Age Islam Special Correspondent
30 July 2020
and militant groups have thrived in Muslim majority countries like Pakistan,
Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria etc because in a Muslim majority society,
the Islamic governments consider extremism and militantism only another way of
Islamic life in which militantism and extremism or intolerance against
non-Muslims is interpreted as jihad and a sizeable section of Muslim
intelligentsia overtly or covertly supports this interpretation based on the
exegeses of some prominent Islamic scholars of the middle ages. Terrorist
organisations like Al Qaida, Taliban, Al Shabab, Sipah-e- Sahab,
Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Hizbul Mujahideen, Al Nusrah and ISIS are the product of
this extremist and militant interpretation of the Quran and Hadith. The Islamic
governments of these countries hesitate to take action against these outfits
due to the support of a section of powerful clerics they enjoy for the fear of
being branded anti-Islam.
India is
not a Muslim majority country and no extremist or militant Muslim organisation
has existed in this country. The Muslim religious organisations or institutions
of India have never espoused or preached extremist or militant Islamic ideas
even during the phases of worst violence against them. They have always tried
to resolve their issues through Quranic principles of peaceful protests and
judicial remedies. They have never believed in mindless violence and desperate
suicidal ideologies. Secondly, the government in India is not Islamic, so it
has no qualms about tackling any extremist or militant uprising in the country
and the extremist elements know it very well. Thirdly, India, as an ancient
civilisation, has an inherent culture of peaceful co-existence and tolerance.
Added to it is the tradition of Sufism and Vedic mysticism that has
strengthened this multicultural fabric of the country.
It is,
therefore, surprising and at the same time intriguing that a Muslim militant
organisation called the ISIS whose members were called liver eaters by the
Russian President Vladimir Putin have managed to get an ideological foothold in
India. The terrorist outfit has launched its mouthpiece Voice of Hind which is
distributed online and targets the Muslim youth of India. During the last six
months, it has published two or three issues trying to create an atmosphere of
fear, distrust and hate among the Hindus and Muslims of the country. In its
latest edition, it has urged the Muslim youth to remain equipped all the time
to kill the Hindus.
In the
previous issue it had asked the Muslims of India not to listen to the secular
leaders like Asaduddin Owaisi, Kanhaiya Kumar and Jamiat-e-Ulema Hind leaders
Maulana Arshad Madani and Mahmood Madani. This seems to be the beginning.
The ISIS is
a terrorist organisation and its ideology and modus operandi is known to the
world. It demonstrated the extreme degree of ruthlessness and mercilessness
towards its opponents or critics. The outfit is not here only for preaching its
ideology through its publication. The terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka last year
or attacks on a maternity home and funeral procession in Afghanistan two months
ago should be sufficient reminders for us to be alert.
Issue 2 Voice of Hind, p. 7. [Screen Shot of an Image in the Corona
Virus Article]
The UN has
already alerted us through its report which says that hundreds of Al Qaida and
ISIS activists are present in Kerala and Karnataka. It can also be assumed that
the Voice of Hind is being edited by ideologues present in India as they refer
to the political and social happenings in their articles and try to brainwash
its readers.
It is also
surprising that no religious organisation or leader has come out openly against
this group though during the rise of the ISIS a group of religious leaders,
columnists and ideologues openly supported it. No one has criticised the people
behind the Voice of Hind. A publication like Voice of Hind from India gives a
hint of the things to come. It has already made it clear that it wants to
spread violence here. It has also made it clear that it sees secular Hindu and
Muslim leaders and religious personalities as an obstacle to their goal. The
organisation is also known to have their 'kill list' and to have executed
persons on this list.
If this
publication is not closed down and is allowed to carry on its agenda, it may
drive Indian Muslim youth towards extremism and terrorism. Indian Muslim
religious leadership should come out strongly against it and the government
should act well before time before the group spreads its tentacles further in
the Indian Muslim society and spreads the culture of violence, suicide attacks
and target killings here. Since they have also named Kanhaiya Kumar as one of
the secular leaders they hate, they may cause communal riots by attacking
secular Hindu leaders of the country.
Taliban—From Jihad to Apostasy. Voice of Hind (Islamic State in Hind
the publication of a mouth piece of a terrorist organisation like the ISIS being
published from a country like India where the Muslims have upheld the
traditions of pluralism and Sufism nurtured and promoted by Amir Khusrau,
Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti, Baba Farid, Kabir and Maulana Azad is a blot on the
Muslim society.
The government
and the Indian Muslim community should wake up to this menace before it is too
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