New Age Islam Edit Desk
30 December 2020
Pakistan and the Pakistan Army
Syed Haider Raza Mehdi
Diplomatic Relations with Israel
Zafar Aziz Chaudhry
Crisis Of Pakistani Democracy
Zahid Hussain
Introspection My Dear Countrymen, Introspection
By Dr
Talat Shabbir
Pakistan’s ‘Covid-21’
Farhan Bokhari
Remembering A Humble Giant, Qassim Soleimani
Mohammed Khaku
and the Pakistan Army
Syed Haider Raza Mehdi
30, 2020
I’ve stopped writing my regular OPED, given the extreme partisan single minded
views generally expressed by readers and the absence of a pluralistic approach
to a sane dialogue.
I do not subscribe to a ” on the one hand and on the other hand” type of
journalist jugglerly to try and keep everyone happy, keep the money from my
employers or media house flowing, but have very harsh, unvarnished and
forthright views, untainted by any external vested interest, other than my own
earlier today a friend’s comments on an article on the Pakistan Army written by
a certain Aqil Shah in the Foreign Affairs Weekly, a fairly reputable
publication of the Council of Foreign Relations, supposedly a reputable and
objective think tank by western standards, but completey blind, subjective and
bankrupt, intellectually, morally, when it comes to commenting on China, Iran,
Saudi Arabia, Israel etc, prompted me to pen these words.
Many of us,
either out of ignorance or deliberate malice and anger or our selfish interests
driven by our political affiliations or our family’s political involvement with
a certain party or our business interests and ties to a certain politician or
affinity to the same baradari or ethnicity that a certain political leader
belongs to or because we are financially rewarded to pursue a seditious agenda,
will continue to lsmbast the Pakistan Army!
Mentally we
are still slaves of our legacy, culture, family, castes, baradaris, vested
interests and greed!
We couch
our criticism in holier than thou protestations of democracy, human rights, freedom of speech, anti
militarismetc, complete with what appear to be highly researched pieces, such
as Aqil Shah has done or what Hussain Haqqani, pens!
We will run
down Pakistan, PM Imran, the Army at every opportunity.
We will
highlight PM Imran’s weaknesses his errors, his decisions, his missteps, but
nary a word from us about the loot and plunder and corruption and havoc and
destruction wreaked on Pakistan by Nawaz Sharif, Bhuttos and Zardaris.
We will
criticise the Army overtly and covertly.
But let me
say this with no ambiguity, ifs and buts. Despite the past military coups, and
with all its acts of omission and commission, thank God for the Pakistan Army!
Aqil Shah
belongs to that insidious category of Pakistanis or former Pakistanis, self
styled intellectuals, mostly living overseas who love to bash the Pakistan
Army, a much fashionable thing to do to make themselves relevant and appear
authoritative to their handlers.
Aqil has
highlighted completely fabricated issues related to the so called Baluch insurgency
fuelled and funded by India, deliberately quoting highly questionable
statistics, highlighting the actions of a most subservise, seditious
organization like the PTM as a
supposedly genuine voice of the exploited.
He and his
fellow cohorts use Nawaz Sharif, Maryam Nawaz and Bilawal Bhutto’s anti army
and anti Imran tirades as evidence of a fascist Pakistani state run rampant!
Misguiding people inside and outside Pakistan!
has many “Aqil Shahs”
Forum is full of them. People who deliberately and knowingly promoted India’s
massive 15 year long disinformation campaign against Pakistan as unearthed
by EUDisinfoLab, which undertook the
investigation and published an extensive report!
people have sold their souls and intellect to the West or India or Israel or to
vested political interests like the Sharifs or Bhuttos and in my opinion belong
to the same category as the likes of HussainHaqqani, Gul Burkhari, Aqil Shah
etc and their fellow conspirators in the Saath forum.
Sadly, they
are actively supported in our own media by people who are or were mainstream TV
Anchors and OPED writers.
supported by what were once reputable newspapers, one run by a family whose
senior members were part and parcel of our military regimes and one of whom
with publicly acknowledged ties to the CIA!
All above
media persons and media houses pretending to be intellectually objective,
patriotic, well meaning but highly subversive and cunningly poisonous!
While there
is much that is wrong in our country now and in the past, and much remains to
be done, here’s my assessment of how things will play out if people like PM
Imran are in government and sensible cool heads like Gen. Bajwa head the Army.
necessarily these two but people with their kind of approach!
Lets put
some facts on the table.
military is still the most powerful and privileged institution in Pakistan. And
yes it has acquired influence much beyond its mandate.
And, yes,
in the past it has been responsible for most of our political mess. Absolutely! Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Nawaz Sharif
and Zardari are all consequences of military takeovers!
But today
it is the most effective, most disciplined, most meritocratic and relatively
least corrupt government institution, compared to other Pakistani public sector
but strangely and paradoxically it has survived the rape of other Pakistani
civilian state institutions by the likes of Bhutto, Nawaz Sharif and Zardari,
because it took over the country! What a paradox!
it would have gone the same way as did our police, our bureaucracy and our
judiciary! Completely destroyed, ineffective and dysfunctional!
Picture the
nightmarish scenario of the Pakistan Army being like our Police!
So It is
important to see their influence on a spectrum, starting from Ayub, Yahya, Zia,
Musharraf to recent times such Gen. Kayani, Raheel Sharif and now Gen. Bajwa.
Clearly the
institution does not exercise the same overt clout it did in the past.
Covert? Of
course, yes.
significantly diminished as compared to Gen. Musharraf’s Martial Law followed
by Gen. Kayani, Raheel, or even Gen. Bajwa’s first tenure!
The slope
of both overt and covert control from 1958 to 2020 is considerably diminished.
given the near destruction of all other public sector institutions and the
Army’s relative effectiveness it has filled the power and governance vacuum!
This is the
natural law of power. Wherever there is a vacuum the most powerful force will
fill it and claim it.
Also any
well meaning civilian government or PM, like Imran, by default will seek their
help in non military areas because of the near non existence of civilian
institutional capacity.
Will the
Army willingly and voluntarily relinquish its hold on areas not directly under
its mandate?
Yes, only
if the civilian institutions are strong and effective. Again a principle of
power where a civilian institution starts to claim back its space as we are
seeing in the battle between the Superior Judiciary and the Military!
But the
Judiciary in my opinion, is a massive organization driven purely by the petty
and finanvialself interests of its members and pretending to be a defenders of
free speech and judicial independence!
In my
opinion, our Superior Judiciary has much greater responsibility for our current
mess than are our military coups as they spinelessly endorsed every military
takeover from 1958 to 1999.
They also
have the scar of carrying out Bhutto’s judicial murder.
Today it’s
run like a personal fiefdom of a small clique of judges not answerable or
accountable to any state institution, appointing people at whim to superior
judicial appointments with no system of meritocracy or accountability in the
lower or superior judicial system!
This is
In my
opinion it’s an archaic, fossilized institution, preying on the innocent,
especially the poor and the illiterate. It needs to be completely uprooted and
established anew to deliver prompt and fair justice!
politicians be able to exercise independent decisions without the Army’s covert
Yes, if the
majority are honest, well meaning, patriotic and committed like PM Imran, not
corrupt, servile and slavish like Nawaz Sharif, Zardari and their Rasputin like
Machaivellian courtiers
All of them
continuously attempting to bring the Army under their direct control not to
“regain civilian supremacy” over the “military” as they hypocritically proclaim
from the safe havens of London, but to remove the biggest hurdle to their loot
and plunder!
Having said
that, it is my considered view that our current governance model, disguised as
democracy, is completely unsuitable to our culture and needs.
While we
need representative and transparent governance this Westminster type of
Democracy is not for us!
Ours is a
system which is systematically hijacked and raped by the “garbage in garbage
out” electoral process which recycles the same corrupt politicians back into
power. Imran is a singular exception to make it to PM.
Our model
has failed. It is directly responsible for our military coups and for the
rampant loot and plunder and systematic destruction of our institutions by the
likes of Bhutto, Nawaz Sharif, Benazir and Asif Zardari.
We have to
evolve a hybrid model closer to our culture and ethos, as China has evolved a
system which works for them!
If somehow
we could, I would love to see our entire youth undergo the same rigorous
training that our recruits and cadets undergo in our military institutions to
instil a sense of discipline, patriotism, pride and above all, collective
social responsibility.
The last
our biggest challenge in an ill disciplined, selfish, self-cantered society
with near total absence of collective social responsibility!
Let our
Pakistani Nation become a “Nation at Arms” physically, intellectually and
emotionally, not just to defend ourselves militarily, but to raise ourselves
up, economically, technologically, culturally, morally and with integrity and
attain our rightful place as a great country and become a truly welfare state!
And if
anyone thinks that the likes of Nawaz Sharif, Asif Zardari and what they
represent or their biological offspring, with nothing to their credit, except
their leeches like supporters who use them to remain relevant, and religious
charlatans and blackmailers, like FazlurRehman, posing as political leaders,
will help us get there, they live in Cuckooland!
Despite all
our challenges and the imperfections, we see in governance, it is my considered
opinion that we haven’t had a better opportunity than now under a civilian
government, with Imran as PM and Bajwa as Army Chief to initiate and redress
this imbalance of power between the Army and other state institutions, and
begin the serious task of rebuilding our civilian state institutions and
Relations with Israel
Zafar Aziz Chaudhry
30, 2020
These days
one important question which has left Pakistan in a state of quandary, is
whether in the changed scenario of international politics, it would be feasible
to recognize the state of Israel.It is essential to know the background of
Pakistan-Israel relations in the past to answer this question. Pakistan and
Israel almost simultaneously appeared on the map of the world on the basis of
their religious identity. Pakistan, on the basis of two nation theory, and
Israel for a separate Homeland for the Jewish people. Israel made a request for
bilateral relations with Pakistan, but the Quaid e Azam ignored that request,
more probably because the new state of Pakistan was beset by major problems of
mass cross emigration of Hindus and Muslims from the countries of their origin,
and their subsequent settlement in their new homeland.
Palestinians had lived for centuries on the bank of the Mediterranean,
surrounded by Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt, when the United Nations at the behest
of U.S approved a plan to partition Palestine into a Jewish and Arab state in
1947, but the Arabs rejected it. From a small speck around the present Tel
Aviv, the Jews fought internecine battles with the Muslim population with arms
supplied by U.S and other allies and pushed back the unarmed
Palestinianstowards Gaza and beyond, which in history is remembered as Zionism.
Hence the creation of Israel took place by their unlawful occupation of
Palestinian area and subsequent declaration of a sovereign state of Israel.
Israel’s establishment in May 1948, Pakistan, being a Muslim country, has
refused to establish diplomatic relations with it. The agreements that Israel
signed with Egypt in 1978, the PLO in 1993, and Jordan in 1994 brought no
change in Pakistan’s policy. However, Israeli and Pakistani officials
maintained clandestine contacts over the years. Pakistan’s non-recognition of
Israel was mainly due to keeping religious solidarity with the Arab-Muslim
countries and the fear of reaction by
radical Islamic groups. Pakistan’s political and military leaders always try
hard to get along well with its radical
clergy, however reactionary or ill-advised they may be. Our efforts to frame
our policies guided by our religious leaders has many a times beguiled us from
seeking to follow policies which have the potential to uplift our economy or
strengthening our defense needs.In today’s world better and prosperous economy
is the only viable step which makes us known to the world community as a nation
to be reckoned with. This gives us an enviable image of which we can be proud
of as a nation.Rational and pragmatic approach to resolve the problems faced by
humanity could earn us dignity and respect of other nations.None of our
decisions should be based on vacuous emotional grounds.Standing clear of these
considerations will work to the betterment of our country both in internal and
external fronts. The reason why we are passing through a crisis of our image is
that we are guided by falsely religious propaganda and have failed to see
things as they are.We don’t follow the pristine teachings of Islam and are led
away by the herd instincts of so-called religious groups.
hostilities perpetrated on Palestinians
were resented by the entire Muslims of the world. The U.S which had the
main role to create Israelcould not prevent the exodus of Palestinians from
their motherlandwhich made them shelter less. This was a gruesome tragedy
wrought by the combined might of allied forces which now appears irreversible.
Now recognizing or not recognizing Israel is unlikely to restore the rights and
land of the Palestinians. There are about 13 countries which have not so far
recognized Israel, Saudi Arab being one of them. If Pakistan being a nuclear
power and a strategic partner of U.S in this region leads the consortium of countries who have
not so far recognized Israel and impress upon the U.S to guarantee better
financial aid and housing facilities to the Palestinians in lieu of their
recognition of Israel, I feel it will certainly achieve the desired results.
The retrieval of the lost Palestinian territory to its rightful owners looks
Later Six
days war in 1967 caused further fissures in the unity of Palestinians and they
were forcibly occupied by Egypt. Under the reign of Hosni Mobarak they faced
their economic blockade and further political repression. Today they have been
rendered homeless and are subjected to extreme poverty. This detail was
essential to know the truth of Israel’s expansion, at the cost of
PalestiniansHomeland.Noam Chomski, the great American philosopher regarded it
as “Mass murder of Palestinians” with western armament.
Thus in the
background of these hostilities and their unauthorized occupation of
Palestinian lands, it was not easy to recognize a state built on human genocide.
But since new realities had emerged after 1967 war therefore gradual
recognition of Israel became a reality.
Since 1980
onward, Pakistan engaged itself in covert diplomacy with Israel for which
Embassy of Washington was used.In 2020, Israel signed agreements establishing
diplomatic relations with four Arab League countries, Bahrain, the United Arab
Emirates, Sudan and Morocco.
As of
December 2020, 164 of the other 192 UN member states recognize Israel,only 13
countries do not recognize Israel.
There is no
likelihood that Pakistan and Israel will go to war. They do not share borders,
and do not have a direct conflict. As nuclear powers, both Israel and Pakistan
are aware of the need to manage any misunderstandings between them. Pakistan is
in no way a less strong nation militarily. But for Pakistan to subjugate Israel
is not possible because it is a satellite state of the western super powers
which will not let Israel come to any harm. However the recent accord between
Israel and the U.A.E is not a happy sign for Pakistan.
In a
prepared speech, Imran Khan said that it is in Pakistan’s interest to neither
condemnnor commend, but stay clear of creating troubles for itself with the
Gulf state, while still recovering from the diplomatic fiasco with Saudi Arabia.
Recently the Foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said that international
relations are above religious sentiments. It was a bold statement.
And finally
the question whether in the scenario discussed above, Pakistan should recognize
Israel or not? Rationally speaking, we cannot possibly retrieve and restore the
Palestinian territories to them on which Israel has made their large Jewish
settlements. We have upheld their cause as our political stance, but have not
been able to practically do anything about them. Mere emotional attachment with
their cause will neither benefit them nor us. All our vital decisions have so
far been made on religious considerations. Other Islamic countries have become
wiser to take decisions on pure economic and defense considerations. The
question is how long we will remain tied to the petard of our own
self-destruction? No decision, as I have already said, should be based on
vacuous emotional grounds. If our prime Minister who is already engaged in many
sensitive administrative matters is afraid of the radical religious elements,
then the matter may be entrusted to the Parliament. If we have diplomatic
relations with countries like India and Bangladesh with whom we had open wars,
then what prevents us from recognizing Israel from whom we can benefit more
than losing anything?
Of Pakistani Democracy
Zahid Hussain
30 Dec 2020
THE ongoing
battle between the opposition and the PTI government has brought to the surface
the worst of the prevailing political culture. It illustrates patterns of
behaviour that should have little to do with the norms and values relevant to a
democratic polity.
The war of
words is becoming more and more revolting. The entire effort is to make lies
sound truthful and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. This picture
raises questions about the future course of the already corrupted democratic
political process in the country. The rot appears unstoppable with a worsening
crisis of leadership all around. It certainly does not give much hope for
change as we enter 2021.
While the
country is ruled by a self-righteous and novice leadership perceived as being
propped up by the security establishment, the motley opposition alliance seems
hardly capable of bringing any change to the existing dynastic power structure
that contradicts the very ethos of democracy.
What we are
witnessing is a power struggle within the ruling elite — in which the faces are
interchangeable. Surely some of the smaller groups may have democratic
credentials but most parties in the alliance are largely family enterprises.
This degenerative political culture has to be changed and replaced with an
inclusive and institutional democracy in the country. It is certainly going to
be a long struggle.
It may be
true that the PDM charter calls for the restoration of fundamental democratic
rights and the end of the security establishment’s role in national politics.
But how sincere the opposition parties are to act on this solemn declaration
remains to be seen. Many of them would readily cosy up to the security
establishment when it serves their interests. Our political history is full of
such examples.
A number of
political parties that form the PDM have been in power in the past and some of
them still have strong stakes in the current engineered system. Each one has
played the establishment’s game in the past to protect its own interests and
may be willing to do so again.
refusing to talk to the PTI government, some of the alliance leaders appear
ready to negotiate with the security agencies. Back-room contacts never cease.
It is not surprising that the PDM is divided on the issue of resigning from
parliament. One can also understand the PPP’s refusal to give up the Sindh
government as such a move could sound the death knell for the party whose
political clout is restricted to the province.
For over 70
years, the country has alternated between authoritarian military regimes and
ineffective elected civilian rule. But there have been no fundamental changes
to Pakistan’s political power structure. A small power elite has dominated the
country’s political scene under civilian as well as military rule.
extractive nature of the state’s institutions has prevented the country from
embarking on a path of economic and political progress. Despite the economic
and social changes that have occurred over the past seven decades, the
stranglehold of family-oriented politics remains. A limited number of
influential families continue to control Pakistani legislatures.
A sense of
dynastic entitlement dominates the country’s political culture impeding the
development of institutional democracy. With few exceptions, political parties
are an extension of powerful families with hereditary leaders. There is no
concept of intra-party democracy. The only change is the transfer of leadership
from one generation to the next.
Over the
years, families from urban, religious and military backgrounds have also
emerged on the political scene, but this has not changed Pakistan’s
personalised and dynastic political culture. Studies show that a few hundred
families have monopolised the political scene in Pakistan. Interestingly,
hereditary politics have been strengthened under successive military
control has dire implications for our political and economic institutions. It
reduces the legitimacy of a government, impacts the quality of government
policies, promotes patronage and corruption and has negative consequences through
the selection effect.
Most of
these dynastic political groups have actively collaborated with successive
military regimes in order to protect their vested interests and receive state
patronage. The control of a narrow oligarchic elite and the patriarchal
political system have impeded critical structural reforms that are needed for
sustainable economic development and to strengthen democratic and economic
A major
factor contributing to Imran Khan’s political rise has been his slogan against
dynastic politics. But after coming to power, not only did he co-opt
politicians from dynastic political backgrounds he also established a highly
personalised rule. His authoritarian ways have further weakened the state and
democratic institutions.
The leadership’s
politics of revenge and suppression of democratic rights have strengthened
dynastic politics. The government’s so-called crusade against corruption has
made the whole process of accountability questionable. The obvious reliance on
the security establishment has seriously affected democratic evolution and
produced a state of hybrid rule that has further damaged institutions.
The ongoing
political confrontation, which is far from over, has also sucked in the
security establishment. It is a highly combustible political situation.
Undoubtedly, military versus civilian supremacy remains a major issue that has
to be resolved for democracy to be sustainable. But there is also a need to
change the existing political culture that impedes inclusive democracy.
political forces are divided on this critical issue. Of course, the development
of democratic culture is not straightforward. It means providing and nurturing
conditions that allow plurality and diversity in society. Sustainable development
is closely linked to the development of a democratic culture.
extractive nature of the state institutions has stunted the growth of an
inclusive democratic process. Democracy is not about power but about
fundamental structural political reform.
dynastic control of politics and long periods of military rule have blurred
this critical distinction. The crisis of Pakistani democracy is rooted deep in
the political fault lines perpetuated by an oligarchic elite. A representative
democracy offers the only way forward for the country.
Hussain is an author and journalist.
My Dear Countrymen, Introspection
By Dr
Talat Shabbir
29, 2020
144th birth anniversary came and passed. This important day that falls in
December fills us with prideful emotions. We remember with veneration and adore
the great statesman of his time who led us to win a dream homeland. Alongside
commemorations, the day also reflects on how poorly we carried on with the
ideals of our Quaid and failed to build on what was a pathway to sure success.
So December 25 becomes a day mix of celebrations and anxieties. All living
nations celebrate anniversaries of their founding fathers and remember their
ideals and reiterate to live up to them, so do we, at least on the face of it.
Mohammad Ali Jinnah was the most celebrated statesman not only for his
contemporaries but for the people who did not live in his times but could
appreciate his unwavering political struggle for the rights of his people. He
was the personification of selflessness, dedication, charisma, competence,
honesty and professionalism and a man of impeccable integrity and character.
Many of his great contemporary statesmen and writers acknowledged the Quaid’s
traits and paid tribute to the iconic leader.
What a
tribute was paid to him by US historian Professor Stanley Wolpert in his book,
Jinnah of Pakistan, when he writes: “Few individuals significantly alter the
course of history. Fewer still modify the map of the world. Hardly anyone can
be credited with creating a nation-state. Mohammad Ali Jinnah did all three.”
John Biggs Davison, a UK MP, had this to say: “Although without Gandhi,
Hindustan would still have gained independence and without Lenin and Mao,
Russia and China would still have endured Communist revolution, without Jinnah
there would have been no Pakistan.” Patrick Spens, the last chief justice of
undivided India, paid tribute to Jinnah by saying: “The tallness of the man,
the immaculate manner in which he turned out, the beauty of his features and
the extreme courtesy with which he treated all, no one could have made a more
favourable impression than he did. He was the most outright person that I
During the
very short period he lived after August 14, 1947, till he left for his final
abode on September 11, 1948, Quaid would persistently speak on occasions and
give out his vision of building a modern and democratic Pakistan with ideals of
peace, equal citizenship, tolerance, rule of law and human rights. A reflection
of this could be seen when on August 11, 1947, he made his first speech at the
first Constituent Assembly reiterating that he would always be guided by the
principles of justice and fair-play without any prejudice or ill-will. That was
where Quaid’s trajectory of idealistic vision for Pakistan rested.
soon after his demise, his ideals were abandoned and his vision was lost. While
falling quite short of what he wanted us to stand for, we came to the chaotic
crossroads of history overawed and shaken. Long after him, we still grapple
with issues like power struggle, self-serving elite, weak political
institutions, opportunism, corruption, ineptitude, intolerance, fanaticism and
disharmony. Misplaced priorities, above all, have turned Pakistan into a hotbed
of all kinds of divisive issues.
in his August 11 speech, wanted Pakistan to be one of the greatest nations of
the world. Perhaps December 25 also reminds us of Quaid’s ideals and his vision
for Pakistan. That requires us to dig deep and find out what we lost by
abandoning his ideals. This day of commemoration should turn into a day of
introspection, which should assume at single institution, by every individual
who misses a beat when an incident of falling from grace occurs anywhere in
Pakistan. In the light of Quaid’s vision, becoming one of the greatest nations
in the world is the only option and for that, introspection my dear fellow
countrymen, introspection.
Farhan Bokhari
30, 2020
The new
year arrives in Pakistan on Friday, promising to bring more than just the usual
set of challenges coupled with fewer than expected opportunities for the time
For the
foreseeable future, Pakistan’s outlook will remain closely tied to the world’s
worst pandemic in decades. The continuing attack by Covid-19 from country to
country and the discovery of a new and deadlier strain in a growing number of
countries, presents a major challenge with unpredictable consequences.
Even if
Pakistan avoids falling directly in the line of fire of the new strain, the
country’s future will be surrounded by the fallout from the dark clouds
gathered over the horizon. At the very least, a further deterioration in an
already strained global economic outlook will unleash the fallout that is
certain to engulf countries like Pakistan.
Moreover, a
succession of policy failures along with a failure to focus on the most
pressing challenges under Prime Minister Imran Khan’s government together have
already raised doubts over Pakistan’s economic outlook getting anywhere close
to a robust recovery. Notwithstanding the self proclaimed kudos by the present
government proclaiming Pakistan’s economy emerging out of the woods, the
contrary remains true.
Pakistan’s continuing political polarization unleashed by the activism of the
opposition Pakistan Democratic Movement or PDM, is set to deepen what appears
to be increasing uncertainty. This is set to continue weakening Pakistan’s
economy, politics and other key elements necessary for the country’s overall
Imran Khan remains in the unenvious position of serving as prime minister of
Pakistan at a time when his government faces more challenges than any of its
predecessors. Settling the country’s increasingly acrimonious politics,
reviving the economy and tackling the fallout from Covid-19 on a daily basis
together presents a formidable crisis for any ruler.
And while
some relatively positive trends have emerged on Pakistan’s ability to tackle
Covid-19, its much too early to predict an all-encompassing success. Given the
unpredictable nature of this beast, it would be far from wise to claim success
let alone victory. As before, the prime minister’s victory claim repeated from
time to time may not necessarily be the right course in the face of this deadly
pandemic which haunts the world as no other ailment has done before.
As Pakistan
remains locked in the recurring eye of the storm, the government’s ability to
manage the country’s politics and its economy leaves room for doubt. An
unending confrontation with the opposition through an open-ended pursuit of
corruption has badly exposed prevailing double standards. Individuals around
Prime Minister Khan liable for corruption related investigations appear to have
been treated less harshly than his opponents.
The track
record of NAB – the main anti graft watchdog – has also had a pernicious effect
on Pakistan’s business environment, with individuals targeted having shared
accounts of investigations that will likely fall flat in any truly democratic
society. NAB’s work has already harmed Pakistan’s investment climate at a
crucial time in the country’s history, dogged by a variety of economic
weaknesses. Many Pakistanis proudly remember the 1960s when Pakistan’s economy
was heading in a transitional phase for the better. But it is equally true that
the existence of a body similar to NAB in the 1960s would have easily killed
that short-lived period of economic transformation.
At the same
time, ministers in the Khan government eagerly claim one economic success after
another. In doing so, they grasp on selective trends such as an improvement in
Pakistan’s current account deficit or some improvement in prices of one
essential commodity or another. But the prime minister and his economic team
have failed to appreciate that a sustainable recovery cannot be claimed unless
its fruits are shared by Pakistan’s average households. Irrespective of how far
the opposition can dent the ruling structure, the gap between official claims
and the reality across Pakistan’s grassroots presents the biggest challenge
confronting the country.
As Pakistan
enters 2021, the country’s ability to tackle these mighty challenges along with
the unpredictability surrounding the pandemic must raise a compelling question:
has Pakistan entered ‘Covid-21’ in view of the multiple challenges surrounding
the country with few resolutions in close sight?
Bokhari is an Islamabad-based journalist who writes on political and economic
A Humble Giant, Qassim Soleimani
Mohammed Khaku
29, 2020
The year
2020 has been completely disastrous. The year started with a horrific crime
committed by Donald Trump with the assassination of General Qassim Soleimani.
The crime can never be forgotten. Iran has every right to pursue justice to
bring these criminals and their accomplice to justice.
commemorate the death anniversary of Qassim Soleimani?
remembrance of his death anniversary is important event to look back, reflect,
and reaffirm the struggle of oppressed people. Personally, what comes to mind
of his legacy is courage, integrity and siding with the oppressed people.
Soleimani was a person of great humility, self-confidence and eschewed egotism.
In times of hardship and challenges he saw opportunities and never backdown.
Soleimani’s place in history is still unfolding and his work of liberating
Jerusalem still remain unfinish. A global icon whose faith and strategy define
him a general of Al Quds force.
On January
3rd, Iran and Oppressed people around the world will observe the first
anniversary of the assassination Soleimani.
A handsome
face with dreamy eyes was a revered figure among not only for the Al Quds
(Jerusalem) force, but around Middle East. The martyrdom of the top general of
Iran was a conspiracy to further destabilize the Middle East and start a war
with Iran.
He is more
alive in his legacy and martyrdom today than he ever was. No words are
sufficient to express the legacy of Soleimani. His martyrdom has created
numerous Soleimani’s from Kashmir to Palestine.
The memory
of General Soleimani’s death will remain immortal in the history of all
mankind. The martyrdom and the tears that roll down our cheeks are for the
oppressed people, be it in Palestine, Kashmir, Yemen, Myanmar or China. These
tears are the tears of revolt and challenge to the tyrants of the world. This
assassination has branded the mark of disgrace upon the forehead of all
oppressors and oppressed governments.
background Soleimani grew in a village in Kerman Province bordering
Afghanistan. His father was a small-time farmer indebted due to “modernization”
of Shah’s policies. With the family facing debt, young Soleimani dropped out of
school at the age of twelve to labor in the construction industry. He joined
IRGC at a very young age and was sent to northwest to suppress a Kurdish
separatist uprising.
served throughout the eight years of war with Saddam Hussein in 1980 specially
in retaking Bostan. in December 1981 to the invasion of Iraqi Kurdistan in
1987, where his unit encountered Saddam using chemical weapons sourced from the
US and Europe.
the closure of Iraq war in 1988, Soleimani was sent back home to Kerman to wage
war on the drug gangs from Afghanistan and Taliban threatening order in the
region. After years of insurgent warfare his forces pacified the province,
earning him the lasting gratitude of its residents. By March 1998, he had risen
to commander of the Quds Force, the lethal special forces unit of the IRGC.
is one of the heroes and a righteous son in the history of Islamic republic who
stood in defiance against USA and Zionist Israel. He a was most revered,
respected, and charismatic military General. He was loved, and admired by all
oppressed people around the globe specially Palestinians, Yemenis and
Kashmiris. His role in Middle East was to re-shape the new order of resistance.
He is a hero who was seen to be a beacon of strength for Muslim countries like
Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq and Syria and as a liberator from the clutches of the
western powers.
Soleimani was principal architect and played a significant role in fight
against ISIS in Iraq and Syria. He was described as the key player in bringing
together Kurdish and Shia forces to fight ISIS in Mosul. Soleimani and his
forces played a major role in the victory of Fallujah, Mosul, Kirkuk and Aleppo
which US force could not liberate. He was so revered for his talent and wisdom
on the battlefield and so feared by ISIS and US. He earned mythical status among his enemies
and idolizes by Muslims from Palestine to Yemen.
has been responsible for the formation of an arc of unity and resistance from
Beirut to Damascus through Iraq, and to
Yemen. Soleimani out maneuvered USA in Syria and Iraq hastened the decline of
US presence in Middle East. He has restored the long-lost Muslim pride,
self-confidence and unity among the Muslim World.
The most
courageous General of Al Quds force avoids publicity or media, and when meeting
with freedom fighters to Ayatollahs to the dignitaries of the world he prefers
to remain quiet, but when he speaks, he is so soft spoken, polite, and rarely
raising his voice. He was so modest that he would not allow his admirers to
kiss is hand or forehead as customarily in Iran and Middle East.
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