New Age Islam
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Islam and Spiritualism ( 23 Apr 2015, NewAgeIslam.Com)

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The ‘Siddiq Spirit’




By Maulana Wahiduddin Khan for New Age Islam

23 April, 2015

The Prophet of Islam died in 632 CE. After him, Abu Bakr Siddiq became the first Caliph. His Caliphate lasted around 2 ½ years. During his Caliphate, Islam was faced with a serious challenge. Expressing his determination to face this challenge, Abu Bakr Siddiq declared, “Should there be erosion in religion while I am still alive?”

This is the ‘Siddiq spirit’. Whenever the divine religion is faced with a serious problem, a true believer will be shaken up. Relying solely on God, he will stand up for the sake of the faith.

Such a development has emerged for Islam in the 21st century. And so, once again the need has emerged for some believers to stand up, inspired by the ‘Siddiq spirit’ and for the sake of the faith.

The greatest problem today is that the very image of Islam has been badly disfigured. The divine religion is completely a religion of peace. But because of the wrong actions of Muslims themselves, its image has been transformed into that of a religion of violence. This situation is such as to shake every believer to the very roots.

Given the extremely serious scenario that prevails today in this regard, every believer must get fully engaged in once again turning God’s religion into a religion of peace. For this purpose, they can arrange for translations of the Quran in every language to be given to people and for literature on Islam’s message of peace to be made readily available, so that every person comes to know that God’s religion is a religion of peace and that it has nothing to do with violence.

The Quran tells us at the very outset that God is the Sustainer of the worlds, that He is merciful towards all mankind. God and God’s religion have nothing at all to do with hatred and violence. The time has now come for true believers to declare, “Will God’s religion be falsely portrayed as a religion of violence even though we are still alive?”

This is the ‘Siddiq spirit’, and this is the task that is most desirable and necessary today.


