New Age Islam
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Islamic Society ( 16 Aug 2018, NewAgeIslam.Com)

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Personality Cultist Religion is what all Muslims Practice but Name it Islam

By Rashid Samnakay, New Age Islam

16 August 2018

An overview of Muslim world reveals that Muslims are anything but the followers of what is called Islam, as given in its only scripture Quran (15-87, 39-83 etc.) to form a nation worthy of being called a Muslim-Nation.

Whether Islam, an Arabic word with no English equivalent for the societal system of Laws or moral standard ad-Deen of Quran, revealed to an Arab Messenger in his language Arabic: 14-4, And We sent no messenger but with the language of his people... is a 'Religion' or not is highly contentious issue among them.

By what ever name one may choose to call Islam, the one clause 6-159 quoted below, of the Law given by the Law Giver, prompts one to question the myth of one united Ummah. Over the centuries it is becoming more and more obvious that there was no such entity as “Islamic” country or a community, let alone a composite Muslim Nation.

6-159, As for those who divide their Deen and split up into Sects, you (Muhammad) are not to have any connection with them what so ever. Their affair is with God: He will in the end tell them the truth of all they did!

Sects like Sunni Muslims (Jo Sunn Sunn Kay Musulman Huey) who claim they follow exclusively the Messenger Muhammad's Sunnah, is in practice a cult religion. And the Shia sects who step down into Messenger Muhammad's next generation through Fatima, his daughter married to Ali, for their religion, is cultism too. Yet both are named Islam.

It is obvious that each Sect is outside the pale of Islam. The irony is when every sect and sub-sects call the others non-Muslims (Kafir?). 'The pots calling kettles black' syndrome.

Myriads of religions, sects and their subdivisions established in contradiction to Quran leave no doubt that the Code reintroduced from all his predecessors Messengers, by Muhammad: 2-4- and those who Believe—in the guidance that has been revealed to you, and to those who preceded you... these sects are all following different cultist “religions” and NOT Islam that unites mankind as one nation:

2-213, Mankind was but one single nation, and God sent Messengers with glad tidings and warnings; and with them he sent The Book in truth to judge between them in matters in which they differed... .

See, for example, what the saffron robed priests have done to Buddha's teaching. Yet he had discarded the deity god and Lo! Now he himself is the deity of a religion Buddha-ism!

Is this not what Islam was to reform, eliminate the deity-gods ilah, the cult of personalities of Religions?

In the Muslim context, minority communities, “people of the Book” are persecuted and discriminated against in many majority Muslim countries; not only in public domain but also in State legislature, some under nefarious 'blasphemy' laws for which there is no punishment in the Book. On the contrary God says:

3-134...God loves those who forgive.

The plight of minority communities, say like the Hazara and Ahmadiya and many others come to mind. Universal Human Rights aside, any kind of persecution is not acceptable, particularly on religious grounds in civilised human society and especially not in “Islamic” society. The two minority communities named above bring in focus countries such as Afghanistan and Pakistan for scrutiny!

What makes Pakistan special is that along with a few other countries, it declares itself as Islamic, meaning fully compliant with Quran's ordinances.

With reference to the Ahmadiya, their religious belief is that Mirza G. Ahmad of Qadian, born fourteen centuries after Messenger Muhammad is also a Messenger of God. Thus they have stepped down many generations in their cultism; contradicting the Quran's verse 33-40 that says:

33-40, Muhammad is not the father of any of your men but he is the Messenger of God (Allah) and the Seal of the prophets...

With reference to the Messenger Muhammad being the Seal (Khatam); Muhammad Ali of Lahori Jamat, a splinter group of Ahmadiya, has logically and eloquently argued in comment 598 on the verse 4-69 in his translation 'Holy Quran', viz, “ ...At any rate none can become a prophet. If this were true, not only would all the truthful and the faithful and the righteous be prophets, because they perfectly obeyed Allah and His Messenger, but even all those who tried to follow them would have been raised to the level of prophet-hood which is absurd on the face of it. And to talk of some people becoming prophet after the door to prophet-hood has been closed is sheer ignorance of the basic principles laid down by the holy Book”. The underlines are added for emphasis.

(Sorry Mr Muhammad Ali, for not using your religious nomenclature Maulana- for it is in contradiction of the very Book you translated eg. Verse 3-150 etc. It would equate you, like millions of others in South Asia, to god or at least lesser gods.)

One is left askance as to why Messenger Muhammad is mentioned in the verse 33-40 as not being a Father of any man, although it is accepted that he did sire sons who did not live to mature age. And also he did adopt a young person named Zaid as a son. It is well argued by scholars of Arabic language that Zaid is used as a common noun, just as Jack is used in English, to relate a common instance of a common marriage where the spouse is not even mentioned in previous verses eg 33-37.

One reason could be the fact that since ancient times, the human society has been mostly patrilineal. The first son inherits the father's space. The crown prince is often crowned the next king.

Also to lay down the logical and moral argument that simply by naming someone as ones blood relation, does not make that person, Jack or Jill, as a blood-relative to claim a right to inherit the lurks, perks and privileges of this position or to suffer any harm on account of such verbal utterance.

Secondly to discount all possibilities of male dependants, wannabe contestants for inheritance of prophet-hood are hereby eliminated. Other societal wrongs too were thus righted by this verse.

Back to the topic in hand, of the treatment of minorities. It is established from the quoted verse 6-159 that no Sect, causing confrontational division is to enter the canopy of Islam, as Messenger Muhammad is instructed by God in no uncertain terms to cut-off all connections with them; such as later day Muslims Sunnis, Shias, Salafis, Ahmadiyas and many other brands, (Hadis mentions seventy two. A Muslim researcher recently came up with a total of one hundred and twelve of them!). And yet they impose themselves as his staunch followers.

Was Messenger Muhammad a Sunni, Shia or any of these brands of a Muslim? So, who is judging whom? With that established, can any country with the track record of Muslim countries designate themselves as “Islamic”?

In their detailed paper written few years back, two Muslim academics give in the article 'How Islamic are Islamic countries', the Islamic Republic of Pakistan came at 147th and Afghanistan as 169th. See the link for grading of others:

By giving sectarian adjectives these groups seem to justify for themselves the inheritance of paradise in keeping with the line “Rind Kay Rind Rahey Haat Say Jannat Nah Gayi”. But the Message of the Messengers is simple and clear “No Adjectives please, we are Muslims”:

6-159, As for those who divide their Deen and split up into Sects, you (Muhammad) are not to have any connection with them what so ever. Their affair is with God: He will in the end tell them the truth of all they did!

God is using the modern day Hulagu Khans tyrants to assist the Muslim confronting armies, to tell them the errors of their ways (3-11). Yet, 7-179 ...they have hearts with which they understand not, eyes with which they see not and ears.... With the advantage of these schisms even politically motivated wars, death and utter destruction of the so called Muslim world is a fact of life, more so today. The myth that monotheistic and monolithic Muslim Nation/Ummah exists, has long been busted! And this is for people who say they believe in a Law-book that tells them – 109-6 Lakum Deenukum Wa-Liaddeen- 'live and let live'.

But, sheer ignorance of the laity of basic principles laid down by the holy Book prevails, under the commercial, political and in this case cultist imperatives. Can this nexus in the name of Islam ever be broken by any Muslim State?

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