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Islam, Women and Feminism ( 10 Jun 2016, NewAgeIslam.Com)

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Bollywood actor Emraan Hashmi's co-star Alisa Khan living on streets?


New Age Islam News Bureau

10 Jun 2016

Photo: Indonesia: Jakarta Governor Resists Calls To Make Islamic Veil Mandatory


 Indonesia: Jakarta Governor Resists Calls To Make Islamic Veil Mandatory

 India’s Muslim women fight ‘triple talaq’ divorce

 German swimming pool bans the BURQINI after women complained when they saw a Muslim bather wearing one

 Tunisia: Fears Grow Over Isil Recruitment of Tunisia Women

 Iran’s 4,000 Women Ninjas Empowered Through the Art

 Iraqi women hope chasuble sent to pope will inspire prayers for peace

 Danish school bans Muslim woman from praying during school hours

Compiled by New Age Islam News Bureau






Bollywood actor Emraan Hashmi's co-star Alisa Khan living on streets?

Thursday, June 9, 2016

New Delhi: Disturbing but true, Bollywood actor Emraan Hashmi's co-star in a film that has not been released yet-- Alisa Khan was found living on the streets of Greater Kailash, according to a report in India Today.

The report further suggests that Alisa was kicked out of the home by her folks, as her sleazy video with ex-boyfriend got leaked online.

Its further reported that Khan lives in Ghaziabad and got a role in a film titled 'My Husband's Wife'.

Alisa, reportedly filed a compliant with the cops against her ex-boyfriend for threatening her with leaking their videos, which resulted in the abandonment of Alisa by her family.



Indonesia: Jakarta Governor Resists Calls To Make Islamic Veil Mandatory

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Indonesian students cannot be forced to wear the Islamic veil, Jakarta Gov. Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama told a group of educators.

Some 1,700 principals from the city’s schools were meeting with the governor after feeling pressure from Muslim fundamentalist groups who want to make use of the hijab mandatory in school facilities, AsiaNews reported.

The governor, Christian and ethnic Chinese, said that he took the same position as the head of East Belitung district.

“That district is predominantly Muslim, about 93 percent. When there was a mass request to force female students to wear the hijab, I opposed it,” he said.

“If you [as a Muslim] believe that this special garment represents your faith, then you are free to wear it. But you cannot demand everyone wear it if they do not want to,” he said.

Indonesia is the world’s most populous Muslim nation (over 200 million) but has a secular constitution that protects all faiths.



India’s Muslim women fight ‘triple talaq’ divorce

Thursday, June 9, 2016

BHOPAL, India, June 10 – Only three words were scrawled on the letter from her husband and posted to her parent’s home in central India, but they were enough to shatter Sadaf Mehmood’s life.

Using an ancient and controversial Islamic practice, Mehmood’s husband wrote “talaq, talaq, talaq” or “I divorce you” three times in Arabic, instantly ending his marriage of five years.

“I was completely shocked and shattered. We had differences soon after we wed but it never looked so bad,” the mother-of-three told AFP.

Mehmood, who is from Bhopal, is one of a number of Indian Muslim women whose husbands dissolved their marriage using triple talaq. The message delivered by everything from traditional letters to Facebook and Whatsapp.

Banned in many Muslim countries, India, which is officially secular, is one of the few nations that legally permits the practice.

“The talaqnama (divorce letter) came without any intimation or warning,” said Mehmood, 31, adding that she now struggles to make ends meet without her husband’s support.

Now another divorcee, Shayara Bano, has asked the Supreme Court to outlaw it, as a backlash against the practice gathers steam.

“I understand my marriage is over but something needed to be done so that other Muslim women do not suffer,” Bano told AFP of her petition filed in February, which has encouraged at least one other divorcee to follow suit.

‘Second-class citizens’

India’s religious minorities, including its 155 million Muslims, are governed by personal laws that are meant to enshine their religious freedom in Hindu-majority India.

But women say the Muslim Personal Law Application Act, which is based on Sharia law and permits triple talaq, is being misused, allowing men to instantly walk away from their families.

“Women are generally treated as second class citizens in our society and they are further discriminated against by those misinterpreting religion,” Sadia Akhtar who works for Bharatiya Muslim Mahila Andolan, a charity helping to empower Muslim women.

A survey of Muslim women by the charity last year found an overwhelming majority favoured abolition of the practice, deeming it unIslamic. Some 500 of the 4,000 women surveyed said they had been divorced that way.

In recent weeks some 50,000 Muslims signed a petition organised by the charity as part of a campaign to ban it.

The Koran prescribes a procedure for divorce to be undertaken in 90 days, starting from the first utterance of talaq, followed by two more but with a 30-day gap in between each one.

Islamic scholars say this gives couples time to reflect on their marriage and possibly reconcile.

Most Muslim scholars say the instant talaq diverts from the Koran. Although it was given official approval during the rein of Islam’s second caliph Omar in the seventh century, it was discouraged.

Akhtarul Wasey, a professor of Islamic studies, said it was only supposed to be used as a last resort when husbands were “traumatising their partners” by endlessly pronouncing talaq and then revoking it.

“(But) It has lost its essence and become an arbitrary law,” Wasey from New Delhi’s Jamia Millia Islamia university told AFP.

Many Muslim majority countries including neighbouring Bangladesh have already banned it, while legislation on the same is pending in Pakistan’s parliament.

Changes unacceptable

But India’s Muslim leaders are reluctant to amend the personal law, fearing an erosion of their religious identity. Some fear Hindu hardliners will use such changes as an excuse to push for the law’s entire abolition.

The issue comes at a time of heightened concern among minorities of rising intolerance by Hindus hardliners, who have become emboldened since Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s election in 2014.

Modi’s Hindu nationalist government is committed to replacing personal laws for all religious minorities with a common civil code, to enhance national unity.

Kamal Faruqui, member of an influential Muslim body, said Muslims have a right to practise their religion according to Sharia law and that should be protected at all costs.

Faruqui conceded triple talaq was a “problem for Muslims” but changes to the personal law were “unacceptable to us”.

“We discourage Muslims to seek divorce and certainly triple talaq should never be used. Instead couples should go for the honourable exit route mentioned in the Koran,” said Faruqui, from the All India Muslim Personal Law Board.

Shaista Ali, also from Bhopal, said she appealed to clerics for assistance after her husband suddenly divorced her and she was shunted from the family home, but “they sided with my in-laws”.

Divorcee Mehmood accepts that her marriage is over, but she remains hopeful of change so that other women are spared her ordeal.

“We can’t stop talaqs but there should be some consequences so that men think ten times before uttering talaq, talaq talaq,” she said.



German swimming pool bans the BURQINI after women complained when they saw a Muslim bather wearing one

Thursday, June 9, 2016

A public swimming pool in Germany has banned Muslim women from wearing the 'burqini' after complaints from non-Islamic bathers.

Only one woman wore the total-body swimsuit - complete with head covering - during an all-female swim day at the baths in Neutraubling near Regensburg last week.

But the sight so offended other swimmers that town officials decided to post the ban on all burqinis being worn in future.

'Why the burqini as a full-body suit would be necessary to wear during a women's swim day is for me incomprehensible,' said mayor Heinz Kiechle said.

'Only generally typical apparel is to be worn,' he added.

'Because the pool is financed publicly for all people it makes no sense to have special arrangements for individual religions if this adseresly affects the general public.

'This also contradicts the fundamental ideas of integration and mutual understanding, which is always being discussed in many towns.'

He added that some refugees had tried to go swimming in their underwear and this was banned too.

The burqini ban, while seemingly supported by townspeople, has offended some politicians and human rights groups.

'We see this case not only as a clear violation of fundamental rights but also as a blow to humanity and tolerance,' stated the youth wing of the Green Party.



Tunisia: Fears Grow Over Isil Recruitment of Tunisia Women

9 JUNE 2016

Tunis — About 700 women and girls are among the 5,000 Tunisians who have been recruited by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and other armed groups.

As they travel to countries such as neighbouring Libya, they leave behind their families who quickly become distraught about their loss.

"There's no happiness or smiles in this house," says Olfa Hamrani, a mother whose children fled to fight with ISIL, also known as ISIS.

"I wish I could die, that would be better. If I didn't have two other daughters, I would have killed myself."

One of Hamrani's daughters married a fighter who is believed to have helped plan attacks on tourists in Tunisia last year.

But her daughters who left were later arrested and are being held in a prison in Tripoli, Libya.

Her five-month-old granddaughter is also with those arrested.

Hamrani's two youngest daughters remember their older sisters listening to hard rock and playing the guitar.

Then, almost overnight, they wanted to switch off the music and the TV, and they started talking openly about joining ISIL.

"When they adopted this doctrine they never listened to me again. Daesh [ISIL] is the first and last for them, their mother, father, ruler, everything ... their dreams and hopes," said Hamrani.

Present priorities

Hamrani says her priority now is to protect her younger daughters, who have themselves expressed interest in joining ISIL.

Now they are seeing a psychologist and are not allowed to speak to their elder sisters.

In May, Tunisian police arrested three girls from a school in Sidi Bouzid who had been planning to travel to Libya. They were held for almost a week, and then released.

The government would not comment on the arrests to Al Jazeera, but Neji Jalloul, Tunisia's education minister, said that it is "doing everything it can to counter the message of recruiters, including offering classes on culture".

He added: "A child has to understand they are sacred. And life is sacred. Their country, family and people need them from their cradle to their grave."

Given the difficulties of the routes from Turkey into Syria and Iraq, researchers have noticed an increase in social media messages advising potential female recruits to head to Libya.

Security crackdown

In the past year there has been a massive security crackdown in Tunisia.

Police have arrested thousands of people, and banned thousands more from travelling.

Most of those who return from fighting abroad face jail.

"When women return to Tunis, they are a widow or a wife," Mohamed Iqbal ben Rejeb, of the Rescue Association of Tunisians Trapped Abroad, told Al Jazeera.

"There's more pressure because she's considered the honour of the believers. And honour is one of the most sacred things."

He offers support to the families of fighters and says women returnees are closely watched by both the police and members of armed groups



Iran’s 4,000 Women Ninjas Empowered Through the Art

9 JUNE 2016

“Here we are free. We live art ninja as a philosophy of life, helps us to endure the hardships of everyday life, to be patient, strong and disciplined,” an Iranian woman and ninja in training named Melika said in an interview with El Mundo. “It is a spiritual art. We’re not looking to fight anyone outside the classroom.”

According to El Mundo, Iran currently has 4,000 female ninjas who train with sabers. That number is growing.

In April of 2012, the Iranian regime had temporarily revoked the press credentials for Reuters news agency after they ran a headline suggesting the it was training female Ninjas to be assassins. The original headline read, “Thousands of Female Ninjas Train as Iran’s Assassins.” It was later changed to “Three Thousand Women Ninjas Train in Iran.” Nearly one year later, in March of 2013, Iran reinstated its credentials.

Akbar Faraji, a ninja master of nearly 30 years, trains these women. Since under Islamic law, male and female relations are strictly forbidden outside of marriage, Faraji told El Mundo that he has “designed tools that allow [him] to teach them the art ninja without touching them.” he explains.

Several of the women have reportedly been approached by Iran’s police forces to potentially join, but rejected the offer. Similarly, Faraji said he had been asked to provide a training video to show the Iranian military how to fight. He declined, citing his disassociation from political or religious organizations.

Faraji said of his female ninjas, “The truth is that its lethal power is undeniable. They learn to climb walls, jump walls and fences without being seen, to hide in the mountains and capable of slicing the neck rival without making a sound,” he told El Mundo. However, “I must be very sure that my students will not use the techniques of ninjutsu. To hurt anyone or sneak into someone else’s house formed not to kill them, but they can maul someone in a second.”

One of his students named Fariba said the training has helped her protect herself against a man who tried to harass her in the street.



Iraqi women hope chasuble sent to pope will inspire prayers for peace

9 JUNE 2016

AMMAN, JORDAN Iraqi refugee women who fled Islamic State group violence in their homeland have appealed to Pope Francis for help, sending a hand-sewn chasuble and imploring him to pray for them and for peace in their country.

The ivory colored chasuble with an oriental yellow-gold braid was designed and sewn by more than a dozen Chaldean Catholic women, who as refugees are unable to work in Jordan.

The papal chasuble and an accompanying letter were sent to the pontiff via diplomatic pouch from the apostolic nunciature in Amman, the Jordanian capital, in early June and was expected to arrive at the Vatican by mid-month.

"One of the most precious items is the vestment of a priest, bishop or pope serving at the altar during the most sacred of times, the Mass," said Fr. Rifat Bader, director of the Catholic Center for Studies and Media in Amman.

"This has been made with hearts of love and with a special touch by refugees who suffered, forced to flee to maintain their Christian faith," Bader told Catholic News Service. "The design uses the Arabic checkered 'keffiyeh' of the region, but made with yellow threads, resembling gold, the color of the Vatican."

"Oh, Holy Father, we appeal to you to mention us in your prayers and to mention our country, Iraq, so that the Lord would reinstate peace there and in all the countries that seek peace, protect people from the evil and injustices prevailing in the world, and lead the sinners -- who conduct evil deeds -- into the right path in life. May the Lord touch their hearts with love and mercy," said the refugees' letter accompanying the chasuble.

"From this basis, we would like to present to you this chasuble in the hope that you would wear it when you celebrate Holy Mass and pray for us. It is a symbol of our love to you and a testimony of our appreciation for you," said the letter made available to CNS.

The women wrote that they sewed the chasuble from the "remains of altar cloths," explaining that they wanted to produce "something useful and beautiful to glorify the Lord from whatever is rejected and detested" by the militants.

The mantle is one of the first products of the Rafidian or Mespotamian project begun on behalf of the refugees by an Italian priest, Fr. Mario Cornioli, Fr. Zaid Habbaba of the Chaldean Catholic Church and the Salesian Sisters with support of the nunciature in Amman. Italian women living in Amman also assisted.

Cornioli, sent by the Latin Patriarchate in Jerusalem to work with Iraqi refugees in Jordan, said the women wanted to create a special gift for Francis because of they understand he feels "very near" to them. They also want to remind him of their "difficult situation" after being forced to flee the Islamic State group in 2014 after being told renounce their Christian faith, join the militants, pay a protection tax or be killed, he said.

The women learned to sew in Jordan, opening a new possibilities for them, Cornioli said. "They have once again found their smiles while being and working together," he said.

The priest said that the project has grown with the women sewing items to be sold in Italy. "This helps them to earn some money and so they can help themselves and their families," Cornioli explained, citing examples of Iraqi Christian refugees with dwindling funds after quickly leaving their homes with few possessions.

"Now they are in Jordan with a something that gives them dignity, a valuable skill which perhaps can be useful if they are resettled in another country," Cornioli said.



Danish school bans Muslim woman from praying during school hours

June 10th, 2016

SOPU in Hillerød – an educational institution that offers social and health education, adult vocational training courses and 10th grade classes – is defending its decision to prohibit Muslim women and students of other faiths to pray and practise their religion while on school grounds.

“Some have seen a young woman lie down and pray in a communal area,” SOPU head Inger Margrethe Nielsen told Berlingske.

“We have had her training manager have a chat with her. We have a number of rules at the school, and one of them is that you keep private matters such as faith and politics to yourself.”

Nielsen said the rules prohibiting prayer are similar to those banning smoking and has called for proper conduct while on school property.

The school also said its rules reflect what students will encounter when they leave school to take a job, as practising religion is not allowed in most workplaces.

Eyes only

A Facebook debate has arisen in the wake of the school’s decision, with some saying the school is taking the right course of action, while others question its position.

“Can’t we use our breaks however we want? This is petty,” wrote one student.

The case follows one in which six Muslim women were last month refused an education at VUC Lyngby because they wore niqabs that left only their eyes visible.

They were offered an online education in lieu of class time.




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