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Islamic World News ( 13 May 2010, NewAgeIslam.Com)

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Islamic mosque at 9/11 Ground Zero sparks protest

Mosque madness at Ground Zero

Demolishing Al-Quds for shopping mall offensive

Third world war underway in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: Hoti

Let's face facts, the burqa is an affront to feminism

Misogynist Mullahs and their flurry of fatwas

Fatwa against working women finds no takers

Pakistani Ulema: 'West pursuing aggressive policies against Muslims'

Pope asks humanity to turn from 'death and terror' to love of God

Let's clear Islam of prejudices

Tahir Khan: Terrorism has no place in Islam

Bangladesh arrests 400 in drive against schoolgirl bullying

No difference between Hindutva terror: Chidambaram

Order for more Muslim police

'4 prime suspects in German Bakery blast fled to Pakistan'

Sayeeda Warsi: a powerful Muslim woman in UK cabinet

Dialogue initiative ‘reflects Abdullah’s strategic vision’

30 Saudi students taking part in Intel show in US

Concern over obstacles in women emancipation

A winning Saudi view: high quality of imagery

Let Pakistan prove its credibility before talks: BJP

Three arrested in Indonesia raids

Honour killing? Angry family hacks daughter, mother-in-law to death

Khaps use same-gotra excuse to escape attacks for fatwas

Prophet cartoonist defiant after attack

 Pakistan: Three years of 12th May massacre

Obama deflects criticism of Pakistan

Israel plans to build 12,000 housing units in East Jerusalem

Woman forces son, 5, to smoke

Military response to cyber attack possible: Pentagon

Terror in Times Square

Tensions rise at Philippine political summit

Hamas accuses Egypt of torturing prisoners

‘Fight for power between feudal lords and the urban elite’

102 Pakistanis in Thai jails

Israel criticises Russian talks with Hamas 

Bulgarian woman has twins at 62

Northern Afhanistan needs major offensive: Nato 

Compiled by New Age Islam News Bureau




Islamic mosque at 9/11 Ground Zero sparks protest

By Chelsea Schilling

May 13, 2010

Wreckage from plane that hit the twin towers fell on the same building that may serve as an Islamic cultural centre.

A human-rights group is calling on Americans – especially family and friends of loved ones who were lost when Muslim terrorists murdered 2,751 people in the name of Allah on Sept. 11, 2001 – to fight construction of a 13-story Islamic mosque to be built just steps from Ground Zero.

The five-story building at Park Place, just blocks north of the former World Trade Centre site, was the site of a Burlington Coat Factory. That was, until a plane's landing-gear assembly crashed through the roof on the day 19 Muslim terrorists hijacked the airliners and flew them into the Twin Towers in 2001.

Now Muslim worshippers currently occupy the building, and they plan to turn it into a major Islamic cultural centre called the Cordoba House.

The group Stop Islamization of America, or SIOA, led by Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugs blogger and columnist, is hosting a "No 9/11 Mosque" rally at Ground Zero June 6 at noon to protest the construction.

"What could be more insulting and humiliating than a monster mosque in the shadow of the World Trade Center buildings that were brought down by an Islamic jihad attack?" asked Geller, executive director of SIOA. "Any decent, American, Muslim or otherwise, wouldn't dream of such an insult. It's a stab in eye of America."

As WND reported, the building – previously vacant since that fateful day when time stood still as millions of Americans grieved the loss of loved ones, friends, family members, co-workers and strangers – was purchased last July by real-estate company Soho Properties, a business run by Muslims. Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, founder of the American Society for Muslim Advancement, or ASMA, was an investor in that transaction.

Rauf has announced his plans to turn the building into a complete Islamic cultural center, with a mosque, a museum, "merchandising options," and room for seminars to reconcile religions, "to counteract the backlash against Muslims in general, " Speigel reported. The project may cost as much as $150 million. Plans for the facility also include a 500-seat performing arts theater, fitness center, swimming pool, library, public conference rooms, basketball courts and restaurants, according to the Tribeca Tribune.

Rauf said the mosque is expected to be a major step forward in the Americanization of the Muslim community and that if everything is done correctly, his group intends to franchise the concept and build more Cordoba Houses in other American cities and around the globe.


Mosque madness at Ground Zero


May 13, 2010

A mosque rises over Ground Zero. And fed-up New Yorkers are crying, "No!"

A chorus of critics -- from neighbours to those who lost loved ones on 9/11 to me -- feel as if they've received a swift kick in the teeth.

Plans are under way for a Muslim house of worship, topped by a 13-story cultural centre with a swimming pool, in a building damaged by the fuselage of a jet flown by extremists into the World Trade Centre.

The opening date shall live in infamy: Sept. 11, 2011. The 10th anniversary of the day a hole was punched in the city's heart.

How the devil did this happen?

Plans to bring what one critic calls a "monster mosque" to the site of the old Burlington Coat Factory building, at a cost expected to top $100 million, moved along for months without a peep. All of a sudden, even members of the community board that stupidly green-lighted the mosque this month are tearing their hair out.

Paul Sipos, member of Community Board 1, said a mosque is a fine idea -- someplace else.

"If the Japanese decided to open a cultural centre across from Pearl Harbour, that would be insensitive," Sipos told me. "If the Germans opened a Bach choral society across from Auschwitz, even after all these years, that would be an insensitive setting. I have absolutely nothing against Islam. I just think: Why there?"

Why, indeed.

A rally against the mosque is planned for June 6, D-Day, by the human-rights group Stop Islamicization of America. Executive director Pamela Geller said, "What could be more insulting and humiliating than a monster mosque in the shadow of the World Trade Centre buildings that were brought down by an Islamic jihad attack? Any decent American, Muslim or otherwise, wouldn't dream of such an insult. It's a stab in the eye of America."

Called Cordoba House, the mosque and centre is the brainchild of the American Society for Muslim Advancement. Executive director Daisy Khan insists it's staying put.

"For us, it's a symbol, a platform that will give voice to the silent majority of Muslims who suffer at the hands of extremists. A centre will show that Muslims will be part of rebuilding lower Manhattan," said Khan, adding that Cordoba will be open to everyone.

"We were pleased to see that the community welcomed us as an asset to lower Manhattan," she added. "The community board approved it."

Not so fast.

The Financial District Committee of Community Board 1 seems to have gotten ensnared in a public-relations ploy by mosque-makers. At a May 5 meeting, the committee gave the project an enthusiastic thumbs-up. But boards have zero say over religious institutions.

Board chair Julie Menin, blind-sided by the move, predicts "this will be overturned by the full board" later this month.

But the damage is done.

Wounds that have yet to heal are now opening, as mosque opponents are branded, unfairly, as bigots.

"The worst tendency is the knee-jerk, emotional, angry, hateful response to acts of violence and war," said Donna Marsh O'Connor, who lost daughter Vanessa on 9/11 and supports the mosque. "I think it's racist tendencies."

Many more feel like Bill Doyle -- doubly maimed as he's forced to defend himself against charges of prejudice.

"I'm not a bigot. What I'm frightful about is, it's almost going to be another protest zone. A meeting place for radicals," said Doyle, whose son, Joseph, was murdered on 9/11.

"It's a slap in our face!" said Nelly Braginsky, who lost son Alexander.

Unclear is how the mosque will raise the $100 million-plus it needs.

"We would be seeking funding from anyone who would help," Khan told me. "Seeking maybe some bonds or something like that." At the May 5 community board meeting, she displayed a sign with names like "Rockefeller Brothers Fund" and "Ford Foundation," which observers believed meant money is coming from those organizations. But Khan says those groups merely gave money in the past, and no funding is yet in place.

There are many questions about the Ground Zero mosque. But just one answer.

Move it away.

Insanity at the Albany nuthouse

It's crazy.

The wildly successful Kendra's Law -- which allows New York judges to force dangerous psychos to choose between taking their meds or bedding down in padded cells -- ends next month. Families of the mentally ill love it. So do crime victims.

But instead of insisting on making the law permanent, the state Office of Mental Health and loony-tunes activists have ganged up to back a compromise plan: Extend Kendra's Law five years, when it's likely to die. And take some of us with it.

The law is named for Kendra Webdale, 29, who was pushed to her death in front of a subway train in 1999 by a crazy man off his meds. It's drawn the wrath of the straitjacket squad ever since. Brooklyn Assemblyman Felix Ortiz, co-sponsor of the wimpy five-year-extension bill, sides with the loons.

"I do believe that no one should be forced into treatment," he was quoted in the Legislative Gazette.

There's still a chance for Albany to stop the insanity. Make Kendra's Law forever.

The attorney gender-al

Working and shopping at American Eagle Outfitters just became more fun for folks of all persuasions.

Attorney General Andrew Cuomo persuaded the retailer to change its policies forbidding men to dress like ladies and ladies to dress like the attorney general. Plus, staffers will now be trained to watch whom they call "he" and "she" and the immortal "heshe."

Thanks, Andy. Now if you call me "ma'am" I'll hurt you.

Kagan a case of Amazin' grace

She has no judicial experience and a blank slate in place of written opinion. But Elena Kagan, President Obama's pick for the US Supreme Court, has demonstrated an affinity for the underdog: She's a Mets fan.

It takes a strong, and probably crazy, New Yorker to love the Mets (as I do). I'll reserve judgment on the lady's brains.

Pssst! Wanna buy a virgin?

He's got a camera and a Nevada brothel. Now, Australian filmmaker Justin Sisley says he's found a clutch of virgins (or so they claim) eager to give it up for a buck or $20,000 in a kind of modern-day slave auction that pairs the legally blind with the seriously hard up. It's called reality TV.

Sisley has three people lined up to sell their virginity to the highest bidder, including Alex, who'll fly halfway around the globe because, he says, he wants to meet chicks, suggesting this buck would be better served by a warm bath and a call to his mom.

Purchasing sex is nothing new (see, allegedly, Lawrence Taylor), but rarely has it been so public and sad. Since swimsuit models and George Clooney are unlikely to bid on this bunch, I hope the virgins have strong gag reflexes and plenty of credit-card debt.


Demolishing Al-Quds for shopping mall offensive

13 May 2010

As more Palestinian homes are slated to be demolished in East al-Quds (Jerusalem) despite the ongoing indirect talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Press TV interviewed Professor William Beeman from University of Minnesota. The following is the transcript:

Press TV: Israel has expropriated more than one-third of Palestinian land in East al-Quds, building more than 50,000 homes, and now, construction for the largest settlement in East Jerusalem al-Quds has begun. With the Jerusalem being a sticking point between the two sides, what aims and goals can these proximity talks going to play to?

Beeman: It is a very good question because it seems that are forces within Israel that really designed to try to undermine those talks. The demolition of the houses in East Jerusalem had been held off in order to allow envoy Jorge Mitchell from the United States trying to get the peace talks off the ground but the announcement was made today that there was no law or there was no probation against going ahead with the demolition of the houses. And it seems to me, like Prime Minister Netanyahu, who has lost control, some parts of his government, because they are acting either with his knowledge or without his overt knowledge or without his overt agreement or they acting without his knowledge all together or without his permission. So it is really a very difficult situation. It's bound to make the people in the United States very angry, because right now the American public in general is not happy with the settlement program being taken by the Israelis. I should mention some thing else too and that the house that haven been demolished are on the religious bequest land that is being held for more than 400 years by the Islamic religious bequest and demolishing these houses to build a shopping mall which is really quiet offensive a sort of development, building a shopping mall in religious land which is bound to make people very, very angry.

Press TV: Following the announcement of these demolitions, the United States warned Israel of taking inciting steps in Jerusalem. Israel continues to defy international law in the West Bank and Jerusalem with impunity everyday. With US's inability to any action against Israel, how is this time going to be any different?

Beeman: Well this is really the problem. The United States has been, since the beginning of Obama administration, has been putting pressure on Israel. And Israel has been resisting this pressure on the part of the United States in order to try to demonstrate their strength to show that the United States is not pushing them around. Nevertheless, the Israelis have got to be really concerned about making the Obama administration too angry with them. The Israeli government depends very, very heavily on US aid especially US military support. They can only this kind of action so far before it is going to start creating difficulties for them domestically.

Press TV: There is systematic discrimination by Israel in planning and construction, expropriation of land, provision of social services and minimal investment in physical infrastructure of East al-Quds. Israel has clearly been trying to change the demographics of east Jerusalem over the past 40 years, why has there been such inaction on the part of the int'l community?

Beeman: Well I think that the international community has not been very involved with Israel or Palestinians at all. The United States has been a principle actor with regards to the Palestinian and Israeli question. Other nations have expressed their opinions but they haven't been able to engage directly with Israel on this nor with the Palestinians, and it is because of this inability to actually engage with Israel that other nations haven't really said very much. You get occasional actions in the United Nations, you get condemnations especially from the Arab world, you occasionally get condemnation from the former east block, expressions are concerned from Europe but no one seems to be willing to actually step up and take any serious action against Israel and in the United States of course the Obama administration is really hampered by the fact that we have such a strong pro-Israeli faction in the US government and in the electorate. So that any time that the Obama administration actually does take strong action against the Israeli government then there is a domestic political price to be paid for that.


Third world war underway in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: Hoti

May 13, 2010

PESHAWAR: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Amir Haider Khan Hoti has said that an undeclared third world war was underway in the province and the world should play a part to resolve the conflict. Addressing a ceremony of the Charsadda District Bar Association at the Chief Minister House on Wednesday, Hoti said non-state actors were involved in the war. He said the provincial government had achieved 80 percent of its targets within a short span of two years. The chief minister praised lawyers’ role for the revival of an independent judiciary. Hoti said the government was committed to eliminating unemployment, poverty, backwardness and illiteracy, but collective efforts were needed to secure national interests and root out terrorism. The chief minister approved a Rs 10 million-grant for the district bar association. Hoti said peace accords were signed with terrorist, but they were sabotaged by “external elements sitting in Waziristan”.\05\13\story_13-5-2010_pg7_30


Let's face facts, the burqa is an affront to feminism

May 13, 2010

Who knows the difference between ethics and morality? Belgium does, for one. Technically, there's not a lot in it. The dictionary makes ethics and morality synonyms, each relating to our cumulative attempts to tell right from wrong and act accordingly.

Aristotle's Ethics examines what it means to be good; for him, and many thinkers since, ethics and moral philosophy are one.

In everyday life, though, we tend to distinguish on a public-private basis. ''Morality'' tends to imply a code that is personal, often sexual and, just as often, religious in origin. ''Ethics'' meanwhile, denotes a public and generally secular amalgam of these values. The baked crust, if you will, atop the pie. Hence talk of professional and corporate ethics, ethical investing and, of course, ethics taught in religion's place in schools.

Full report at:


Misogynist Mullahs and their flurry of fatwas

Yoginder Sikand

May 13, 2010

Over the years, I have read considerable material by and about the madrassas and visited several dozens of them across India. Although charges about madrassas being involved in training terrorists are unfounded, the allegation that they teach obscurantist and ultra-reactionary beliefs in the garb of Islam can't be dismissed. Nor can the assertion that such beliefs lead to extremism and even violence be ignored. Such beliefs constitute a major hurdle in Muslims' progress and play a vital role in keeping Muslims shackled under the sway of a class of patriarchal and narrow-minded clerics.

Full report at:


Fatwa against working women finds no takers

Bushra Baseerat

May 13, 2010

HYDERABAD: Front office executive Saira Fatima has been the sole bread winner of her family for the last one year after her husband disappeared leaving her alone to fend for herself and their two children. On Wednesday, amidst incessant calls beeping on her desk and handling visitor queries, she questioned the sudden need for Darul Uloom Deoband to issue the fatwa declaring earnings of women like her to be 'haram'.

A bench of three clerics had issued a fatwa stating that it was "unlawful'' for Muslim women to work with men without the veil as per the Sharia law. But the diktat found no takers among urban Muslim working women like Saira, who has kept the veil aside at the workplace. "In a job like this I am not supposed to wear a hijab (burqa) since I have to interact with people all day. This job is important since I have to feed my children and lead a life of dignity," says Saira.

Full report at:


Pakistani Ulema: 'West pursuing aggressive policies against Muslims'

Ahlul Bayt

May 13, 2010

 Lahore Pakistan -- Referring to the challenges faced by Muslim Ummah and their possible solutions, speakers at a debate have stressed upon following teachings of Islam, unity among Muslim countries, rejecting dictation and slavery of the United States and reliance on own resources.

Nawa-i-Waqt, The Nation and Waqt News jointly organised the debate on the topic ‘Challenges to Ummah and its Solution’ here at Hameed Nizami Hall on Wednesday.

Senior leader Jama’at-ud-Da’wa Hafiz Abdul Rehman Makki, Chairman Idara Minhajul Hussain Dr Muhammad Hussain Akbar, Ameer Tanzeem-i-Islami Hafiz Akif Saeed and Administrator Jamia Naeemia Raghib Naeemi participated in the debate.

Addressing the participants, Hafiz Abdul Rehman Makki said that the Muslim Ummah was facing onslaught of Jews and Christians while the United Nations and its allied departments were giving helping hand to aggressors.

Full report at:


Pope asks humanity to turn from 'death and terror' to love of God

13 May 2010

Fatima, Portugal- Pope Benedict XVI on Thursday urged humanity to turn away from selfishness, death and terror to the love of God, as he spoke at a gigantic open-air mass in Fatima.

"At a time when the human family was ready to sacrifice all that was most sacred on the altar of the petty and selfish interests of nations, races, ideologies, groups and individuals, our Blessed Mother came from heaven," Benedict told hundreds of thousands of pilgrims.

He was referring to the supposed apparition of the Virgin Mary to three Portuguese shepherd children in Fatima on May, 13, 1917, during World War I.

Full report at:,pope-asks-humanity-to-turn-from-death-and-terror-to.html#


Let's clear Islam of prejudices

Nuzhat AzizDate


Why is it that every other day an irrational, prejudiced outfit rears its ugly head and projects Islam in a conservative and prejudiced light? Why is it that a certain outfit, apparently the self-appointed guardian for Indian Muslims has the power to issue a fatwa denying Muslim women to work outside home and state that it is illegal in Shariah for a family to accept a woman's earnings? A couple of hours later, another report denies issuing of the fatwa was published justifying that it was merely a suggestion so that working women should dress properly.

According to the Wikipedia, Shariah refers to the sacred law of Islam. All Muslims believe Sharia is God's law, but they have differences between themselves as to exactly what it entails. Modernists, traditionalists and fundamentalists all hold different views of Sharia, as do adherents to different schools of Islamic thought and scholarship. Different countries and cultures have varying interpretations of Sharia, as well.

Full report at:


Tahir Khan: Terrorism has no place in Islam

May 13, 2010

Faisal Shahzad, a Pakistani-American Muslim, has been linked to the failed Times Square car bombing.

It has always baffled me why these terrorists continue to use the religion of Islam, one that requires all its followers to be loyal, law-abiding and peace-loving citizens of their countries, to promote violence.

As a member and office holder of Wisconsin's Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, I would like to take this opportunity to condemn in the strongest words possible any and all acts of terrorism.


BD arrests 400 in drive against schoolgirl bullying

May 13, 2010

DHAKA: Bangladesh has arrested more than 400 men as part of a nationwide crackdown on the bullying of schoolgirls after a spate of teenage suicides blamed on harassment, police said on Wednesday.  

Many of the men were arrested outside girls’ schools as police across the Muslim-majority nation of 144 million continue their month-old campaign, a police spokesman said.     

“The police are investigating 558 people nationwide and have arrested 432 of these targets,” senior information officer for the Bangladesh police, Kamrul Ahsan, told AFP.         

At least half a dozen girls have committed suicide since January due to bullying by boys, according to media reports, prompting a public outcry and strict orders from the home ministry last month for police to take action.

Full report at:


No difference between Hindutva terror: Chidambaram

13 May 2010

New Delhi: UNION home minister P. Chidambaram equated Hindutva terrorism with crossborder jihadi extremism and said it was a key threat to national security.

"There are four types of terror threats that the country is facing. There is crossborder jihadi terrorism, insurgency in the North- East, Naxalism and terrorism sponsored by Hindu extremist groups,” Chidambaram said, addressing a book release event on Tuesday.

This was perhaps the first time the Union home minister raised the red flag on Hindutva terror groups.

Chidambaram said: “ Homegrown Muslim and Sikh extremist groups pose a threat. The policymakers must assess the threat and factor them in while framing future strategies.” Full report at:


Order for more Muslim police

13 May 2010

New Delhi: The Centre has asked the states and Union territories to post more Muslim policemen in areas with large minority populations so the force acts more impartially, especially in tense and violent situations.

The directive is part of a larger plan to have more Muslims in the administrative machinery at large, and to "sensitise" all government cadres to communal issues right from the training stage, officials said.

The states have been asked by the department of personnel and training to update it every three months on the progress made in recruiting Muslims in their police forces, where the community is poorly represented.

Full report at:


'4 prime suspects in German Bakery blast fled to Pakistan'

Asseem Shaikh

May 13, 2010

PUNE: Officers probing the deadly German Bakery blast that killed 17 people on February 13 have claimed that four prime suspects in the attack have fled to Pakistan.

Initial suspicion had fallen on the Indian Mujahideen group and police leaks had hinted at the involvement of the terror group's founder Riyaz Bhatkal, his brother Iqbal and Yaseen, who is said to be a relative of the Bhatkal brothers. But for months there has been little headway into the case and the cops now privately admit that the IM may have little to do with it.

In that light, the sudden talk of four prime suspects fleeing to Pakistan could also indicate a failure by the Anti-Terror Squad to find enough evidence to nail any suspect and fend criticism by saying that the main attackers had fled.

Full report at:


Sayeeda Warsi: a powerful Muslim woman in UK cabinet

May 13, 2010

LONDON: Sayeeda Hussain Warsi is Shadow Minister for Community Cohesion and Social Action and is a member of David Cameron’s Shadow Cabinet.

Sayeeda Warsi, Baroness Warsi (born March 28, 1971) is a British politician for the Conservative Party and a lawyer. Since the UK General Election, 2010 she has been the Chairman of the Conservative Party, sitting in the cabinet. She is the first Muslim woman to sit in the cabinet She is a former Vice-Chairman of the Conservative Party and is the Shadow Member for the City of Sheffield.

Sayeeda Warsi has been politically active from her early college days and was subsequently instrumental in the launch of Operation Black Vote in West Yorkshire in 1996 and stood as a candidate in the 2005 General Election.

Full report at:


Dialogue initiative ‘reflects Abdullah’s strategic vision’


May 13, 2010

JEDDAH: Crown Prince Sultan, deputy premier and minister of defense and aviation, has commended Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah’s efforts to promote dialogue between Saudis as well as the followers of different faiths.

Prince Sultan made this comment in the forword of a book titled “Dialogue in the Thought of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud” authored by Saeed bin Nasser Abumilha. He said King Abdullah’s dialogue initiative reflects his strategic vision to realize global peace.

“King Abdullah has given the Kingdom what is required to take it to the level of advanced countries and societies while preserving its Islamic principles and values and cultural identity,” the crown prince said, underscoring the king’s important role in establishing channels of dialogue within and outside the Kingdom.

Full report at:


30 Saudi students taking part in Intel show in US


May 13, 2010

JEDDAH: Thirty talented Saudi students will participate in the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISSF), to be held in San Jose, California, from May 9 to 14.

Intel ISEF is considered the world’s largest pre-college science and engineering competition.

The event typically brings together 1,500 young scientists and engineers from up to 50 countries annually. The participants showcase their cutting-edge science and engineering projects and compete for nearly $4 million in awards and scholarships.

The Society for Science & the Public (SSP), a non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C., has owned and administered the fair since its inception in 1950.

Full report at:


Concern over obstacles in women emancipation

13 May 2010

 MANAMA — A Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) has expressed concern over what it said obstacles in women empowerment after a recent study revealed that majority of Bahrainis do not consider court testimonies by women as valid.

Released this week by the Bahrain Women Society for Human Development, the study highlighted the underestimation of women potentials in the country.

Sixty-one per cent of 846 individuals surveyed in the study thought that court testimonies by women couldn’t be considered equal to those made by men. Some of them said that the testimonies by two women should be considered as one, while the rest said that females shouldn’t be allowed to testify in legal cases.

Full report at:


A winning Saudi view: high quality of imagery

By Molouk Y. Ba-Isa,

13 May 2010

Canon Middle East has announced that engineer and photographer Latif Al-Obaida’s shot titled “Holy Haram,” has been selected as the country winner for Saudi Arabia in “Celebrating My City,” Canon’s regional photography competition.

The grand prize winner in the competition was Sue Azmi, representing Kuwait with her photograph “Walking into Colours.” See the 13 national winning photos as well as the grand prize winner by clicking to: The annual Canon photography competition encouraged photographers of all abilities to submit a city inspired image from across the region for a chance to win the EOS 500 D a DSLR Canon camera, or a Canon PIXMA Pro9500 Mark II professional photo printer.

Full report at:


Let Pakistan prove its credibility before talks: BJP

May 13, 2010

Chandigarh, May 13 – The Bharatiya Janata Party Thursday questioned the basis on which India agreed to hold the foreign ministerial level talks with Pakistan, saying Islamabad should first prove its credibility before any talks are held.

‘The Pakistan government should first prove its credibility on the issue of terrorism. This should be through action on terrorism. Only then, we (India and Pakistan) can talk,’ BJP president Nitin Gadkari said at a meet-the-press programme at the Chandigarh Press Club here.

‘The Pakistan government has supported and sponsored terrorism. India has faced cross-border terrorism – a proxy war by Pakistan. We want good relations between both countries. But for that the Pakistan government should prove its credibility and have a strict attitude against terror.’

Full report at:


Three arrested in Indonesia raids

By Karishma Vaswani

May 13, 2010

Police have been carrying out a series of raids against suspected extremists

Indonesian security forces say they have arrested three terror suspects in a police raid in central Java.

The raid comes a day after at least two men were shot dead in another security action.

The operations followed a major raid in Aceh province in February, when security forces clamped down on what they said was a militant training camp.

The discovery of the camp has raised fears that terror networks are alive and re-emerging in Indonesia.

The three men were arrested in central Java in a police raid that took place in the early hours of Thursday.

Full report at:


Honour killing? Angry family hacks daughter, mother-in-law to death

Yudhvir Rana

May 13, 2010

TARN TARAN: A newly married woman and her mother-in-law were killed on Wednesday in Tarn Taran district allegedly by the girl's family members for marrying against their wishes.

The woman's husband, a resident of Brahmaniwala village, has been admitted to a private hospital in Amritsar with serious gunshot injuries. "It is a clear case of honour killing," said P S Virk, SSP, Tarn Taran. The police have registered a case and detained some of the accused.

The couple, Gurleen Kaur (22) and Amarpal Singh (25), got married about three months ago in a court following objections from girl's family. A marriage ceremony was held in Tarn Taran, after girl's parents agreed to the alliance.

Full report at:


Khaps use same-gotra excuse to escape attacks for fatwas

May 13, 2010

CHANDIGARH: Haryana's notorious khaps are going all out against the same-gotra marriages apparently to divert the attention from their controversial diktats on honour killings based on same-village marriages. In the last one decade, scores of killings have been traced to khap 'fatwas' that cannot be linked to the same-gotra dispute.

Some of the recent diktats of khaps reveal that except for one case of Manoj and Babli, there has been no instance of same-gotra marriage in Haryana. Inquiries reveal that most of the diktats are against couples who are not from same gotra.

"Among the many instances, not even one was for the same gotra marriage, yet the couples were declared siblings and families made to suffer excommunication from villages," said Jagmati Sangwan, director of Women's Study Centre, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak.


Prophet cartoonist defiant after attack

May 13, 2010

STOCKHOLM: A Swedish artist whose drawing of the Prophet Muhammad offended Muslims said today he hopes to get another chance to deliver a lecture on free-speech that was interrupted by violent protests.

But officials at Uppsala University said they doubted they would invite Lars Vilks again after police used pepper spray and batons to help him escape a furious crowd Tuesday.

"It's nothing that we're discussing right now, but it's not very likely given how it turned out here," university spokeswoman Anneli Vaara said.

While Vilks escaped the incident with broken glasses and a degree of shock, he said it raised concerns about the freedom of expression at Sweden's oldest and most prestigious institute of higher learning.

Full report at:


Pakistan:Three years of 12th May massacre

by Farhad Jarral

13 May 2010

Today is the third anniversary of a black day in the history of Pakistan. As Information Secretary of PSF District Malir, I attended the rally of PPP towards airport from District Malir Karachi to receive Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhary. Sajid Jokhio ( Now Minister of Zakat and Usher, Sindh) and Raja Razzak (President District Malir PPP) were leading the rally. It is an unforgettable day for those who participated in various rallies to receive  Chief Justice and they were struggling for an independent judiciary.

I am an eye witness of the massacre which was carefully planned by those who did not want to see a successful rally in support of independent judiciary; they had got orders from their big boss in khaki, General Musharraf, who was at that time addressing the state-engineered ‘Istehkam-e-Pakistan’ (stability of Pakistan) rally in Islamabad.

Full report at:


Obama deflects criticism of Pakistan

By Anwar Iqbal

13 May, 2010

WASHINGTON: US President Barack Obama said on Wednesday that his administration was working with both Pakistan and Afghanistan to break down some of their old suspicions and bad habits.

At a White House news conference with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, the US president also indicated that Pakistan dominated at least part of his almost three-hour long consultations with the Afghan leader and his team.

“In support of the final part of our strategy, a regional approach, we discussed the importance of Afghanistan’s neighbours supporting Afghan sovereignty and security,” he said.

He then recalled that he had hosted President Karzai and President Asif Ali Zardari together at the White House a year ago. “And our trilateral cooperation will continue,” he declared.

Full report at:


Israel plans to build 12,000 housing units in East Jerusalem


13 May 2010

RAMALLAH: The Islamic Christian Commission for Support of Jerusalem and Holy Places on Wednesday revealed a new Israel plan for the construction of 12,000 housing units in East Jerusalem.

Hassan Khater, the secretary- general of the commission, told a press conference in Ramallah that the Israeli authorities will allocate 3,000 dunams (741 acres) for the construction of the new settlement of Givat Yael, which will be home for 40,000 Israeli settlers.

Khater added that the new settlement will be constructed on lands far-right Jewish investors, most notably the self-proclaimed Zionist Irving Moskowitz, claim they bought from the West Bank village of Walajeh, to the southeast of Jerusalem.

Full report at:


Woman forces son, 5, to smoke

May 13, 2010

ELIZABETHTON, Tennessee: An East Tennessee woman has been charged with forcing her 5-year-old son to smoke a cigarette.

A Carter County deputy told the Johnson City Press that a 24-year-old woman was arrested Tuesday night on charges of child abuse and neglect, disorderly conduct and possession of marijuana. A jail officer said the woman was being held on a $12,500 bond. Jail records did not show if the woman hired a lawyer. Deputy Cory Tidwell said that in response to a complaint by a witness he stopped the woman in a car and she told him she she had forced her son to smoke a cigarette because "she was teaching him not to smoke." Tidwell also said he found a small bag of marijuana in the car.


Military response to cyber attack possible: Pentagon

13 May 2010

 WASHINGTON - The Pentagon would consider a military response in the case of a cyber attack against the United States, a US defense official said on Wednesday.

Asked about the possibility of using military force after a cyber assault, James Miller, undersecretary of defense for policy, said: “Yes, we need to think about the potential for responses that are not limited to the cyber domain.”

But he said it remained unclear what constituted an act of war in cyberspace.

“Those are legal questions that we are attempting to address,” Miller said at a conference in Washington, adding that “there are certainly a lot of grey areas in this field.”

Full report at:


Terror in Times Square

Aijaz Zaka Syed

13 May 2010

 It’s the stuff legends are made of. Two men, born and raised thousands of miles apart in worlds that couldn’t have been more different yet connected by a common, unseen bond.

The stories of Faisal Shahzad and Shah Faisal remind me of Jeffrey Archer’s fantastic novel, Kane and Abel. The Pakistani American and Indian Kashmiri doctor are both young and share a name that is one of the most popular in the Muslim world. Faisal literally means someone who speaks or upholds the truth. 

Faisal One, the Pakistani American who refreshed and brought home the horror of the 9/11 last week for Americans with the Times Square bombing plot, ostensibly got the best of everything that the great American dream could offer.

Full report at:


Tensions rise at Philippine political summit

13 May 2010

 MANILA - Tensions at the summit of Philippine politics mounted on Thursday as presidential frontrunner Benigno Aquino’s team vowed to use the “enormous powers” of office to probe outgoing leader Gloria Arroyo.

Arroyo has promised a smooth transition, but she angered Aquino this week by appointing a new Supreme Court chief justice in a move seen as trying to retain influence and secure legal protection after she steps down on June 30.

Aquino triggered their feud when he said Tuesday he would ensure as president that Arroyo was investigated over alleged vote-rigging in the 2004 presidential election, and that suspect government contracts would be reviewed.

Full report at:


Hamas accuses Egypt of torturing prisoners

13 May 2010

GAZA CITY - Gaza’s Hamas rulers, whose relations with Cairo are growing increasingly tense, on Tuesday accused Egypt of torturing Palestinian prisoners.

“They are subjected to horrible methods of torture, electrocuted, hung by their limbs for long periods, beaten,” said Sami Abu Zuhri, a spokesman for the Islamist movement.

“The situation of the detainees in the Egyptian prisons is catastrophic,” he told AFP. “Arrests and torture are increasing.”

He said 30 members of Palestinians factions, including 11 from Hamas, are held in Egyptian prisons, where they have served from one to six years.

Full report at:


 ‘Fight for power between feudal lords and the urban elite’

By Jan Khaskheli

May 13, 2010

The MQM and the PPP may have different stances on the restoration of Hyderabad’s old status the residents of Hyderabad believe that the division of the district or restoration of its old boundaries will not bring any improvement in the lives of common people. They say that they were neither in favour of the division of Hyderabad into four separate districts in the first place, nor they now like it to see a reversal of that decision.

“The PPP government should tell benefits the commoners will get after the restoration of the old boundaries of the (Hyderabad) district,” suggested a renowned Sindhi writer, Rauf Nizamani. He told The News that the people of the district were already facing a number of problems including, poverty, unemployment, price hike and power shortages, and this decision would do nothing but create more problems. Why doesn’t the government initiate development projects, and provide relief to the people through creating more job resources and other schemes, he asked.

Full report at:


102 Pakistanis in Thai jails

By Aamir Yasin

13 May, 2010

ISLAMABAD, May 12: At least 102 Pakistanis are languishing in Thailand’s jails, awaiting the implementation of a treaty for exchange of inmates between the two countries.

According to a non-governmental organisation, the Global Foundation, the agreement was signed on Dec 20, 2007, by Thai interior minister Pibble Songram and Pakistani ambassador Lt-Gen (retd) Khateer Hussain Khan and all arrangements regarding the prisoners’ return were finalised in November.

Ulfat Kazmi, executive director of the NGO, claimed on Wednesday that seven Pakistani prisoners had lost their lives while completion of file work had been delayed by the government.

Full report at:


Israel criticises Russian talks with Hamas

13 May, 2010

JERUSALEM: Israel sharply criticised Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Wednesday for having met the exiled Hamas supremo Khaled Meshaal in the Syrian capital Damascus.

The foreign ministry also sharply rejected what it said was a call from Medvedev and his Turkish countepart Abdullah Gul to include Hamas in the peace process.

“There is no difference between Hamas actions against Israel and Chechen terror against Russia,” a ministry statement said.

“The foreign ministry vehemently rejects the call from the presidents of Russia and Turkey to include Hamas in the peace process and expresses deep disappointment over the meeting between the president of Russia and Khaled Meshaal in Damascus.

Full report at:


Bulgarian woman has twins at 62

13 May, 2010

SOFIA: A 62-year-old Bulgarian woman has become the country’s oldest first-time mother by giving birth to twins following an embryo transfer, the daily 24 Hours reported on Wednesday.

Krasimira Dimitrova, a psychiatrist from the northern city of Ruse, gave birth by caesarian section on May 5 to twin baby girls, named Mary and Jacqueline, who each weighed less than one kilogramme (2.2 pounds).

Her pregnancy was the result of an embryo transfer, Dimitrova told the newspaper in an interview, adding that she was initially impregnated with triplets but doctors decided to remove one of the embryos.

“Age was not an obstacle for me... I so much wanted to have children,” she said.

Full report at:


Northern Afhanistan needs major offensive: Nato

13 May, 2010

KUNDUZ, May 12: As Nato troops battle a escalating insurgency in northern Afghanistan, a senior military official said on Wednesday a major offensive was necessary in the once relatively peaceful region.

Taliban activity in Afghanistan has traditionally been concentrated in the south, base of the Islamists battling to unseat the western-backed government.

The north, currently under German command, was until recently regarded as the safest part of the country.

But a rise in militant activity has seen the Germans engaged in major battles for the first time since World War II.

Seven German soldiers were killed last month in heavy fighting in Kunduz province, and Germany’s most senior military officer in Afghanistan on Wednesday raised the prospect of the first major anti-Taliban offensive in the north.

Full report at:



