New Age Islam News Bureau
Sept 2015
German special police members stand guard near a mosque association property in Berlin, Germany September 22, 2015. PHOTO: REUTERS
• Charlie Hebdo Publishes Cartoons Mocking Dead Aylan Kurdi with Caption 'Muslim Children Sink'
• Islamic State Has a Message for Muslims Hoping To Go To Europe
• UK Muslims Paying Too Much For Hajj Tours: Monitor
• As hostility flares, Hungary’s Muslim community mobilizes to aid refugees
• Pakistan Ulema Council Chief, Maulana Tahir Ashrafi, Who Called For ‘Jihad’ In Afghanistan Arrested With Wine
• Pakistan: ISIS Plans Terrorist Campaign against Christians
• ‘War against Terrorism Is War for Pakistan’s Future’
• China vows support for Pakistan's fight against terrorism
• Pakistan military court sentences nine to death for terrorism
• Sri Lanka Could Never Get Rid Of Terrorism Without Help By Pakistan: Acting HC
• Badhaber camp assault: Afghan national arrested in Charsadda
South Asia
• Extremism on the Rise in Unofficial Religious Madrasas in Afghanistan
• No Peace until Foreign Troops Leave Afghanistan: Taliban Chief Mullah Mansour
• Taliban new Supreme Leader criticizes low quality of projects in his first Eid message
• District Police Chief among five martyred in Balkh explosion
• Police foil terrorist attack in Kabul as security tightened for Eid
• Senior ADF commanders ‘failed’ three diggers killed in Afghanistan, coroner found
• Keep US military presence in Afghanistan
Arab World
• ISIS Executes 8 Men Accused Of Being Gay in Syria: Monitor
• Syrian Regime Air Strikes Kill 38 ISIS Fighters: Monitor
• Yemen: 30 Civilians Killed in Saudi Airstrikes
• Saudi Arabia Preparing To Behead and Crucify 21-Year-Old Shia Activist
• US drone strike kills 2 Qaeda suspects in Yemen
• Yemeni pro-government forces stall in push toward capital
• Putin seeks to assuage Israel's fears of Syrian aggression
• Yemenis Protest against Saudi Intervention
• Russia to coordinate Syria military actions with Israel
• Rockets strike Baghdad airport area
• Around 2 mln Muslims begin Hajj pilgrimage
• India Turns To Israel for Armed Drones as Pakistan, China Build Fleets
• In Islam, kids are trained to blow themselves up; Muslim boys do plant bombs: Taslima
• After meat ban for Paryushan and Ganpati, a cheeky online petition calls for ‘vegetable ban’ on Eid
• Bihar Polls: Imarat Shariah Sets Terms to Grand Alliance
• Bin Laden’s Secret Documents Reveal Iran-Qaeda Ties
• Tight security in Jerusalem for Jewish, Muslim holidays
• Palestinian killed in Israeli army operation in West Bank
• Israel struggles to counter Palestinian stone-throwing threat
• Iran, Russia will work to help end Syria crisis: Iran dep foreign min
• Rouhani Describes Iranian Armed Forces as World's Biggest Anti-Terrorism Squad
• North Africa: Algerian Muslim Organization Stages Rally in Support of Al-Aqsa Mosque
• The Islamic State West Africa continues to utilize women as suicide bombers
Southeast Asia
• Islamic State Militants Heading To Indonesia from Malaysia
• Myanmar: Muslim First to Be Charged Under New Religious Laws
• Issue of ‘Bangladeshi migrants’ dominates Assam’s politics ahead of election
• Liberalism, Islam can coexist, say Muslim groups
• ‘Islamic racism’ shows how shallow Malaysian politics is, says Negri prince
• Asian students travel to Egypt for their Islamic studies
North America
• Muslim Boy Withdraws From US School That Suspended Him over Clock
• Republican Candidate Carson Says Muslims Unfit To Be US President
• American Muslims fear a new wave of Islamophobia
• Graham Calls on Carson Apologize To American Muslims
Compiled by New Age Islam News Bureau
Charlie Hebdo Publishes Cartoons Mocking Dead Aylan Kurdi with Caption 'Muslim Children Sink'
Charlie Hebdo could face legal action after publishing a series of cartoons mocking the death of Syrian toddler Aylan Kurdi.
The drowned three-year-old has become the symbol of the refugee crisis after his tiny body clad in a red T-shirt and denim shorts was photographed being carried off a Turkish beach.
But the latest edition of the French satirical magazine appears to mock that outpouring of grief from around the world, by showing Aylan lying face down in the sand under the caption ‘So Close to Goal’.
Above him is an advertisement for McDonald’s reading: ‘Two children’s menus for the price of one’.
Another cartoon mocks Aylan’s religion, showing a Jesus-like figure next to the words ‘Christians walk on water’ and a little boy upended in the sea next to the words ‘Muslim children sink’.
The picture is captioned 'The proof that Europe is Christian'.
Another depiction of Aylan shows him next to children's TV character Casimir, an orange dinosaur, under the caption ‘Welcome to Children’s Island’.
The drawings come nine months after 12 people were murdered by Jihadi gunmen around the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo, after the magazine mocked the Prophet Mohammed in a series of cartoons.
It led to millions around the world including politicians and celebrities rallying under the ‘Je Suis Charlie’ (‘I am Charlie’) slogan, as it came to represent free speech.
But barrister Peter Herbert, Chair of the Society of Black Lawyers and former vice chair of the Metropolitan Police Authority, was among many who said Charlie Hebdo had overstepped the mark.
Mr Herbert alleged on Twitter that the magazine was a "racist, xenophobic and ideologically bankrupt publication that represents the moral decay of France".
He added: ‘The Society of Black Lawyers will consider reporting this as incitement to hate crime & persecution before the International Criminal Court.’
Numerous other outraged posts attacked the ‘disgusting cartoons’, while others said it was an example of how Hebdo attacked the ‘powerless’ rather than the ‘powerful’.
Others warned the magazine could leave itself open to "dangerous repercussions" over its decision to publish.
Aylan was trying to get to Germany from war-torn Syria with his five-year-old brother, Galip, and his parents. Galip also drowned, alongside the boys’ mother, Rehan.
The tragedy led to a vast outpouring of compassion around the world, with countries such as Britain and France pledging to take in thousands more refugees.
Charlie Hebdo continued publication after the January terrorist attacks, and has since made millions thanks to donations and sales.
But many have noted how the quality of the publication, which had been struggling to survive financially before the shootings, has remained low.
Defenders of the magazine’s cartoons – which have included a depiction of a black politician as a monkey – argue that they are using racist and religious stereotypes to mock racist and religious stereotypes.
Islamic State Has a Message for Muslims Hoping To Go To Europe
It's not just Europe telling refugees to stay where they are.
Islamic State, the Al Qaeda breakaway faction that controls large swathes of Iraq and Syria, has joined in the effort to dissuade would-be migrants from coming to Europe.
Last week Islamic State released a series of videos on social media aimed at Muslims in Iraq and Syria, where thousands must contend with Islamic State's harsh application of Sharia, or Islamic law.
The message? Those who leave their territories are making the biggest mistake of their lives.
In a nine-minute video titled "Honour of the Caliphate or Humiliation of the West," an unidentified bearded French jihadist tells Muslims that Europe is an "imaginary paradise" and "a mirage" that will not give "safety nor dignity and not even luxury.”
"You are very close to the land of Islam, close to the land of the caliphate, but you chose to cross the sea and kill your children only to reach the land of disbelief."
Islamic State propagandists seem to view the exodus to Europe as a blow to their plans to expand their self-proclaimed caliphate. The group already enforces strict controls on who may leave and enter its territory. Many of the Syrian migrants now arriving in Europe have been living outside Syria, especially in Turkey and Lebanon, for months or years.
The fate of the multitudes of Europe-bound migrants, according to Islamic State, is to go to the "Camps of Disappointment" and face a litany of woes, including humiliation, campaigns to convert them to Christianity, corruption and drowning.
“Why do they go to these lands when their ancestors would go there as conquerors and not as slaves?” asks one bespectacled man in Raqqa, Syria, in a 21-minute video released last Wednesday, recalling Muslim advances in Europe in past centuries.
“He gives you food in one hand and humiliates with another,” says another man.
For Islamic State, the choice is simple, at least according to a video titled "Would you replace that which is good with that which is worse?"
It opens with a montage of videos depicting riot police forcefully subduing refugees, grabbing them and beating them with batons, before switching to a preacher excoriating those who would abandon Islamic State's caliphate.
Refugees "go to Germany and France, the worshipers of the cross [who] belittle Islam," rails the preacher.
"Today, these are the countries to which, unfortunately, the youths -- our youths -- go, leaving the land of honour and happiness."
A masked fighter standing before a verdant palm grove makes the point more forcefully:
"To everyone who left to the land of disbelief by his own will: You will fail, you will fail, and your endeavour will fail."
Bulos is a special correspondent. Los Angeles Times staff writer Patrick J. McDonnell in Beirut contributed to this report.
UK Muslims paying too much for Hajj tours: monitor
By Paul Crompton
For many of the 20,000 British Muslims flocking to Saudi Arabia’s holy city of Makkah for Islam’s annual Hajj pilgrimage, the journey has not been cheap.
“The package cost has doubled in the last couple of years,” said Khalid Pervez, general secretary of the Birmingham-based Association of British Hujjaj (pilgrims).
According to Pervez, the average cost of Hajj packages - which generally include flights, visa, accommodation and transport - used to cost up to $4,700 (£3,000). Now, the average pilgrimage price from UK-based operators ranges from $7,800 to $9,400, he said.
“We strongly feel that it’s only greed, that they [Hajj tour operators] have increased their prices without any justification.”
But not all packages to undertake the pilgrimage - which is supposed to be undertaken once in the lifetime of every able-bodied Muslim - are created equal.
Lower-cost options usually have pilgrims staying in shared government-owned tents, some far from Makkah’s Grand Mosque, considered the holiest site in Islam.
Higher-end “five-star” packages, meanwhile, allow the pilgrim to stay in upscale hotels with a full Grand Mosque view, go on additional tours, and be transported in plush coaches, among other extras. Pricier packages also give the pilgrim more time in the kingdom to complete the Hajj rituals.
Muslim pilgrims observe sunset from atop Noor Mountain next to Hiraa cave, where Prophet Muhammad received his first revelation from God to preach Islam, on the outskirts of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Friday, Sept. 18, 2015. (AP)
And demand to undertake the pilgrimage, coupled with only limited visa numbers imposed by the kingdom due to construction work around the Grand Mosque site, is ever-stronger.
Many UK-based Hajj operators surveyed by Al Arabiya News reported that they were fully booked, with some sold out months in advance. Some have already started booking places for next year’s Hajj season.
Not a holiday
Nizamuideen Ismail, managing director of Yourtravelshop, which provides upscale packages for Hajj pilgrims, denied that operators have unfairly increased prices in recent years.
“I’d say it’s in line with inflation,” he said.
“Everyone can get their Hajj done, depending on what they facilities, convenience, the standard of accommodation, etc. That largely drives the price.
All of their hajj will be done, but their overall experience is going to be determined on what they’ve chosen.”
According to the UK pilgrim’s association chief, only 10 percent of British Hajj pilgrims prefer to buy luxury packages, which some believe go against the ethos of the pilgrimage.
“The vast majority just want to go there and pray. It’s not a holiday,” said Pervez.
As hostility flares, Hungary’s Muslim community mobilizes to aid refugees
By Robert Samuels September 22
BUDAPEST — Muhammed Al-Ahmadi, a Syrian who had lived in Hungary for decades, was handing out bread to migrants camped out at this city’s train station when a man rushed over to deliver the good news.
“She had the baby?!” Ahmadi, 51, responded. He had first met the new father a few days earlier, when the refugee arrived in Budapest after his journey from Syria with his pregnant wife. Now, Ahmadi walked with him to the hospital so that he could translate updates from doctors.
For years, living as a Muslim in Hungary meant existing somewhere between obscurity and derision. Muslims made up less than 1 percent of the population in this overwhelmingly Roman Catholic nation. But as thousands of refugees and migrants from the Middle East and Africa have streamed into the country, hostility toward Islam has flared.
In response, Hungarian Muslims have mobilized. Rarely had their acts of service felt so necessary.
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Pakistan Ulema Council chief, Maulana Tahir Ashrafi, who called for ‘Jihad’ in Afghanistan arrested with wine
By KHAAMA PRESS - Mon Sep 21 2015
The All Pakistan Ulema Council chief Maulana Tahir Ashrafi who had called for ‘Jihad’ and ‘suicide attacks’ in Afghanistan and Kashmir was arrested with wine ‘which is strictly forbidden in Islam’.
Based on a report published on the website of Pakistan’s The News Tribe (TNT) on Monday, police were on routine checking in Islamabad when they recovered wine bottles from Mawlana Ashrafi’s vehicle.
According to TNT, Mawlana Ashrafi was sent to jail but a man whose name is not mentioned in the report released him.
TNT report further states that Mawlana Ashrafi had been detained on wine charges several times in the past but later released based on his connections.
The report adds that due to Mawlana’s connections, his case does not go forward.
Pakistan: ISIS Plans Terrorist Campaign against Christians
by Lawrence A. Franklin
September 22, 2015
The wave of anti-Christian attacks will allegedly include Pakistan's Christian churches, schools, and hospitals.
Few Pakistanis will shed a tear for people who do not, in their eyes, represent Pakistan's Islamic values.
The Pakistani government and military have warned the nation's tiny Christian minority that Islamic terrorist groups plan to target Christian religious institutions in the near future. The wave of anti-Christian attacks will allegedly include Pakistan's Christian churches, schools, and hospitals.
The warning issued by Pakistan's leading generals represents an extraordinary, positive development in the military's relationship with minorities in general and with Christians in particular. Their warming relationship appears to be a calculated political move to complement the military leadership's ongoing offensive against the terrorist havens in the north-western corner of the country.
Full Report at:
‘War against terrorism is war for Pakistan’s future’
September 22, 2015
PESHAWAR/ISLAMABAD: Chief of the Air Staff Air Chief Marshal (ACM) Sohail Aman on Monday visited the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) camp Badaber and said that the war against terrorism is the war for Pakistan’s future.
“The enemies of Pakistan should remain cognizant of the fact that no one can shake our resolve,” said ACM Sohail Awan while addressing a gathering of the PAF airmen during his visit to the base.The air chief prayed for the martyrs of the attack and lauded the valiant response of the airmen who fought bravely during the recent terrorist attack, said Air Commodore S M Ali, a spokesperson for the PAF.
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China vows support for Pakistan's fight against terrorism
September 20, 2015
China on Sunday condemned the brazen Taleban attack on a Pakistani air force camp near Peshawar that killed 42 people, including 29 security personnel, and vowed to support Pakistan's fight against terrorism.
"We condemn the attack which caused severe losses of lives, and we express our condolences to the families of the victims," said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei.
Hong said China supports Pakistan's efforts to crackdown on terrorism, and believes the Pakistani government and armed forces are capable of maintaining their national security and stability.
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Pakistan military court sentences nine to death for terrorism
22 Sep 2015 00:50
ISLAMABAD: A secret military court in Pakistan has sentenced nine men to death and one to life in prison after convicting them of involvement in different cases of terrorism, the military said on Monday.
Military courts were empowered in January to try suspected militants after Taliban gunmen massacred 134 children at an army-run school in December. The government argued that civilians were too scared to convict militants.
Last month, a secret military court sentenced six men to death after convicting them of involvement in the massacre at the school in Peshawar.
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Sri Lanka Could Never Get Rid Of Terrorism without Help By Pakistan: ACTING HC
Monday, September 21, 2015 - Islamabad—without cooperation and help of Pakistan by virtue of defense relations, Sri Lanka could never get rid of terrorism it has been facing during the previous decades, said EAS Wijayanthi Edirisinghe, Acting High Commissioner of Sri Lanka. She was addressing a seminar organized by Department of Politics and International Relations of International Islamic University (IIU) held at Faisal Masjid Campus of the varsity.
“Pakistan and Sri Lanka enjoy best defense relations,” she said adding that both countries would further enhance bilateral ties in future by virtue of recent MOUs between both the countries in the fields of sports, shipping, tourism, economic development, anti-narcotics, defense and disaster management.
Sri Lankan Acting High Commissioner furthered that Pakistan and Sri Lanka were important partners not only in promoting bilateral trade and economic interactions but also in enhancing regional economic integration.
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Badhaber camp assault: Afghan national arrested in Charsadda
By Noorul Wahab: September 22, 2015
CHARSADDA: In a joint effort, police and law enforcement agencies arrested on Tuesday a suspected Afghan national from Charsadda district of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa over his alleged involvement in Badhaber PAF airbase attack.
“A raid was conducted in the village of Pladherai near the entry point of the Charsadda district,” a security official who requested not to be named told The Express Tribune.
“The man from Afghanistan was living in a rented house,” said the official, claiming the security forces tracked him down in connection to the attack on Badhaber airbase. However, the official refused to give any further detail of the raid owing to the sensitivity of the matter.
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South Asia
Extremism on the Rise in Unofficial Religious Madrasas in Afghanistan
By KHAAMA PRESS - Mon Sep 21 2015
The Afghan government could face new challenges from the unofficial religious Madrasas – seminaries, according to a new survey report which suggests extremists thoughts have been adopted and are widely spreading among the students and teachers of these Madrasas.
The report has been prepared by Afghanistan Institute for Strategic Studies which covers 50 unofficial Madrasas in ten different provinces of the country.
At least 306 educators and students have been interviewed by the researchers of the report which covers Madrasas operating in southern, northern, eastern and central parts of the country.
Full Report at:
No Peace until Foreign Troops Leave Afghanistan: Taliban Chief Mullah Mansour
September 22, 2015
The Taliban’s new leader told Afghanistan’s government today it must cancel a security deal with the United States and expel all foreign troops if it wants peace. Mullah Mansour made the demand in a message marking the Muslim festival of Eid-ul-Adha, his first such message since he formally took charge after the death of founder Mullah Omar was confirmed in July. “If the Kabul administration wants to end the war and establish peace in the country, it is possible through ending the occupation and revoking all military and security treaties with the invaders,” Mansour said in the message.
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Taliban New Supreme Leader Criticizes Low Quality of Projects in His First Eid Message
By KHAAMA PRESS - Tue Sep 22 2015
New Supreme Leader of Taliban Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansour has criticized the low quality of projects concluded in Afghanistan in his first Eid message.
“have not done any fundamental work in Afghanistan in the past fourteen years despite announcement of billions of dollars of assistance, i.e. any fundamental work or of long-term benefits for the Afghans! All their projects are designed for short-terms and are of low quality and spurious.”Mullah Mansour’s statement claims.
Mullah Mansour commends the work of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and pledges assistance with them but several reports have been published in the past suggesting that Taliban kidnapped and killed NGO workers.
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District Police Chief among Five Martyred In Balkh Explosion
By KHAAMA PRESS - Tue Sep 22 2015
Five people including a District Police Chief embraced martyrdom and four others wounded in a landmine explosion in northern Balkh province.
Reports suggest that the Police Chief of Dawlat Shah District was on a routine patrol in his district when his vehicle ran over a landmine this morning.
Farhad, the spokesman for acting governor of Balkh province confirmed the explosion.
Full Report at:
Police Foil Terrorist Attack in Kabul As Security Tightened For Eid
By KHAAMA PRESS - Tue Sep 22 2015
Kabul police 3Tight security measures have been taken in capital Kabul for the celebration of Eid al-Adha, known as Feast of the Sacrifice or Greater Eid which begins on Thursday.
Abdul Rahman Rahimi, Kabul Police Chief told a press conference late on Monday that special security arrangements have been made in public gathering places as well as mosques where Eid prayers would be offered.
Later in the evening, Rahimi showed a motorcycle to reporters which was made ready for explosion close to Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul city.
The explosive materials were hidden under its seat and connected with a cell phone for detonation but police foiled the plot.
Rahimi urged people to assist security forces in security and let them know if they experience anything suspicious.
Senior ADF commanders ‘failed’ three diggers killed in Afghanistan, coroner found
September 22, 2015
Senior ADF commanders failed three diggers killed in an insider attack in Afghanistan, the Queensland deputy coroner has found.
The families of the slain soldiers cried as the findings were handed down, and said they believed their boys might still be alive if instructions were properly communicated.
Lance Corporal Stjepan Milosevic, Sapper James Martin and Private Robert Poate were fatally shot by a rogue Afghan soldier in August 2012, while they were relaxing during a mentoring mission in Oruzgan province.
“There were a number of systemic deficiencies, which contributed to the soldier’s deaths,” deputy coroner John Lock said today.
Full Report at:
Keep US military presence in Afghanistan
By Mac Thornberry
September 21, 2015
Fourteen years ago, America’s longest war began. The plot that led to the murder of 2,977 people on Sept. 11, 2001, originated in Afghanistan. Since then, more than 2,350 U.S. servicemembers have sacrificed their lives in Afghanistan to help ensure that no more innocent Americans are victims of such savagery. Now, the results of that sacrifice and the future of Afghanistan, as well as the extent of the terrorist threat to our homeland, hang on decisions about to be made as President Barack Obama decides how many troops will stay in Afghanistan through 2016.
A lot has changed in Afghanistan. Nearly a year ago, President Ashraf Ghani was sworn into office, with his campaign rival Abdullah Abdullah agreeing to serve as chief executive of a national unity government. This government is coping with the fallout of a Pakistani offensive that pushed militants across the border into Afghanistan; the consequences of a power struggle resulting from Taliban leader Mohammad Omar’s death, including bombings in Kabul; and the disturbing growth of the terrorist group known as ISIS or the Islamic State inside the country. Simultaneously, international assistance has been cut and coalition forces withdrawn — from approximately 100,000 in 2011 to fewer than 10,000 today. Now Afghans face the prospect that no coalition troops will remain at the end of 2016.
Full Report at:
Arab World
ISIS executes 8 men accused of being gay in Syria: monitor
Monday 21 Sep 2015
Islamic State in Iraq and Syria jihadist group executed eight men accused of being gay in central Syria on Monday, a monitoring group said.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the jihadists shot dead seven men in Rastan, a town in Homs province, "after accusing them of being homosexual."
ISIS also executed a man in the town of Hreitan, in the northern province of Aleppo, for the same reason, said Observatory head Rami Abdel Rahman.
He said the executions were carried out in public, but that ISIS fighters destroyed any cameras that had been used to film the killings.
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Syrian Regime Air Strikes Kill 38 ISIS Fighters: Monitor
Tuesday 22 Sep 2015
At least 38 Islamic State group fighters were killed in air strikes by the Damascus regime against three jihadist-held towns in central Syria, a monitoring group said on Tuesday.
Monday's strikes hit Palmyra and two other towns in Homs province, Syrian Observatory for Human Rights director Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP.
Yemen: 30 Civilians Killed in Saudi Airstrikes
Sep 22, 2015
TEHRAN (FNA)- Saudi fighter jets bombed several residential areas across Yemen, killing 30 civilians in the province of Hajjah.
On Monday, the Saudi airstrikes claimed the lives of 30 people in Hajjah, and dozens more in the province of Ibb.
Also on Monday, Saudi fighter jets pounded several residential areas in the Yemeni capital city of Sana’a, killing at least 25 civilians.
Saudi warplanes targeted the districts of Hasbah, Sawan as well as a sports stadium in the capital on Monday, killing 25 people and injuring dozens of others.
Several residential houses as well as an administrative building were destroyed in the airstrikes.
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Saudi Arabia preparing to behead and crucify 21-year-old Shia activist
By Web Desk: September 22, 2015
After losing his final appeal, a young Saudi Arabian activist is due to be executed in Saudi Arabia, followed by the appalling mounting of his headless body on a crucifix for public display.
While news like this is not uncommon in Saudi Arabia, human rights’ groups and Saudi critics are shocked by the nature of the execution as well as the weak case made against Ali Mohammad al Nimr.
Accused of participation in anti-government demonstrations and possessing firearms, Al Nimr was arrested in 2012 at the age of seventeen in the largely Shia province of Qatif. Although Al Nimr repeatedly denied the latter charge, a confession was allegedly forced out of him after his arrest by means of torture.
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US drone strike kills 2 Qaeda suspects in Yemen
Tuesday 22 Sep 2015
A US drone strike killed two suspected members of Al-Qaeda east of the Yemeni capital during the night, a local official said on Tuesday.
"Two members of Al-Qaeda were killed when a missile from a US drone hit their vehicle" on the outskirts of the city of Marib, the official told AFP.
Marib province has seen fierce fighting in recent weeks as forces loyal to Yemen's exiled president press an offensive against Shiite rebels with the support of Saudi-led troops.
Washington has waged a longstanding drone war against Al-Qaeda's Yemen-based branch which it regards as the jihadist network's most dangerous.
The strikes have continued alongside the Saudi-led military intervention which began in March.
Al-Qaeda said in June that its leader in Yemen, Nasir al-Wuhayshi, had been killed by a US drone.
Yemeni pro-government forces stall in push toward capital
Tuesday 22 Sep 2015
In Yemen's Marib province, a key battleground in the fighting against Shia rebels, frustration is growing in the ranks of troops backing the country's president-in-exile after more than a week without gains on the ground.
The pro-government forces' advance on the capital, Sanaa, has stalled as Iran-backed Houthi rebels put up heavy resistance and despite an airstrikes' campaign by a Saudi-led coalition that has relentlessly pounded rebel positions.
The difficulty highlights the stark challenges facing the diverse set of fighters that make up the pro-government forces as they set their goal on Sanaa, about 165 kilometers (103 miles) to the west of Marib.
Ground commanders from the Yemeni army complain of poor logistical coordination, along with slow communication and decision-making between the Marib front-lines and the military leadership in Riyadh. Troops have grown nervous, commanders say, after two incidents when Saudi-led airstrikes hit and killed allied fighters.
In Yemen's war, the coalition against the Houthis is a shaky combination of local and tribal militias, southern separatists, Sunni Islamic militants and army units local to President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi.
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Putin seeks to assuage Israel's fears of Syrian aggression
Monday 21 Sep 2015
Russian President Vladimir Putin sought to assuage Israel's fears of potential Iranian and Syrian aggression, during talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday that also addressed concerns over Russia's military buildup in Syria.
The two leaders agreed on ways to prevent an unintended confrontation between Israel's military and Russian forces deployed in Syria, Netanyahu told Israeli reporters after the talks, the Haaretz daily reported.
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Yemenis Protest against Saudi Intervention
22 Sep 2015
TEHRAN (FNA)- Thousands of Yemeni people staged a demonstration in the capital, Sana'a, in protest against the Saudi aggression against their country.
The massive rally was held on Monday to mark the first anniversary of the Yemenis’ revolution against the corrupt administration of the country’s fugitive former president, Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi.
The rally came a day after the leader of Yemen's Ansarullah movement, Abdel Malek al-Houthi, urged Yemenis to attend the demonstration to "prove to the world that the people stand by the leadership of the revolution".
The revolution of the Yemeni nation will continue "until the country enjoys independence and stability" and "the people benefit from its wealth," he said.
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Russia to coordinate Syria military actions with Israel
22 Sep 2015
Israel and Russia have agreed to coordinate military actions over Syria in order to avoid accidentally trading fire, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said during a visit to Moscow.
Recent Russian reinforcements for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, which regional sources say include warplanes and anti-aircraft systems, worry Israel, whose jets have on occasion bombed the neighbouring Arab country to foil suspected handovers of advanced arms to Assad's Lebanese ally Hezbollah.
Briefing Israeli reporters after he met Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday, Netanyahu said he had come with the goal of "prevent[ing] misunderstandings between IDF [Israeli army] units and Russian forces" in Syria, where Assad is fighting rebels in a civil war.
Netanyahu added that he and Putin "agreed on a mechanism to prevent such misunderstandings". He did not elaborate. There was no immediate comment from the Kremlin.
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Rockets strike Baghdad airport area
22 September 2015
Rockets fired by militants struck the area of Baghdad’s vast airport complex on Monday, security officials said.
“A number of Katyusha rockets landed near Camp Al-Nasr (Victory), west of Baghdad,” the security command responsible for Baghdad said in a statement, referring to a base close to the airport.
The rockets were launched from the Taji area, north of the capital, it said.
A police colonel said 13 rockets struck two areas near the airport, but an official at the facility said none had hit the airport itself.
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Around 2 mln Muslims begin Hajj pilgrimage
Tuesday, 22 September 2015
Pilgrims from around the world have begun moving from the tent city of Mina to the holy site of Kaaba in Saudi Arabia for the Hajj, one of the biggest gatherings on the planet.
The number of pilgrims coming from abroad for Hajj this year since the start of arrivals until yesterday totalled 1,372,148 pilgrims, while 308 of them have died.
According to the daily statistics of the Directorate General of Passports, the number of pilgrims came by air totaled 1,324,175 pilgrims, by land 35,050 pilgrims, and by sea 12,923 pilgrims, that is less by 15,151 pilgrims than the number of arrivals for the same period last year, at a rate of 1%.
From all races and ages, they flocked into the Grand Mosque, where they prayed -- some silently in tears and others loudly in groups carrying their countries' flags. (Photo Gallery: pilgrims prepare for Hajj)
The hajj is among the five pillars of Islam and every capable Muslim must perform the pilgrimage at least once.
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India turns to Israel for armed drones as Pakistan, China build fleets
Reuters | Sep 22, 2015
NEW DELHI: India has accelerated plans to buy drones from Israel that can be armed, defence sources said, allowing the military to carry out strikes overseas with less risk to personnel.
The news comes weeks after long-time rival Pakistan first reported using a home-made drone in combat when it attacked militants on its soil, raising the prospect of a new front in the nuclear-armed neighbours' standoff over Kashmir that has twice spilled into war.
The plan to acquire Israeli Herons was first conceived three years ago, but in January the military wrote to the government asking for speedy delivery, the sources said, as Pakistan and China develop their own drone warfare capabilities.
India has already deployed Israeli unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) along the rugged mountains of J&K for surveillance, as well as on the disputed border with China where the two armies have faced off against each other.
In September, the Indian government approved the air force's request to acquire 10 Heron TP drones from Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) that can be fitted with weapons to engage targets on the ground, an air force official with knowledge of the matter said.
He added that he expected the agreement to be inked soon. The defence ministry declined to comment.
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In Islam, kids are trained to blow themselves up; Muslim boys do plant bombs: Taslima
September 21,
New Delhi: The exiled Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreen has once again stoked a controversy by saying in Islam, kids are trained to belt a bomb and blow themselves up and young Muslim boys do plant bombs.
Citing the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing case, the author said, “In Islam, kids are trained to belt a bomb and blow themselves up, (therefore) such suspicion was obvious.”
“They (Chechen brothers Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev) were also nice people who were brainwashed by followers of Islam. So they are suspects,” Nasreen told The Hindu and added, “It is true that white American kids carry firearms and are involved in massacres. But those kids are on their own…they are not brainwashed by Christianity. But the kids in Islam are brainwashed in the name of Islam by Boko Haram or ISIS — that is the difference.”
In another case she has come under fire for her tweets on a US school boy.
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After meat ban for Paryushan and Ganpati, a cheeky online petition calls for ‘vegetable ban’ on Eid
by FP Staff Sep 22, 2015
The meat ban imposed in several parts of India has courted a great deal of controversy, ranging from the actual ban to the violent reactions against it.
But the biggest bone of contention about the meat ban has been the reason behind it. Be it the Paryushan period for Jains or Hindu festival of Ganesh Chaturthi, the enforcement of a meat ban has disturbed a large section of people due to its religious motivations, as the slaughter and sale of animals during holy days was considered offensive to certain communities.
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Bihar Polls: Imarat Shariah Sets Terms to Grand Alliance
Written by Muzamil Jaleel | Qazi Nagar (Patna) | September 22, 2015
The most influential Muslim religious body in Bihar, Imarat Shariah, has asked the grand alliance of JD (U)-RJD-Congress to provide representation to Muslims in proportion to their population while distributing tickets for the assembly polls. Otherwise, it will “adversely affect” the voter turnout among the community, it warned.
“If Muslims aren’t given enough representation, it will have a serious adverse reaction. There is every likelihood that people will get upset and won’t go to vote at all. That is the biggest worry,” Moulana Anees-ur-Rehman Qasmi, Nazim (general secretary) of the Imarat Shariah, told The Indian Express.
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Bin Laden’s secret documents reveal Iran-Qaeda ties
Monday, 21 September 2015
Documents belonging to Osama bin Laden, the former leader of Al-Qaeda, obtained by Alsharq Alawsat newspaper, reveal a “close relationship” between Iran and Al-Qaeda’s commanders and high ranking members, which began in the era of the nineties the paper has reported.
The documents, confiscated by U.S. forces after killing Bin Laden in 2011 in his hideout in Abbottabad, Pakistan, show Al-Qaeda was moving comfortably inside Iran, and indicate that the organization, at some point, planned to establish an office in Tehran in 2006. But it receded and rejected the idea because of the excessively high costs.
Bin Laden warned his followers that the Iranian “might play a role” in selling them, according to documents (REUTERS)
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Tight security in Jerusalem for Jewish, Muslim holidays
Monday, 21 September 2015
Israeli police officers take positions on the roof of the Al-Aqsa mosque during clashes with Palestinians in Jerusalem's Old City. (File: Reuters)
Israel said Monday thousands of police would be deployed in Jerusalem ahead of the Yom Kippur and Eid al-Adha holidays after three days of clashes rocked the Al-Aqsa mosque compound.
Authorities also said 66 people had been arrested in Jerusalem during the past week, including some detained in connection with the unrest at Al-Aqsa which saw Israeli police clash with rioters.
Yom Kippur begins on Tuesday night and lasts until Wednesday evening, with thousands of Jews expected to visit the Western Wall below the Al-Aqsa compound in Jerusalem's Old City.
The Muslim Eid al-Adha holiday begins on Wednesday evening and continues until Sunday.
From Monday night, traffic will be restricted around the Old City and checkpoints will be set up.
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Palestinian killed in Israeli army operation in West Bank
Tuesday 22 Sep 2015
A 21-year-old Palestinian was killed during an Israeli army operation in the southern occupied West Bank before dawn on Tuesday in circumstances that were unclear.
Palestinian security officials named him as Dia al-Talahmeh and said he was shot dead by Israeli troops.
An Israeli army spokeswoman said he had been killed by a makeshift bomb he had been preparing to throw at the patrol but did not say whether or not the troops had opened fire.
The spokeswoman said the patrol had been deployed to clear stones blocking a road outside the flashpoint city of Hebron.
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Israel struggles to counter Palestinian stone-throwing threat
September 22, 2015
Rock throwing is becoming commonplace in Jerusalem amid a wave of Palestinian unrest, leading to calls for a harsh crackdown and adding to tensions over access to a key holy site.
A Palestinian boy uses a sling to throw stones at Israeli troops during a protest (Source: Reuters/file photo)
After finding high-tech solutions to halt suicide bombings and rockets, tech-savvy Israel is struggling with the resurgence of a weapon dating back to David and Goliath: the hurled rock.
Rock throwing is becoming commonplace in Jerusalem amid a wave of Palestinian unrest, leading to calls for a harsh crackdown and adding to tensions over access to a key holy site. But the outbursts appear to be decentralized and unorganized, and any tough new measures risk setting off another full-fledged conflict.
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Iran, Russia will work to help end Syria crisis: Iran dep foreign min
Tuesday 22 Sep 2015
Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said on Tuesday that Moscow and Tehran would do everything possible to help end the crisis in Syria, RIA news agency reported.
"Tehran and Moscow intend to use all possibilities and potential to help Syria come out of this crisis," he said at a news conference in Moscow.
He added that both Russia and Iran would continue dialogue with the Syrian opposition but that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad should be part of any political solution to Syria's crisis.,-Russia-will-work-to-help-end-Syria-crisis-Ir.aspx
Rouhani Describes Iranian Armed Forces as World's Biggest Anti-Terrorism Squad
Tue Sep 22, 2015
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian President Hassan Rouhani appreciated the country's Armed Forces' anti-terrorism efforts and victories, and said they are the terrorists' biggest enemy.
"Today, we tell the world that the biggest anti-terror and anti-terrorism Armed Forces are the Islamic Republic of Iran's Armed Forces," Rouhani said, addressing the annual nationwide parades at the mausoleum of the Founder of the Islamic Republic, the Late Imam Khomeini, South of Tehran on Tuesday morning.
The parades mark the start of the Sacred Defense Week, commemorating Iranians' sacrifices during the 8 years of the Iraqi imposed war on Iran in 1980s.
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The Islamic State West Africa continues to utilize women as suicide bombers
BY CALEB WEISS | September 21, 2015
Boko Haram, which now calls itself the Islamic State’s West Africa Province (ISWA), continues to utilize women as suicide bombers in northeastern Nigeria and in neighboring Cameroon. The jihadist group killed three people today in a suicide attack in the town of Mora in northern Cameroon.
According to Reuters, a police officer and two civilians were killed after two female suicide bombers detonated themselves in a car close to the town’s stadium. Early reports have indicated that the police officer stopped the car for a routine check before being killed in the blast. The death toll is expected to rise as authorities begin searching the scene and gather more information. The attack also occurred just hours after coordinated improvised explosive device attacks in the Nigerian city of Maiduguri killed over 50.
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North Africa: Algerian Muslim organization stages rally in support of al-Aqsa mosque
ALGIERS- Algerian Muslim Ulema Organization staged Friday in Algiers a rally in solidarity with El-Quds (Jerusalem) and al-Aqsa Mosque, during which it called for unity among the Arab and Muslim nation to defend the holy city against Israeli attacks and aggression.
Ambassador of Palestine to Algeria Aissa Louay, leader of political parties and civil society groups, in addition to members of the Palestinian community in Algiers, have taken part in a rally held at the Ulema organization's headquarters.
The organization's deputy chairman Amar Talbi urged for unity within the Arab and Muslim nation to "defend al-Quds against Israeli occupation forces' violence" and to "put an end, through all means, to the desecration of the symbols of Islam."
"The international silence is encouraging the practices of the Israeli enemy in the Palestinian territories against the symbols of the Muslim nation."
The Palestinian people is "united in resistance" and "will not allow the division and desecration of al-Aqsa mosque," he stressed.
Southeast Asia
Islamic State militants heading to Indonesia from Malaysia
September 22, 2015
PETALING JAYA: The Islamic State (IS) is working with people smuggling networks to bring foreign fighters to Indonesia through Malaysia, reported the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC).
The head of Indonesia's national counter-terrorism agency Saud Usman Nasution told the ABC that IS fighters arrived from Malaysia in Sumatra and were then taken to Poso in central Sulawesi, a suspected training ground for IS fighters.
"We see that some foreign terrorist fighters from overseas come to Indonesia.
"First they leave Malaysia and head for Pekanbaru (Sumatra) to Puncak (west Java) - it's all facilitated by asylum seeker networks, then from Puncak they would leave to Makassar and Poso, with facilitation from ISIS network.
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Myanmar: Muslim first to be charged under new religious laws
By Joshua Carroll
YANGON, (AA): A Myanmar Muslim man faces up to seven years in prison on being the first to be charged under a set of religious laws passed recently after a campaign by ultra-nationalist Buddhist monks, local media reported Friday.
Myint Soe Aung, from the southern Ayeyarwaddy division, has been charged under the new monogamy law because he was caught living with a Buddhist woman while still married to someone else.
Supporters of the extremist Ma Ba Tha group informed police after hearing rumors that the 37-year-old had been staying with the woman, who is 22-years old and also married, according to the Myanmar Times.
“We wouldn’t have any problem if they were single. But we were worried that this young Buddhist woman would be cheated,” Thaw Bi Ta, a Ma Ba Tha supporter who lives in the same township as the pair, told the newspaper.
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Issue of ‘Bangladeshi migrants’ dominates Assam’s politics ahead of election
Dilip Kumar Sharma, from Guwahati
With assembly elections in Assam due early next year, the issue of “illegal immigrants” from Bangladesh has once again started dominating political discourse in the northeastern state.
But surprisingly, the two main players, ruling Congress and BJP, appear to be uncertain about how to use this highly emotive issue to their “political advantage”.
The BJP government in New Delhi recently announced that minorities from Bangladesh and Pakistan, who entered the country on or before Dec 31, 2014, would be allowed to stay in India.
The announcement was viewed as the BJP’s move to placate Bengali Hindus ahead of assembly elections in Assam and West Bengal.
Not willing to concede any ground to the BJP, Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi soon jumped on the bandwagon welcoming the Centre’s decision.
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Liberalism, Islam can coexist, say Muslim groups
Conservative and liberal Muslim groups today agreed that liberalism could survive in harmony with Islam despite Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's constant reminder that it is a threat to the religion and its adherents in Malaysia.
Speaking at a forum organised by think tank IDEAS today, Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) president Abdullah Zaik Abd Rahman today said that as long as liberalism did not demand that Islam reform itself, then it should not be a problem.
"Can faith and liberalism exist side by side? If we refer to Islam, liberalism can coexist if it is under the system of Islam," said Abdullah, a panellist in the discussion titled "Liberalism and faith: Do they go hand-in-hand?"
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‘Islamic racism’ shows how shallow Malaysian politics is, says Negri prince
Claiming that an acceptable form of racism exists in Islam shows how Malaysian politics lack ideological conviction, Negri Sembilan prince Tunku Zain Al-Abidin Ibni Tuanku Muhriz said today.
Although he mentioned no names, the Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS) president said such rhetoric was just another one of the government’s attempts to justify dividing the people.
“Liberal ideas are branded as alien and heretical concepts and new justifications are dreamt up to consolidate state-sponsored division,” Tunku Zain said in his keynote address at the Malaysia Freedom Summit 2015 in Petaling Jaya.
“Indeed, in the aftermath of the Malaysia Day ‘red shirt’ rally, there was one politician who tried to argue that there is such a thing as an acceptable, ‘Islamic’ form of racism.
“The adoption of such rhetoric coupled with the vilification of liberal ideas highlights how malleable our political landscape is; how bereft it is of ideological conviction.”
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Asian students travel to Egypt for their Islamic studies
By May Kamel
CAIRO: Al Azhar University in Egypt is famed for being one of the leading Islamic educational institutions which has been attracting students from across the globe for decades.
One of the oldest educational institutions in the world, the university is considered one of the most prestigious Islamic universities with more than 300,000 students studying there.
Among the many tens of thousands who enter its doors are students from different parts of Asia, including Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. The students are interested in learning Arabic and Islamic teachings, among other professions and specialities.
"The mission is international, we have a duty towards all Muslims all over the world,” said Dr Abdel Dayam Nossir, the advisor of the Grand Imam of Al Azhar for Education and Cultural Affairs. “We are the only university that provides free education to everybody regardless of their nationality in Islamic and Arabic studies."
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North America
Muslim boy withdraws from US school that suspended him over clock
The boy's father said he has pulled all of his children from schools in the Irving Independent School District and the family is still deciding where to send the children to school.
Ahmed Mohamed, 14, gestures as he arrives to his family’s home in Irving, Texas. (Source: AP)
The family of a 14-year-old Muslim student who got in trouble over a homemade clock mistaken for a possible bomb withdrew the boy Monday from his suburban Dallas high school.
Ahmed Mohamed’s father, Mohamed El-Hassan Mohamed, said he has pulled all of his children from schools in the Irving Independent School District. Mohamed said the family is still deciding where to send the children to school.
Ahmed has said he brought the clock he made to MacArthur High School in Irving last week to show a teacher. Officials say he was arrested after another teacher saw it and became concerned. Ahmed wasn’t charged, but he was suspended from school for three days.
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Republican candidate Carson says Muslims unfit to be US president
Reuters | Sep 21, 2015
WASHINGTON: Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said on Sunday that Muslims were unfit to be president of the United States, arguing their faith was inconsistent with American principles.
"I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that," Carson told NBC's "Meet the Press."
The remarks by Carson, who is near the top of opinion polls for the crowded field of Republican candidates, followed a controversy that erupted when front-runner Donald Trump declined to challenge anti-Muslim comments made by a supporter on Friday.
Carson, a Christian who says he got the idea for his tax proposals from the Bible, said he thought a US president's faith should be "consistent with the Constitution."
Asked if he thought Islam met this bar, the retired neurosurgeon said: "No, I do not."
America's largest Muslim civil rights group condemned Carson for his statement, which it said should disqualify him from the presidential contest because the US Constitution forbids religious tests for holding public office.
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American Muslims fear a new wave of Islamophobia
Reuters | Sep 22, 2015
ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA: Muslim Americans responded with a mix of frustration, exasperation and anger to what many see as a growing wave of Islamophobia fuelled by two of the Republican Party's most popular presidential candidates, Donald Trump and Ben Carson.
At the Islamic Institute of Orange County, which houses a mosque and a school in Anaheim, in southern California, tensions were already mounting since a group of white men screamed at mothers and children arriving at the center on this year's anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, calling them cowards who did not belong in America.
Many of the country's 2.8 million Muslims say such tensions could become uglier during a presidential race that they fear is already tapping a vein of anger and bigotry.
"It's pretty troubling that someone running for president would make those claims," Zuhair Shaath, Palestinian-American, said of Carson, a retired neurosurgeon who on Sunday said Muslims were unfit for the presidency of the United States.
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Graham Calls on Carson Apologize To American Muslims
Sep 20152
On Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)47% insisted Dr. Ben Carson apologize for saying a Muslim should not be president of the United States.
Graham said, “During the second election of Karzai, I had an opportunity to go to a polling station during the election with military members in charge of security. One was a young man who grew up in Kabul, went to this particular high school. He came to America. He was a member of the United States Army. He was so proud of what happened in Afghanistan. He was proud to wear the uniform. I had a cup of coffee with him, and, yes, one day, I hope that Full Report at: