By Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
(Translated from Urdu by New Age Islam Edit Desk)
The unveiling of the mysteries of the nature is a job that religious minded people could not do because of their inhibitions towards nature. That’s why Gog and Magog were chosen for this job. They were completely secular people and so were able to explore the hidden secrets of the nature without any complex towards it.
Possibility of Divine Realization
Abraham was a prophet of God who was born in the pre-scientific age Iraq. The Quran tells us that God showed to him the marvels of the universe. (Al An’am: 76). It was a divine observation to enable him to strengthen his belief.
The observation of the secrets of the earth and sky is the observation of the creation. This observation strengthens the belief in the Creator. This observation in the pre-scientific age was only possible through divine medium. In the modern age, the belief system ushered in a new phase with the invention of telescope (1608) and microscope (1676). It became now possible for every human being to observe the signs of God directly and attain a new belief through human knowledge.
The modern scientific revolution has opened new intellectual doors of the realization of God for every human being. It is now possible for man to ascertain the evidences of God’s presence in the creations through direct study and observations. The divine signs that became evident to man through the scientific revolution made the attainment of the highest divine realization easy to the last degree for man. Thanks to this many servants of God attained divine realization. But evil forces also remain at work along with the good forces in this world as told by Zartusht (551 B.C.):
“The world is a perpetual battleground of the good and evil forces.”
Therefore, during the same period, some big brains came into existence whose thoughts served as the means to drive away man from the divine realization. The phenomenon was predicted in a hadith saying that in the later phase Dajjal (great deceiver) will be born who will lead people astray through his deceptive thoughts. (Some hadiths talk of thirty Dajjals). What is Dajjal or Dajjalism? It is in fact intellectual misinterpretation that will be observed in the period of Dajjal.
The Period of Global Dawah
Another aspect of the positive works done in this period will be the global work of dawah. This global dawah has been predicted in a hadith which is as follows:
“There will not be a camp or house on earth where God will not enter the word of Islam.” (Masnad Ahmad: vol 6, page 4). The entry of the word of Islam in every house on earth will not occur through any mysterious means. It will happen through the known resources that is, through the global means of mass communication. The modern age is called the age of communication. This is a fact that in the modern age, the means of global communication have become available to man. Such global dawah was not possible before the scientific revolution.
In the modern age, Dajjal has filled the world with negative propaganda and misinformation through the use of modern means of communication. The whole world is living in the darkness of negative thought. This is the situation that has been mentioned in the hadith as fitnatud duhaima (Abu Dawood, kitabul fitan), meaning starkly dark mischief. This dark mischief means a grave intellectual darkness. This darkness will come into existence due to the negative use of the means of communication.
The Islamic dawah is the positive use of the modern means of communication. This propagation will be done with the help of modern multimedia. The person doing the effective propagation of Islamic thought through multimedia is probably called Mehdi or rajal-e-mumin in the hadith. Dajjal is the symbolic name of those making a negative use of the modern resources and Mehdi is the symbolic name of the person making a positive use of those resources.