By Majid Parekh
31 July
The tenth
day of the 12th month of lunar calendar Eid-ul-Azha is celebrated worldwide to
commemorate the sacrificial teachings of Prophet Abraham. The monotheist - whom the Almighty has
referred to as most clement, tender-hearted, intent upon turning to God again
and again – propagated peace and just social order.
partners with God undermines the very spirit of a just social order. History
and the present state of the world is witness to this fact. I believe the
single major cause of human being’s misery and hurdle to achieve peace and
growth is superstition/polytheism. The concept of the Vedas, Qur’an and all
heavenly scriptures is that all human beings are equal and no one is superior
to others.
everything in the universe is subjugated to humans, there is nothing superior
to him except God, the Creator. Superstition/polytheism amounts to degrading
man, destroying his God-given dignity and insulting the human intellect.
gods are created by humans in the hope these will fulfill their desire. The
polytheist approaches his god to seek oblivion of accountability while the
monotheist humbles himself to the God to seek His mercy and salvation being conscious
of accountability.
followers fall prey to personality cults which emerge in the race to acquire
wealth and power. Godmen, though we hardly see them as God-conscious, subjugate
their followers resulting in trampling of humanity. As long as power and wealth
are worshipped, mankind will suffer.
or polytheism devised another system which altogether denies the existence of
the one and only one Rabb, Ishwar, or Sustainer. This system or ideology was
experimented by man where the concept was of sharing, caring and a just
society. The reason for its failure is the concept of accountability to the
Almighty was not acknowledged rather held in contempt. Apparently, this system
was for the welfare of all but ended up in tyranny and untold misery caused by
a few on so many others .
Man of
vision Shri Krishna emphasizes realizing oneness with the Eternal, one has to
perform action through the force of Prakriti or Nature. He further emphasizes
that perfection is attained not by ceasing to engage in action but by doing all
actions as a divine offering more important than rituals imbued with a spirit
of non-attachment and sacrifice.
sacrifice of an animal is practiced throughout the globe as a divine offering.
The Holy Quran says 22/37 “Never does their flesh reach God and neither their
blood: it is only your God-consciousness and piety that reaches Him. It is to
this end that I (God) have made them subservient to your needs, so that you
might glorify Allah for all the guidance with which He has graced you.”
For human
survival, God has provided four sources of sustenance on this planet. That
which grows from Earth, sea-food, cattle and poultry. Each one of us has the
liberty to make his food choice. Hence,
associating non-vegetarian food to a religion is a myth as 75% of the world
survives on livestock.
In this
Covid pandemic to maintain the law & order of the land for the public
welfare one can sacrifice his wealth curtailing his expenses to be careful of
the fellow-men who are in dire need in this critical situation our country is
facing. This will also be deemed as a sacrifice.
Finally, I
believe polytheism/superstition in all its manifestations is the biggest hurdle
in establishing the Divine system of justice, dignity and human rights. There
is extreme violence, exploitation and untold misery in each and every corner of
the globe. The cause is man has failed to worship, rather follow God’s
Let me
reiterate that out of immense compassion and unfathomable mercy, God is not
just exhorting us but also hand-holding us to make this commitment.
Alone Do We Worship and Thee Alone Do We Seek Help.
Eid Mubarak!
Parekh is Regional Secretary, Society for Communal Harmony, New Delhi