New Age Islam
Fri Sep 20 2024, 11:21 AM

Islam and Politics ( 8 Feb 2014, NewAgeIslam.Com)

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The Collapse of Political Islam with a Loud Crackle



By Ertuğrul Özkök


They said, “We will raise a pious generation…” There was also a bonus accompanying it: “Also a revengeful generation…”

Before they even started raising, we have seen that the “pious” part was baloney; their main concern was to raise a “revengeful” generation… Before the new ones arrived, the existing ones have demonstrated very nicely to us what is what.

They are fighting among themselves. There are no rules, no fair play. Neither are there any principles nor ethics…

Supposedly, they were the well brought up pious people. Supposedly, they were going to raise the new generations like themselves. Well, their concern was not raising them but it was making them resemble themselves…

They have added “Islam” as a prefix to politics… They have done the worst they could do to Islam; they have done the biggest injustice, the biggest sin. They have added the word “conservative” at the beginning of “democracy.” They buggered up both democracy and conservatism. As if that was not enough, they also added the adjective “advanced.”

What they meant was this: When there is Muslim on top, it is good… When it is conservative, it is clean… They have dragged all of these through the mud…

Lend an ear to this thunder coming from Turkey, from our beloved country, from the deep: This noise is the crackling sound of the collapse of political Islam in Turkey…

It is the sad resonance coming from behind the Rabia salute… It is the historic document of how a democracy was plotted against by adding adjectives in front of it. It is the picture of an amazing example that appears behind the curtain of a “Muslim brother.”

Shoe boxes, millions of dollars that nobody knows where they have come from and where they are going, shameless intrusions to the most confidential, private parts of our lives; a war without any principles, ethics and conscience…

This is the extract of the day we are living in…

Was this the future you prepared for the new generations under the pretext of “piousness”? You can be proud of yourself…

Character Wreckage

Here is a victim of eavesdropping: Me. I’m telling you do not try to enjoy listening or reading the intercepted phone conversations of people you are angry at. Do not ever get into the primitive tribal mood of “Their unhappiness is my happiness.”

We are going through a disgusting period. It is an era when humanity, dignity, everything that has made us what we are have been trodden on shamelessly… Don’t think that what has happened to your neighbor is something that would make you happy.

Know that this doomed order is taking all of us, taking from all of us… Bodies are floating on the river… If you look carefully, you will see your own body there…

Our country is in such a dark, such a savage and such a merciless state… In order to survive this savagery, he has created second, third, fourth and even fifth personalities within us.

In order to exist, he has produced two or three monkey characters from all of us…

He is included in this and me also… You should know that you are also included…

Don’t laugh; do not be so happy… The time will come and this interim regime will pass and when we look back, we will identify our own body under that rubble.

Well, we have deserved it with our cowardliness, with our time-serving and our sluggishness…

Ertuğrul Özkök is a columnist for daily Hürriyet in which this piece was published on Feb 8. It was translated into English by the Daily News staff.




