By Arman Neyazi, New Age Islam
April 2021
Holy Quran, Hadees Narrations, Scriptures Of All Other Religions And Teachings
Of All Hues Of Spiritual Leaders Preach That Love Is The Cure Of All Kinds Of
Anxieties And Distress
has become a common feature of contemporary life.
says going through difficult times is inevitable.
to be taken during pandemic according to Quran.
is a test of our patience and belief in Allah Almighty.
It will not be an exaggeration to say that
almost the entire global community – rich and the poor – all are in the grip of
fear and depression. Those who boasted of their empowered institutions of
medical science and medical infrastructure are no lesser victims of the most
grievous situation created by the Covid-19 and its various strains. This depressing
and fearful environment started spreading from the wealthiest and
scientifically most advanced nations to the rest of the world. It is for about
a year and a half that we have been engaged in scientific researches to find
out, exactly what it is, but have learned little to date.
courtesy/ Quantum Laboratories Inc CNS Clinical Research
and Fear
Depression has become a common feature of
contemporary life. Human beings have got so much involved in pursuit of worldly
life that they have presumed to be living forever with all that they have
accumulated by hook or by crook. There would not have been any kind of
depression had man understood that there is no end to the race for power and
wealth. Human beings running behind this will ultimately take him to a dark
ditch never to come back again. Coming out of depression requires going back to
spirituality which is divinely inbuilt in all of us.
Not going into the psychology of fear, it
can in simple words be said that all of us are born with this very humane
emotion. Fear is a very strong emotion that is experienced during the period of
depression or a state of helplessness. We experience this emotion in our
everyday life for various petty reasons to the big ones of losing our own or
our beloved’s lives. Fear is a sign of alertness to the threatening danger of
losing something or someone to the power that is beyond our reach.
Teaches that Going Through Difficult Times Is Inevitable
Life is full of happiness and sorrows. All
given to us by Allah, the One we turn to in our dire state of need. All come upon
us to test our patience and belief in Allah, the Almighty. The following two
verses of the Holy Quran testify that Allah, the Most Merciful, never leaves
His creation alone drenched in grief and helplessness but to test their
perseverance and their faith in Him.
Do people think that they will be left (at ease) only
on their saying, “We believe” and will not be put to any test? (Al-Ankbut 29:2) — Mufti Taqi Usmani
We shall certainly test you with fear and
hunger, and loss of property, lives and crops. Give good news to those who
endure with fortitude. (Al-Baqra Verse No:155) - Wahiduddin Khan
And in the following verse of Surah
Al-Hadid, Allah the Knower (of the Unseen and The Seen) says that all that
happens in the world happens not without reasons as it is registered and
recorded before:
“No misfortune can affect the earth or your own selves
without its first having been recorded in a book before We bring it into being.
That is easy for God to do;” Surah
Al‐Hadid‐verse‐22 - Wahiduddin Khan
The world has been witnessing hunger, loss
of property, lives and crops as at present we are witness to the losses of
materialistic wealth and precious lives we had thought to be ours, in our
ignorance of the powers of our Creator. In this regards the Holy Prophet Muhammad
(SAW) says:
“Wondrous is the
affair of the believer for there is good for him in every matter and this is
not the case with anyone except the believer. If he is happy, then he thanks
Allah and thus there is good for him, and if he is harmed, then he shows
patience and thus it is good for him.” (Hadith by Sahih Muslim)
All of us are in the grip of fear of losing
lives from the Pandemic Covid-19 so it is but natural to be afraid of the
consequences. But there is relief and precaution in the following two Ahadees
to be followed. Narrated Abu Huraira (RA), Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) says:
“(There is) no
'Adwa (no contagious disease is conveyed without Allah's permission). nor is
there any bad omen (from birds), nor is there any Hamah, nor is there any bad
omen in the month of Safar, and one should run away from the leper as one runs
away from a lion” (Al‐Bukhari, 2007).
Prophet Muhammad said: “If you hear of its
presence (the presence of plague) in a land, don't enter it, but if it spreads
in the land where you are, don't fly from it” (Bin Al‐Hajjaj, 2006)
Although it is too late, we still should
follow the steps commanded to us by the Apostle of Allah, Prophet Muhammad
(SAW) that the contagious disease is not a bad omen and that we should not
leave the place where the disease has spread nor should we enter such a place,
thus suggesting a kind of quarantine.
Hope during the time of fear and
hopelessness is a soothing experience. Consider the following guidance by
Hazrat Imam Sadiq (RA):
“Fear keeps a
watch over the human heart and hope is the soul's intercessor and that of its
aspirations. Those who know God, fear Him, while they place their hopes in His
grace. This fear and hope are like two wings of faith. By their means, those
who study the order of being and creation fly towards God's good pleasure, and
they witness God's promises and warnings with the eyes of their intellects. By
inspiring awe in respect of His warnings, the fear of God turns them towards
God's justice, and the hope in Him calls them toward His beneficence and
favour. This is how hope revives the heart and fear suppresses satanic
inclinations.” --- al Fayd al Kashani,
Muhajjat al Bayda, vol. 7 p. 283
to be Taken During Pandemic According to Quran
Countries all over the world are in deep
trouble due to the Covid-19 pandemic’s unrelenting waves. People are running
from pillar to post to bring about the cure and save humanity. In such a
grievous situation we must look to the situations described in the Holy Quran
where it asks us to form a crisis management team describing the story of
Bilqis, the Queen of kingdom Sheba where she asks her people for their advice:
“She said, “O chieftains, advise me in the matter I
have (before me). I am not the one who decides a matter absolutely unless you
are present with me.” (Surah An‐Naml‐verse‐32) —
Mufti Taqi Usmani
Therefore, as described in the
above-mentioned verse, we must form a crisis management team to help each other
during this grievous time. Consider the following verse:
“.... Help each other in righteousness and piety, and
do not help each other in sin and aggression. Fear Allah. Surely, Allah is
severe at punishment.” -- (Surah Al‐ Ma'Idah‐Verse‐2) — Mufti Taqi Usmani
And the Holy Quran in the following verse
commands to have faith and step onto the righteous path and Allah, the Most
Merciful will reward that, will diminish their fear and will bring happiness in
their lives.
“Those who believe, and do deeds of righteousness, and
establish regular prayers and regular charity, will have their reward with
their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.” (Qur’an Chatter 2 Verse 277)
Conquers Fear And Depression
The Holy Quran, Hadees, religious books of
all other religions and the spiritual leaders preach that love is the cure of
all kinds of anxieties and distress. The human being must create an atmosphere
of love and a sense of affection to fight the psychological pandemic created by
the materialistic world, along with the present devastating pandemic.
Cooperation and brotherhood are the call of the hour for all of us to fight the
present and all future crises.
It is commendable and refreshing to see the
nations coming forward to help each other but let it be in the name of humanity
for the sake of saving our planet.
Allah knows the best.
Neyazi is a columnist with
New Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Women in Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab Women, Women In Arab, Islamophobia in America, Muslim Women in West, Islam Women and Feminism