By Zeeshan Rasool
Khan, New Age Islam
4 May 2021
Fatima Is Not Just A Name But An Institution
From Where We Can Get Inspiration Change Our Life For The Better
Main Points:
Syeda Fatima is known as Fatima
az-Zehra, meaning sparklingly bright and beautiful.
Allah purified Syeda Fatima’s family
completely and granted them perfection.
Prophet (pbuh) said; Fatima is the
leader of all women of Paradise.
Fatima is the perfect role model for
Muslim women around the world.
Fatima (may
Allah be pleased with her) – daughter of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Khadijah
(R.a), needs no introduction. No believer can be unfamiliar with this name.
However, Fatima is not just a name but an institution from where we can get
inspiration change our life for the better. For that purpose, we need to know
her more although understanding her to the fullest is not possible.
Fatima, also known as Fatima az-Zehra (Zehra- meaning sparklingly bright and
beautiful) was born in 605 in Mecca. Her childhood was different from others.
Averse to normal childhood activities, she would spend most of her time with
her mother Khadijah, absorbing the best qualities from her. Her habits
resembled mostly Muhammad (SAW). According to Aisha Siddiqa, ‘I have not seen
anyone the like of Allah’s Messenger in manners, habits, character, and way of
sitting and standing more than Fatima, the daughter of merciful Prophet (pbuh)
(Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi). She is known by many titles like Batool – which means
‘ascetic’ as she was devoted to God. For her chastity, she is titled as Tahira.
She would be absorbed in prayers from dusk to dawn and is therefore called
Sajida meaning devout worshipper of Allah.
She was
married to Ali ibn Abi Talib and had two children – Imam Hassan and Imam
Hussain. All these constitute Ahl-u-Byahh (people of House). The status of this
family can be understood from the verse of the Quran: ‘Verily the Allah only desires to keep away (all kinds of) impurity from
you, o people of the house (Prophet’s family) and to purify you with a thorough
purification (33:33). This verse is known as ‘Aayat’e Tatheer’ (purification verse) and is related to this noble
family as is evident from the hadith of Sahih Muslim narrated by Saffiyah
quoting Hazrat Aisha (R.a). According to this tradition, once, Prophet (pbuh)
came out wearing a cloak having camel saddles woven onto it with black wool and
took Hussain, Hassan, Fatima, and Ali beneath it. After enwrapping them with a
cloak, Prophet (pbuh) recited aforementioned verse of the Quran. Thus
interpreting its theme through this act. Besides, the prophet (pbuh) would
recite this verse at the door of Fatima’s house at dawn hour of the morning and
this continued for 7 months. This implies that Allah purified this family
completely and granted them perfection.
individual virtues of Fatima al-Zehra are evident from different traditions of
the Islamic Prophet (pbuh). Fatima has been declared as leader of Women
(Bukhari) which is why she is known as Syeda’tun
Nisaa’ il Aalameen. Furthermore, Prophet (pbuh) said; Fatima is the leader
of all women of Paradise (Tirmidhi) so is the name ‘Khatoon’e Jannat’.
love for Fatima was extraordinary. While greeting Prophet (pbuh), His
companions would often say; ‘May our parents be sacrificed for you’ but Prophet
(pbuh) used to say this for his beloved daughter – Fatima. Al-Hakim and Ibn
Hibban report that Abdullah bin Umar narrates whenever the Holy Prophet set out
on the journey, the last person he would speak to from his family before
setting off would be Fatima. When he returned from a journey, the holy Prophet
would meet Fatima first and would say to her ‘oh Fatima! My mother and father
be sacrificed for you.
Fatima is
the blessed woman about whom Prophet (pbuh) said: ‘Fatima is part of me’ in
other words the integral part of Prophet’s soul (Al-Bukhari & Muslim). So
much love Prophet (pbuh) had for his daughter that he remarked; the pleasure of
Fatima is my pleasure (Musnad Ahmad) and whosoever angers her angers me’
(Bukhari). In addition to these narrations, any number of authentic traditions
are available that show how close she was to Allah’s apostle.
Fatima is
the perfect role model for Muslim women around the world, not because Prophet
of Islam, Muhammad had a deep affection for her but due to her spectacular mode
of living. Despite having the grandeur of being the leader of all women of the
human world, as declared by Prophet (pbuh) she lived the austere life. And
discharged her responsibilities as a wife, a mother, and as a daughter to the
point of perfection. Biographers write that once Fatima was ill. Still, she did
not abandon her routine nightlong prayers. Her husband Ali went to the mosque
for morning prayers. On returning home, he saw Fatima busy with household
chores that ranged from grinding wheat, bringing water, to cooking food. Ali
said to her; Fatima, you need rest to recover. Fatima replied smilingly, Ali;
‘Allah’s remembrance and your obedience is a remedy for all my ills’.
It was the
impact of her guidance that her children – Hassan and Husain earned the title
of being masters of the youths of paradise (Tirmidhi). It was the result of her
upbringing that her sons at that attained significant position in Islamic
history. And are greatly revered by Muslims. In connection with this Allama
Iqbal writes and conveys a message to modern women; Batool’e Baash O Pinhaan Shou Azeen Asr : Ki Darr Aagosh Shabirey
Bigiri (Emulate Batool and stay away from the evils of time so that person
like Hussain would be your child).
generosity and compassion for the destitute constitute an important aspect of
her life. Many a time she would have nothing to eat and feed the family, but no
beggar or needy returned empty-handed or unattended from her door. She and her
family would fast without having anything for Suhoor (pre-dawn meals) and Iftar
(breaking of fast) except water but used to feed the mendicants. Allah (swt)
describes this exceptional feature in Quran; ‘And they give food in spite of
love for it to the needy, the orphan, and the captive’ (76:8).
nutshell, ‘Fatima is Fatima’ – the lady having no match. After considering all
the aspects of her life, Allama Iqbal concluded; I am bound by Islamic laws. I
am beholden to saying of Prophet. Else, I would have gone about her tomb and
would have fallen prostrate, worshipping her dust.
passed away on 3rd Ramdhan 11 Hijri (632/633) in Medina , a few months after
the death of Holy Prophet (pbuh).
Muslims imitate bogus models and resultantly our condition is piteous all
around the world. However, by following
the true models like Fatima, Muslims can surely regain their glory as the
success lies in the lifestyle of these great people for whom Allah says : Allah
is pleased with them and they with him.
Zeeshan Rasool Khan is a columnist.
New Age
Islam, Islam Online, Islamic Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Women in
Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab Women, Women In
Arab, Islamophobia in America, Muslim Women
in West, Islam Women and Feminism