New Age Islam
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Islam, Women and Feminism ( 11 Feb 2017, NewAgeIslam.Com)

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How Dare You Do It? You’re A Mere Woman That Too a Muslim Woman!

By Mehnaz Nasreen

Feb 06, 2017

Apart from the identity crisis I face anywhere I go due to my looks, the universal discrimination of me being a woman tops the list! And the icing on the cake is me being a Muslim woman…

In the society we live in, we all know that women are not expected to do a man’s job! Women are expected to be ruled by men. Men can’t be working under a woman. She can’t be a boss. She can’t dominate men. She should be submissive and what not all! Forget about our society! Even Americans denied to be ruled by a woman so they chose a joker instead. Of course, not accepting the idea of being ruled by a woman!

How great the ideas and thoughts of a woman might be, they are not considered great, except by few! But the worst part is, a woman being discriminated by a fellow woman! For instance, a mother-in-law discriminating her daughter-in-law, making her daughter-in-law always follows her order! Another instance, a woman holding a high post in a government and discriminating the ones working under her! The worst is yet to come for women entrepreneurs like me who chose not to work under anyone due to the above reasons. Instead of supporting one another due to the universal discrimination we, as a woman, face in the society, varied women try to strangle each other’s strength by some or other ways. This being an example, let me come to an ordeal of being a woman entrepreneur who is a Muslim.

Well, it is seen and heard and look down by the society that a “Pangal Nupi” can’t come out from her home and study and work, but when this same “Pangal Nupi” comes out to be a part of the development process of the society, she doesn’t see much of support from the society. Their pre-conceived notion of a Pangal Nupi is always there in their mindset. They find it very hard to see a woman who belongs to a Muslim community to take active roles in the world of man’s job. So instead of encouraging that effort, people are here to criticise and talk behind her back of taking up such work.

And when she shares ideas or proposals to some people, she is appreciated for her efforts. But as soon as she gets out of that room, it’s hard for them to digest the fact that it’s been given by a Pangal Nupi, who is supposed to hide under her family and who is supposed to be an uneducated. These people never want her to be in the forefront! Because they are used to seeing these type of women always submissive. And they don’t want her to progress, whatsoever! Worst is the women sitting on the top! They might be thinking, “how come this woman belonging to this community has the audacity to come in forefront!”

And they make sure she doesn’t progress and gets no recognition or acknowledgement for her contributions or ideas or thoughts that she possesses!

Everybody shouts on mics about women empowerment and all! This scheme and that scheme for women… well, it just looks good on paper! But on execution level, I have seen it myself that all the data and people are bought or forged or forced upon! The deserving ones don’t get their share!

I ain’t complaining or cribbing here… just for a second, please please… think, how much this woman must have struggled or strived to be in that position. Starting in from her house, to her community or the male-dominated society! Why so much of differentiation, just because she is a woman?? What harm she will bring to you if she is given a platform to showcase her talent?? Why is she an outcast just because she is a woman or she is a Muslim or she is a Tribal or belongs to a minority community or a fairer sex?? Why can’t she take part in the serious discussions and plans that you do?? Why?? Why?? Why??

This is very saddening because I am also a woman and I am also a proud Muslim woman who is striving to contribute her bit for the development of society! And a Big Big Thank You to few of those who have been supporting such women.

Before I die…I wish to see a world with no discrimination because of sex, caste, colour or religion. So many hopes, I know!! Well… We shall overcome someday…


Mehnaz Nasreen is the Founder Editor of Youth Street News



