By Qasim A. Moini
30 Oct 2020
indeed dark times. The world remains in the grip of a deadly pandemic that
shows few signs of abating. Moreover, economic, political and ethno-religious
crises continue to rage, as humankind looks for a way out, for a better
As the
world in general continues to broil in this toxic mix of mostly man-made
calamities, we in Pakistan face our own particular crises. Like the rest of the
world we are not immune to the effects of Covid-19 or the attendant economic
turbulence. But a recent spate of events — political instability, the Motorway
tragedy, rampant cases of child abuse — point to our own considerable failings
as a society.
It would be
easy to drone on and on about all that is wrong with us and the world around
us. But as the Quran instructs, “So, verily, with every difficulty, there is
relief:” (Surah As-Sharh). And following in the Quranic spirit, we look to the
greatest exemplar, the Insaan-i-Kaamil,
the Holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH), whose birth is being celebrated today, to
find a way out of these dark times. For it is the Almighty that has dubbed the
Noble Prophet “a beacon of light” or a “shining lamp” (Sirajum Munira) in Surah Ahzab, that dispels the clouds of darkness
and despair through the Nur-i-Muhammadi.
there will be celebrations throughout the country, and indeed, throughout the
world. But do believers actually stop to think about how much of the “excellent
example” that is the Noble Prophet’s character, we follow in our own lives?
Some religious circles insist on adopting many outward aspects of the Sunnah —
growing a beard, wearing a certain kind of attire, using miswak etc. But have
we thought about the deeper, batini aspects of his Sunnah that can be adopted,
such as compassion, contemplation, and forgiveness, that have the potential to
transform ourselves and our society?
Take, for
example, the Holy Prophet’s treatment of women and children. Can we, who claim
to love and follow him, honestly stake such a claim when we look at the state
of women and children in our society?
Among the Ummahat ul Momineen, the Holy Prophet’s
wives, Bibi Khadija holds a prominent place. A noble lady of great wealth, she
stood by the Messenger in the most testing of times due to her great belief in
her husband and his message. Indeed, the marriage between Bibi Khadija and the
Messenger was an example of how domestic relations should be conducted.
In the
books of Seerah, we find nothing but respect and affection coming from the
Prophet for this noble lady, a testament to her lofty character. In fact, when
she left this mortal world, the year became known as Aam al Huzn (The year of
sorrow) for in the space of this one year the Holy Prophet had lost two of his
most steadfast supporters in Makkah: Bibi Khadija and his uncle Hazrat Abu
If those
who believe in the Prophet in this country and beyond try to replicate the
respect and affection the Messenger showed to his spouse, the lives of Muslim
women could improve considerably. Instead, we cling to outdated notions of
‘honour’ and tribal customs to dictate our domestic affairs.
Coming to
how the Messenger treated children, the affection he showered upon his daughter
Bibi Fatima Zehra is exemplary. While the pagans of Makkah taunted the
Messenger for being ‘issueless’ as none of his male children survived into
adulthood, the Almighty saw things differently. Referring to Bibi Fatima, in
Surah Kauthar the Quran says “...We have given thee Abundance” while in the same
Surah declaring that the Prophet’s enemies are “without posterity”.
As recorded
in hadith, the Noble Messenger showered great affection upon Bibi Fatima,
standing up to greet her whenever she entered the room, declaring that “Fatima
is a part of me, and he who makes her angry, makes me angry” (Bukhari).
Again, we,
who follow the Prophet, need to ask ourselves how we treat our girl children.
Unfortunately, like in the days of ignorance, the preference for male offspring
makes many in this society neglect girl children when it comes to health,
education and even nutrition. If we really wanted to show our love for the
Prophet, there would be next to no street children roaming our cities and
towns, susceptible to abuse. The state, or conscientious citizens, would have
ensured that these most vulnerable members of society would have safe spaces
where their childhood could be protected. Certainly, there is much distance to
cover when it comes to practising what we preach.
celebrations are great, and indeed an expression of our inner joy, let us also
try and emulate the Holy Prophet in how he treated those around him, by
adopting the ethical model he has left in the shape of his lofty personality.
Qasim A. Moini is a member of staff.
Original Headline: Beacon of light
Source: The Dawn, Pakistan
Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Women in Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab Women, Women In Arab, Islamophobia in America, Muslim Women in West, Islam Women and Feminism