Rizvi Re-Arranged Surahs According To The Sequence Of Their Revelation Removing
26 War Verses From It And Sent It To The Prime Minister Of India
1. The Supreme
Court rejected Waseem Rizvi's petition as frivolous and imposed a fine of Rs.
50, 000.
2. Waseem Rizvi
wrote to the PM that the Quran currently in use among the Muslims spreads
hatred against non-Muslims of the country and incites violence against them.
3. Waseem Rizvi
has tried to create the impression that he has been doing all this not as a
sectarian Shia activist but as an Islamic reformer.
4. Syed Waseem
Rizvi should have started a peaceful dialogue on the issue of terrorism and the
use of Quranic verses by terrorist organisations
Age Islam Staff Writer
10 June
In March
this year Shia leader Waseem Rizvi had filed a PIL in the Supreme Court of
India seeking its order to remove 26 verses of the Quran described by him as in
violation of the Constitution of India and promoting hatred between religious
communities of India and terrorism in the world.
The Court
in April rejected his petition as frivolous and imposed a fine of Rs. 50, 000.
But he said
he would continue his efforts to 'bring reform' in Islam till his last breath.
On May 29, 2021, he sent a copy of the Quran compiled by him which had Surahs
re-arranged according to the sequence of their revelation and 26 war verses
removed from it to the Prime Minister of India. Along with the copy of his
Quran, he also wrote a letter to the PM requesting him to make arrangements for
its teaching in the madrasas and in Muslim households. He told the PM through
the letter that the Quran currently in use among the Muslims spreads hatred
against non-Muslims of the country and incites violence against them.
Earlier in
his PIL in Supreme Court he had said the same thing. He had written that the 26
war verses drove Muslim youth studying in madrasas towards terrorist
his campaign he has tried to create the impression that he has been doing all
this not as a sectarian Shia activist but as an Islamic reformer. Nowhere does
he use the word Shia but he uses the word non-Muslims. But is his campaign
really reformist or is it driven by sectarian motives?
to a report, in December 2019, after the central government passed the CAA and
was preparing to start the process of NRC (before the launch of nationwide stir
against NRC), Maulana Yasoob Abbas, spokesman of All India Shia Personal Law
Board and Syed Waseem Rizvi, the then Chief of Shia Central Waqf Board had
written a letter to the Home Minister Amit Shah requesting him to include Shias
in the list of protected non-Muslim minorities of India along with Sikhs, Jains
and Parsis. In the letter Waseem had reportedly claimed that 15% of the Shias
had been persecuted by the 85% dominant Sunni community across the Muslim world
---- Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Pakistan etc. --- for the last
1400 years because they did not believe in the 'controversial' caliphate but in
the Imamate.
Syed Waseem Rizvi, Shia leader
This letter
shows that Waseem Rizvi, along with Maulana Yasoob Abbas, was worried not for
the entire Muslim community but only for his Shia community and for this, he
had declared himself and his Shia community non-Muslim and had requested the
Home Ministry to consider Shias as non-Muslims for all practical purposes.
By doing
so, he had ensured government protection to the Shias of India. But how could
he ensure protection to the Shias of the world, of the Shias living in Sunni
Muslim dominated countries where Shias are attacked, killed, victimised and
persecuted by Sunni Muslim terrorist and extremist organisations like ISIS,
Taliban and Sipah-e-Sahaba? These extremist and terrorist organisations
regularly attack and persecute Shias in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan
after declaring them Kafir. During the Syrian civil war, the ISIS killed
thousands of Shias including women and children and even tried to demolish
their sacred places. Shias in Pakistan and Afghanistan are regularly killed by
Taliban and Sipah-e-Sahaba and ISIS. Since these organisations believe in the fatwa
issued by some Sunni Ulema and organisations declaring Shias Kafir, the
terrorist organisations believe that the war verses in the Quran against
infidels (Kafirs) also apply to Shias as they are also Kafirs. Therefore,
terrorist organisations like the ISIS, Taliban, Sipah-e-Sahaba attack Shias and
kill them. Since the terrorist organisations also believe ( as also some
self-proclaimed moderate Ulema) in the theory of abrogation of all verses
preaching reconciliation and peace with non-Muslims and in the universality of
all war verses, they keep perpetrating violence against Shias and non-Muslims
and to them all non-Muslims including Ahl-e-Kitab are Kafirs.
This is the
point of concern for Syed Waseem Rizvi. He thinks that as long as these war
verses will remain in the Quran, Shias will face persecution from the extremist
sections of the Sunni Muslims. Therefore, he started the campaign against the
war verses of the Quran. But he knew that if he gives his campaign a sectarian
colour, the Sunnis will oppose him, and his campaign will be rejected as a
sectarian move of a Shia against Sunnis and the Quran. So, he does not talk of
the use of the war verses in the context of their use by terrorist
organisations against Shias but against non-Muslims of India. Since many Sunni
organisations and Ulema (not all) condemn terrorist violence perpetrated by the
ISIS, Taliban, Boko Haram, Al Shabab and Taliban, Waseem Rizvi talks of the
indoctrination of Muslim youth by terrorist organisations with the help of the
war verses to rope in the support of Sunnis for his campaign against war
verses. But his main concern is the persecution of Shias.
point that exposes his sectarian motive is that he has arranged the Surahs of
the Quran in the sequence they were revealed. In the original Quran the Surahs
are not arranged according to the sequence of revelation and the arrangement of
the Surahs in the Quran is said to have been done by the holy prophet pbuh.
Here, Waseem Rizvi's motive is not clear. The sequence of the Surahs in the
universal Quran does not pose any threat to any religious community of the
world, leave aside Shias.
On the
whole, Waseem Rizvi's anxiety over the persecution of Shias in the world and
the violence perpetrated by the terrorist organisations against Shias using war
time contextual verses of the Quran has compelled Waseem Rizvi to wage a war
against war time verses. But in his zeal to reform the Muslim society and to
fight extremism, he himself has become an extremist. He first took the extreme
step of declaring himself and the Shia community non-Muslims and then went to
the Supreme Court seeking removal of 26 verses of the Quran hurting the
sentiments of the Muslims. Then he published his own Quran with changed
sequence of Surahs and 26 verses removed from it. Muslims believe that not even
a dot can be removed from the Quran.
Syed Waseem
Rizvi should have started a peaceful dialogue on the issue of terrorism and the
use of Quranic verses by terrorist organisations to promote terrorism and to
indoctrinate youth. He should have held national and international seminars on
the ways to fight terrorism and sectarianism and tried to create a consensus on
the issue. If he had done this he would have achieved a greater success in
preventing violence against Shias and non-Muslims in the name of Islam.
URL: https://newageislam.com/islam-sectarianism/waseem-rizvi-quran-reformist/d/124961
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