By Maulana Wahiduddin Khan for
New Age Islam
Feb, 2015
writings and speeches of many present-day Muslim scholars and spokesmen are
replete with negativity. They think and claim that the Muslim community across
the world is ‘being destroyed’. This is undoubtedly an un-Islamic way of
thinking because it goes against the example set by the Prophet Muhammad.
Prophet lived in the first half of the 7th century C.E.. At the time that he
received prophethood, Makkah was controlled by polytheists and Madinah was
under Jewish domination. Large parts of the Arabian peninsula were under
Byzantine and the Sassanian rulers, who were opposed to Islam. You can gauge
their hostility to Islam from the fact that when the Prophet sent a missionary
letter, through one of his Companions, to the ruler of Persia, the latter tore
up the letter and threw it away and said: “He writes to me—and he is my slave!”
(Al-Bidayah wan-Nihayah, 4/307).
conditions, then, in those times were a thousand times more severe than what
Muslims face today. And yet the Prophet of Islam never expressed any negative
reaction against these conditions.
In the
light of this, present-day Muslim leaders must change their thinking, instead
of demonstrating against and fighting with others.