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Islamic World News ( 6 May 2016, NewAgeIslam.Com)

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Turkey Opens Secret Border-Crossing to Dispatch more Arms, Recruits to Terrorists in Syria


New Age Islam News Bureau

6 May 2016

Photo: Mo Naqvi's documentary on the Lal Masjid was banned by the CBFC for 'projecting a negative image of Pakistan'.


 Dar ul Islamia in Imarat–e- Sharia, Bihar Turned into a Battlefield in a War of Supremacy

 Banned Documentary 'Among the Believers' Privately Screened In Karachi

 Bangladesh Professor under Threat after Asking Student to Remove Veil

 Islamic State Seeks News Blackout in Mosul As Iraqi Army Nears



 Turkey Opens Secret Border-Crossing to Dispatch more Arms, Recruits to Terrorists in Syria

 Why Turkey Is Finally Getting Serious About the Islamic State

 The Muslim Brotherhood bears the cost of reset in Mideast

 The Turkish Town in ISIS’ Crosshairs: Kilis Residents Struggle under Rocket Attacks from Syria

 Deniz Gezmiş and friends commemorated on 44th anniversary of execution

 Turkey dismisses Russian spokeswoman’s ‘Ottoman’ comment

 Davutoğlu stepping down as Turkish PM, AKP to hold snap congress



 Dar ul Islamia in Imarat–e- Sharia, Bihar Turned into a Battlefield in a War of Supremacy

 SC Set Aside Jaipur TADA Court Verdict – Exonerates Dr. Jalees Ansari after 23 Years

 They wanted to join Islamic State, but became Jaish-e-Mohammad terrorists

 Situation in Afghanistan remains highly volatile, Indian Embassy alerts citizens

 Mehbooba Praises India's Pluralism



 Banned Documentary 'Among the Believers' Privately Screened In Karachi

 Six Years after Gojra Riots, Muslims Raise Funds to Build Church In The Area

 'No difference between agitators and terrorists': PM lashes out at opposition

 Parliament watch: Why does Bilawal want to ‘retake’ Kashmir by force?


South Asia

 Bangladesh Professor under Threat after Asking Student to Remove Veil

 200 Militants Discovered From Sheep Trucks In North Of Afghanistan

 Taliban commander involved in major terrorist attacks arrested in Wardak

 60 released from Taliban prison in Helmand during Afghan commandos night raid

 Afghan Special Forces demonstrate capabilities during Kabul drills

 Ghani assigns Stanikzai as acting NDS chief, Abdullah Khan acting defence minister

 2 Pakistani insurgents arrested with large cache of explosives in Nangarhar

 Muslim attackers throw homemade bombs at Christian family's home in Bangladesh


Arab World

 Islamic State Seeks News Blackout in Mosul As Iraqi Army Nears

 Syria: Infighting Rages between ISIL, Rival Terrorists in Dara'a

 Iraq Routed Islamic State from Ramadi, But At The Cost Of the City Itself

 Over 60 Terrorists Killed across Syria's Battlefields in One Day

 In Syria, Russia Plays Bach Where ISIS Executed 25

 Iran’s Dehqan Tells Islamic Jihad Head: Unity Key to Defeating Israel

 Iran always defendant of Palestinians: Rouhani

 Informed Sources Reject Syrian Air Force's Involvement in Attack on Camp of Refugees in Idlib

 Two More Terrorist Commanders Killed in Southern Battlefields of Aleppo

 Security forces foil Daesh designs



 Africa's Largest Mosque under Construction as a 'Heavy Blow' To Radical Islamists

 More Than 30 Killed In Inter-Communal Clashes in Mali

 Islamic Finance in Sub-Saharan Africa - New Momentum, New Opportunities for Growth Across the Continent



 London Looks Set To Elect First Muslim Mayor

 ISIS documentary reveals secrets from inside a terror cell

 ‘Shariah Police’ Enforcing Islamic Rules to Face Trial in Germany, but the Likely Charge May Surprise You


North America

 Hate Crimes Rise Along With Donald Trump’s Anti-Muslim Rhetoric

 U.S. Army Special Forces Officer Speaks On Muslim Immigration

 'It could get a lot worse for Muslims in America'


Southeast Asia

 Myanmar Anti-Muslim Activist Arrested for Post about Suu Kyi

 Why was Kaman Muslim deaths ignored?

Compiled by New Age Islam News Bureau




Turkey Opens Secret Border-Crossing to Dispatch more Arms, Recruits to Terrorists in Syria

06 May 2016

TEHRAN (FNA)- Kurdish media activists disclosed that Turkey has set up a new border crossing with Syria's Aleppo province to provide secretly the terrorist groups with more heavy weapons.

"Based on continued demands of the Ankara-backed terrorist groups of Faylaq al-Sultan Murad, Ahrar al-Sham, al-Nusra Front and Faylaq al-Sham and after repeated reports on the involvement of Turkey in shipment of arms to terrorist groups in Syria, the Turkish military and intelligence officials managed to open a new border crossing with the width of 2 kilometers for the dispatch of tanks and armored personnel carries to the terrorist-held regions North of Syria," the sources said.

"The new border crossing is ready to shoulder Bab al-Salamaeh border crossing's activities," the sources added.

"The new border crossing connects the Turkish territories to the village of Hawar Kalas in the Northeastern part of Azaz," they went on to say.

In mid-April, informed sources said that a large number of terrorists, with different nationalities, crossed the Turkish border with Syria's Northern province of Aleppo to join their comrades in al-Nusra Front.

"Foreign-national terrorist, trained and supplied in Turkey, have entered the territories of Northern Aleppo in groups to join the al-Qaeda-affiliated al-Nusra Front," the sources said, adding, "The fresh terrorists have brought with them a large volume of ammunition and weapons."

Different sources have underlined on many occasions the role of Turkey and Saudi Arabia in infiltration of foreign terrorists and shipment of arms to terrorist-held lands in Syria.

The sources also have confirmed that al-Nusra Front has no good situation in Aleppo's battlefields.



Dar ul Islamia in Imarat – e Sharia, Bihar Turned into a Battlefield in a War of Supremacy

Nadeem Ahmad, Inquilab, Delhi

Phulwari Sharif, Patna: Dar ul Uloom Islamia turned into a battlefield on Monday afternoon. S.P, Patna Rakesh Kumar, BDO Shamshir Malik, other officials, police from Phulwari Sharif, Beur, Shastri Nagar, Jaanipur and others Police Stations was called to bring the situation under control.

All this started when the Nazim of Imarat e Sharia Maulana Anees ur Rahman Quasmi and other officials reached the madrasa campus and announced the dismissal of the Head of the madrasa Maulana Mufti Junaid Alam Nadwi from all his posts.  Students of the madrasa protested this announcement and the campus turned into a battlefield.

The ‘Muhtamim’ of the madrasa filed an FIR against 30-35 officials of Imarat e Sharia and accused them of illegal entry into the campus, efforts of taking the control of the management and threatening him for his life. 

The written statement, issued by Imarat e Sharia, dismissing Mufti Junaid from all his posts including the post of Secretary of the madrasa accuses him of  breaking the rules and spreading rumours against the Imarat. The notice issued, also mentions that Maulana Suhail Nadwi is appointed the Secretary of the madrasa by the order of Ameer e Shariat Maulana Syed Wali Rahmani on the recommendation of Majlis e Intezamia. The said order also appointed Maulana Shakeel Ahmad Quasmi as the Muhtamim and Maulana Minnatullah Quasmi as the Headmaster and Shaikh ul Hadees of Madrasa Dar ul Uloom Islamia.

The letter issued also accuses Mufti Junaid of issuing various illegal Fatwas against the rules of the Imarat. It further states, that he was reprimanded on different occasion for his faults but he never cared. He is also accused of refusing to be a part of Sama which is a strict order of the Ameer e Shariat. Sama and Ta’at of Ameer e Shariat is a must for all the workers of Imarat e Sharia. The statement issued by the Imarat says that Mufti Junaid was dismissed from the post of ‘Mufti’ from Dar ul Ifta w.e.f 02 May 2016 i.e. 24 Rajab ul Mrajjab 1437 Hijri.

Mufti Junaid’s FIR states that, 30-35 people, including Maulana Anees ur Rahman Quasmi Nazim Imarat Sharia, Maulan Sana ul Huda Quasmi, Mufri Suhail Ahmad Nadwi, Maulana Suhail, Maulana Suhrab, Maulana Wasi, Istekhar Nezami etc. illegally entered the madrasa campus, gathered some students and started a speech on the topic of Quazi Jaleel Ilm. After the speech Maulana Wasi announced that Mufti Junaid has been dismissed from the post of Secretary of the madrasa and Maulana Suhail Nadwi has replaced him. Mufti Junaid says that this announcement was totally against the by-laws of the Trust and so was illegal. He has mentioned in the FIR that these people wanted to forcefully take the charge of madrasa and dismiss him from his posts.

According to eye witnesses, Nazim Imarat Maulana Anees ur Rahman Quasmi called the Chief Minister and informed him of the prevailing situation. After that the Police and administration reached the spot and brought the situation under control.

According to close associates of Mufti Junaid madrasa management started working as before after the police intervention.

Madrasa is functioning as it used to during the times of Ameer e Shariat, Maulana Syed Nizamuddin (ra) and Mufti Junaid is looking after its affairs as before.



Banned Documentary 'Among the Believers' Privately Screened In Karachi

06th May 2016

If you don’t like us then arrest us. Shoot us. But if you think you can change us then forget about it, said Maulana Abdul Aziz staring into the camera in an interview with Mohammad Ali Naqvi and his team for the documentary Among the Believers, which was screened privately in the city on Thursday evening.

Maulana Aziz’s words left a chill in the room as the audience gathered to an invite-only event and watched an unsettling and eye-opening exploration into the expansion of the Red Mosque’s madrasa network in Pakistan.

On April 29, the film was banned in a notification issued by the Central Board of Film Censors citing that the film projected a negative image of Pakistan in the context of the ongoing fight against extremism and terrorism.

The co-director of the film, Mr Naqvi, claims these objections are unfounded.

According to Mr Naqvi, the documentary, first screened at the Tribeca Film Festival last year, took nearly six years to complete. “I am happy to be here,” he said, adding that this was the first time a film of his was being screened in the country. Two of his other films, one on street children and another on Mukhtaran Mai did not make it here.

“It’s exhilarating,” he said. “The government thinks we portray a negative image of Pakistan so we decided to have a private screening to give people the opportunity to make their own judgement.”

Among the Believers opens with a meeting with Maulana Aziz in 2009. Surrounded by armed guards, the Maulana makes his way to the Red Mosque where people greet him and some kiss his hand. Throughout the documentary, the Maulana is surround by armed gunmen and followers.

In the first interview, Maulana Aziz introduces a young boy whose father has just left his mother. The madrasa took him in and started to look after his religious education. When asked by Maulana Aziz what he wants to be when he grows up, the child shouts: “A mujahid!”

Mr Naqvi’s film follows Maulana Aziz’s personal quest to impose a strict version of Sharia law in Pakistan. Footage from one of the sermons he gave between 2007 to 2013 shows his telling a hall full of men that “progressive thought is dying”, asking them “will you go to jail for Islam?”. His primary weapon is his expanding network of madressahs, which offer free food and lodging for children, men and women.

A contemporary narrative is provided in the form of Dr Pervez Hoodbhoy, a nuclear physicist and activist who explains what is being taught at madressahs and seminaries.

To examine Maulana Aziz’s narrative, the film also looks at the life of two young students — Talha and a girl who ran away from the madressah, who are pawns in his ideological war.



Bangladesh Professor under Threat after Asking Student to Remove Veil

6, May 2016

NEW DELHI: After a Dhaka University professor asked a woman to remove her veil during his class, extremists called for his death, posting his personal details online along with tips on how to kill.

Today, he remains under constant guard by armed police, stays mostly at home and bars his front door.

Azizur Rahman is among a growing number of political moderates and intellectuals seeking protection in Bangladesh, where at least 15 writers, activists, religious minorities and foreign aid workers have been killed in targeted attacks since the start of 2015.

Suspected militants have claimed responsibility for the killings, which have prompted some Bangladeshis to go into hiding, and others to seek asylum in the United States and Europe.

Some of the violence has taken place at Rahman's university in Dhaka.

Last year, secular writer and blogger Avijit Roy was hacked to death and his wife was critically injured in a savage attack on campus. In 2004, members of a banned militant group stabbed poet and linguist Humayun Azad at a campus book fair; he died months later.

Rahman, a psychology professor, pleaded with the government for 24-hour armed security outside his classes and at the modest campus apartment where he lives with his wife.

Plainclothes policemen follow his every move around the sprawling, tree-filled open campus where he teaches five days a week.

Rahman said in an interview that he had asked the student to remove her veil because "I should know whom I am teaching... I told her if you show your face in the [student] identity card, you can also do so in class."

As the girl refused, the exchange was captured on a cellphone video by another student in the class. The next day, it had been uploaded onto the Facebook page of a suspected militant group called Salauddiner Ghora, or The Horses of Salauddin along with a clarion call for its followers to murder Rahman, whom they called "un-Islamic".

With the video, the group also posted Rahman's photograph, personal phone number and Facebook account. It also posted a link to an online blog detailing strategies for killing someone quietly, and links to two videos on YouTube on how to cut with a knife.

Rahman said he believes extremists have had their eye on him for some time, and are “capitalising on the veil issue.”

“Militants and persons belonging to religion-based organisations have carried out a hate campaign against me in a planned manner,” he said.

Rahman has been critical of those who opposed Bangladesh's independence from Pakistan, won through a brutal war fought in 1971. The issue has exacerbated tensions between Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's secular government and the country's Islamist opposition since the government set up special tribunal proceedings to prosecute 1971 war crimes.

Though some rights groups and foreign governments have called the proceedings flawed, the trials have continued to convict opposition leaders and sentence them to death.

On Thursday, the Supreme Court rejected a petition from the leader of the Jamaat-i-Islami opposition party, Motiur Rahman Nizami, seeking a review of his war-crimes conviction and death sentence. Amnesty International urged Bangladesh to stay Nizami's execution and avoid stoking tensions, noting the court's decision had already triggered countrywide protests.

“Taking another life will just perpetuate the cycle of violence,” the group's South Asia campaign director, Jameen Kaur, said in a statement.

All 15 attacks on writers, minorities, activists and foreigners have been claimed by the militant Islamic State (IS) group or various Al Qaeda affiliates in Bangladesh, but the government denies any involvement by transnational jihadist groups. It blames the political opposition, which denies involvement and says it is being scapegoated.

The Bangladeshi government insists it is working to stop the attacks, but so far it has charged no one in any of the 15 killings since 2015.

Meanwhile, the brutality continues, usually by a handful of young men wielding knives or cleavers to hack their targets to death. On April 30, a Hindu tailor was murdered. The government has advised people at risk to simply lie low and try not to offend anyone.

This week Singapore announced that it had detained eight Bangladeshi workers suspected of planning attacks linked to IS in their home country, and Bangladesh detained another five who had been deported back from Singapore for suspected IS ties.

Rahman is not the only Dhaka University teacher to receive death threats, Vice Chancellor A.A.M.S. Arefin Siddique said.

“Threats from unnamed senders are nothing new, but an open declaration to kill the professor is a precise one,” Siddique said. He has urged the city's police chief to be proactive in the case by going after those posting threats online.

“The persons calling for murder should be arrested,” Siddique said. He added that university officials “are doing everything to ensure (Rahman's) security and safety.”

Officer Abu Bakar Siddique, who heads the police station that registered Rahman's complaint, said he had no information about the group that had posted the threatening Facebook post, which had also praised the fatal stabbings on April 25 of two gay-rights activists, including an employee of the US Agency for International Development (USAID).

This week, the Facebook account appeared to have been blocked or deactivated and was not accessible. Among those coming to Rahman's defence is the student who refused to remove her veil.

Taposhi Rabeya, a third-year student, said she was surprised by the threats made against her professor, and that the video posted online did not fairly capture the full exchange Rahman had with his students. Rabeya said she had worked out an understanding with Rahman that allowed her to continue wearing the veil in class.

“I hope all will realise the truth and uphold the dignity of the teacher, and refrain from further misinterpreting the issue,” she wrote.



Islamic State seeks news blackout in Mosul as Iraqi army nears

06 May 2016

MAKHMOUR, Iraq: For Iraqis living in the Islamic State stronghold of Mosul, news is dwindling about the U.S.-backed army massing to the south for an assault on the city that could begin this year.

Soon after Iraqi forces established a foothold in the Makhmour area in February, about 60 km (40 miles) from the northern city, the jihadists began restricting access to television for its 1 million-strong population, according to residents.

With limited and erratic access to internet and mobile networks, civilians in Mosul have depended on satellite TV for their primary source of news from the outside world since Islamic State captured the city two years ago.

The timing of the crackdown is significant, according to local officials and analysts. They said Islamic State's aim was to insulate residents and its own fighters from any further news about the advance of Iraqi forces.

This could reduce the chances of a co-ordinated uprising against Islamic State in the city and of people who could be used as "human shields" trying to flee, they said, as well as preventing morale among fighters falling.

The move reflects the importance of Mosul to the militants; the capital of Nineveh province is the largest under their control and regarded as their de facto capital.

Islamic State wants to prevent its fighters and civilians under its control from learning about its setbacks, said Nineveh provincial councilman Hassan al-Sabawi.

"They are scared of satellites because they give a realistic picture of the situation," he said, in contrast to the group's own one-sided media.

Mosul residents say they mostly watch Iraqi TV channels focused on Nineveh like al-Mousalia, al-Sharqiya and Nineveh al-Ghad, as well as pan-Arab stations Al Jazeera and Al Hadath.

Islamic State has removed satellite TV receivers from some cafes and markets and said they would be banned from all public spaces in one month, according to five residents contacted over the phone and internet.

In early April the group barred the sale and maintenance of satellite receiver boxes for household use, according to two local merchants contacted online.

"Three members of the Hisba (morality police) entered my shop and said, 'From now on buying and selling satellite receivers is prohibited. They are a source of debauchery and immorality'," one merchant said.


The militants also coerce residents into giving up their receivers. One said he turned over his box in order to free a brother arrested for smoking. An elderly widow said Islamic State took hers as a condition for giving her financial aid.

Islamic State has even threatened to cut electricity generators used by 80 percent of residents unless they surrender the receivers, three residents said.

Omar Dulimi, a Washington-based analyst at the Stabilisation Network who specializes in governance and media in Islamic State areas, said the militants fear Baghdad could use satellite TV to direct residents to safety during the Mosul battle as it did earlier this year in Ramadi, enabling some civilians to avoid becoming human shields.

"They knew it would be hard to ban satellite TV so they took it in stages. They know they can't go to every house and destroy it, so they wanted to first convince people to do it for them," he said.

"But the locals don't want to get rid of their last line of access to the outside world so (Islamic State) has become more aggressive," he added, predicting there could be physical punishments and home raids in coming months.

Islamic State, which seized a third of Iraqi territory in 2014, has been pushed back in the west towards the Syrian border but an army offensive in the north has made slower progress. Iraqi authorities aim to retake Mosul by the end of the year with boosted support from the United States.

Increasing restrictions on television in the city have raised the stakes in an ongoing battle waged over the radio airwaves for the past year.

At least one private radio station - al-Ghad, which receives funding from former Mosul governor Atheel al-Nujaifi - is broadcasting into Islamic State territory.


The militant group regularly tries to scramble al-Ghad's signal by broadcasting over their transmission, said the station's manager, who declined to be named for security reasons. Its operators respond by switching to different frequencies.

"We know media is one of the strongest weapons Daesh (Islamic State) uses, especially inside the city. It is an open war between us and Daesh's media," said the manager of the station, which set up transmitters a year ago close to the military frontline south of Mosul.

Al-Ghad conducts live broadcasts that residents can call into using Viber or WhatsApp. It also airs programmes aimed at fighting radicalism, hosting Islamic scholars who challenge Islamic State ideology.

Militants sometimes call in and threaten the broadcasters on air, said the manager.

"Their main weapon is to build barriers and try to have a siege and make the people inside prisoners by disconnecting them from the whole world," he said. "So we try to break the siege."

The Iraqi government waded into the media battle about three months ago with a radio station broadcasting from a concrete shelter at the Makhmour army base.

Soldiers run the radio for around eight hours a day, transmitting religious prayers, patriotic songs, news broadcasts and pre-recorded messages.

"We tell them 'We are close to you, we are coming to liberate you and save you," one of the operators told Reuters during a visit last month.

Islamic State quickly scrambled the station's signal, "so the scrambler was bombed", he said.

But the signal currently only reaches halfway to Mosul. The operator said transmitters would be moved closer to the city as the army advances, but so far Iraqi forces have taken only four villages since launching operations from Makhmour a month ago.




Turkey Opens Secret Border-Crossing to Dispatch more Arms, Recruits to Terrorists in Syria

06 May 2016

TEHRAN (FNA)- Kurdish media activists disclosed that Turkey has set up a new border crossing with Syria's Aleppo province to provide secretly the terrorist groups with more heavy weapons.

"Based on continued demands of the Ankara-backed terrorist groups of Faylaq al-Sultan Murad, Ahrar al-Sham, al-Nusra Front and Faylaq al-Sham and after repeated reports on the involvement of Turkey in shipment of arms to terrorist groups in Syria, the Turkish military and intelligence officials managed to open a new border crossing with the width of 2 kilometers for the dispatch of tanks and armored personnel carries to the terrorist-held regions North of Syria," the sources said.

"The new border crossing is ready to shoulder Bab al-Salamaeh border crossing's activities," the sources added.

Full report at:



Why Turkey is finally getting serious about the Islamic State


Turkey recently stepped up its game against the Islamic State (IS) in response to increasingly militarized attacks on targets inside Turkey's borders.

IS is striving to open a front against Turkey to expand its area of operations and ease the heavy pressure it is under in Iraq and Syria. No doubt IS is keen to show that its success story continues by shifting the war to Europe and Turkey. IS is also holding Turkey directly responsible for losses in northern Syria.

For about a year, Turkey has been arresting a growing number of IS militants and sympathizers, but Ankara, aware of local sensitivities, has been careful to keep its anti-IS struggle inside Turkey low-key without attracting media attention and upsetting public opinion.

Full report at:



The Muslim Brotherhood bears the cost of reset in Mideast


The growing closeness between Riyadh and Ankara is pushing the latter to adopt a more balanced and distanced attitude toward the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization it once embraced wholeheartedly.

Intending to “lead the winds of change in the Middle East,” Turkey made supporting a government of its ideological fellow traveler, the Muslim Brotherhood, the linchpin of its Middle East policy. Such moves were not limited to Mohamed Morsi in Egypt, but came to encompass Tunisia, Libya and Syria, drawing Turkey and Qatar closer together while simultaneously driving it further away from the great defender of the status quo, Saudi Arabia. What’s more, its failure to adapt its foreign policy line to the changing conditions severely isolated the country in the region.

Full report at:



The Turkish Town In ISIS’ Crosshairs: Kilis Residents Struggle Under Rocket Attacks From Syria


Anwar Mohammed fled his homeland three years ago to escape the routine violence that ravaged his city of Azaz and pushed millions to flee northwestern Syria. He and his wife settled with their three young children just on the other side of the Turkish border, seeking quiet and safety in the town of Kilis, where Mohammed often works as a translator for foreign journalists.

But in recent months, rockets from Syria have broken a calm in the Turkish town. Each day, residents rush indoors, praying for their safety as rockets fired by the Islamic State group in Syria rain down.

“All the Syrians have escaped from war and they came here, and suddenly they have war again,” Mohammed said. “Daily life here has changed a lot. Most of the people are spending time inside the house.”

Full report at:



Deniz Gezmiş and friends commemorated on 44th anniversary of execution


Deniz Gezmiş, Yusuf Aslan and Hüseyin İnan, three student leaders executed in 1972 for attempting to overthrow the constitutional order, were commemorated on May 6 with several ceremonies to mark the 44th anniversary of their death.

The commemorations began in Ankara late on May 5 with a group from the main opposition Republican People’s Party’s (CHP) youth branch and the party’s Altındağ district branch, gathering in front of the Ulucanlar Prison Museum, where the three were executed in 1972.  

During the ceremony, the group marched from the Altındağ district branch building to the museum with torches and laid down red flowers and candles next to three symbolic gallows. They also hang a wreath which read “we will not let this be forgotten” on the walls of the museum.

Full report at:



Turkey dismisses Russian spokeswoman’s ‘Ottoman’ comment


A senior Turkish official dismissed on May 5 a Russian spokeswoman’s comments regarding what she called the “destructive role of the Turkish government” on various issues.

Maria Zakharova, the official spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, told daily Izvestia on May 4 that Turkey was “striving to restore the previous might of the Ottoman Empire in one way or another.”       

“Everybody knows how the Ottoman Empire ended,” she is quoted as saying by the TASS news agency. “Unfortunately, we can see an absolutely destructive role of the Turkish government in [everything], be it Crimea, Syria, refugees, terrorism, ethnic problems, and so on.”     

Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman Tanju Bilgiç said May 5 that comments from those “who do not respect the territorial integrity of their neighbors” and “try to camouflage their own internal problems with adventures in foreign policy, have no value in our eyes.”     

Full report at:



Davutoğlu stepping down as Turkish PM, AKP to hold snap congress


Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has announced his decision to leave the chairmanship of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) at an extraordinary convention on May 22, underlining that the real reason behind his departure was not his failure as premier but differences with his colleagues over principles.

“My term [as prime minister] was one of success. With this decision, there is no feeling of unsuccessfulness or regret over what I have done. I did my job properly and with honor,” Davutoğlu said at a press conference after the AKP’s central-decision making body decided to hold an extraordinary convention on May 22.

Full report at:



Dar ul Islamia in Imarat – e Sharia, Bihar Turned into a Battlefield in a War of Supremacy

Nadeem Ahmad, Inquilab, Delhi

Phulwari Sharif, Patna: Dar ul Uloom Islamia turned into a battlefield on Monday afternoon. S.P, Patna Rakesh Kumar, BDO Shamshir Malik, other officials, police from Phulwari Sharif, Beur, Shastri Nagar, Jaanipur and others Police Stations was called to bring the situation under control.

All this started when the Nazim of Imarat e Sharia Maulana Anees ur Rahman Quasmi and other officials reached the madrasa campus and announced the dismissal of the Head of the madrasa Maulana Mufti Junaid Alam Nadwi from all his posts.  Students of the madrasa protested this announcement and the campus turned into a battlefield.

The ‘Muhtamim’ of the madrasa filed an FIR against 30-35 officials of Imarat e Sharia and accused them of illegal entry into the campus, efforts of taking the control of the management and threatening him for his life. 

The written statement, issued by Imarat e Sharia, dismissing Mufti Junaid from all his posts including the post of Secretary of the madrasa accuses him of  breaking the rules and spreading rumours against the Imarat. The notice issued, also mentions that Maulana Suhail Nadwi is appointed the Secretary of the madrasa by the order of Ameer e Shariat Maulana Syed Wali Rahmani on the recommendation of Majlis e Intezamia. The said order also appointed Maulana Shakeel Ahmad Quasmi as the Muhtamim and Maulana Minnatullah Quasmi as the Headmaster and Shaikh ul Hadees of Madrasa Dar ul Uloom Islamia.

The letter issued also accuses Mufti Junaid of issuing various illegal Fatwas against the rules of the Imarat. It further states, that he was reprimanded on different occasion for his faults but he never cared. He is also accused of refusing to be a part of Sama which is a strict order of the Ameer e Shariat. Sama and Ta’at of Ameer e Shariat is a must for all the workers of Imarat e Sharia. The statement issued by the Imarat says that Mufti Junaid was dismissed from the post of ‘Mufti’ from Dar ul Ifta w.e.f 02 May 2016 i.e. 24 Rajab ul Mrajjab 1437 Hijri.

Mufti Junaid’s FIR states that, 30-35 people, including Maulana Anees ur Rahman Quasmi Nazim Imarat Sharia, Maulan Sana ul Huda Quasmi, Mufri Suhail Ahmad Nadwi, Maulana Suhail, Maulana Suhrab, Maulana Wasi, Istekhar Nezami etc. illegally entered the madrasa campus, gathered some students and started a speech on the topic of Quazi Jaleel Ilm. After the speech Maulana Wasi announced that Mufti Junaid has been dismissed from the post of Secretary of the madrasa and Maulana Suhail Nadwi has replaced him. Mufti Junaid says that this announcement was totally against the by-laws of the Trust and so was illegal. He has mentioned in the FIR that these people wanted to forcefully take the charge of madrasa and dismiss him from his posts.

According to eye witnesses, Nazim Imarat Maulana Anees ur Rahman Quasmi called the Chief Minister and informed him of the prevailing situation. After that the Police and administration reached the spot and brought the situation under control.

According to close associates of Mufti Junaid madrasa management started working as before after the police intervention.

Madrasa is functioning as it used to during the times of Ameer e Shariat, Maulana Syed Nizamuddin (ra) and Mufti Junaid is looking after its affairs as before.



SC set aside Jaipur TADA Court verdict – Exonerates Dr. Jalees Ansari after 23 years

May 6, 2016  

Hyderabad: At last, Supreme Court exonerated Dr. Jalees Ansari after 23 years of legal battle from terrorist charges. Supreme Court set aside the judgment pronounced by Jaipur Special TADA Court which had given 20 years imprisonment on 28th February 2004. Dr. Ansari had filed an appeal in Supreme Court in 2014. He was arrested in 1993 in connection with bomb blast in Hyderabad, Rajasthan and New Delhi. The local court of Ajmer had given him life imprisonment.

Full report at:



They wanted to join Islamic State, but became Jaish-e-Mohammad terrorists

Fri, 6 May 2016

The Islamic State (IS) group is touted to have attracted thousands of recruits to fight its jihad, but it is not that easy to be affiliated with the group it seems.

Fascinated by the ideology of radical Islamic State (IS) group based on Salafi Jihadism and establishing a Caliphate in all formerly held Muslim lands, 13 men based in New Delhi and Uttar Pradesh desperately tried to reach out to its handlers on social media to set up an Indian module inspired by the group's jihadi acts. After failing to establish any contact with the group -- that has notorious presence on several social media platforms -- the young men shifted their ideology to Pakistan based Jaish e Mohammad, police has claimed.

Full report at:



Situation in Afghanistan remains highly volatile, Indian Embassy alerts citizens

Fri May 06 2016

The Embassy of India in Kabul has issued a  security alert to the Indian citizens residing in Afghanistan and travelling to the country, warning regarding the persistent volatile situation of the country.

“All Indians residing in Afghanistan and Indian travellers to Afghanistan are advised that the security situation in Afghanistan remains highly volatile. Terrorist attacks have taken place in many parts of the country against a variety of targets including foreigners and are expected to continue. There is also the risk of kidnapping and hostage taking throughout the Afghanistan,” according to a statement by the Indian Embassy.

Full report at:



Mehbooba Praises India's Pluralism

05th May 2016

SRINAGAR: Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti on Thursday praised India’s pluralism and described the State as a perfect match to country’s multiculturalism.

Mehbooba today jointly flagged off with Union Railways Minister Suresh Prabhu (through video conferencing), four new DEMU fast passenger trains between Banihal-Baramulla and Baramulla-Budgam in South Kashmir’s Anantnag to enhance the rail movement in the region.

Congratulating people on the introduction of new trains, she said she hopes it is the beginning of many more good initiatives which will be taken by the Centre in the state.

“As India makes giant strides on the development front, we hope J&K will get its fair share in the country’s rise,” Mehbooba said.

She said connectivity is the single biggest determinant of development and trains make commuting easier for those who live far away from their workplaces or colleges. “I am looking forward to the completion of 111-km-long Katra-Banihal Railway Line, which will provide an all-weather link to the Valley”.

Full report at:



Banned Documentary 'Among the Believers' Privately Screened In Karachi

06th May 2016

If you don’t like us then arrest us. Shoot us. But if you think you can change us then forget about it, said Maulana Abdul Aziz staring into the camera in an interview with Mohammad Ali Naqvi and his team for the documentary Among the Believers, which was screened privately in the city on Thursday evening.

Maulana Aziz’s words left a chill in the room as the audience gathered to an invite-only event and watched an unsettling and eye-opening exploration into the expansion of the Red Mosque’s madrasa network in Pakistan.

On April 29, the film was banned in a notification issued by the Central Board of Film Censors citing that the film projected a negative image of Pakistan in the context of the ongoing fight against extremism and terrorism.

Also read: Pakistan's banning spree continues as two documentaries axed for 'negative portrayals'

Full report at:



Six years after Gojra riots, Muslims raise funds to build church in the area

06th May 2016

GOJRA (Staff Report) – In a bid to promote religious harmony in Pakistan, Muslim farmers have joined hands with Christians to build a demolished church in Khalsabad village near Gojra in Toba Tek Singh district.

Gojra made the news in 2009 when houses of Christians were attacked by a Muslim mob on accusations of blasphemy. As many as ten Christians were killed in the tragedy including seven who were burnt alive in their houses. Four churches located in nearby villages were also destroyed by the mob.

However, some six years after the Gojra incident, Muslims of the same area have decided to support their Christian fellows in the construction of a mud chapel, which was swept away during the last monsoon rains season.

Full report at:



'No difference between agitators and terrorists': PM lashes out at opposition

06th May 2016

SUKKUR: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Friday, while furthering his development agenda at the inauguration of the 393-kilometre-long Sukkur-Multan motorway, took another swing at his opponents, likening them to "terrorists" halting progress in Pakistan.

In a harshly-worded statement, the prime minister said, “People should think twice about which side they want to be on."

"What do terrorists do? They wish to halt progress in Pakistan," he said.

Full report at:



Parliament watch: Why does Bilawal want to ‘retake’ Kashmir by force?

06th May 2016

There is a perception in Pakistani politics that the Kashmir issue does not resonate with the smaller provinces. Sure, it’s the hot topic for the Punjab-based civilmilitary elite, but what about the rest of the country?

Balochistan and Sindh have bigger fish to fry, so to speak, and if Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has any misgivings about a disputed territory, it is more likely to be Gilgit-Baltistan.

So why did Bilawal Bhutto Zardari declare that his party would wrest Kashmir away, by force if necessary, from Indian occupation? Why, when the country and his own party are currently grappling with more weighty issues – the Panama Papers are a case in point – did he feel the need to make such a belligerent statement on a subject that is as sensitive as it is popular?

This is not the first time the PPP chairman has forcefully expressed his views on the subject. Earlier, at his inaugural speech in Karachi in October 2014, Bilawal made similar assertions about the disputed region.

Examine: The pursuit of Kashmir

Full report at:


South Asia

Bangladesh Professor under Threat after Asking Student to Remove Veil

6, May 2016

NEW DELHI: After a Dhaka University professor asked a woman to remove her veil during his class, extremists called for his death, posting his personal details online along with tips on how to kill.

Today, he remains under constant guard by armed police, stays mostly at home and bars his front door.

Azizur Rahman is among a growing number of political moderates and intellectuals seeking protection in Bangladesh, where at least 15 writers, activists, religious minorities and foreign aid workers have been killed in targeted attacks since the start of 2015.

Suspected militants have claimed responsibility for the killings, which have prompted some Bangladeshis to go into hiding, and others to seek asylum in the United States and Europe.

Some of the violence has taken place at Rahman's university in Dhaka.

Last year, secular writer and blogger Avijit Roy was hacked to death and his wife was critically injured in a savage attack on campus. In 2004, members of a banned militant group stabbed poet and linguist Humayun Azad at a campus book fair; he died months later.

Rahman, a psychology professor, pleaded with the government for 24-hour armed security outside his classes and at the modest campus apartment where he lives with his wife.

Plainclothes policemen follow his every move around the sprawling, tree-filled open campus where he teaches five days a week.

Full report at:



200 militants discovered from sheep trucks in north of Afghanistan

Thu May 05 2016

Taliban discovered from sheep trucksNearly 200 militants have been arrested before joining the Taliban ranks in north of Afghanistan, local security officials in Parwan said.

According to the officials, the militants were being transported in large trucks used for the transport of sheep when they were arrested in Salang area.

Senior police officials in Salang said the majority of the militants were foreigners and are believed to be Pakistani nationals.

The official speaking on the condition of anonymity further added that the militants were being transported to northern provinces to help the other militants fight the Afghan forces.

He said the trucks were identified by the security forces and were stopped in southern part of Salang pass.

Full report at:



Taliban commander involved in major terrorist attacks arrested in Wardak

Fri May 06 2016

A Taliban commander who was involved in major terrorist attacks has been arrested by the Afghan intelligence operatives in central Maidan Wardak province.

The National Directorate of Security (NDS) said Qari Syedullah who was also famous as Worekhmin was arrested during an operation of the intelligence operatives.

A statement by NDS said the operation was conducted in Sheikhabad village of Syedabad district.

According to NDS, Syedullah was involved in numerous terrorist attacks, including bombings, ambushes on Kabul-Kandahar highway, armed attack on convoys carrying logistics for security forces.

Full report at:



60 released from Taliban prison in Helmand during Afghan commandos night raid

Fri May 06 2016

The Special Operation Forces of the Afghan National Army (ANA) conducted a night raid in southern Helmand province targeting a prison run by the Taliban insurgents.

The Ministry of Defense (MoD) said the raid was conducted on Thursday night in the restive Nawzad district.

A statement by MoD said at least 60 people kept in the prison were released during the operation, leaving at least 2 militants dead and 3 others wounded.

The statement further added that 10 motorcycles belonging to the insurgents were also destroyed during the operation and large amount of explosive were confiscated.

Full report at:



Afghan Special Forces demonstrate capabilities during Kabul drills

Fri May 06 2016

The Afghan National Army (ANA) Special Operation Forces (Commandos) demonstrated their capabilities during a drill in capital Kabul.

According to the Ministry of Defense (MoD), the drills were conducted in the vicinity of Dar-ul-Aman in west of Kabul up to Reshkhor area.

The drills caused panic among the residents of the area as the Afghan special forces were practicing aerial and ground maneuvers in the area.

Video Player

Full report at:



Ghani assigns Stanikzai as acting NDS chief, Abdullah Khan acting defense minister

Thu May 05 2016

President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani has appointed Mohammad Masoom Stanikzai as the acting Intelligence, National Directorate of Security (NDS) Chief.

According to a statement by the Office of the President, General Abdullah has been assigned for the post of acting minister of defense.

The statement further added that Stanikzai will also serve as Ministerial Adviser to President Ghani.

Abdullah Khan was previously serving as the Chief of Staff in Afghan National Army Chief of Staff office before he was assigned as acting minister of defense.

This comes as President Ghani promised to introduce the nominees for Minister of Defense and National Directorate of Security (NDS) Chief during a gathering in the Afghan parliament late last month.

Full report at:



2 Pakistani insurgents arrested with large cache of explosives in Nangarhar

Thu May 05 2016

arrested in AfghanistanThe Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) have arrested two Pakistani insurgents with large cache of explosives from the eastern Nangarhar province.

According to the security officials, the two militants are originally residents of Waziristan and were arrested from the exit gate of Darunta.

The officials further added that the two were looking to plan and coordinate deadly attacks but their plots were foiled with the cooperation of local residents who informed the security forces on time.

Full report at:



Muslim attackers throw homemade bombs at Christian family's home in Bangladesh

6,May 2016

A Christian family became the target of an attack on Tuesday, May 3 when attackers, believed to be Muslims, threw homemade bombs at the family's home in western Chuadanga, Bangladesh. The attack adds to the increasing cases of discrimination against religious minorities in a country dominated by Muslims.

The incident left two people injured. One of the victims was a Christian, 45-year-old Alam Mondol, who was reportedly on his veranda when the bombs were thrown. Splinters from the explosion left him with wounds on his hip and left hand.

The villagers sought to drive away the attackers, who threw more bombs before fleeing the place. The explosions injured another man, who is also a Christian.

District chief police officer Rashidul Hasan said the attackers are suspected of "attempted robbery." He explained that the culprits attempted to break into Mondol's house and ask for money, Mail Online reported.

Full report at:


Arab World

Islamic State seeks news blackout in Mosul as Iraqi army nears

06 May 2016

MAKHMOUR, Iraq: For Iraqis living in the Islamic State stronghold of Mosul, news is dwindling about the U.S.-backed army massing to the south for an assault on the city that could begin this year.

Soon after Iraqi forces established a foothold in the Makhmour area in February, about 60 km (40 miles) from the northern city, the jihadists began restricting access to television for its 1 million-strong population, according to residents.

With limited and erratic access to internet and mobile networks, civilians in Mosul have depended on satellite TV for their primary source of news from the outside world since Islamic State captured the city two years ago.

Full report at:



Syria: Infighting Rages between ISIL, Rival Terrorists in Dara'a

06 May 2016

TEHRAN (FNA)- Local sources said that several terrorists of the ISIL-affiliated Liwa Shohada al-Yarmouk were killed in a fresh round of infighting with their rivals from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in the Western part of Dara'a province.

"The FSA and its allies stormed strongholds of their terrorist rivals of Liwa Shohada al-Yarmouk in the Western part of Dara'a province and pushed them back from their positions near the small town of Ein Zekr, Vahda Alri and several more positions in al-Harash," the sources said, adding, "The ISIL-affiliated group suffered a heavy death toll in the attacks."

In relevant developments in April, the ISIL seized a large number of anti-tank missiles from its rival terrorist group of the FSA in Dara'a province.

Full report at:



Iraq routed Islamic State from Ramadi, but at the cost of the city itself

06 May 2016

RAMADI, Iraq — This is what victory looks like in the Iraqi city of Ramadi: In the once thriving Haji Ziad Square, not a single structure still stands. Turning in every direction yields a picture of devastation.

A building that housed a pool hall and ice cream shops — reduced to rubble. A row of money changers and motorcycle repair garages — obliterated, a giant bomb crater in its place. The square's Haji Ziad Restaurant, beloved for years by Ramadi residents for its grilled meats — flattened. The restaurant was so popular its owner built a larger, fancier branch across the street three years ago. That, too, is now a pile of concrete and twisted iron rods.

The destruction extends to nearly every part of Ramadi, once home to 1 million people and now virtually empty. A giant highway cloverleaf at the main entrance to the city is partially toppled. Apartment block after apartment block has been crushed. Along a residential street, the walls of homes have been shredded, exposing furniture and bedding. Graffiti on the few homes still standing warn of explosives inside.

Full report at:



Over 60 Terrorists Killed across Syria's Battlefields in One Day

06th May 2016

TEHRAN (FNA)- Opposition watch confirmed on Friday that 62 members of the terrorists groups were killed and many more were wounded in clashes with the Syrian Army troops and its allies across the country in the last 24 hours.

"Battles, clashes and fighting among the militants and the Syrian government forces on Thursday claimed the lives of 62 terrorists, while their military hardware sustained major damage too," the watch said.

Military sources believe that the real number of the killed terrorists is much more than the announced one by the opposition watch.

The sources went on to say that most of the casualties of the terrorist groups were in Southern part of Aleppo near Khan Touman which has been the scene of tough battle in the last two-three days.



In Syria, Russia Plays Bach Where ISIS Executed 25

06 May 2016

Russia has made its mark on Syria with the crash of bombs and the thud of artillery. On Thursday the Russians added gentler sounds: live classical music echoing through an ancient stone theater and into the eerie, empty desert.

Extending its soft power into the Syrian conflict, Russia deployed a symphony orchestra led by one of its best-known conductors, Valery Gergiev, and the cellist Sergei P. Roldugin, an old and — according to the Panama Papers documents leaked last month — very wealthy friend of President Vladimir V. Putin.

Their performance space was Palmyra, the city of ruins left by Roman and other ancient civilizations and ruined further by the depredations of the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL.

The orchestra played pieces by Johan Sebastian Bach and two Russian composers, Sergei Prokofiev and Rodion Shchedrin, in a second-century Roman amphitheater, the set for a 2015 film produced by the Islamic State that featured the execution of 25 people.

The contrast was intended to underscore what Russia sees as its underappreciated role in helping Syrian forces liberate Palmyra from zealots and fighting on the side of civilization against barbarism.

Full report at:



Iran’s Dehqan tells Islamic Jihad head: Unity key to defeating Israel

06th May 2016

ssein Dehqan pledged support for Palestinians groups that fight against the “Zionist regime,” in a meeting with the head of Islamic Jihad.

“The secret of victory over the Zionist regime and the liberation of the Holy al-Quds [Jerusalem] lie in the unity of all Muslims,” Dehqan told Ramadan Shalah in their meeting in Iran on Tuesday, Fars News Agency reported.

“The goal of the big powers is to wage war, create turmoil and promote terrorism in the region in a bid to guarantee the security of the Zionist regime and forget the Palestinian cause,” the defense minister said.

Full report at:



Iran always defendant of Palestinians: Rouhani

06th May 2016

President Rouhani received Ramezan Abdullah of Palestine’s Islamic Jihad Movement, on Thursday in Tehran and hailed the resistance of the Palestinians.

“Palestine is the symbol of resistance against aggressors, and this issue matters a lot to Iranians and the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran so Iranians will stand by Palestinians and their resistance,” said President Hassan Rouhani of Iran to Ramezan Abdullah, the Secretary General of Islamic Jihad Movement of Palestine, on Thursday in Tehran.

The Iranian president hailed the resistance and perseverance of the Palestinians against the usurpers of their country and underlined that while the superpowers of the world imagined the end of Palestine, the oppressed people of Palestine proved them wrong and gained victory out of their willful resistance.

Full report at:



Informed Sources Reject Syrian Air Force's Involvement in Attack on Camp of Refugees in Idlib

06 May 2016

TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian warplanes have not carried out any air attacks against any refugee camp near Idlib province's border with Turkey, military sources underlined minutes ago.

"The camp for internally displaced Syrians near Turkish border has not been bombed by the Syrian fighter jets," the sources said.

Activists said on Thursday that an airstrike on a camp for internally displaced Syrians near the country's border with Turkey killed at least 30 people.

The attack on the camp in Idlib province also left dozens of others injured.

"The Syrian air force has not thus far carried out any blind attack against innocent people in the last five years of war on terrorism across the country, however, the terrorist groups' bases and position have always been targeted by the Syrian air fleet in a daily base," the sources underscored.

Full report at:



Two More Terrorist Commanders Killed in Southern Battlefields of Aleppo

06 May 2016

TEHRAN (FNA)- Two more senior commanders of Ahrar al-Sham were killed in their failed offensives on the Syrian Army troops' positions in the Southern part of Aleppo province.

Al-Haj Asyed and Mohanad Zariq, two notorious field commanders of Ahrar al-Sham, were killed after the groups' assaults on the government forces' positions near the small town of Khan Touman were repelled by the Syrian army men and their popular allies.

Reports said earlier today that the Southern part of Aleppo, mainly near Khan Touman and al-Eis, has been the scenes of fierce clashes between the terrorist groups and the pro-government forces, which have thus far claimed the lives of scores of the militants.

At least two other field commanders of the terrorist groups have been killed in the battlefield near Khan Touman.



Security forces foil Daesh designs

06 May 2016

RIYADH: Saudi security forces have succeeded in confronting Daesh members operating from inside the Kingdom and have foiled their schemes to destroy public and private properties and target innocent lives while using various disguises.

The number of stories published in local, regional and international media outlets as well as on social media networks of the hundreds of terrorists who have been either killed or apprehended by security forces has been high during recent times, and continues to increase. This has caused citizens in the Kingdom to feel relief in knowing that Saudi security forces are working in their best interests to keep them safe.

Recently, a video was circulated on social media showing a group of Daesh members threatening their parents and family members if they did not announce their repentance and regret. The video showed a celebration by one Daesh member after he killed his cousin on the first day of Eid Al-Adha.

Full report at:



Africa's largest mosque under construction as a 'heavy blow' to radical islamists

May 06 2016

Algeria is building one of the world's largest mosques which officials say will serve as a buffer against radical Islam and crown the legacy of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika.

The Djamaa El Djazair mosque is being built facing the picturesque bay of Algiers as part of a complex that will include a one-million book library, a Koranic school and a museum of Islamic art and history.

It will also have a 265-metre high minaret (874 feet) the world's tallest as well as a 20,000 square metres prayer hall capable of accommodating up to 120,000 worshippers.

The complex will be located between a future tourist hotspot and working class districts that were once a bastion for Islamist extremists.

Full report at:



More Than 30 Killed In Inter-Communal Clashes in Mali

May 06 2016

GAO, Mali (AA) – More than 30 people have been killed in an ongoing inter-communal conflict between the Fulani and Bambara communities in Mali’s central Mopti region, a civil society leader said.

Oumar Aldjana, representative for Mali’s Union of Fulani, told Anadolu Agency on Thursday that 33 Fulani civilians have been killed in the conflict so far. He also said clashes were still ongoing.

According to Aldjana, the conflict started after a Bambara local administrative official was killed by a Fulani in the West African nation, population 14.5 million.

In retaliation, relatives of the victim attacked the family of the perpetrators, Aldjana said, urging Malian authorities to take action immediately.

Full report at:



Islamic Finance in Sub-Saharan Africa - New Momentum, New Opportunities for Growth Across the Continent

May 06 2016

Uganda: Islamic finance in Sub-Saharan Africa is strongly predicted to have a promising future in light of exciting growth opportunities for the sector to flourish in key markets across Africa. Analysts note that African countries are increasingly keen to tap into Islamic finance as they seek to attract FDI, especially from Arabian Gulf countries. In addition, the suitability of Islamic financial products such as Sukuk to meet the burgeoning large-scale infrastructure funding requirements in Africa, as well as the industry's potential to play a more meaningful role in financial inclusion and deepening in the continent are adding to the appeal of Islamic finance in Africa.

Full report at:



London looks set to elect first Muslim mayor

May 5, 2016

LONDON – London was on track to become the first EU capital with a Muslim mayor as voters went to the polls Thursday after a bitter campaign between Prime Minister David Cameron’s Conservatives and the opposition Labour party.

Labour lawmaker Sadiq Khan, a former government minister and son of a bus driver from Pakistan, is tipped to beat Conservative multimillionaire environmentalist Zac Goldsmith in the race to run the British capital.

Voting ended at 10:00 pm (21:00 GMT) with the result expected Friday. Khan cast his ballot in his multi-ethnic constituency of Tooting in south London, and Goldsmith in the leafy, affluent southwestern suburb of Richmond.

The campaign to replace Conservative Boris Johnson in City Hall has been ugly, with Khan forced to deny support for Islamic extremists and Goldsmith rejecting claims of playing on voters’ religious prejudices.

Full report at:



ISIS documentary reveals secrets from inside a terror cell

05th May 2016

UNDERCOVER footage has revealed how a group of disaffected petty criminals transformed into a terror network, determined to carry out jihad on home soil.

A French Muslim journalist infiltrated the group with a hidden camera for the documentary byCanal Plus, which takes an extraordinary inside look at the group calling itself Soldiers of Allah.

The journalist, who remains anonymous, but goes by the pseudonym Said Ramzy, revealed in Soldiers of Allah how the now dismantled cell was in the final stages of planning an attack in France.

Full report at:



‘Shariah Police’ Enforcing Islamic Rules to Face Trial in Germany, but the Likely Charge May Surprise You

May. 5, 2016

Eight men who patrolled the streets of a German city calling themselves “Shariah police” and aiming to spread Islamic law could now face trial, a German court ruled Tuesday.

However, German media reported that the potential charges against them would be related only to what was written on their bright orange vests rather than impersonating police officers.

Full report at:


North America

Hate Crimes Rise Along With Donald Trump’s Anti-Muslim Rhetoric

May 06 2016

A NEW REPORT published by Georgetown University’s Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding has documented an upsurge in violence against Muslims in the United States coinciding with the 2016 election campaign.

The major uptick in hate crimes dates back toward the end of 2015, which corresponds with Donald Trump’s call for a ban on Muslims entering the United States — but also with other possibly inciting factors such as the San Bernardino shooting and intensified political debate over the Syrian refugee crisis.

“Our data suggests that acts and threats of anti-Muslim violence increased in 2015, and that it has escalated further during the presidential election season,” said Engy Abdelkader, a member of the U.S. State Department Religion and Foreign Policy Working Group and the lead author of the report.

Full report at:




May 6, 2016

“As we both know, Islam cannot be reformed because Islam considers itself to be perfect, complete, universal, and final! Anyone who attempts to reform Islam is accused of blasphemy and can be killed as an apostate.”

Often in the past 20 years, I felt like a lone wolf howling about America’s nightmare immigration crisis—but few listened. This legal and illegal immigration invasion continues at the hand of our presidents and virtually all Congressional critters in Washington, DC. They flat-out won’t enforce our laws to stop this invasion. They won’t rescind the 1965 Immigration Reform Act to stop the legal invasion. Immigration turns our country inside out of itself. Immigration displaces all of us out of our culture, language and ethos.

With this accelerating Muslim invasion facilitated by Muslim Barack Obama, I scream in the night at our fate as Islamic numbers grow in our country.

Yesterday, after reading my interview with Canadian Tim Murray on “Banning all Muslim Immigration: The Prudent Thing to Do”, I received a letter from a retired Special Force Army Green Beret.

Full report at:



'It could get a lot worse for Muslims in America'

May 06 2016

My neighborhood of Chevy Chase is a leafy and peaceful slice of Northwest Washington. But this week, the news here is of a woman assaulted outside the local Starbucks by a Donald Trump supporter, she says, for the sin of being Muslim.

Police on Monday released surveillance video showing a heavyset white woman shouting at, and then pouring a bottle of liquid onto, a woman in a Muslim headscarf as she sat outside the coffee shop. Police are investigating a possible hate crime.

The victim said the attacker called her a "worthless piece of Muslim trash" and a "terrorist." And the attacker said she was supporting Trump because he would send the Muslims "back to where you came from."

Full report at:


Southeast Asia

Myanmar Anti-Muslim Activist Arrested for Post About Suu Kyi

5,May 2016

A prominent anti-Muslim activist has been arrested for posting a provocative statement on Facebook about Myanmar's army commander and the country's de facto leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, the head of a Buddhist nationalist group and a human rights lawyer said Thursday.

Nay Myo Wai, chairman of Yangon based Peace and Diversity Party, was arrested Wednesday after a complaint was filed against him for a Facebook posting falsely claiming that army commander Min Aung Hliang had not seized power because he wanted to marry Suu Kyi.

He could face up to three years in jail and a fine if convicted of using a telecommunications network to extort, threaten, obstruct, defame, disturb, inappropriately influence or intimidate. The suit was filed by Wai Yan Aung, an executive member of the Burma Teachers' Federation.

Full report at:



Why were Kaman Muslim deaths ignored?

5,May 2016

My error was that, like everyone else who wrote about this, I misidentified the people who died when a boat making one such journey from the Sin Tet Maw camp in Pauktaw township sank on April 19. I said they were Rohingya: the stateless group of people denied citizenship by Myanmar authorities who have sanctioned serious rights abuses against them.

This week I visited Sin Tet Maw. Community leaders there and relatives of the dead told me that the majority of those on board, including the estimated 21 who died, were in fact Kaman Muslims originally from Kyaukphyu. They are one of the country’s 135 recognised ethnic groups and most are legally entitled to citizenship rights of some sort.

This tragedy highlights the fact that thousands of Kaman people remain trapped in IDP camps and villages facing the same restrictions as the Rohingya. It points to the lie behind the message consistently cited by many of those with power in Myanmar that what is happening in Rakhine is principally about illegal immigration.

Full report at:




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