By S.
Arshad, New Age Islam
27 March 2021
tradition of Tafseer (exegesis) of the holy Quran developed in the first
century Hijri at the behest of Ummayyid caliph Abdul Malik. The first exegesis
was compiled during his caliphate. Since after the death of the Prophet pbuh,
the Islamic state expanded, Muslims felt the need to make the teachings of the
Quran accessible to common Muslims across the world, the science of exegesis
verses of the Quran were not only revealed by the Archangel Jibreel to the
Prophet buh but also Jibreel A.S. explained the meanings of the verses to the
Prophet pbuh. The following verses are testimony to this:
when we recite it, follow thou the recital. Then lo! upon us (resteth) the
explanation."(Al Qiyamah:18-19)
sent not a messenger except (to teach) in the language of his own people
(Lisane Qaum) in order to make things clear to them."(Ibrahim:4)
no question do they bring to you but we reveal to you the truth and best
explanation ( thereof).(Ahsano Tafseera)(Al Furqan:33)
At the
time of revelation in the initial period, the Prophet pbuh would be worried
about memorising and explanation of the verses. To this, God assured him not to
worry as it was His responsibility to make Him memorise it and teach him the
explanation of the verses.
The use
of the word Tafseer in Surah Furqan justifies the tradition of Tafseer for the
understanding of the Quran in a better way.
the use of the word Lisane Qaum in Surah Ibrahim justifies translation of the
Quran in different languages of the world (Lisane Qaum) as the Quran was
revealed for all the peoples of the world in all ages till the Day of Judgment.
first comprehensive Tafseer was authored by Imam Tabary in the third century
Hijri. He compiled the exegesis with the help of the chain of isnad that were
available till that time. His exegesis is considered the most reliable exegesis
because of his balanced and scientific approach. This exegesis is called Ummul
Tafaseer as almost all the later day tafseers have taken help from it.
significant exegesis is the exegesis of Ibn-e-Kathir and it is commonly known
as Tafseer Ibn-e-Kathir. This exegesis is the most reliable and comprehensive
exegesis after Tafseer-e-Tabary. Ibn-e-Kathir borrowed a lot from
Tafseer-e-Tabary and is available in several volumes. Although Ibn-e-Kathir was
a disciple of the hardline Islamic scholar Ibn-eTaymiyyah, his exegesis is
reliable thanks to its scientific and balanced approach. This Tafseer is more
popular among the Salafists.
significant exegesis is Tafseer Jalalayn, authored jointly by Jalaluddin
Mahalli and his disciple Jalamuddin Suyut in the 16th century A.D. This
exegesis is also very popular because of its conciseness and simple language.
that, the science of exegesis developed and thousands of exegeses were authored
in many languages. Some of them came in several hundred volumes which was not
easy to read for the common Muslims. For example Tafseer-e-Hadayeq was written
in 500 volumes.
later years, exegesis of the Quran became a tool for propagation of different
schools of thought of Muslims. The ulema of different sects and schools of
thought interpreted the Quranic verses in order to establish their sect or
group or ideology. Modern exegetes omitted or ignored the chain of isnad while
explaining the verses so that they could present their own explanation.
example, the Mutazilas interpreted the Quran from their own point of view and
the sufi exegetes interpreted verses from sufi or Wahdatul Wujud point of view.
Many Israilyats were also included in the exegeses. Haqayeq ul Tafseer is a
sufi interpretation of the Quran while Tafseer al Ajayeb wal Gharayeb is based
on far fetched explanation of the verses. These two exegeses have been rejected
by ulema.
Shias have also produced exegeses to justify their own sectarian beliefs.
Ahmadi sect has their own exegesis based on their own sectarian ideology.
sectarian exegeses made understanding of the Quran more confusing than clear.
is the reason science of exegesis of the Quran have lost credibility in the
modern times. Tafseers were initially meant to make understanding of the Quran
easier but in reality it makes the understanding of the Quran difficult due to
dishonest and sectarian approach of the exegetes. Tge same can be said about
the translations of the Quran. Ulema of different sects or schools of thought
have translated the verses of the Quran to justify their own sectarian
thoughts. Sectarian bias becomes evident from their translations and exegesis.
These scholars have made Quran difficult whereas the God says:
we have made the Quran easy for study and reasearch. Is there anyone who will
ponder over them?"(Al Qamar:17)
of the unbalanced and unscientific approach of the exegetes of today, majority
of ulema consider Tafseer Tabary the most reliable and dependable exegesis even
today. A universally acceptable modern exegesis of the Quran based on modern
scientific and social context is the need of the hour.
Arshad is a columnist with
New Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Women in Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab Women, Women In Arab, Islamophobia in America, Muslim Women in West, Islam Women and Feminism