ottoman caliphate continued that considered the Khilafat-e-Rashidah their basis. Despite having some flaws and weaknesses, they carried on the name of the caliphate. Through it, the Ummah spread from the East to the West had a sense of association and unity and the Ottoman caliphs took care to sustain their international status. The land of the Kaabah, particularly Hijaz, enjoyed sanctimony and considered the service to the two Holy Mosques a duty of all. Sultan Shah Saleem Usmani of the tenth century was the first to assume the title of Khadim-al-Harmain Sharifain (Servant of two Holy Mosques).

From the 18th century, trials and tribulations started to surround the Muslims which reached its peak in the 20th century and with the collusion of the British, the so called leader of Turkey Mustafa Kamal ripped apart the caliphate and ushered in an age of atheism. Thereafter, the Masonic Movement rendered the Islamic world afflicted by atheism and started nationalistic movements that put the entire Islamic world in the clutches of imperialist forces. The war that was going on between government and Church was imposed on the Islamic world.

This was the time when for the first time Aal-e-Saud (Saud Family) supported the reform movement of Muhammad bin Wahhab and brought about a political revolution and strengthened his power in the land of Kaabah by entering into a number of agreements and treaties with the government of Britain. After the second World War, America replaced Britain and the Saudi government had political and economic treaties resulting in the discovery of oil reservoirs, bringing about a new and golden age of economic prosperity in which wealth flowed like water.

 Since the land of Kaabah is the beating heart of the entire Muslim community and is the centre of the Islamic world, the holy Prophet (pbuh) had said about it, “Drive out the Christians and the Jews from Arabia) and had decided that this land is a sacred land for the entire Muslim Ummah and so there is no room here for the Christians and the Jews in the same way there is no room for Muslims in Vatican.

Therefore this was the responsibility of the government of the Aal-e-Saud.

 If they are the representatives of the Islamic world and want to get recognition in that capacity and expect all the Muslims of the world to look upon them in that capacity and they want that Muslims should not run any false propaganda about them, they should care for the Islamic and religious status of the Arabian peninsula and consider Yemen, Oman, Qatar, Emirates and Kuwait a part of Arabian Peninsula and should demonstrate unity with them by lifting visa restrictions  as was the Islamic system 1300 years ago rather than showing sub-ordination to Pro-Jewish UNO and be under treaty obligations with Britain and America. They should have implemented the Shariah in all the departments of life. That is,

1.    The political system should be Islamic and based on Shura system and should not be dynastic.

2.    The economic system should be completely free from interest and based on pure Islamic principles.

3.    The education system should work on Islamic principles through which pious generations could be produced. Scientists and experts in Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Engineering and Electronic should be prepared who could defeat Europeans and could prove Islam’s superiority in the modern world.

4.    The Judicial system should work on Islamic law on the lines of Hujjah wa Ahkam al Adliiyyah and Fatawa Alamgiriah and fulfil the requirements of justice in its light and should mould the modern judicial system into Islamic form.

5.    Wealth should have been distributed on just basis. There should have been an institution on the lines of Khilafat-e-Rashida. Salaries for the officers should have been fixed or decided by the members of Shura. Aal-e-Saud should not have been the owner of all the income. Their position should have been that of a Mutawalli and guardian and they would have been the servants of the nation.

6.    Means of Mass Communication would give correct information and would be dedicated to the service of Islam. They would be used for the spread of education on a large scale. Messages would be conveyed to the entire Muslim community of the world through them in their own language. Journalism, radio, television and social media would spread true Islamic messages and permission would be given for their use in the work of Dawah and social reform.

7.    Not only Islamic studies departments of universities but all the departments of science and arts that come under the university curriculum should have been based solely on Shariah and religious principles. Like the Christian world, there should not have been a division of modern and old and professors and ulema.

8.    A powerful army was needed for the Two Holy Mosques that would be constituted of brave youth from across the Islamic world who would be ready to sacrifice their lives to protect the two Holy Mosques. If it were so, there would be no need to take help of any Christian or Zionist army. Only the Muslim army would defend the land and would render the services for the security of the entire Islamic world and wherever there would be atrocities on the members of the community, the Islamic world army would stand by them.

9.    It was the responsibility of the government of the Land of the Kaabah to make OIC more powerful and effective instead of the UNO that has been established by the Zionist and Masonic brains. It would play a decisive role in international issues and would establish Islamic League in place of Arab League.

10. The Saudi government should appoint ulema and preachers for the Two Holy Mosques from among the entire Muslim world and the responsibility of their selection would be given to, say, Rabita Alam-e-Islami whose members represent the entire Islamic world. They should be given a more effective representation. Help should be taken from Tablighi Jamaat and other Islamic organisations along with the authorities of the Holy Mosques in the management of Hajj. They will help in the arrangements of Hajj sincerely and crores of rupees can be saved.

11. It is the responsibility of the Saudi government to maintain good relations with all the Ahle-e-Sunnat wal Jamaat groups, organisations and movements on the basis of equality, love and co-operation. They should not make any one sect or ideology the official sect or ideology. The practices that are a bid’ah (innovation) and corruption according to a majority of ulema should be abolished and should implement the opinion of the majority of ulema on religious and ideological issues.

12. Efforts should be made to form a confederation of jihadi organistions active across the Islamic world. Dialogues should be arranged among them under the patronage of ulema. Differences should be removed from among them. They should be made aware of the true Islamic way with sincere efforts. They should not be called enemies, terrorists and opponents and should not be antagonised. False allegations should not be levelled against the youth for having relations with them and they should not be sent behind bars on the reports of various departments. Shariah based rights and human rights should be kept in mind.

13. Those who have been demanding reforms in Najd and other areas should not be branded enemies of the government and forced to go on exile or be incarcerated. They should be given an opportunity to attend the open dialogue on the platform of Rabita Alam-e-Islami. If their views are agreed upon, the government should accept and implement them and if there is no agreement on some issues, they should be made to accept the decision and if they are found out of the purview of Shariah, they should be dealt with justice.

14. Military training among the youth should be stressed. Every effort should be made to save them from individual and social ills. The ministry relating to the youth should be handed over to a pious elder who can impart military training to the youth and encourage them to take part in sports dissuading them from fun and frolic in the name of entertainment.

15. Presently the steps taken by the government have caused disrepute and disgrace for the government against which the Ulema of the country have time and again warned it. The government should come out of the mess and take appropriate decisions for the unity of the Ummah and implement them as soon as possible.

16. The sacred land of Syria is in a pool of blood due to the worst atrocities. More than two lakh Muslims have been martyred and more than ten lakh people have been rendered homeless. Obviously, this situation is not acceptable from any angle -- human, ethical, religious and legal. It was the responsibility of the government of the land of Holy Mosques to come to the battle field and help the victims. Accepting the Veto power of the five countries in the UNO is religiously haram and remaining helpless in face of their decision is worse than eating pig.

17. Situation seemed to be conducive for the establishment of an Islamic system in Egypt after 60-70- years. An Islamic and noble organisation had come to power. It should have got full support from the land of Kaabah. No one in the Islamic world could have imagined that the custodians of the Two Holy Mosques would support the pro-Israel army, bastard police, atheistic judiciary and directionless media. The entire Ummah ws flabbergasted and disappointed at it and was enraged at it. It branded Saudi government pro-Israel, a stooge of the US and a patron of evil. This is a fact that cannot be changed by the sycophantic rant of the admirers of Saudi government.

18. The situation will be more complicated and turn into a crisis with the meeting of the Foreign Ministry of Saudi government and special instructions to Saudi ambassadors in the countries of the world and the Muslims of the world will pray for the end of the Saudi government. I am saying this with a sympathetic and injured heart. I may be punished for this word of justice but the flood of Muslim ummah cannot be stopped.

19. A similar situation prevails in Tunisia, Libya and other countries where tyrant rulers ruled for fifty and sixty years. People rose against them. The government of the land of Holy Mosques should help and support the oppressed people. Supporting the Pharaohs, Nimruds and Bu Jahls of our times will not result in any good, rather cause disgrace and failure in the Hereafter.

20.    They should instruct all the embassies of the government to bring the Muslim Ummah together with relation to The Holy Mosques. Avoid sectarian differences, mischief, strife and hatred. They should be the best medium for the introduction of Islam to non-Muslims along with caring for the interests of the Muslims. The lives of the ambassadors and their affairs should not be a cause for disrepute and disgrace for Islam and Islamic community. The diplomats should keep it in mind.

As for the issue of Qadiyanis particularly Safvids and those who abuse the Sahaba (companions of the Prophet - meaning Shias), we should not be afraid of them and we do not need to go to the US or Israel to ward off threats from them. Just recruit the Ahl-e-Sunnah youth from the Indian sub-continent and form a powerful Muslim army of the Islamic world. After that there will be no need of the so-called army of the sick youth of the Gulf States. If you are sincere towards the True faith, true path, Sunnah and for the protection of the true path of Islam, then simply make an appeal, a call. Five lakh brave youth from the Indian sub-continent will be provided.  

Obviously I have no grudge or enmity with your nation, or the family of Aal-e-Saud. My grandfather Hadhrat Syed Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi maintained healthy and sympathetic relations with your government from 1946 to 1999 and gave good advice. I too present these views, following in his footsteps, and hope you will listen and reply.


The above charter of demands to Saudi government on Maulana' Nadvi's Facebook page:



Letter of Mr. Salman Hussaini Nadvi to self-styled Khalifa of global Muslim community Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi

(Translated from Arabic into English by New Age Islam)

In the name of Allah, the most gracious the most merciful

From Salman Hussaini Nadvi, the grandson of Imam Abul Hasan Ali Hasani Nadvi

One of the servants of Islam

To Ameerul M’umineen in the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, Mr. Abu Bakar al-Baghdadi al-Hussaini

May God Almighty protect him, benefit the community and raise the banner of Islam through him.

The prophet Muhammad -may peace be upon him- said: «Religion is advice». They (the Sahaba, companions of the Prophet (saw)) said: «To whom it is directed, o prophet of Allah». He said: «To Allah and His Book and His messenger, to the leader of the Muslims and their common folk». And Allah Almighty said, (By time, indeed, mankind is in loss, Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience).

Respected Islamic leader, I had been keeping abreast of news about the Islamic State for a long time and was very e excited about it. Earlier, I kept myself aware of the jihad of Islamic organisations in Afghanistan which was in fact against Russia. Then there was the American attack on Iraq. I am also aware that in Syria, the differences between Al Nusrah and the Islamic State have intensified. Moreover, differences among the organisations that were fighting in Syria were a bad omen for us. However, during the same time, we heard the good news that you have captured Mosul in Iraq and have attained victory over the tyrant Maliki. At present, Maliki is very aggressive and has left no stone unturned in spreading religious strife. This mischief is serious and the one who is spreading it is a great tyrant.

I have listened to you with great attention though I have not seen you. But I have listened to one who has been appointed as your representative. You are bravely standing as a rock and have embarked on a path which is filled with thorns and stones. I listened to your speech which you delivered two days ago on Friday in Ramadhan in the Jama Masjid of Mosul. We are aware that all the Sunni tribes are with you. Apart from them, the Jihadi organisations do not want to fight against you. All have accepted whatever role you are playing and have accepted you as Ameerul Momineen.

I would also like to say that justice should be delivered and oppression should be done away with. All the groups should be seen on one platform. I wish that the Islamic State turns into an Islamic Caliphate. Followers of one religion should not target the followers of another religion. Shias and Sunnis should not be killed. Followers of all religions should be given justice. No one should be killed without justification except when it is permissible, that is those who fight against God and his Prophet pbuh and spread mischief. The killing of women, the old and children is not permissible in any circumstances except when their crime is proved and the sentence is pronounced by God fearing Quazis.

The Scholars of Hadith used to narrate Hadith from Kharijites, Shiites, Murji'ites, Mu’tazilites etc. The books of strata’ and biographies of Hadith transmitters (kutub al-tarajim wa tabaqat) bear testimony to it. So, let us widen our hearts for intellectual, ideological and practical doctrines, dealing with education, knowledge and reformation and grant forgiveness which was announced by our holy Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) at the time of conquering Mecca; which is the best model and foundation for us.

Fatwas and harsh statements should not be launched in the Islamic groups whose sincerity, authenticity, the majesty of its founders and their pious services to Islam are known to us. Nor should it be judged because of some of its stances, viewpoints and policy which are the policy of necessity after direct or indirect occupation. So there are lots of opinions in this regard.

The relations with the global countries should be established on the basis of (Allah does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes - from being righteous toward them and acting justly toward them.)

You should take advantage of the occasion and victories for preaching not for alienating. You should make it easy rather than difficult. You should propagate Islam with hearts full of love for humanity, compassion and pity for creation. (Then perhaps you would kill yourself through grief over them, [O Muhammad], if they do not believe in this message [and] out of sorrow).

Today the world is in dire need to establish security, peace, harmony and a unified resistance against arrogant fanatical tyrants.

Therefore, there should be powerful media, strong activity, strong call and good relations with the innocent peace-loving people. It is necessary to send delegations, contact embassies, report unfair grievances of the governments, display documents in front of the world, convincing people with the cause of justice and human rights and the need to eliminate hotbeds of corruption, tyranny and despotism.

While I am writing this letter to you in the night of 7th day of the blessed Ramadan after I heard Friday speech that you gave in the mosque of Mosul today via YouTube, I extend a call to all clans, factions and battalions to be on one platform, and fraternize with one another, avoiding all what cause unjust blood-shed, or disgraces, sacredness or raise sectarian interests and differences.  (O you who have believed, fear Allah as He should be feared and do not die except as Muslims [in submission to Him]. (And do not be like the ones who became divided and differed after the clear proofs had come to them. And those will have a great punishment).



