"If someone has not accepted Islam, there is no compulsion on him and he has total protection under the Islamic system. But one who has accepted Islam, there are some rules and obligations for him and these rules cannot be considered oppression but are for the protection of humanity. If the people of America and Britain have formed some rules and they are not disapproved by them why can’t we consider the best Shariah brought by the holy prophet (pbuh) our asset? Now if someone does not want to follow Islam’s military discipline and Sharia brought by the holy Prophet (pbuh) and finds them problematic, he can be best advised to get himself enlisted as a minority...."
By Anwar Ghazi
(Translated from Urdu by New Age Islam Edit Desk)
May 12, 2013
“This is the land of the followers of Islam. The founders of Pakistan had not founded it for liberalism. Liberalism means slavery of America and Europe. Those who call themselves liberals should get them enlisted as minorities” These are the words of Syed Munawwar Hasan spoken at the tomb of Qaid-e-Azam.
Dear readers! Nowadays the debate over what was the purpose of the establishment of Pakistan and what system should it follow has been raging in Pakistan. The secular section has been pushing for the alienation of religion in Pakistan and says that Pakistan will progress only by following a secular system, and to strengthen their argument they present the example of the West. These sections are facing this problem because the west was religious for a long time but Popedom there made the moderates rebels. The famous astronomer and philosopher of the 15th century, Galileo had presented the theory that ‘ it is the earth that revolves round the sun and not the other way round’ in an age when it was believed that the earth was static and was the centre of the universe. The age was dominated by Popedom. No one was willing to accept the theory. As a result, Galileo faced persecution. He was incarcerated. When he was presented in the court, though he admitted his mistake in ambiguous words, when he came out of the court, he instinctively said, ‘The truth is that it is the earth that revolves round the sun and only a mad man can deny this fact.’
In Europe, the religious section used to be the source of all the power and this section was opposed to progress. This religious section was so powerful that it would declare Halala as Haram and vice versa at will. It issued the certificate of pardon to the people. This section exploited the masses. This Christian religious section would present a dangerous interpretation of religion. They would term anything as religion and exploit the people. They had closed all doors on progress and prosperity.
The Christian religious section had been exploiting their community in the name of religion. This applies to all ages and climes. Whenever, the Muslims came in power, the Muslims became the developed nation of the world. The rightly-guided caliphate was the practical example of the Islamic system. No one can deny the progress achieved under the system. The modern laws that exist in today’s Europe as ‘Umar Laws’ are the contribution of a Muslim caliph.
Another important point is that all the teachings of Islam are same as they were 1400 years ago. No Islamic religious section is authorised to present its own interpretation of religion. If someone does so, the religious scholars come out on the streets against it. This is due to a special kindness of God on this religion that no one can exploit this religion for his personal interests.
This is the main difference which the secularists cannot realise. The day they realise that the western religious section and the eastern religious section are poles apart, their mental and intellectual confusion will end.
Now, this point should also be kept in mind why the secular section has been insisting on a secular system for Pakistan when we have a mutually agreed constitution, a constitution that can be termed as the best constitution of the world. What problems do they have with the Islamic identity of Pakistan? Is the root of all the problems of Pakistan Islam? These sections of Pakistan know that during the last 65 years, the secular rulers have ruled Pakistan. If only secularism was to rule countries, Pakistan would have been the best country in the world.
We have already said that comparing Pakistan with the west was not appropriate as our foundations are different. They have no system whereas we are the flag bearers of a system having a luminous past. Similarly, if Sufi Muhammad is victimised for not recognising the constitution of Pakistan, why then do these secularists speak of other systems in the presence of the constitution of Pakistan?
The problem of these minds is that they have not studied Islam. They think that with the introduction of the Islamic system, all will be topsy turvy. The minorities will be persecuted and they will be pushed to the wall. They will be forced to grow beard. They will be forced to go to the mosques, though they do not know that there is no compulsion in religious matters. Yes, if someone despite calling himself a Muslim does not follow the rules of Islam, there are some provisions for him. And it is like the army of a country. It has a discipline. If someone stands up and says, ‘This army victimises its soldiers and officers. Why does it force them to get up early in the morning and run a few kilometres? Why are they made to do a march in winter and summer? Why are they punished for their mistakes? Why are they court marshalled for bigger mistakes? Why are they sentenced to death for showing loyalty to any other country? It is because no one is forced to join an army? Every one joins it at his own will and knows about all the rules and regulations. Same is with Islam, with Pakistan.
If someone has not accepted Islam, there is no compulsion on him and he has total protection under the Islamic system. But one who has accepted Islam, there are some rules and obligations for him and these rules cannot be considered oppression but are for the protection of humanity. If the people of America and Britain have formed some rules and they are not disapproved by them why can’t we consider the best Shariah brought by the holy prophet (pbuh) our asset? Now if someone does not want to follow the system brought by the holy Prophet (pbuh) and finds it problematic, he can be best advised to get himself enlisted as a minority.
Source: The daily Jang, Karachi
URL: https://newageislam.com/the-war-within-islam/the-salafi-view-islam-joining/d/11576