By Kazi Wadud Nawaz,
New Age Islam
27 January
Covid19 a
tiny earth-shaking virus as it seems has put the very existence of mankind at
stake. The Virus has already cost very dearly more than one million human lives
and infected more than 100 millions. Most powerful and scientifically advanced
countries like U.S.A, Russia, China, European Union and India are frantically trying on the stand point of
their respective interests to get out of the menace but the situation is
worsening throughout the world. The world scientific community including WHO is
not in a position to identify the source of origin of the Virus. They are in a
fix as to decide if the virus is natural or man-made. The Corporate Media and
Intellectual Elites of different schools pass diverse and sometimes
contradictory opinions. But none bothers to dig deeper in the roots of the
problem which in essence a manifestation of a deep rooted crisis inherent in
the Modern Development Paradigm.
Now let us
try to understand the Qur’anic Views on such pandemics and Natural Disaster.
The Holy Quran has put forward a number of options for mankind to determine the
causality of any natural event affecting mankind positively or negatively. Now
it is up to man to ascertain through introspection and research which option
really holds good in the prevailing situation..
Self-analysis on the part of mankind and critical review of all his
activities in the name of economic and scientific development has now become
absolutely necessary to sustain human existence as species on earth. Prior to running after external causes he
must go for introspection and self analysis.
The Holy
Quran offers four Conceptual options towards understanding of Pandemics and
Natural Calamities. All these options are interrelated in Cause and Effect
Also Read:
Qur’anic Concept
of Meezan: The Law of Universal Balance of Divine Justice
i. Divine
Punishment For Violating ‘Meezan’ (Universal Balance Of Justice ) And Refusal To Accept Divine Guidance.
Mankind in
different Historical Ages, through their activities, ‘Defacing Fair Nature’,
refusing ‘Divine Guidance’ and violating ‘Universal Balance of Justice’ on earth,
built up sufficient ground for inviting divine punishment. The Holy Quran has
elaborately discussed the background, modus operandi and impact of those divine
The Holy
Qur'an through many of its verses has given an open general call on mankind of
all ages to learn from history. The divine punishments inflicted on the past
community of Nuuh, Aad, Thamud, Lut , Pharaoh and many other communities for
denial of divine signs, worshiping ‘vain desires’ running madly after power and
worldly resources in violation of divine Justice, transgression of all moral
values, refusal to accept divine guidance
and rejection of the Here-after,
are certainly great negative
lessons for mankind on earth.
The Holy Qur'an says:
“ Nay, they Charge with falsehood that whose knowledge they cannot compass,
even before the explanation there of
reached them----“ [Verse::10:39]
“Many of them dost
thou see, racing each other in sin and transgression and their eating of things
forbidden. Evil indeed are the things they do”. [Verse:5:62]
“Has not the story
reached you, of those who rejected Faith aforetime? So, they tasted the evil result of their conduct; and
they had a grievous punishment.”[ Verse: 64:5]
“Say: “He has power to send Calamities on you from
above and below, or to cover you with confusion in party strife, giving
you--------”[ Verse:6:65]
“And how many Towns We
destroyed which exulted in their life (of ease and plenty)!------------”
“-----nor are We going
to destroy a population except when its
members practice inequity.”[ Verses 28 :58-59].
“For their Lord’s punishment is not a thing to
feel secure from”. [Verse:70:28 ]
“Did the people of the town feel secure
against coming of our wrath by night while they were asleep? Or else did they
feel secure against coming in broad daylight while they played about(
carefree)”? [Verse:7:97-99]
"Do they not
travel through the earth and see what was the end of those before them? They were even superior to them in
strength, and in the traces (they have left) in the land, but Allah did call
them to account for their sins, and none had they to defend them against
Allah." [Qur'an:40:21].
“ And (remember) Lut: behold, he said to his
people :” you do commit lewidness, such as no people in creation (ever)
committed before you. Do you indeed approach men and cut off the highway? and
practise wickedness (even) in your councils? “But the people gave no answer but
this : they said “ Bring us the Wrath of Allah if thou tellest the truth”
[Verses 29:28-29]
“See they not how of those before them We did
destroy?---------generations We had established on earth , in strength such as
We have not given to you, for whom We poured rain from the skies in abundance,
and gave them streams flowing beneath their(feet). Yet for sins We destroyed
them, and raised in their wake fresh generation (to succeed them)”
“Then, when they saw
the cloud advancing towards their valleys, they said, “this cloud will give us
rain’, “ Nay it is the (calamity) you were asking to be hastened ! a wind
wherein is a grievous punishment” .
[Verse :6:24]
“When We decide to destroy a town, We command
those amongst them who are given the good things of this life ( to be obedient
) but they continued to transgress so that the word is proved true against him;
Then We destroy them utterly”
“So We sent on them:
Wholesale death, Locusts, Lice, Frogs and Blood Signs openly self-explained :
but they were steeped in arrogance, a people given to sin.” [Verse:7:133]
“(Remember also) the
Ad and the Thamud(people):clearly will appear to you from (the traces) of their
buildings (their fate): Satan made their deeds alluring to them, and kept them
back from the path, though they were keen-sighted”[ Verse:29:38]
“Each one of them We
seized for his crime:of them against some We
sent them a violent tornado( with showers of stone s): some wre caught
by a (mighty) Blast;some We caused the earth to swallow up; and some We drowned
(in the waters): it was not Allah Who
wronged them : they wronged themselves.”[Verse :29:40]
Wrong doers
of the Past Community were all held guilty of moral transgression and refusal
to accept truth brought to them by the Prophets of their respective ages. The
divine instrument of their punishment was all epidemics and natural calamities
like flood, Hail Storm, Thunderstorm, Earthquake and
fatal pandemics .
The present
day world-situation is even worse than that of the Past. The people of the
Modern ages have by far exceeded the past generations of the period of Aad,
Thamud, Lut and Nuuh in defacing Fair Nature and violating Universal Balance of
Divine Justice. So, there is no Logical Ground and Moral Justification that
Divine Wrath won’t seize us!
Now keeping the message of the verses:29:28-29
in view, let us look at the present world -situation. Many advanced Western
Countries like U.S.A and European Union, have now legalized homo-sexuality and
marriage between same- sexes. They are infusing perversion in the biological
system of mankind that is in the language of the Holy Quran “Cutting off the
Do the
ruling classes and people of these countries have any answer different from that
of the Community of Lut, to the same moral question raised by the Holy Quran?
So divine wrath in the form of pandemics and natural disasters is no-doubt
morally justified.
Back Lash of Human endeavour Defacing Fair Nature.
to the Holy Quran Mankind is held in pledge for his deeds. So any misfortune befalling him results as
Backlash of his own activities. The Holy Quran has clearly assigned a moral
responsibility on mankind as Allah’s
representative on the Earth to refrain from any sort of activities that
endanger the very existence
of man and
divine creation as a whole. From the view-point of ecological Science over
extraction of renewable natural resources beyond sustainable limit causes
ecological imbalance and erosion of bio-diversity on global scale. Over-use of
chemicals in chemical-intensive farming system causes mass-scale pollution of
soil, water and atmosphere. This results in elimination of beneficial bacteria
and viruses with harmful microbes filling the vacuum to restore ecological
balance. Production and testing of Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Weapons
aggravate the situation all the more.
Corporations and their Institutions have become powerful enough to grasp and
plunder global resources on an unprecedented scale and dimension in violation
all scientific norms and moral values .This is tantamount to “defacing the fair
nature” as the Holy Quran puts it. All these are Human activities that
destabilize the stable ecosystem triggering ecological uncertainty beyond human
control impacting adversely on life support syste of the earth.
The ongoing
pandemic clearly reflects a deep-rooted crisis inherent in modern development
paradigm. All these phenomena perfectly conforms to the Quranic verses given
I(Satan) will mislead
them, I will create in them false desires, I will order them to slit ears of
t\he cattle, and to deface the fair nature created by Allah. Whoever forsaking
Allah takes Satan for a friend, has of a surety suffered a loss that is
manifest. [Sura: An-Nisa Verse:119].
“Whatever Misfortune happens to you, is
because of the things your hands have wrought and for many (a sin) He grants
forgiveness”.[ Verse:42:30]
“Mischief has appeared
on land and sea because of (the meed) that the hands of men have earned, that
(Allah) may give them and taste of some of their deeds: in order that they may
turn back (from evils)” [Verse:30:41]
“Every soul will be
held in pledge for its deeds”[ Verse 74:38]
“No kind of calamity
can occur, except by the leave of Allah: and if any one believes in
Allah,(Allah)guides his heart (aright): for Allah knows all things”.
“--------But the
plotting of evils will hem in only the authors thereof, Now are they but
looking for the way the ancients were dealt with? But no change wilt thou find
in Allah’s way (of dealing): no turning off wilt thou find in Allah’s way
(dealing with Plotters of Evils).” [Verse:35:43]
“For the Evils of
their deeds confront them, and they will be (completely) encircled by that
which they used to mock at!” [Verse:39:48]
“---But the Unbelievers, never will disaster
cease to seize them for their (ill) deeds, or to settle close into their homes until Promise of Allah comes to pass,
for verily. Allah will not fail in His Promise. [Verse:13:31]
“Seest thou such a one
as taketh for his God his own passion or
impulse? Coudst thou be a disposer of affairs for him?” [verse: 25.43]
An Integral Part Of Divine Planning As Agent Of Creative Evolution
Leading Towards A New Creation.
to the Holy Quran, all physical forces, powers and energies evolving out of
dynamic physico-chemical processes belong to Allah. Natural disasters,
diseases, and calamities are all instruments of Evolutionary Process of divine
creation [Ref: Verses: 56:60-61, 70:41, 29:19,6:6,]. Whatever is happening in
nature, Universe and human life, is happening according to a fixed Divine plan
set for accelerating the evolutionary process of divine creation. The present
Global scenario perfectly conforms to the Quranic version on Natural Disaster
and pandemics. The Verses mentioned below clearly bear testimony to the
prevailing global situation.
Universe as a Divine creation is not an end in itself but a single link of an
infinite chain of divine creations passing sequentially towards the future
phase by phase as per divine will.
process of Divine Creation unfurls with forward movement of TIME while its
reversal with rolling up of the scroll that is Space and Time will result in
ultimate destruction of one phase opening up a new phase in the evolutionary
process of divine creations. The Master Plan of the process of divine Creation
and Destruction is well-documented clearly in the Record Perspicuous.[Verse:
Science holds that natural calamities and known and unknown disease vectors
resulting from interaction of different physical forces and physic-chemical
processes constitute most powerful and sustained Evolutionary Agents. Michael
Brooks in his book “New ideas in Science ” has said:
“ Disease
is still a big driver of human evolution: people with particular genetical
arrangements are more likely to survive Malaria and HIV, for example. And
almost all humans have lost the Caspase 12 gene from their genomes, probably
because those who have it are more susceptible to Bacterial Infection. It
happens slowly but we are still changing”
The Holy
Quran has set four rules for guiding evolutionary process towards new creation.
i. Manifestations of divine
signs in the physical universe have appointed time.
ii. Each and everything in the
heavens and the earth after completion of t the predestined evolutionary cycle
will finally return to its source of origin.
iii. Divine Command is constantly in
action at every stage of evolutionary process of divine creation.
iv. Creative Evolutionary process
attains climax in Union with the Supreme Ideal
or in activating the plan of Allah is beyond the capacity of Mankind or Jinns.
Entire physical and spiritual Universe functions according to divine planning.
Self-adjustment, interdependence, and mutual balancing are all inherent in the
Laws of Nature as integral part and essential criteria of divine planning.
Related Quranic Verses
“When the Earth is rent asunder, And hearkens
to (the Command of) its Lord, and it must need (do so)-And when the earth is
flattened out, and casts forth what is within it and becomes (clean) empty. And
hearkens to (the command of) its Lord, and it must need (do so) , then will
come home the full reality.”
When the Earth is
shaken to her utmost convulsion And the earth throws up her burdens (from
within), And man cries (distressed); “what is the matter with her?” on that Day
will she declare the tidings, For that your Lord will have given her
inspiration” [Verses: 99-1-5:]
“On the Day,(the Day of Resurrection) when
their tongues, their hands and their feet will bear witness against them as to
their actions.” [Verse:24:24]
The above
three verses have brought Doom’s Day Scenario to the light when Time and
Gravity will be reversed on Divine Command. The knowledge of the “Hour” is a
Divine secret beyond human comprehension.
to the Holy Quran Divine Command is the universal Functional Force that
operates everything in this world as well as in the Hereafter. Natural
Disasters, Calamities and Pandemics all are subservient to the Divine command
as Instruments of Divine Governance that governs physical universe as well as
material and spiritual life of mankind.
“Of Him seeks (its
needs) every creature in the skies and on earth, every day He is in a state of
“Does man think that
he will be left uncontrolled (without purpose)?” [Verse: 75:36]
No misfortune can
happen on earth or in your souls but is recorded in a Book before We bring it
into existence that is truly easy for Allah.,[Verse :57:22]
“We have decreed Death to be your common lot,
and We are not to be unable,From changing your Forms and creating you (again)
in (Forms) that you know not, And you certainly know the first form of
creation: why then do you not take heed?” [Verses: 56:60-61]
“Substitute for them
better (men) than they; and We are not to be defeated in Our
“ See they not how
Allah originates creation , then repeats it: truly it is easy for Allah”[Verse:
“But we think that we
can by no means frustrate Allah throughout the earth ,nor we can escape Him by
flight.” [Verse : 72:12]
“Nay, I do call to witness the Lord of all points in
the East and the West that We can
certainly-Substitute for them better (men) than they: and We are not to be
defeated (in our plan)”.[ Verse:70:40-41]
“-----yet for their
sins We destroyed them , and raised in their wakes fresh generations( to
succeed them.)” [Verse:6:6]
“See they not how
Allah originates creation then repeats it: truly that is easy for Allah.” [Verse:29:19]
“Not on earth nor in
heaven will you be able to frustrate (His Plan), nor have you besides Allah any protector or
helper”[ Verse:29:22]
“Did they
then feel secure against Allah’s devising but no one can feel secure from the
Plan of Allah except those (doomed) to ruin”[Verse:7:99]
iv. Test, trial and challenge for mankind to
prove his mettle as Allah’ representative on earth.
The Short
span of man’s life on earth is an opportunity for him to prove his mettle as
Allah’s representative on earth. The very Creation of Adam by Allah upholds a
divine challenge and declaration of a protracted moral warfare against the
Satan, the symbol of Evils. Now it is the Moral Responsibility of Mankind to
fulfill divine aspiration and prove himself worthy of great honor and blessings
bestowed on him by Allah. But it is a life-long struggle on the path of
righteousness towards attainment of the climax of evolutionary process in union
with the supreme ideal.
Related Verses
“O you man ! verily
you are ever toiling on towards your Lordpainfully toiling, but you shall meet
“Verily We have
created man into toil and struggle”.[verse:90:4]:
“ Do men think that
they will be left alone on saying, “We believe” and that they will not be
“Be sure We shall test
you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in in foods, lives and the
fruits (of your toil) but give glad tidings
to those who say, when afflicted with calamity: to Allah we belong and
to Him is our return.” [Verse:2:155-156]
“And fear the Fitnah
(affliction and trial, etc.) which affects not in particular (only) those of
you who do wrong (but it may afflict all the good and the bad people), and know
that Allah is Severe in punishment. [Al-Anfal 8:25]
verily, We will make them taste the near torment (i.e. the torment in the life
of this world, i.e. disasters, calamities, etc.) prior to the supreme torment
(in the Hereafter), in order that they may (repent and) return (i.e. accept
Islâm)”. [As-Sajdah 32:21]
The modern
age that is the 21st Century is an age of
Corporate atrocities. The MNCs and TNCs throughout the world, now
dominate all aspects of human life, Economy, Politics, Science and Culture. It
is an era that sees all human and moral values
trampled down under the iron boots of Corporate Interests. Fighting the
Corporate Menace has now turned out to be an essential precondition for
sustaining human existence on earth. So,
I think it will not be irrelevant to recall one
immortal Poem of Rabindranath Tagore that is written in the context of
Nazi-menace in the 2oth Century. The poem quoted below, is still relevant and
source of inspiration for mankind in their fight against the Corporate Menace
in the 21St century.
Vicious Snakes breath venom all around,
Sermon of Peace sounds like a vain mockery.
So before I
Let me call
all those getting armed,
fighting the Demons in every house,
All over
the world.
[Translated by the author of this Article]
fighting against transgression of Universal Balance of divine justice, Mischief
and Corruptions is an integral part of Islamic Faith and Quranic Morality, the
poem sounds like an echo of the QuranicVerse:30:41 that call for fighting the
Mischief Mongers and wrong –doers of all ages.
“Mischief has appeared
on land and sea because of (the meed) that the hands of men have earned, that
(Allah) may give them and taste of some of their deeds: in order that they may
turn back (from evils)” [Verse: 30:41]
What an
Immortal appeal to human conscience on the part of the Holy Quran hovering in
the horizon of human morality transcending all
barriers of time and ages!
Every Verse
of the Holy Quran pertaining to divine creation of the Universe, Man, Nature
and Consciousness flickers a ray of Truth that invites mankind to accept the
challenge and go for tiresome quest through trial and error step by step from
lower to higher level of understanding of the realities. There is nothing in
the Universe that might be termed an absolute material entity. The Matter in
essence, both microscopic or macroscopic ends up in spirituality at higher
stage of its evolution. The Awe, Wonder and Beauty related to Divine Creation
lie in its diversity and interrelations as material and spiritual realities.
Scientific knowledge as human endeavour for understanding the realities has its
inherent limitations in time and space. So a pure materialistic approach
towards Pandemics and Natural Disasters won’t solve the problem.
Since the
Scientists cannot fore-see the future consequence and impact of their
discovery, the apparent solution of one problem might lead to another greater
and more complex in an endless spiral. The contemporary history bears testimony
to such limitations. The same thing might happen in case of Covid- !9 Vaccines.
All countries at present are locked in an unhealthy competition for marketing
the vaccine as early as possible without completing the full cycle of test and
trial. The main objective is to capture market first for higher economic and
political benefits without least concern to human safety.
The holy
Quran adopts an integrated approach in addressing any emergency befalling
Mankind. So far as the question of handling the emergency arising out of Pandemics and
Natural disasters are concerned, the Holy Quran encourages tiresome
scientific research and suggests
integration of Scientific, Moral , and Spiritual Pursuits as Mechanism of defence for Mankind.
The Holy
Quran demands introspection and self-analysis on the part of mankind for
assessment of impacts of all his activities in the name of development. Natural
Calamities, and pandemics on one side and human endeavour to avert them on the
other, are all integral part of Divine Governance that carry forward
Evolutionary process of Divine Creations. For his own safety and sustainability
Mankind must refrain from any activity that might destabilize the balanced
system of Universal Governance. So, any
attempt to treat Natural Calamities and Pandemics as purely natural phenomena
losing sight of the spiritual aspect of Divine Governing System is a Wrong
Approach totally inconsistent with Quranic views of
Pandemics and Natural Calamities.
So, the Arrowhead of Anti-epidemic Human
endeavour must target the Intersecting
point of Science and Spirituality as
Safe-zone for survival of Endangered Human species.
Let mankind
listen to the Quranic Message of Warning transmitted as in the following Verses
and act accordingly for his own safety and sustainability on earth:
The mutual rivalry for
piling up {good things of the earth) diverts you, until you visit the graves.
But nay you soon shall know(the reality)Again you soon shall know! Nay were you
to know with certainty of mind ,(you would be aware!), you shall certainly see
Hell-fire! Again you shall see it with certainty of sight! Then shall you be
questioned that Day about the joy (you indulged in!) [ Verse: 102:1-8]
By the time, Verily
man is in loss, except such have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join
together) in mutual enjoining of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy. [ Verses:103:1-3]
Fighting is Prescribed
upon you , as you dislike it. But it is possible that you dislike a thing which
is good for you, and and you have a thing which is bad for you. But Allah
knoweth, and you know not. [Verse:2:216]