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Islamic Society ( 16 Apr 2014, NewAgeIslam.Com)

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Outstanding Achievements of Young Muslim Inventors Recognised In the International Exhibition of Inventions Held At Geneva


By New Age Islam Special Correspondent

14 April 2014

Geneva: A number of Muslim inventors from around the Muslim world turned up to showcase their creations in the International Exhibition of Inventions held at Geneva, Switzerland. This was one of the world's largest exhibitions devoted to innovation with some 60,000 visitors. It was gratifying to see so many Muslim countries including Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Oman, Iran, Indonesia and Malaysia participate and send their mostly young inventors, some of them women.

 Saudi inventor Ghaida Al-Sulami talking to New Age Islam's Geneva Bureau Chief Boris Engelson in the Exhibition.


The most notable in this grand event of scientific inventions was that even Saudi women scientists showcased their creativity. It was very heartening to see a Saudi woman scientist win three gold medals at the Geneva International Exhibition for Inventors, which is a truly outstanding achievement and should be emulated by Muslim women in other Islamic countries. Ghaida Al-Sulami, a lecturer at the College of Nursing in Umm Al Qura University won the medals in a joint collaboration with a team from King Abdullah Medical City (KAMC). Her project was concerned with the invention of an electronic screen for communicating with patients in intensive care units (ICUs). Al-Sulami also won two gold medals from the Portuguese and Roman Wings. She was overwhelmed with joy and excitement at her unique achievement and cooperation with the KAMC.

Talking to New Age Islam, Ghaida Al-Sulami explained she had no problems living and working as a woman in Saudi Arabia. Asked if she felt women in Saudi Arabia lived under constraints, as they could not even drive cars, she said she did not want to talk politics. However, when explained by this correspondent that she was only being asked to share her thoughts about the Saudi society and not politics, she opened up. Even when she was studying in one of the topmost universities in the United States, she lived her life in an Islamic way, donning hijab and having no boyfriend, etc. and she does the same in Saudi Arabia. So she has no reason to feel constrained. She had several offers to work in the US, she said, but her family wanted her to come back and so she chose to go back. She knew driving herself, which she learned as a student in the US and naturally misses not able to drive now but she said it did not matter. Small price to pay to live with her family. She said she would take her project to the forthcoming Paris International Conference for patient safety as well. She also expressed pride in conveying Saudi women’s message to international events like the one in Geneva and Paris.

It is noteworthy that King Abdullah Medical City (KAMC) achieved seven international medals along with two certificates of excellence in the International Exhibition of Inventions held at Geneva.

Similarly, young, dynamic and inspiring Muslim Students from Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) won the gold medal. The two SQU students Manea bin Said Al Kalbani and Salim bin Hamoud Al Zaidi of Department of Computer were extremely delighted when their invention was selected as the best application of the smart phone, in the category of computer science, software, electronics, electricity and telecommunications. Their invention was titled “Waiting List Service”, an application for smart phones with queue. The invention displays information about the queue system, such as the number of waiting people, time rate, waiting time and other features that can help customers get aware of their turn, thus providing them with time to do other work rather than waiting on premises of the service provider.

With innovation a weathervane of the shifting centre of the global economy, over half of Geneva’s exhibitors came from Asia and the Middle East. Most of the rest were from Europe, and a handful from Africa. During the opening day of the exhibition, an African Muslim inventor Umar Ayoumbaye presented his invention that bagged huge applause. He invented an extra flat air conditioning unit, independent in terms of energy, for nomads and tourists who travel on camels or elephants in warm areas and also for resorts without electricity. Umar’s inventions included a cracker for soapberry tree nuts — an ultra-hard source of cooking oil in northern Africa — as well as a simple mechanical hand for the disabled and a cooker with a safety locks.

Muslim scientists and inventors hailing from different Islamic countries particularly Saudi Arabia, Iran, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Egypt, Indonesia, Malaysia, Tunisia and Libya participated in this event and captured the visitors’ attention through their inventions. We are producing here some of them with their inventions in different fields of scientific development:

 Indonesian school girls who won gold medals for their inventions






 Indian Muslim couple of inventors from Faridabad, Haryana, now based in Jeddah. Delighted for the support they received in participating in Geneva Expo, they told New Age Islam that they are grateful for the support and facilities they have received in Saudi Arabia for their scientific work.


Mechanics, Engines, Machinery, Tools - Industrial Processes and Metallurgy

 (1) Al Harbi Hamdan Salem H. (Saudi Arabia) has invented a system and method for monitoring and controlling water distribution.

(2) Al Barwani Duhi Jamal Hilal (Oman) has invented a welding machine which operates by water as gas used for welding and cutting. It is a portable machine which also stores water and can a flame torch electronically in a precise way.

(3)  Allawi Mohammad Habib Ali (Bahrain) invented water conditioner consisting of two sections, a heating section and a cooling one, with a small pump circulating the water between the two sections to reduce the temperature of the water heater tank.

 (4) Amini A. & Fatemi Ardestani S.P (Iran): Smart grass controller robot for green spaces in the city.

 (5) Amini Sirous & Amini Arvin (Iran): Auto hydraulic parking system in streets.

(6) Dashti M. & Salmaniyan F. (Iran): Refinery steam converters capable of using compressed air without the need for electricity.

(7) Hebat al-Rahman Ahmed Hafiz (Egypt): Device and method for restoration of bodies by nano-powders and laser method and apparatus for repairing surface defects in different bodies.

(8) Hormozeh Hamid (Iran): Giant ship driving system which actually is substitute system for any engine in large ships such as aircraft carriers or oil tankers or liners that use lots of fuel.

(9) Mansoryar Mahdi (Iran): Nano material production, enrichment and detection of acoustic stress of high purity.

(10) Mathami Ahmad (Saudi Arabia): Vehicle engine valve cleaner.

 (11) Syed Mojtaba (Iran): Auto internal adjustable mirror system to increase the field of vision and reduce blind spots.

(12) Radwan Salma Awwad Abdoh (Saudi Arabia): Synthesis of thiazolidinone   derivatives of cross-linked Chitosan. These derivatives possess high adsorptive capacity,

(12) Roushadzi Ramin (Iran): Mechanical engine for all private, public cars and transport systems with no polluting gasses.

Computer Sciences, Software, Electronics, Electricity and Telecommunications:

(1)      Abdul Aziz Azwa (Malaysia): Exam generator for outcome based education developed to help teachers/lecturers to automatically identify level of questions based on Bloom’s Taxonomy,

(2)      Al-Khalaf Rakan Khalid (Saudi Arabia): EzSize, it gives the ability to measure the 3D surface and size of an object with accuracy and ease,

(3)      Al-Mutahi Omar M.A. (Saudi Arabia): A non-invasive technique to measure bilirubin levels using optical imaging,

(4)      Assadi Reza (Iran): GoodsNet (A pipeline system using electromagnetic power for the transport of goods of small size by combining RFID, barcode scanning and internet,

(5)      Attar Ammar & Khan Esam (Saudi Arabia): Flexible portable microphone that can help the speaker to use it in different positions giving him freedom of movement,

(6)      Baradie R., Al-Jarallah N. (Saudi Arabia): Total cholesterol in human blood measured using a nano particle coated platinum electrode, 

(7)      (7) Ghaffari S. Azad Ghalesorkhi (Iran): Electronic device for repelling rodents, birds, reptiles, insects etc,

(8)      (8)  Gholipour Rashtin & Parvin S. (Iran): Smart electrical panel to prevent electric shocks,

(9)      Rahim Normala Binti (Malaysia): Virtual Umrah (an interactive application that incorporates multimedia elements and virtual reality technology based on the user, centred design guidelines and theories, a new method for learning the rituals of Umrah).

Building, Architecture, Civil Engineering, Construction, Materials and Woodwork

(1)      Abbas Husain (Saudi Arabia): System for improving resistance to fire in concrete-filled steel tubular columns,

(2)      Fatemi Ardestani S.P. & Amini (Iran): Smart robot system for painting buildings,

(3)      Kalvandi S.M, Akbari M. (Iran): Oman Ionized water, magnetic technology for concrete,

(4)      Karimi Shabanzadah S. (Iran): Concrete Damping Traverses with 3 layers to absorb the shock of dynamic loads from rail to traverses,

(5)      Safari Ejal & Naseeri Ali Reza (Iran): Polystyrene elements with waterproof nano epoxy coating resistant against the climatic and corrosion factors.

Sanitation, Ventilation, Heating

(1)      Al-Khomari Abdul Rahman (Saudi Arabia): Water hammer suppression device, (2) Attar Ammar & Al-Zahrani Maher (Saudi Arabia): Clean, safe and easy automatic water refilling machine.

Security, Rescue, Alarm

(1)      Abrishamifar S.M. & Gharani A. (Iran): Fully automatic and intelligent anti burglary system with automatic contact to police for information, (2) Al-Katheeri Hani Moid & Bilal Mohammad (Saudi Arabia): Handicapped and seniors mini-elevators, (3) Al-Sultan Abdul Rahman (Saudi Arabia): Smart clothes iron, (4) Al-Suwaidi Humaid (United Arab Emirates): Rain sensor designed to detect rainfall, (5) Davoodi Omid & Zamani Elham (Iran): Fire- fighting rocket system to easily extinguish fires fast, (6) Hosseni Hadi (Iran): Smart and fully automatic alarm system for predicting earthquakes and tsunamis up to five days before the event, (7) Ismail Jamaluddin Bin (Malaysia): PASA (a total adapter to replace the elbow in hydrants, to enable them to be used to control in fire-fighting.

Commercial, Industrial and Official Equipment

(1)      Attar Ammar & Al-Qarshi Sultan (Saudi Arabia): Carpet auto cleaner, (2) Attar Ammar & Attar Zamil (Saudi Arabia): Fast disposable tables over rolls, (3) Ramadan Mohammad Zaki (Saudi Arabia): Ergonomic Arabic keyboard based on ergonomics for convenient typing and effective use.

Agriculture, Horticulture and Gardening 

(1)      Al-Nesar Mohammad (Saudi Arabia): Rain gauge with a separator for particles.

Medicine, Surgery, Hygiene, Orthopaedic Material for The Handicapped

(1)      Abdoh Muhammad (Saudi Arabia): Ultrasound guide system for positioning an intracranial catheter in neurosurgical operations, (2) Abrishamifar S.M. & Akbari Basiri A. (Iran): Production of an absorbent for ammoniac gas from human excretia in order to treat concussion, (3) Al-Ghamdi Ibrahim & Al-Omari Rayyan (Saudi Arabia): Smart robot for healthcare delivery by tracking a rail path on the ground, (4) Al-Habri Abdul Rahman Futyan(Saudi Arabia): Solution to bring blood to the body during surgery, (5) Al-Sulami Ghaida & Jilani Tariq (Saudi Arabia): Two way communications for non-verbal ICU patients and healthcare providers, (6) Aref Sagar Ibrahim (Saudi Arabia): A moving bath tub and a lift for bathing the ICU patients, (7) Attar Ammar & Al-Amri Ahmad (Saudi Arabia):  Smart patient tracker and patient innovation lab, (8) Al-Watidi Sherif Mohammad (Saudi Arabia):  A simple and cheap method for the preservation of large craniectomy bone flaps for extended periods of time in a freezer, (9) Fatiny Fahad Ibrahim (Saudi Arabia): Dental instrument for loosening a tooth before extraction by prying or levering it angularly, (10) Hesen Sherif Salah Abdul Aziz (Egypt): Components of AMV-RT and DNA polymerase enzymes as immunogens to stimulate formation of indirect cross reactive neutralisation mAbs to AMV-RT.

Teaching Methods and Materials, Musical Instruments and Art Materials

(1)      Ghambari Fariborz (Iran): Intelligent education system via SMS programmable for each individual, (2) Nikooravan Nadir (Iran): Vehicle electronics stimulator, (3) Yazid Ummu A. & Mohammad Shukor Nurul A. (Malaysia): My Valuable Teeth (an interactive multimedia application designed to reduce children’s dental anxiety.

Transport, Motor Vehicles, Ships, Aviation and Accessories

(1)      Al-Naamani Ibrahim Khamis Sultan (Oman): A new and unique bicycle which is balanced and does not have gravitational torque acting on it because its chain system is centred and provides comfortable riding with equal forces from both left and right legs no to the pedal, (2) Al-Khenji Jassim Abdullah (Qatar): Emergency Runway, (3) Gueri Mohammad (Algeria): Circular wing for vertical flight for the air transport business, Fadaei Mohammad Abadi A. & Kordsalar Zehi (Iran): Intelligent steering wheel for cars, (4) Hashmi Syed Masoud (Iran): Automatic windshield wiper using nano technology.

Protection of the Environment and Energy

(1)      Al-Ghamdi  Qater Al-Nada Abdullah Jaman (Saudi Arabia): Outer structure for a zeppelin which contains gaps to let in air containing mustard gas, (2) Al-Nashef Inas Muen (Saudi Arabia): A Green Method for the destruction of warfare agents such as mustard gas and similar compounds in ambient conditions, (3) Alam Alaa (Saudi Arabia): The Quick Surfaces Evaporator, (4) Al-Bakhri Essam (Saudi Arabia): System and methods for water purification, (5) Al-Khamis Mohammad (Saudi Arabia): Method and apparatus for storing energy using heavy weights.

There were many more Muslim inventors in this grand-scale event who came up with such an astonishing array of discoveries and inventions that left the visitors spellbound. However, the following Muslim inventors won more applause:

Abbas Husain (Saudi Arabia), Abdoh Mohammad (Saudi Arabia), Abdul Aziz Azwa (Malaysia), Abrishamifar S. M. & Akbari Basiri A. (Iran), Gharani A. (Iran), Zandieh A. (Iran), Al-Ghamdi Qater Alnada Abdullah Jaman (Saudi Arabia), Al-Harbi Hamad Salem H. (Saudi Arabia), Al-Namani Ibrahim Khamis Sultan (Oman), Al-Nashef Inas Muien (Saudi Arabia), Alam Alaa (Saudi Arabia), Al-Bahkali Essam (Saudi Arabia), Al-Barwani Dhuhi Jamal Hilal (Oman), Al-Ghamdi Ibrahim, Al-Omari Rayan (Saudi Arabia), Al-Ghamdi Mohammad, Al-Motiri Sultan & Almari Ahmad (Saudi Arabia), Al-Harbi Abdul Rahman Futyan (Saudi Arabia), Al-Kalbani Mana Said & Al-Hinai Hamid Naser (Oman), Al-Katheeri Hani Moeidh & Bilal Mohammad (Saudi Arabia), Al-Khalaf Rakan Khaled Y. (Saudi Arabia), Al-Khamis Mohammad (Saudi Arabia),

The Geneva Exhibition of Inventions 2014 brought together scores of young and aspiring Muslim inventors, representing the Islamic countries. It was aimed at encouraging young inventors of all world nations to continue doing scientific and technical research. The event drew more than 3,000 visitors from 70 countries.



