By Mike Ghouse
23 May, 2015
Muslims Challenge Al-Baghdadi’s Lunatic Message
Dallas, Texas – May 18, 2015. Al-Baghdadi, the self proclaimed Caliph of ISIL released an audio message on May 14, misrepresenting the values dearly held by millions of Muslims for fourteen centuries. He said, "Islam was never a religion of peace. Islam is the religion of fighting” and added, “It is the war of Muslims against infidels."
Mike Ghouse, President of America Together Foundation said, “Al-Baghdadi has angered the entire Muslim world, no one thought he would stoop that low to flip the entire religion to suit crimes against Muslims and non-Muslims alike. My concern is not only his lunatic statement, as many such men have come and gone, but it is the joy expressed by the war mongers that concerns me. It is, as if Baghdadi has reaffirmed their (false) belief about Islam, and now they can continue to malign Islam.”
We are just coming out of the two longest wars; they not only destroyed Iraq and Afghanistan, but cost billions of dollars and affected thousands of lives here in America. Now the war Mongers want to put boots on the ground again in the Middle East that is not acceptable.
Al-Baghdadi is a narcissistic dude and is for himself. The truth is Quran advocates justice with mercy. It directs the humanity to build cohesive societies where no human has to live in apprehension or fear of the other. A few verses are referenced below.
The entire Muslim world has condemned Al-Baghdadi, even the rival countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia have condemned, the OIC representing all of the 57 Muslim nations, British Muslims and American Muslims have condemned it. References are given below.
I hope that we capture Al Baghdadi and his soldiers and put them on trial. We need to demand proof from Al-Baghdadi to produce support for his claim that, “It is the war of Muslims against infidels” from the Quran. We hope the world will see that it is neither Islam nor the Quran, it is the bad guys. The world should not let go of this opportunity to put the ISIL ideology die its own death. We also urge the war-mongers among us to stop looking for excuses to destroy world peace.
Mike Ghouse, President
America Together FoundationDallas, TX | Washington DC
(214) 325-1916- talk/text