Fatma, New Age Islam
27 April 2021
or Debate Should be held with good manners
1. Literal
Meaning of Munazara
2. Munazara
among Muslims, non-Muslims and their sects and sub-sects
3. Munazara
is good only with good manners
4. Islam
recommends Useful Munazara and forbids Useless Munazara
Munazara is an Arabic word that
is popularly translated as debate, while it has other meanings, such as
‘discussion’, dialogue, conversation, disputation and controversy. Munazara
is derived from the word ‘nazara’, which means ‘to contemplate’, ‘ponder
over’, ‘to debate or argue with’. According to the popular usage of the
terminology, it refers to a debate or dialogue between two groups. Each group
aims at correcting and annulling the other party’s argument, while both groups
are determined to reveal the truth they believe in.
Munazara (debate) occupies
an important position among the ‘ulama’ and the scholars of Islam during
which they discuss a core of differences from other sects, sub-sects and the
people of other religions. Both the groups present their arguments to correct
the mistakes they see in one another.
culture of Munazara has been common among the Muslims themselves as they
have got divided into several sects, such as Deobandis, Barelvis,
Wahabis, Sunnis, Shias, Mutazalites, Asha’arites,
Maturidis, Hanbalis etc. Munazara is also done among
Muslims, Christians, Jews and Hindus etc. This is also popular among several
sects of non-Muslims. For example, just as Muslims have several sects, so the Hindus,
Christians etc too have several sects. But they use the word ‘debate’ which is
known as ‘Munazara’ among the Arabic or Urdu speaking people.
Munazara is a good thing, provided it
is done as a dialogue with good manners and etiquettes and for knowing the
truth or highlighting the shared values and respects. Its goodness also depends
upon the purpose of Munazara as some people do it for inviting others to
their religion while some do it for highlighting the shared values and human
ethos. Some ethics of Munazara are as follows; mutual respect between
the two parties, freedom to express a point of view, self-control and avoidance
of negative reactions, being honest and humble, being fair and avoiding
fanaticism and prejudice, all forms of violence, extremism and terrorism should
be rejected altogether, using a moderate tone and admitting wrong and accepting
what is right.
are many forms of Munazara. One of them is purely in form of a dialogue,
as it has been referred to in several verses of the Quran. From the very
beginning of human life on earth, Allah the Exalted has made dialogue His
method. It is mentioned in the Quran that God Almighty says,
[mention, O Prophet], when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I will
make upon the earth a vicegerent (khalifa)." They said, "Will
You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we
declare Your praise and sanctify You?" Allah said, "Indeed, I know
that which you do not know." And He taught Adam the names - all of them.
Then He showed them to the angels and said, "Inform Me of the names of
these, if you are truthful. "They said, "Exalted are You; we have no
knowledge except what You have taught us. Indeed, it is You who is the Knowing,
the Wise.” (2:30-32)
understand the nature of the dialogue between God Almighty and the angels, one
may ask a question here as to why God Almighty planned to speak of His decision
to the angels. Was it only to inform them? Was it to seek their advice? Or, was
it to make them express their opinion on the subject of vicegerent? It was not
for seeking advice, because a person turns for advice to wise and trustworthy
only when he cannot see all aspects of a problem clearly, and does not want to
depend on his knowledge and understanding alone. Neither of the two situations
obtains in the present case. God Almighty is the Creator of the Universe and
knows everything about the smallest particle of dust; He sees and hears
everything, apparent or hidden. Then it is clear that He does not need anyone’s
advice. When we think, we find that God Almighty in His wisdom gave a mere
statement in the form of consultation to teach men the advisability of mutual
consultation. In short, this is a unique form of dialogue adopted by Allah
Almighty for teaching mankind the importance of mutual consultation.
is the manner that Islam recommends for the believers to adopt while doing
debate or Munazara? Islamic perspective on Munazara (discussion
and debate) is enshrined in the Quran itself, as it says,
to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction and argue with them in
a way that is best” (16:25). This means that one should not use abusive
language while doing debate or Munazara. The Prophet (peace be upon him)
too had several religious discussions with the atheists, polytheists and
members of the Jewish and Christian religions. During several discussions, the
Prophet presented pieces of evidence but he never forced anyone to accept his Deen
of Islam, as the Quran itself says, “There is no compulsion in the Religion”
is a Surah in the Quran, known as Surah al-Mujadalah which means
‘dialogue or dispute’. The reason for this name is reported to have been a
particular incident of Sayyidah Khaulah bint Tha’labah whose
husband had uttered the words of Zihar for her. She went to the
Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) complaining about her husband and
seeking redress for her problem according to Shariah. Then the verse was
revealed in which Allah Almighty says, “Allah has indeed heard [and accepted]
the statement of the woman who pleads with you, concerning her husband and
carries her complaint [in prayer] to Allah: and Allah [always] hears the
arguments between both sides among you…” [58:1]
Islam recommends useful debate because it
leads to success, cooperation and appreciation of truth, but it forbids useless
debate, destructive dialogue or argument because it wastes time and effort and
often leads to hate and enmity. For example, the Quran suggests the believers
not participate in destructive debates and arguments which come from the
whispers of Satan because such debates also lead to hate and enmity among
people. The Qur’an says, “The devils do inspire their minions to dispute with
you…” (6:121)
URL: https://newageislam.com/islamic-q-a/munazara-islam-good-manners-during/d/124745
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