By Rizwan Asghar
19, 2015
that the debate about the threats of nuclear terrorism has experienced a
resurgence in the United States, many nuclear experts are discussing the likely
impact of a terrorist-detonated nuclear weapon on the volatile global politics.
In the
nuclear non-proliferation field, there exists a consensus among experts that
the game changing impacts of a single ‘mushroom cloud’ would pose a fundamental
challenge to the Westphalian system of sovereign nation-states, raising
concerns about the ability of modern-day governments to provide security to
their citizens.
2002, Al Qaeda-linked terrorists hatched a plan of a chemical attack on the New
York City subway using a cyanide gas dispersal device, but Ayman Zawahiri
cancelled the plan at the eleventh hour because he wanted the next attack
against the US to be one involving nuclear weapons. The threat is further
compounded by the fact that Al-Qaeda’s nuclear ambitions are uncompromising and
stronger than ever before.
2008, Zawahiri published his book ‘Exoneration’, as an attempt to justify the
use or threat of nuclear weapons. In his book, the Al-Qaeda leader offers a
detailed argument that use of nuclear weapons should be judged on the original
intent to defend Islam rather than on consequences in terms of the destruction
that may ensue. In his view, a nuclear attack is now justifiable in order to
win the war that Al-Qaeda declared on 9/11. In advancing a religious justification
for the intended nuclear attack, Zawahiri quotes a famous saying of Nasir
al-Fahd: “There is no doubt that the greatest enemy of Islam and Muslims at
this time is the Americans.”
journalists and intelligence officials have expressed the apprehension that
just like Osama bin Laden’s fatwa in 1998 foreshadowed the 9/11 attacks,
Zawahiri’s treatise has set the clock ticking for a nuclear attack on US soil.
Rolf Mowatt-Larssen, a senior fellow at the Belfer Center for Science and
International Affairs at Harvard University, claimed in 2011 that “Al-Qaeda is
an event on a larger scale than the 9/11 attack.” After the death of Osama bin
Laden, Al-Qaeda seems more focused on the nuclear option in order to pave the
way for the ‘transition in the final stage of conflict’.
book has also prompted some American experts to engage in a debate on Islamic
legality of the use of nuclear weapons. Zawahiri’s book has particularly drawn
strong criticism from the Muslim world. Many well-known Islamic scholars and
clerics have openly dismissed arguments given by Zawahiri for a nuclear attack
aimed at killing four million Americans. In 2010, Ali Gomaa, the former grand
mufti of Egypt, gave a detailed ‘anti-nuclear’ fatwa rejecting all arguments
given by the Al-Qaeda leader in his book. Nuclear weapons are not just ordinary
weapons for use in war. They pose some fundamental moral issues that make their
use unacceptable.
South Asia, Pakistani religious scholar Dr Tahirul Qadri gave a fatwa against
Al-Qaeda’s defence of nuclear use. Dr Qadri states that Islam does not permit
terrorist explosions and the massacre of innocent civilians under any
circumstances. Islam opposes the use of such barbaric instruments of death like
weapons of mass destruction, he said. Indiscriminate killings must be avoided
in times of war.
Holy Quran clearly sets certain limits during the conduct of war: “Fight in the
cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah
loveth not transgressors.” (2:190) Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had said: “A
believer remains within the scope of his religion as long as he doesn’t kill
another person illegally… even in times of war, Muslims are not allowed to kill
anybody save the one who is indulged in face-to-face confrontation with them.
They are not allowed to kill women, old persons, children, or even a monk in
his religious seclusion.”
some religious clerics who have indirectly attempted to advocate the use of
nuclear weapons during the past few years are of the view that these weapons
can be used only in response to a nuclear attack against innocent civilians and
there is no moral ground for using them against non-combatants. Former militant
cleric Salman Al-Odeh also opposed Zawahiri’s fatwa in 2009 and urged him to stop
killing innocent Muslims. He said Al-Qaeda had killed more Muslims than
wars, Islam enjoins on all believers to apply a minimum level of force to
achieve the objective and distinction has to be made between the innocent and
the guilty. During all wars fought during the life of the Holy Prophet (pbuh),
Muslims were told to avoid killing non-combatants.
response to these views, Al-Qaeda has claimed that Islam sanctions retaliation
and that this principle can further be extended to the use of nuclear weapons.
However this argument has no solid grounds because the US has not attacked any
Muslim country with nuclear weapons. And nuclear weapons don’t serve to isolate
the target and kill a few individuals; their power lies in their capability for
mass destruction on a much wider scale.
the majority of the Muslim countries, there is a complete consensus on the
issue that Islam forbids use of nuclear weapons under any circumstances. But,
despite a lack of clear religious support, Al-Qaeda is stronger than ever
before, contrary to the claims of many western analysts. After the serious
mishandling of the Syrian crisis by the international community, Al-Qaeda’s
power has increased in the Middle East. While the group’s central leadership
has suffered significant losses, Zawahiri has managed to expand the Al-Qaeda
network and maintain his influence through affiliate groups present across the