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Islam, Women and Feminism ( 30 Jun 2017, NewAgeIslam.Com)

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ISIS Tricks Starving Yazidi Sex Slave Into Eating Her Own One-Year-Old Son

New Age Islam News Bureau

30 Jun 2017 

Photo: In a gut- wrenching incident, a woman captured by the Islamic State (ISIS) was tricked into eating her own one-year-old baby.


 Racist Thug Who Slapped Muslim Woman in the Face with Rashers of Bacon

 Muslim Girl Burned In Acid Attack on 21st Birthday Speaks Out Over Manhunt

 Pakistan’s Jirgas: Buying Peace At The Expense Of Women’s Rights?

 London Police Arrest Woman over ‘Syria-Related’ Terror Offenses

 Women Progress to Higher Levels in Malaysia

Compiled by New Age Islam News Bureau




ISIS Tricks Starving Yazidi Sex Slave Into Eating Her Own One-Year-Old Son

Jun 30, 2017

In a gut- wrenching incident, a woman captured by the Islamic State (ISIS) was tricked into eating her own one-year-old baby.

This incident was narrated by Iraqi MP VianDakhill to Egypt’s Extra News.

One of the women whom we managed to retrieve from ISIS said that she was held in a cellar for three days, without food or anything.

She was finally let out and given a meal of meat and rice. After the poor hungry woman gulped down her food, her barbaric captors told her what was in the food.

“When she finished they said to her: “We cooked your one-year-old son that we took from you, and this is what you just ate,” Dakhill narrated to the Extra News anchor.

The captured woman was a member of the Yazidi community, which ISIS considers a “devil-worshipping” community. ISIS has brutalised and killed thousands of Yazidi people, taking the women and children as sex slaves.



Racist thug who slapped Muslim woman in the face with rashers of bacon

Fri, Jun 30, 2017

Alex Chivers was filmed by a friend as he hurled abuse at the teenage girl and her mother shouting "you deserve this" before hitting her with the open bacon packet.

The footage from a smartphone showed Chivers, 36, in motorbike gear holding up the pack of pork - forbidden in Islam - in front of the camera.

He is then seen running as the mother and daughter wearing traditional Islamic dresses walked along a pavement and confronting the young daughter wearing a hijab.

The girl was not injured but was left very upset and reported the hate crime in Enfield, north London on June 8 to police.

A man who abused two Muslim women before striking one of them in the face with a packet of bacon has been jailed after admitting to religiously/racially aggravated assault

Scotland Yard

Chivers was tracked down and arrested six days later on June 14 and charged on the same day but the person who filmed the crime is still being hunted.

Chivers, from Waltham Cross, north London, pleaded guilty to one count of racially or religiously aggravated common assault and one count of causing racially or religiously aggravated alarm or distress.

He was jailed to 26 weeks for the assault and 12 weeks for a public order offence, to run concurrently, at Highbury Corner Magistrates' Court yesterday.

He was also ordered to pay a £115 victim surcharge and will complete a 12-month supervision order when he is released on licence.

Scotland Yard said: "A man who abused two Muslim women before striking one of them in the face with a packet of bacon has been jailed after admitting to religiously/racially aggravated assault.

"The offence occurred at 4.40pm on Thursday, 8 June in Hertford Road, Enfield.

"The victim, who is a Muslim in her teens, was walking with her mother when she was approached by Chivers.

"Chivers made abusive, Islamophobic comments, calling her 'Isil scum' and shouting 'you deserve this.'


The footage showed Chivers holding up the pack of pork in front of the camera

"He then struck her in the face with an open packet of bacon. The victim was not injured, but was very distressed."

DC James Payne from Enfield Community Safety Unit said: "This was a truly shocking incident.

"The victim was out with her mother and getting on with her day when Chivers abused her and then set upon her with something he knew would both upset and offend her.

The girl was not injured but was left very upset

"We know other people were present during this attack, including an associate of Chivers' who filmed the incident.

"Enquiries are ongoing to trace these people and if you have any information that may assist in identifying them please contact the Community Safety Unit at Enfield via 101.

"The Community Safety Unit here in Enfield would encourage all victims of hate crime to contact police so that the culprits can be identified and brought to justice."



Muslim girl burned in acid attack on 21st birthday speaks out over manhunt

30th June 2017

Dangerous John Tomlin is wanted by police after Resham Khan and her older cousin were badly burned when acid was thrown in their faces.

Horrified Jameel Mukhtar, 37, watched his face and that of his cousin’s “melting” after sulphuric acid was poured on their heads whlie they sat in a car at traffic lights.

The attack happened at 9.15am on June 21 in Tollgate Road, Beckton, east London, police said.

Now the business student at Manchester Metropolitan University has called for calm in the wake of the “cruel and vicious attack”.

Resham urged social media followers not to “categorise others” as she shared the police photo of Tomlin.

She wrote: “Regardless of whatever was going on in his head during his cruel and vicious attack, I really don't want this to help fuel a division among people.

“From a large majority, there will always be a sick and twisted minority.

“Stop tearing each other down, stop arguing religion and politics.

“Make peace with each other and the world.

“Letting this man or the events of the past fill you up with hate will only darken the soul.”

muslim man acid attack burns chemical wounds headGO FUND ME

HOSPITALISED: JameelMuhktar, 37, believes the acid attack was racially motivated

A whopping £40,000 has now been raised for the lass, who watched her clothes “burn away” during the attack.

Friends have expressed surprise at Resham’s calm reaction.

Pal Sam Chandarana said to Resham on Facebook: “I honestly didn't expect this kind of statement after what happened to you – it's beyond inspiring.”

Pools of sulphuric acid, lava lakes: is this Earth or another planet?

The Danakil Depression in Ethiopia is a vast plain stretching out 10,000 square kilometers. At the junction of three tectonic plates the result is pools of sulphuric acid, pillars of salt and one of the most inhospitable landscapes on Earth

The Manchester University student had come down to London to celebrate her 21st birthday and visit a spa.

She was on a drive with her older cousin whom she had not seen in nine months, "blasting music and chilling like cousins do” when a man approached the window and launched acid at them.

The sick brute then walked around the car to chuck more acid at Jameel, whose injuries were so severe he was temporarily put in a coma.

Moron filmed attacking Muslim schoolgirl's face with BACON while shouting 'ISIS scum'

Scotland Yard have warned the public not to approach Tomlin, 24, who they describe as "dangerous", but to call 999 instead.

He is known to frequent the Canning Town area, is arounf 6ft with short fair hair and has teardrops and dripping dagger tattoos on each cheek.

They added that there was no current information to suggest the attack was racially or religiously motivated.



Pakistan’s jirgas: buying peace at the expense of women’s rights?

30 June 2017

Why are foreign donors so enthusiastic about alternative dispute mechanisms when they deliver second class justice for women?

It has taken nine military operations since 2002 to clear Pakistan’s frontier and tribal areas from Taliban, and millions of people have been displaced from their homes, some more than once. Pakistanis have paid a high price for allowing religious extremism to grow on their soil. Between 2003-17 over 21,000 civilians, and even more militants, have been killed.

Women in these conflict-affected areas have coped with violence and displacement for over a decade now. They have lived with restrictions on their access to public spaces, attacks on women’s health service providers, and the closure of girls’ schools – with little public outcry in a nation that was reluctant to condemn the Taliban agenda.

Bravely, women have formed new organisations to resist some of the worst effects of ‘Talibanisation’ – including the first all-female jirga, or council, in Swat valley to give women facing family disputes and violence legal advice.

Some, like Farida Afridi, who founded the SAVERA group for women’s empowerment, have been killed for their audacity in promoting girls’ education and employment in the tribal areas.

The jirga system is a commonplace dispute resolution mechanism in Pakistan’s rural areas. It has been reviled by activists for its role in enforcing honour killings, rape as retribution during tribal feuds, the exchange of girls to settle disputes, and the broader exclusion of women’s voices.

But it is a powerful system, and its role is enhanced by corrupt and inefficient, overloaded national courts. Taliban also killed some tribal elders who were members of jirgas in order to establish their own authority.

The all-female council in Swat is a structure set up by women to give other women legal advice – but it has no particular standing as a dispute resolution mechanism or as anything equal to tribal jirgas, which are male-dominated. Rather, it reflects women’s dissatisfaction with the system that excludes them.

lead Members of a tribal jirga at Peshawar press club.

Members of a tribal jirga at Peshawar press club. Photo: PA Images. All rights reserved.

There is general agreement including among mainstream political parties and the government that the tribal areas must be fully integrated with the adjoining province Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa as a first step to resolving governance problems that made the area vulnerable to militancy in the first place.

As part of this, the government intends to do away with the colonial-era Frontier Crimes Regulations Act, which was used to govern the border areas indirectly through councils of tribal elders and administer punishments on communities for infringements.

But they are struggling to figure out how to do this without upsetting too many political interests.

Instead of simply giving the people full citizenship and political rights, and bringing them into the same administration as the rest of the country, the government’s Riwaj Bill proposed legalising the jirga a means of traditional conflict resolution alongside extending the jurisdiction of the higher courts to the tribal areas.

This was controversial and was rejected by political party representatives from tribal areas and by women’s groups, arguing that they should enjoy the same constitutional protections as other Pakistani citizens.

'thejirga system has been reviled by activists for its role in enforcing honour killings'

When the government presented its Riwaj Bill to the National Assembly earlier this year it was unable to get it passed amid opposition to the jirga system and concerns that the bill represented backtracking on government commitments to fully integrate the tribal areas into Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa.

“Under the Riwaj Act, the jirga system will be retained, while a council of elders appointed by the court will decide the criminal and civil nature of cases in light of Riwaj (tradition). That is unacceptable to us,” said Zuhra Mohmand of the TakraQabaileeKhwendo association of women’s groups in the tribal areas. It is also called for women's inclusion in discussions which seem to be led from the capital Islamabad.

The government appears to believe that retaining the jirga institution should be part of reconstruction efforts in the tribal areas because of its ongoing relevance and importance in settling tribal disputes. It has also passed another law to regularise “alternative dispute resolution” (ADR) mechanisms.

The ADR Act, passed earlier this year, enables a range of disputes to be settled before arbitrators outside of Pakistan’s beleaguered court system. Although this new law applies only to the capital territory for the moment, it’s expected to be extended across the country.

The Act creates a panel of ‘neutral’ men of integrity and experience including lawyers, retired judges, civil servants, and ulema (Muslim scholars) to preside over arbitrations. The cases they may oversee range from commercial and banking disputes to issues of family law.

This legislation was described as “giving constitutional cover” to the jirga system.

In response to women’s rights concerns, in February law minister Zahid Hamid said both parties in disputes have to consent to go to arbitration, and “if any woman feels that she is not being given justice, she can move [to] the court”.

Given the difficulties that women face in accessing the judicial system, this is not very helpful. Women parliamentarians Nafisa Shah (Pakistan People’s Party) and ShirinMazari (Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaaf) have demanded that women be appointed as ‘neutrals’ as well.

'the enthusiasm amongst foreign donors for ADR mechanisms is inexcusable'

It is unsurprising that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif proposed a law without regard for its impact on women. His party has always been reluctant to oppose the religious right and implement progressive legislation. But the enthusiasm amongst foreign donors for ADR mechanisms is inexcusable.

Aid donors including the UK’s Department for International Development are already funding ADR capacity-building in the province of Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa and tribal areas. The government also promises to train jirgas, now called ‘private mediation committees’, to improve their functioning and educate them about human rights.

The Asia Foundation justifies its enthusiastic engagement with ADR as part of its efforts to bridge the gap between citizens and the legal system.

But jirgas as an institution never include women – neither as decision-making members nor as parties to plead their own cases. And, if Pakistan’s courts cannot deliver on human rights, how can this task be outsourced to men with a proven track record of misogyny and the exclusion of women? 

Aid agencies’ backing for ADR should be seen in the light of their larger concerns to address root causes of militancy. Their strategy involves moderating the rhetoric and power of cultural and religious institutions – as if that will, indirectly, end up granting men and women the rights they have so long been denied.

Interest in funding faith-based programmes, and working with religious leaders, is part of this strategy. For instance: the US government aid agency USAID recently spent a great deal of money on ‘sensitising’ religious leaders to win over their support for contraceptive use (as part of its “Extended Service Delivery” project).

USAID even got its family planning manual approved by the retrogressive Council for Islamic Ideology. This was meant to undermine the Taliban’s assault on contraceptive services. But while this approach may have made sense politically, it was not grounded in empirical evidence that involving mullahs will have a long-term impact in contraceptive uptake.

'women’s rights activists argue that we are overstating the importance of religious leaders as arbiters of everyday life'

Educated leaders of religious parties, MaulanaFazlur-Rahman of Jamaat-i-Ulema-e-Islami (JUI) and leaders of the Jamaat-i-Islami publicly oppose family planning. Women’s rights activists argue that we are overstating the importance of religious leaders as arbiters of everyday life decisions.

Pakistan regularly runs nation-wide polio immunisation campaigns, yet it remains one of three countries where the disease is still endemic. The immunisationprogramme has for years been targeted by militants who accuse it of being a cover for a western conspiracy to sterilise Muslims and who are opposed to the use of women as vaccinators in communities.

Yet the government makes use of religious figures to promote and win back popular support for the struggling campaign, no matter how discredited or linked with the Taliban they are. Maulana Sami ul-Haq, in whose seminary Taliban leaders studied, was invited by WHO and Unicef to be a spokesperson for the programme in 2015 and 2016.

Not only should Maulana Sami ul-Haq be made to answer for his support for the Taliban, but he has proven to be an unworthy polio ally by changing his mind at least twice about supporting vaccinations. In 2012 he renounced this support after Osama bin Laden was killed, telling the west to end their drone strikes or leave children unprotected.

Pakistan feminists have fought against what they call 'the Talibanisation of Pakistani society' for the last 15 years. The growth of intolerance and the instrumentalisation of Islam has been used to restrict women’s freedoms across the country, including by more mainstream religious parties and growing piety movements.

Using religion and culture as an excuse to limit (or on occasion expand) women’s choices, whether in matters of reproduction and sexuality, marriage, education, or inheritance, is subject to political whim and has little to do with the rights of women.



London Police Arrest Woman Over ‘Syria-Related’ Terror Offenses © AP Photo/ Dominic Lipinski


London police said that a woman was arrested at Heathrow Airport after disembarking a flight from Turkey on suspicion of preparing a Syria-related act of terrorism.

UK Anti-War Advocacy Group to Organize Protest in London Friday Against Bombings of Syria

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — A woman was arrested at Heathrow Airport on Thursday after disembarking a flight from Turkey on suspicion of preparing a Syria-related act of terrorism, London police said.

"The woman, from north London, was arrested at 21:02hrs on suspicion of preparation of acts of terrorism… The arrest is Syria-related," the Metropolitan Police said in a statement.

The 21-year-old was detained after flying in from Istanbul, police said. Two properties in north London were also searched in connection with her arrest.

The United Kingdom remains on a "severe" threat level for international terrorism, meaning an attack is highly likely. It has seen a series of knife and bomb attacks in the past months, inspired by an Islamist group operating in Syria.



Women progress to higher levels in Malaysia



Noor Huda Roslan (left) and NenneyShuhaidahShamsuddin congratulating each other after being appointed as Syariah High Court judges last year. (File pix)


HISTORICALLY, discrimination against women is not peculiar. It happened globally and in almost all civilisations. Women were often treated as their husbands’ properties. They were denied the right to own property or to exercise any civil or public positions.

There are many examples of such deprivation across Europe and Asia. For instance, during the 16th to 18th centuries, women in England were denied the right to cast their votes in elections, let alone to contest a seat in Parliament or representative councils.

In Asia, the Arab Jahiliyyah in the pre-Islamic era witnessed a most oppressive form of infanticide, where newborn baby girls were buried alive fearing that they will bring hardship and poverty to the family.

Islam not only recognised the position of women and their rights, but enshrined them in the syariah. The Quran even dedicated a specific chapter to women, entitled Surah an-Nisa’, which outlines in detail the rights of women and the preservation of their honour.

If one would study and analyse the entire corpus of Islamic teachings, one would quickly discover that there is no room for the discrimination of women in the name of Islam.

Consequently, the apparent discriminatory practices pervasive among Muslims are essentially not juridical, but are largely influenced by local customs of a male-dominated society. Such practices have no roots in Islam, and only continue to tarnish the name of Islam.

In the context of Malaysia, the origins of the women’s rights movement can be traced back to when Malaya achieved Independence.

The 1957 Independence Day had spurred a nationwide spirit of self-determination and nationalism, which in turn also encouraged women to develop themselves, mainly through education.

The fast growth of schools and education infrastructure, and the equal access accorded to women had a major role in elevating Malaysian women from where they were then to where they are today.

In the whole process of developing our country, women have made significant contributions to every aspect of Malaysia’s development, especially in social, cultural and economic sectors.

Currently, Malaysian women constitute a significant portion of the labour force in the professional and non-professional sectors.

Statistics in 2007 showed that there were more highly-educated women than men; they amounted to 61.9 per cent of all university students totalling 59,207.

Women have also proven that they thrive and can do well in the education system and are well qualified to be employed in many sectors, be it public or private.

However, there are indeed concerns on the under-representation of women at the decision-making level in the public and private sectors.

To mitigate this, the government introduced a policy in 2004 that promotes women to occupy at least 30 per cent of all decision-making positions at all levels. In other words, women are now given adequate opportunities for promotion and career advancement.

A survey carried by the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry in 2007 regarding the distribution of female employment by occupation showed that women were mostly concentrated in the clerical and service areas.

In another survey conducted in 2008 on numbers of registered professionals, the figure showed that most professions were actually dominated by men except for accountancy and legal professions, where women make up almost half of the workforce. This is testimony to the equal ability of men and women to carry out work in the professional field.

Efforts were made by the government to enhance the capacity and capabilities of women to progress to higher levels. For example, the establishment of the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry is one of the manifestations of the government’s commitment that was made during the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995 and was duly carried out.

In the realm of the judiciary, Malaysia practises a dual legal system composed of civil courts and syariah courts.  Malaysian women have been appointed to serve as judges in civil courts since the 1980s, with the proviso that women judges in the High Courts should only hear civil cases and not criminal cases, which may involve capital punishment.

As for the syariah courts, women were only appointed as judges beginning the year 2010 with the appointment of two female judges in Kuala Lumpur, followed by Melaka, Kelantan, Pahang, Perlis, Kedah, Sabah and Selangor.

The appointment of Muslim women as judges has been a controversial issue for years in Muslim countries due to perceptions that such appointments might not be in conformity with the syariah.

There is also a prevailing perception doubting the capability of women in reasoning and making decisions, and what more in matters relating to religion.

Such doubts are baseless from the perspective of Islam.

In Surah al-Ahzab verse 35,

Allah underscores the spiritual equality of men and women in regards to religious obligations: every good deed done by men and women will be evaluated and rewarded equally.

Surah al-Tawbah verse 71 further underpins this position, articulating men and women as “protectors of one another”, enjoining “what is right and forbiding what is wrong...”, thus having equal responsibility in carrying the duties and trusteeship of khalifah (vicegerent).

In sum, women in Islam enjoy equal position with their male counterparts. There is no prohibition from the Quran and the Sunnah for women to hold high public positions. It is only prejudicial customary practices that undermine women’s rights.

The writer is deputy chief executive officer of International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS) Malaysia




New Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Womens in Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab Women, Womens In Arab, Islamphobia in America, Muslim Women in West, Islam Women and Feminism


