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Islam, Women and Feminism ( 5 Oct 2020, NewAgeIslam.Com)

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French-Iranian Academic Fariba Adelkhah Temporarily Released In Iran: Lawyer

New Age Islam News Bureau

05 October 2020

 • Young Muslim Women at the Front of A Growing 'Modest Fashion' Movement in Australia

• 'Churails': New Pakistani Female-Fronted Series Challenges Negative Views of the Niqab

• Nobel Nomination Is Recognition For Afghan Women Fighting To Be Heard: Fawzia Koofi

• Saudi Arabia: Husbands, Fathers Subject Of Most Abuse Complaints

• Female Social Reformers Who Dedicated Their Lives to Empower Women

• Winning Florida Before It Slips Away: Muslim Women Speak Out

• Saudi Arabia: At 453 Kilograms, Woman Claimed To Be World’s Heaviest Transported to Hospital by Civil Defence and Red Crescent

Compiled by New Age Islam News Bureau



 French-Iranian Academic Fariba Adelkhah Temporarily Released In Iran: Lawyer

03 October 2020


The academic was given a six-year jail term on national security charges in May


French-Iranian academic Fariba Adelkhah has been temporarily released from prison and is currently in Tehran with an electronic bracelet, her lawyer told AFP on Saturday.

Adelkhah “was released with an electronic bracelet. She is now with her family in Tehran,” attorney Saeed Dehghan said, adding that “we hope that this temporary release will become final.”

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A specialist in Shia Islam and a research director at Sciences Po university in Paris, Adelkhah was arrested in June last year.

She was sentenced on May 16 to five years in prison for “gathering and conspiring against national security.”

Her trial started on March 3 with the last hearing held on April 19 at Tehran’s Revolutionary Court.

She is a citizen of Iran and France, but Tehran does not recognise dual nationality.

France’s President Emmanuel Macron said in early June that Adelkhah had been “arbitrarily arrested in Iran” and called her detainment “unacceptable.”

Iran has slammed Paris’ calls for Adelkhah’s release as “interference” in the Islamic republic’s internal affairs.

Adelkhah’s French colleague and partner Roland Marchal, who was detained along with her, was released in March in an apparent prisoner swap.

Marchal was freed after France released Iranian engineer Jallal Rohollahnejad, who faced extradition to the United States over accusations he violated US sanctions against Iran.


Young Muslim Women at the Front of A Growing 'Modest Fashion' Movement In Australia

4 October 2020


'I didn't feel that there was somebody that I could relate to in the sense of fashion or having a Muslim sister that I could look up to,' 21-year old Ms Sari (pictured) said


A group of young hijab-wearing women who began posting pictures on Instagram to connect with friends and family have become unexpected influencers catering to Australia's 'modest fashion' market.

Narwal Sari had been working multiple jobs when she began posting self-styled fashion snaps to the social media platform in 2014 after noticing a gap in the industry.

'I didn't feel that there was somebody that I could relate to in the sense of fashion or having a Muslim sister that I could look up to,' the 21-year old told the ABC.

Ms Sari, from Liverpool in western Sydney, said her account began getting a life of its own about 12 months ago and has continued growing.

Her followers have now ballooned to more than 180,000.

She explained she has now ditched her other jobs and posting fashion shoots has become her full-time occupation.

Her new job hardly involves sitting back as the money rolls in, however, with Ms Sari adding she has not had a single day off since with her time filled with with planning, shooting and posting her photos.

'I booked a few jobs like Nike and Supre, but it wasn't until I got management that they really pitched for me and I really got my foot in the door of a market that I could never get in by myself,' she said.  

She added she spends up to two hours setting up photoshoots herself.

Also from Sydney, Sana Sayed, is another young woman who has caught the eye of Australia's modest fashion labels after garnering a following of more than 130,000.

Her story echoes Ms Sari's, with the 20-year old signing up to Instagram in 2017 to post pictures for friends and family, but she too found a wider audience.

While still a full-time university student she has managed to attract the attention of Grammy award winning singer Rihanna's makeup business Fenty Beauty.

'I post fashion advice and I show different ways of how I style outfits and my Hijab, which I think inspires women,' Ms Sayed explained.

She revealed her payment for a sponsored post can begin at about $400 and then go up to anywhere as much as $4,000.

Longer sleeves, higher necklines, looser fits and opaque fabrics are the signatures of the fashion movement.

The styles have been worn for years among women from a number of cultural and religious backgrounds - but the designs are also finding a wider audience among fashion trendsetters.

The modest fashion industry in Australia is sizable - with a 2018 report estimating Muslim citizens, along with about 565,000 tourists, spent more than half a billion dollars on clothing in Australia that year.

Globally the numbers are staggering with a 2016 report estimating the modest fashion industry was worth $250billion.

By 2022 that number could rise to $373billion, according to The Washington Post.

Stores such as H&M have released modest fashion lines while global giant Nike waded into the movement in 2017 releasing an athletic-wear hijab followed by modest swimwear in 2019.

Natalie Giddings, managing director of The Remarkables Group, says influencers have increasingly become a major focus for brands because they are able to directly reach a large audience.

Ms Giddings pioneered influencer marketing in Australia with the Sydney based agency in 2012 and now calls a number of Australia's largest companies her clients.

She says shoppers are more likely to trust recommendations from Instagrammers they follow because they feel they have a personal connection with them, as though they are following a friend.

Not to mention the numbers of followers are also impressive - causing marketers to shift towards a new style of promoting products over traditional publications.

Ms Giddings explains a magazine such as Vogue would sell about 55,000 copies each month, while some of the people her business works with would have hundreds of thousands of people receiving each post.


'Churails': New Pakistani female-fronted series challenges negative views of the niqab

Hafsa Lodi

Oct 5, 2020


Actress Sarwat Gillani's character Sara, wears blue niqabs throughout the show. Asim Abbasi


“The veil denies men their usual privilege of discerning whomever they desire. By default, the women are in command. The female scrutinises the male. Her gaze from behind the anonymity of her face veil, or niqab, is a kind of surveillance that casts her in the dominant position,” says Pakistani author Maliha Masood of the Niqab.

It’s a powerful description of a garment frequently associated with patriarchy and repressiveness in the West. However, niqabs can embody a spirit of fierce feminism, as shown in the provocative Pakistani web series, Churails, which was released in August and quickly went viral.

Written and directed by Asim Abbasi, the Zee5 show stars Sarwat Gilani, Yasra Rizvi, Nimra Bucha and Mehar Bano in lead roles, and tells the story of a band of women taking on Pakistani patriarchy headfirst.

The Urdu word “churail” translates to hag or witch, but in the series, it’s the name chosen by a group of women from diverse backgrounds and social classes who come together and form a secret detective agency to save other women from patriarchal injustices. They open a modest fashion boutique called “Halal Designs” as a front for their agency, and while running their vigilante missions, they wear colourful niqabs.

“The whole idea of Churails was based around subversion, and how you subvert something that is rife with negative connotations, take ownership of it and give it a positive spin,” Abbasi tells The National. “The idea of the clothing store cover came from one of the central themes of Churails, which is a woman’s autonomy over her body and her lack of the autonomy over that body in a society that is mainly made up of men, who are in positions of power and dictate what a woman can and cannot wear.”

Niqabs, often regarded as “Islamic” garments, are worn by a minority group of women in Pakistan, and while there are varying opinions and debates about face veils even within the Muslim community, niqabs are cultural garments imported from the Middle East, rather than historically rooted South Asian attire. In some patriarchal families, they are enforced upon women, but in other cases, they are willingly worn as a symbol of religious conviction.

“In many ways, they are a symbol of respect and femininity in our society,” says Samiya Ansari, the show’s costume designer. “I wanted to keep it simple yet bold, and respect the silhouette and style, while paying homage to all the women who wear burqas and niqabs on the daily. It was challenging because I’ve never dealt with niqabs personally and had to learn the different ways of tying them.”

A fashion and celebrity stylist, wardrobe designer and former style blogger, Ansari’s forte is high fashion and elegant evening wear, and she says she had never given much thought to face veils before this project. “It was just a way of life that many people had chosen for themselves and I always thought it’s a matter of choice – as long as it’s not forced upon someone, which I understand in many cases, it is, in our culture,” she says.

Abbasi says it was important to highlight the niqab as a symbol of choice and freedom, rather than oppression. “The idea of autonomy and free will is very important here; these women choose. If you choose to use an item of clothing that works for you then you should be allowed to use it as you deem fit. And if it does not work for you then no man should be telling you that you should be wearing it,” he says.

Throughout the show, niqabs are instrumental in protecting the anonymity of the Churails as they lead their missions – from threatening an abusive husband to saving a member of their clan from a forced marriage. And, to keep the costumes captivating even while faces are covered, colour plays a vital role. “We all wanted them to have an individual aesthetic on the camera, because you’re only seeing their eyes – if they were all in black it would have been very hard to decipher them, and black on camera would become very dull for an extended period of time,” explains Abbasi. “Samiya was very keen on choosing those colours and giving each woman a standout piece.”

From Bano’s character, Zubeida, a sparky teenage boxer, to the snobbish event planner Jugnu, played by Rizvi, each role was complex and layered, and the attire was key to forming their on-screen identities. “The colours had to be bold, bright and vibrant, just like the women donning them,” says Ansari.

“They stood out from miles away, and that is empowering enough when you are running top-secret missions to save and give strength to other ladies, plus you are out in the open, willing to be seen. It also showed that they aren’t doing something they’re guilty about, but rather, very proud of.”

One of the most powerful scenes of the series is when the Churails line up outside of their store, protecting their business from a throng of angry male protesters. “That one image was the manifestation of everything, when they are standing outside of Halal Designs, and forming that wall, saying, ‘We are going to protect our home.’ For me, that was the culmination of sisterhood in a society that is so deeply patriarchal – one way of dealing with it is bonding together and finding strength in numbers, which is what these women do,” says Abbasi.

While Muslim women’s dress codes can make for sensitive topics, the makers of Churails by no means disparaged niqabs – on the contrary, the garments are celebrated throughout. “I hope that people who see the show will realise that we were using it outside the parameters of that religious conversation, and that the idea of taking the niqab and taking ownership of it did not stem from a disrespectful place at all,” says Abbasi.

Often stereotyped as garments that hide women from society and prohibit their participation in the public spheres, throughout Churails, the colourful niqabs serve as a reminder that symbols of modest fashion – including face veils, in no way restrict women from being empowered heroes and change-makers.


Nobel Nomination Is Recognition For Afghan Women Fighting To Be Heard: Fawzia Koofi

Suhasini Haidar

OCTOBER 04, 2020

Afghanistan’s first woman Deputy Speaker in Parliament Fawzia Koofi talks about being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, negotiating with the Taliban in Doha, and the most recent attack she faced

Fawzia Koofi, Afghanistan politician and negotiator at the peace process underway with the Taliban in Doha, says her nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize, which was disclosed by a Norwegian Peace Council list of frontrunners last week, is recognition for all Afghan women fighting to be included in the reconciliation process, and to have a place at the table.

How do you feel about being shortlisted for the Nobel Peace Prize, and also for being considered one of the frontrunners?

I think it's a combination for all the efforts that people of Afghanistan have made and the struggles and sacrifices that they have paid during the war, because everyone in Afghanistan is a victim of war. Women in particular have faced injustice, discrimination, lost their loved ones, but also had opportunities taken away from them - opportunities for education and work [during the Taliban regime]. So, they needed to be part of the peace process, they need to make sure that their rights will not be compromised.

And I think this [nomination] is a recognition of all the efforts that women have made to be included in the process and to be heard. And I think it will help a lot in the process by giving such a high recognition to the efforts of the Afghan woman. It gives me personally, much more power, along with my other three sisters [women on the 21-member negotiating team] who are in this process of negotiation.

Do you expect to win?

The fact that we have come up to here is a big achievement for Afghan women. It indicates that the international community and the world is watching the peace process and understands the importance of inclusion of women. Even if I don't win, and I know that they have a tough process of selection, just the fact that we have come up to here [in the Nobel nomination process] is a big success for not only the women but for all of Afghanistan.

How are the talks in Doha going?

What we have to keep in mind is that the war has gone on for four decades in Afghanistan. I understand the expectations back home are high, people want to see the peace process impact their life quickly. But the process has its own challenges as well, we want to really make the foundation of these talks strong. So right now, we are working on the foundation, and the rules of procedure.

Taliban has in the past said that women should not be part of the talks process. How did the Taliban leadership react to your presence there?

Well, at this stage, I do not want to be considered as just a woman. I want to be considered as a representative of my country and as a politician, who has equal rights to sit across the table and discuss the future of her country. Not only the future of women but the future of everyone in that country. I don't expect the Taliban to react negatively to the representative of 55% of their society, if they want to really reconcile and if they want to pursue their political agendas, not through bullets, but through ballots. They have to respect the diversity and understand that we are part of the new Afghanistan.

If the Taliban is to come back into the mainstream, how will the progress made in this “new” Afghanistan, in terms of rights for women and minorities, of democracy be protected?

I know that the people of Afghanistan are worried and women in particular have legitimate concerns [about this]. The kind of situation they have been through during the civil war, but in particularly during the Taliban regime, because the Taliban basically denied all basic human rights for women. If the perception is that we surrender to one ideology, or to the other, I don't think that talks will actually succeed. We are working together, we have differences, huge differences, and these talks aren’t easy. My understanding is that we hope we will come to a political agreement, not an agreement that will surrender Afghanistan to one or the other idea. So hopefully, we will get something that will accommodate the diversities of Afghanistan today.

Is there a bottom line? Are there things that are non-negotiable, that women cannot be taken out of the workforce, that women will be able to enjoy equal rights?

Women have already suffered a lot. If you look at the social indicators, yes, we have had progress over the past 20 years in terms of women’s education, health, political participation, access to economic resources, nothing to compare to the time when Taliban were in power, but still Afghanistan is a country which has the worst indicators, the highest numbers for maternal mortality, highest illiteracy rates etc. So how much more shall we pay for the sake of peace?

Peace, with integrity and with dignity and inclusivity is the only way to bring stability. We also have Hindus and Sikhs in our country, we have sectarian minorities, so no peace will be long lasting if everyone in Afghanistan does not feel that they are being heard.

Tell us about the most recent attack you faced?

About a month and a half ago, I was coming from one of the provinces. I had gone to offer condolences to the family of an army officer who lost his life in the battlefield. On the way back, two cars began chasing us and while [militants in] one car stopped my car, those in the other one began shooting from the back. My right hand was fractured, and I still have to go to the hospital here every day to clean the open wound. My daughter was with me during the attack, and I was lucky, if it was three or four centimetres closer to my chest, probably I would have not been alive.

What has it been like to engage with the Taliban, given they were responsible for the violence in Afghanistan, and for the violence that you have suffered personally? What was it like to be at the table with them?

I did go through some emotional moments. I had to go through certain process to accept the fact that we cannot continue to pursue our agendas through violence and more killing and more bloodshed. Every day in Afghanistan, people are losing lives. So yes, we are all victims of war. I have personally gone through so much, not only in terms of losing my family members, my brother, father, my husband, into the war. Even parts of my body, and my right hand [injured in an assassination attempt in August 2020] is not fully operational yet.

It’s also about the opportunities that were taken away from us, from me as woman. I could have been a medical doctor; the other young women of Afghanistan have also lost opportunities. Now the option is, are we going to continue to kill more people to pursue our political agenda, or there is a better way, by being an example of humanity that can rule minds and hearts of people. If Taliban think they will have a victory through bloodshed, they have to really correct themselves.

What are your expectations from India at this point in Afghanistan’s history?

Regardless of what the politics of our governments have been, we have always had a friendly relationship with India. My expectation is that the regional countries will put their efforts forward to support the establishment of a peaceful settlement. I hope that India as one of our great friends will get engaged. I also hope that India continues to support our education system as they have been doing.


Saudi Arabia: Husbands, Fathers Subject Of Most Abuse Complaints

October 05, 2020

Samir Salama

Abu Dhabi: Of 306 abuse complaints lodged with the Saudi Human Rights Society last year, Saudi wives filed 137 of them, or 36 per cent, against abusing husbands, local media reported.

Fathers were the subject of 89 complaints while only a single complaint against a wife was reported, an official report by the National Society for Human Rights for the year 2019 revealed.

According to the report, 306 of the total complaints were about physical and psychological violence, 15 were against deprivation of the father, 10 involved deprivation of marriage, eight each were against deprivation of education, accommodation, or work, seven were against absconding, four were against violence resulting from addiction and two were against defamation.

Oppression of women

Legal advisor Asim Al Mulla explained to Al Watan that the rules on protection from abuse included penalties against offending husbands, fathers and brothers.

The system forbids unfairness against women or the person who has guardianship over her, such as the father or uncle.

He added that the rules stipulate that a person has the right to work, education, employment, housing, independence, and any person who prevents women or harms them socially, educationally and practically, shall face one year imprisonment, a fine of 50,000 riyals, or both.

Khula cases against husbands

Cases in Saudi Arabia involving “Khula,” a divorce at the insistence of the wife in which she has to return her dower and pay her husband a certain amount of money to cover anything he spent on her during the duration of the marriage, are on the rise.

Legal experts say Islamic law gives married women this right so they can divorce their husbands in the event the latter refuses. According to family counselors, women who bring Khula cases against their husbands have often suffered great mistreatment and abuse.

A wife can go to a Personal Status Court and file a Khula case there. She mustsubmit sufficient evidence that supports her claim. The judge examines the grounds and determines whether they should be taken into consideration when accepting or rejecting the plea.

If a judge is convinced there are valid reasons to ask for a Khula, he will grant one, in which case the husband must be given monetary compensation by the wife.

The judge sometimes estimates the amount of money the wife should pay the husband. The judge can also order that the woman doesn’t need to pay any money. This happens when the grounds or reasons for divorce are very strong and there is no hope in the marriage.


Female Social Reformers Who Dedicated Their Lives To Empower Women

02 October, 2020

Just when we thought that women are finally breaking free from the reins of patriarchy, the consecutive rapes in Hathras and Balarampur, tore apart this thin veil of illusion. They compelled us to take a hard look at the intensely archaic system that continues to thrive in our nation’s supremacist environment.

However, protests have erupted in different parts of the country against rapes and crimes against women, many of which are led by women. This in many ways reassures that the future, some incredible female social reformers had envisioned for Indian women, can be attained.

Also, it is of vital significance today, that we look back at the journeys of these female social reformers who struggled throughout their lives to give women the power and resources they deserve.

Savitribai Phule (1831-1897)

A Dalit woman and a pioneer of the Indian feminist movement, Savitribai Phule championed the cause of education for women in India. She was the country’s first female teacher who went on to establish several schools for women of all castes. Along with her husband Jyoti Rao Phule, Savitibai campaigned to abolish caste and gender discrimination and set up ‘Balhatya Pratibandhak Griha’ to prevent female infanticide. She worked with other women to uplift the victims of rape and prevent killings of widows. Today, every educated, privileged Indian woman should be deeply grateful to Savitribai Phule and her associates.

Tarabai Shinde (1850-1910)

A feminist activist and an associate of Savitribai, Tarabai Shinde’s thoughts and opinions remain controversial to date because of their progressive and non-conformist nature. She was an ardent critic of the inherent patriarchy of Hindu scriptures and worked extensively to highlight the disparities between men and women. While she shared the same views on gender and caste-based discrimination as Savitribai’s, she also believed that women all around the world are similarly oppressed. Her first published work was her Marathi book named “Stri Purush Tulana” (Comparison of men and women) which is frequently cited among the Indian feminist circuit to date as it is deemed as one of the first modern feminism texts in India.

Ramabai Ranade (1863-1924)

Married off as a child of 11, Ramabai Ranade decided to devote her life to the emancipation of women. Fortunately, her husband was encouraged her to study and widen her horizon of knowledge. She went on to establish Seva Sadan in Pune and Mumbai which focussed on teaching women various life skills. Seva Sadan continues to educate girls to this date. She was also the president of All India Women Conference and was the first Indian woman to address a public gathering in English. She had devoted her life to make women independent, financially and otherwise.

Fatima Sheikh (DOB-DOD unknown)

When Jyoti Rao Phule and Savitri Phule were forced to leave their home owing to their activism, they sought shelter at siblings Fatima and Usman’s residence. Savitribai went on to open her first school for the marginalised communities with Fatima and together they challenged the orthodoxy of Hindu and Muslim traditions.

A Muslim woman of the 19th century, Fatima showed unparalled grit by defying the patriarchal and conservative norms of the society.

It is true that the recent events have shaken our hopes of a better tomorrow but it is not to be forgotten that women like Savitribai emerged during a time of grave darkness and with some many women coming forward to seek justice, there is no reason that, that cannot happen again!


Winning Florida Before It Slips Away: Muslim Women Speak Out

05 October, 2020

Even with Trump testing positive for COVID-19, unable to host social-distancing be damned rallies, “Don the Con” seeks adulation in his second home state of Florida, where his growing cult of right-wing conservatives and QAnon conspiracy theorists continues to promote the Republican neo-fascist agenda of immigrant-bashing, tax scams for the rich, erasure of the Affordable Care Act, privatization of the United States Post Office, the militarization of the police and lies about non-existent election fraud.

Five Thirty Eight’s latest Florida Presidential poll (Sept. 15-22, 2020)  shows Biden with a mere 3% lead in Florida, the state that in 2000 put George W. Bush over the top, with help from the Bush v. Gore legal team that included Amy Coney Barrett, Trump’s Supreme Court nominee. It was this team that convinced a Republican-dominated  US Supreme Court to stop the ballot counting in Florida when it looked like Gore might win the state’s decisive electoral votes.

We are in troubled waters and about to drown in Florida unless the Biden campaign snaps out of its reverie and steers this ship in the direction of victory. Political pundits predict Florida’s 29 electoral votes will be decisive. Every ballot counts in a state with Democrats and Republicans dueling for the vote of independents. On August 31, 2020, Florida’s Secretary of State reported the following nail-biting voter registration statistics:

Democrat: 5,203,795

Republican: 5,020,199

Independents: 3,653,046

Third Party: 188,587

While Trump’s bumper stickers, flags, and yard signs can be spotted from Apalachicola to Marco Island, Joe Biden’s “Build Back Better” and “Biden/Harris”  campaign paraphernalia is largely missing in action. To make matters worse, the local Joe Biden team takes a month to put together a digital flyer and cannot schedule events without time conflicts. The Joe Biden National Headquarters bickers with organizers on the ground as the Florida Democratic Party watches from the sidelines.

In the middle of a severe pandemic and historic economic downturn, we can win Florida if the campaign properly targets the youth vote and actively courts votes from the African American, Latino, and Muslim communities. To date, outreach to these communities has been abysmal as we constantly hear complaints from our own Muslim community on the lack of engagement. Muslim votes are to be mined in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Tampa-St Petersburg-Clearwater and Orlando.

In addition, the campaign should seek to flip the historically Republican counties of Seminole, Duval and Pinellas and dedicate staff to  reach out to these counties, instead of neglecting these areas, presuming they are a lost cause.

To boost turn out amongst youth and people of color, the campaign should adopt a distributive organizing model and allow anyone access to digital tools to host events, power map, and leverage their personal networks to get out the vote. Although Bernie Sanders did not win the Democratic Party primary, his campaign showed the power of mass movement organizing on a distributive model versus the current top-down presidential campaign which expects grassroots activists to take directives from Biden’s national headquarters.

With Biden leading Trump by 31 points among likely female voters, the Biden campaign must target women in every county in Florida, a state with a half a million more women than men, according to the last US Census. To appeal to women, the campaign must focus on the issues most important to women: reproductive rights, health care and climate change.

As you probably have guessed by now, we want Florida Democratic Party Chair Terrie Rizzo to spill her morning coffee when she reads this piece, then sit up, wake up and seize the moment, lest the staff at Mar-a-Largo use this admonition to line the resort’s garbage bins or crumple it for a make-shift golf ball because the Trump administration will be in business for a long time at the rate the state party and the Joe Biden campaign are moving, rather crawling.   

The next four years of Trump fascism and ignorance could spell the end of democracy as we know it.

Hence, we are sounding the alarm that we cannot afford to lose this election. There is a vacancy in the Supreme Court that can be filled any day with a conservative ideologue striking down what is left of a broken healthcare system and reproductive rights. We need a Biden win in 2020 to expand the number of justices on the Court and mitigate the Republican grip over the highest court in the land.

It will take Herculean organizing involving phone banking, fundraising, and canvassing, not nonchalant MSNBC armchair chin-scratching, to breathe new life into what should be a vibrant Presidential campaign. We want to see the Biden campaign distributing masks, feeding the hungry, calling more voters to provide immediate resources during these perilous times.

As Muslim Americans, we have much to lose under another term of Trump: four more years of visas denied to family members, relatives separated across seas, grandchildren denied the love of their grandparents, Islamophobic slurs, hate speech, attacks on mosques; drone bombings of Muslim-majority countries, where the victims of Trump’s unchecked militarism dread a sunny day because that is when the drones fly overhead, terrorizing neighborhoods and sowing the seeds of generational hatred.  

In the 2016 Presidential election, Democratic Party Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz bowed to party hacks and corporate interests, undermining progressives with her mocking of Bernie Sanders during the Primary. She called for unity without attempting to fully engage progressive Democrats advocating for healthcare and a clean energy economy. The result? Trump beat Hillary Clinton, 48.6% to 47.4%. We must not repeat the mistakes of 2016. The Biden campaign and the Florida Democratic Party need progressives to put Biden over the top in November.


Saudi Arabia: At 453 Kilograms, Woman Claimed To Be World’s Heaviest Transported to Hospital by Civil Defence and Red Crescent

October 04, 2020

Samir Salama

Abu Dhabi: The Taif Health Emergency Department in Saudi Arabia has transported an obese woman weighing 453 kilograms to King Abdulaziz Specialist Hospital. Participation of specialised units from the Civil Defense and the Red Crescent was required, local media reported.

The spokesman for Taif Health Department, Siraj Al Humaidan, said the Red Crescent had received an alert to transport the Saudi patient, claimed to be the world’s heaviest, to the hospital, and accordingly, a highly-equipped squad from the Emergency Department, the Red Crescent and Civil Defense moved the woman from her home to the ambulance, then she was transferred to King Abdulaziz Specialist Hospital to receive the necessary treatment.



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