By Mushtaq ul Haq Ahmad Sikandar, New
Age Islam
16 October 2021
Education Will Pave Way For Progress
Among Indian Muslims
Main Points:
Syed Ahmad Khan was not an apologist for British colonialism, but a pragmatist.
Syed Ahmad Khan believed that boycott and hate will not help Muslims.
Syed Ahmad Khan thanked English and his
fellow citizens both Muslims and Non Muslims for their contribution in
foundations of Mohammaden Anglo Oriental College
The Life and Work of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
Author: G.F.I. Graham
Publisher: Kitab Mahal Publishers,
Srinagar, Kashmir
Year of Publication: 2018
Pages: 301 Price: Rs 1299
The movement for reformation of Indian
Muslims initiates with the life and legacy of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan. The British
colonialism had brought in its fore plethora of challenges including political,
religious, educational and economic. These challenges needed a holistic
response. Muslims masses and particularly Ulema adopted a hostile approach towards
British colonialism as the perception was developed that Muslim rule has come
to an end, whereas the reality was that family rule of Mughals who happened to
be Muslims had ended. The fate of common Muslim masses maintained a status quo.
But perceptions help reinforce myths and common Muslims started boycott of
British institutions and a campaign of hate was launched against them.
Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was not an apologist
for British colonialism, but a pragmatist who believed that boycott and hate
will not help Muslims. As a pragmatic realist he believed that cooperation with
the British government particularly in the field of education will help the
Muslim masses overcome illiteracy and poverty. After the first war of Indian
Independence in 1858 that resulted in the defeat of the freedom fighters, Sir
Syed Ahmad Khan started a campaign to educate Muslims of India. He wielded his
pen and directed his activities towards the accomplishment of the goal of
educating Muslims in the contemporary idiom by adopting the British educational
model. Sir Syed believed that the European powers are at their zenith because
they have invested in scientific education.
Sir Syed believed that scientific education
and temperament is to be developed among Indian Muslims, only then they will be
able to compete with the European compatriots. To inculcate this scientific
temper, Sir Syed also interpreted theology and Quran in the light of science.
It did create a strong reaction and backlash, still he treaded on this path
despite stiff opposition. It is this strength to continue with the mission
despite opposition, that made Sir Syed as one of the greatest stalwarts of the
last century. The fruits of his mission are still evident in the form of
Aligarh Muslim University, whose roots were nurtured and nourished by him.
Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
The current book under review by a
Britisher is the first biography written about Sir Syed. The biographer has
detailed the events in the life of Sir Syed and documented his activities till
year 1885 although he lived a decade and more after that. But publication of
this biography during his lifetime that
too penned down by an Englishman G.F.I Graham is exemplary. Graham in the
Preface calls this biography as a labour of love. The book does not document
the early life of Sir Syed although he is mentioned as the writer of voluminous
Aasarul Sanadeed. Sir Syed remained in Bijnore till the ‘Mutiny’ broke out in
May 1857. Graham prefers to use the term mutiny although the Indian writers
mention it as First War of Indian Independence. The biography not only mentions
about Sir Syed and his activities but reading it helps to gauge and understand
the mood of the era. In the aftermath of 1857, Sir Syed wrote a book about the
reasons behind the rebellion in India titled as Asbaab e Baghawat e Hind. Some
of its extracts were translated into English language by Sir Auckland Colvin
and Graham, thus trying to understand the native modes of thought. Sir Syed is
among the best writers of Urdu prose who broadened its scope beyond the
romantic and metaphysical poetry by making it a language in which serious
intellectual conversations can be articulated. One of the reasons for this
rebellion according to Sir Syed was imposing Christianity and proselytization
of Indian Muslims that was considered a threat to Islam and Muslim identity.
Sir Syed appears to be a vocal critic of East India and British policies in
this work and has not minced words while speaking out the factual realities.
Sir Syed then tried to bridge the divide
that existed between Indian Muslims and British colonial masters by writing a
rebuttal to W.W Hunter’s work, The Indian Musalmans: Are they bound by their
conscience to rebel against the Queen. The rebuttal was titled as the Loyal
Mohammadans of India, intending to ward off the negative stereotypes from Muslims.
Sir Syed even translated Bible despite the fact that he was unlettered in
English language. His travelogue about his visit to Europe and particularly
England is a treasure trove and the letters he wrote during his stay in England
give a peek into the mind and activism of Sir Syed. He wanted to replicate the
educational model of Oxford and Cambridge in India. He was in awe about the way
things were in England. He considered Englishmen as an epitome of civilization
while trying to be blind about the havoc and atrocities European imperialism
has created all over the world. This aspect renders him into an apologist for
European colonialism, that paves way for genuine criticism against him.
While reading the biography we also come
across the fact of Fatwas by Ulema against Sir Syed and some mullahs did call
for his assassination given his unique views about Islam. Sir Syed initiated a
project of exegesis of the Quran but could not complete it but whatever was
published was deeply abhorrent to the Ulema who considered his views
antithetical to Islam. Sir Syed continued despite their opposition. Alongwith
his writings, he continued to build the foundations of Mohammaden Anglo
Oriental College (MAO), for which he thanked both the English and his other
fellow citizens both Muslims and Non Muslims for their contribution. He worked
for the promotion of science and other allied subjects by getting the best
books translated from English and other languages into Urdu.
The publisher has reprinted the original
text without editing, thus the spellings like Urdoo, Allygurh has been
maintained, new lexicon and spellings should have been added as footnotes that
would have added to the academic merit of the work. The biography was rare and
the publisher needs to be lauded for making it available to the readers and
lovers of Sir Syed. It is an insightful work that helps us understand Sir Syed
better in our contemporary times when conditions of Indian Muslims have not
witnessed drastic changes.
M.H.A.Sikander is Writer-Activist based
in Srinagar, Kashmir.