Kaniz Fatma, New Age Islam
April 2021
Almighty is the lord of all worlds and all creatures (Rabbul Aalamin).
He Almighty sent the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as a mercy for all
creatures and all worlds. The Lordship (rububiyyat) of Allah and the
mercy of the Prophet (peace be upon him) are not limited to any particular
class or any sect, or nation, but the entire world.
is a democratic country where people of various religions coexist. The majority
of them propagate the slogans of peaceful coexistence and pluralism while some
individuals want to damage this relationship. Indian Constitution in theory
does not allow any means to harm the pluralism and peaceful environment of the
country. When the constitution was formed, both the Muslims and non-Muslims of
India vowed to live keeping the promise of abiding by the Constitution. This
means they have to live with peace towards each other. But at the same time,
the same Constitution has promised to grant freedom of religion, security of
citizens regardless of religion, caste and culture, and prohibited Indian
citizens from making abusive remarks against any sacred dignitaries and
personalities of any religion.
means you have to live propagating peace and mercy and not instigating war and
violence. This simple teaching can be reinforced by Islamic teachings of peace
and mercy as well. Islam stresses that regardless of belonging to any nation,
Muslims should treat other people nicely. Islam negates discrimination based on
ethnicity, caste, and race and rejects any act of violence.
are confronted with many efforts made by some people of evil intentions who
want to crush humanity in the name of vengeance. They are oppressing and
harassing the weak people in the name of religion and by displaying the evil
face of what they call 'humanity'. Such people want to uproot humanity in the
name of humanity. And this is a very serious problem facing us.
decisions are being made based on ethnicity, race, caste, and religion. Our
Prophet (peace be upon him) did not permit any such discriminations in his
judgments. He taught human values and encouraged his companions to safeguard
the weak people. He forbade superiority based on culture, region, or ethnicity.
Instead, he taught that only piety decides the excellence of an individual.
is reported in a hadith that the Prophet (peace be upon him), "O
People! Know that you Lord is One, your father (Hazrat Adam peace be
upon him) is one. No Arab is superior to a non-Arab only because of being an
Arab. No non-Arab is superior to an Arab simply because of being a non-Arab. No
white complexioned person is superior to a black one and no black person is
superior to a white complexioned one, except by piety."
Quran has taught mankind to respect the entire humanity. It says, "We have
honoured the Children of Adam" (17:70). This is a moral aspect that has
inspired the entire world. In the Islamic civilization and practices of Sufis
and Mashaikh, we surely discover the highest intellectual and practical
traces of human respect.
teaching of human respect mentioned in this verse is demonstrated by the fact
that when the Prophet (peace be upon him) appointed a governor in an area, he
would instruct him to be kind and gentle and not to terrorize anyone. There is
an incident narrated in Sahih Muslim that when the Prophet sent Hazrat Muaz
bin Jabal as the governor of Yemen, he said,
things easy and do not make things difficult. Give glad tidings and do not
repel people. Cooperate and do not become divided". (Sahih Muslim and
Sahih Bukhari)
when Hazrat Ma'ad ibn Jabal was ready to go and put his foot in the
stirrup, the Prophet further said, "Make your character excellent for the
people, O Muaz ibn Jabal" (Muwatta, Sahih Muslim)
observe this hadith in which the Prophet warned Hazrat Muaz ibn Jabal not to
use his position of authority to wrong or oppress anyone, even if the people
are disbelievers, as Hazrat Anas ibn Malik reported that the Messenger of Allah
peace be upon him said, "Beware of the supplication of the oppressed, even
if he is a disbeliever, for there is no screen between it and Allah"
(Musnad Ahmad, Grade – Sahih)
Umar would ask people about the attitude of governors. Once he asked Jarir
about Hazrat Saad b. Abi Waqqas, he replied saying, "I left him (Saad b. Abi
Waqqas) in governorship while he was the gentlest man. He was as kind and
friendly to the citizens as a mother is to her children. He would manage the
livelihood of the citizens as the ants do" (Al-Isaba fi Marifat al-Sahaba,
vol. 3, p.3)
holds equal status for humanity. Once
the Prophet peace be upon him said, "All creatures of Allah form the
family of Allah and he is the best-loved of Allah who loves His family
best" (Mishkat Sharif)
Prophet is also reported to have said, "…I affirm that all Human beings
are brothers to one another" (Abu Dawood) and "…respect the
ways of Allah (or the laws inherent in Nature) and be affectionate to the
family of Allah" (Baihaqi).
should note here that the addresses in all these Ahadith are not just
the believers or Muslims but all human beings and they form one family. (One
should not be confused with the word 'family' used metaphorically to indicate
'the people of Allah').
are in dire need of propagating the attitude of human respect that takes one to
the path of spiritual and mental development. Once a man loses the respect of
humanity, he starts wandering around the forest of evils where it nearly
becomes impossible for him to come out of this circle unless he purifies his
heart and mind.
the holy sayings of the Prophet (peace be upon him), we find several traces of
a true believer and his spiritual development. One of the traces is that the
believer always succeeds in good deeds and will keep doing so as long as he
does not shed forbidden blood because if he kills anyone unjustly and creates
disorder (Fasad) in the land, he will get frustrated and fail in his
path of success. (Abu Dawud)
Quran and Sunnah have strongly prohibited bloodshed. And wherever and
whenever any war was allowed in the era of the Prophet peace be upon him, it
was solely for the safety of humanity. The Qur'an declares it in clear words
that "whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or corruption [done] in the
land - it is as if he had killed mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it
is as if he had saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly come
to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, [even] after that,
throughout the land, were transgressors" (5:32)
people do not want to hear teachings of peace, harmony, and justice because of
their ill intentions. Such people often try to discourage and prevent the just
people from the path of peace and justice. But the Quran encourages these just
people to keep struggling for promoting peace and justice, as it says, "O
you who have believed, be persistently standing firm for Allah, witnesses in
justice, and do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be
just; that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is
acquainted with what you do". (5:8)
the time of Hazrat Umar Farooq (May Allah be pleased with him), one of
his Emirs sent a complaint regarding the desertion of his city and demanded
some money from Amir al-Muminin Hazrat Umar to resettle this deserted
place. Hazrat 'Umar Farooq wrote in reply, "After reading my
letter, protect your city by establishing justice, fairness and removing
oppression from the paths of the city because oppression results in the
desertion of the city".
people of different faiths and religions live on this planet. They differ from
one another in their creeds and beliefs and very often the powerful subjugate
the weak for upholding their creeds. They fail to understand that God is One
and all the creatures have to face the Day of Judgment based on their acts. So
at least they should live peacefully and do justice towards one another's life.
This message has been clearly stated in the following Quranic verse,
(this): 'I believe in every Book that Allah has revealed, and I have been
commanded to do justice between you. Allah is our Lord as well as your Lord.
For us are our deeds and for you are your deeds. There is no debate and dispute
between us and you. Allah will gather us all together and to Him is the return
(of all)." (42:15)
principles that Islam has formulated for establishing peaceful mutual
coexistence can surely help the world get rid of all sorts of oppression,
violence, riots, and clashes.
does not like polytheism (shirk) but at the same time, the Quran has taught its
followers ways to deal with the Mushrikin or idol-worshippers.
Quran says,
(O Muslims,) do not abuse those whom these (polytheists) worship besides Allah,
lest these people should (also, in retaliation,) revile Allah's Glory
wrongfully due to ignorance. Thus, have We made the conduct of every sect (and
faction) seem attractive to (their own eyes and they regard only that as
truth)? Then all have to return to their Lord, and He will inform them of (the
results of) their deeds which they used to do." (6:108)
verse stops Muslims from speaking ill of other gods, lest their believers
should abuse their God in a fit of rage. This is a place to think that most of
the riots that have broken among the followers of different faiths have
occurred because they played the game of mud-slinging against each other's God
and their eminent personalities. Surely this has been the cause of many
communal riots and conflicts. May Allah guide the people! e
is a bitter truth that when the Muslims start propagating peace and harmony,
some individuals do not like this situation and start making objections to the
word 'Mushrikin mentioned in some verses of the Quran and try to
brainwash the youth against the Quran. The fact is that the word 'Mushrikin'
mentioned in these verses refers to those Mushrikin who had broken the
peace treaty of Hudaybiyya and wanted to eliminate the existence of
Muslims and Islam. But those who are good thinkers and scholars know this
people of ill-intention must focus on propagating the verses which are
applicable in the world of peace because they are living under the Constitution
of Peace i.e. the Constitution of Peace which gives the teaching of peace. But
if they want to focus on the Quranic perspective, they must do it on the
following verses that are applicable in India for promoting the ideas of peace,
harmony, justice, forgiveness, and peaceful mutual coexistence among followers
of different faiths.
Almighty says:
account of this, We prescribed (this commandment in the Torah sent down) to the
Children of Israel that whoever killed a person (unjustly), except as a
punishment for murder or for (spreading) disorder in the land, it would be as
if he killed all the people (of society); and whoever (saved him from unjust
murder and) made him survive, it would be as if he saved the lives of all the
people (of society, i.e., he rescued the collective system of human life). And
indeed, Our Messengers came to them with evident signs. Yet, even after that,
the majority from amongst these people are certainly those who commit excesses
in the land." (5:32)
do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden, except by right. And whoever is
killed unjustly - We have given his heir authority (of retribution as per the
legal procedure), but he should not exceed the just limits in [the matter of
retributive] killing. Indeed, he is to be helped." (17:23)
"And these are the people who do not
worship any other god apart from Allah, nor do they kill the soul whose killing
without any lawful cause Allah has forbidden, nor do they commit adultery. And
whoever does this will receive the punishment due for the sin." (25:68)
among men is one whose conversation may please you in the life of this world,
and who calls Allah to witness to that which is in his heart, whereas [in
truth] he is the most quarrelsome! (2:204) And when he turns away [from you],
he goes about the earth to create turmoil in it [i.e. the earth] and destroy
crops and lives; and Allah does not like turmoil and violence".
"And seek the abode of the Hereafter with
what (wealth) Allah has given you, and do not forget your portion of the world,
and do good (to others) as Allah has done good to you, and do not seek to cause
turmoil in the earth; indeed, Allah does not like those who violate the
peace." (28:77)
"And those who break the promise of Allah
after making it firm and sever all (the relations and obligations) that Allah
has commanded to be kept unified, and do mischief and strife in the land—upon
them is the curse and for them is an evil home;" (13:25). This verse is a
guiding principle for not going against the promise of abiding by the
"Indeed, Allah decrees the commands of
justice and kindness, and of giving to relatives, and forbids immorality and
bad conduct and rebellion; He advises you so that you may receive
admonition." (16:90)
"The way (to persecute) is only against
those who oppress people, and wrongfully spread rebellion in the land. It is
they for whom there is a painful punishment. (42:42) And indeed whoever
patiently endures and forgives – this is sure of the acts that demand great
courage and determination". (42:42- 43)
"The retribution of a harmful deed is the
harm equal to it; so, whoever forgives and amends, he shall have his reward
from Allah; indeed, He does not love the unjust" (42:40)
"Tell the believers to forgive those who
do not fear the days fixed by Allah, so that He may give a nation the reward of
what they used to earn." (45:14)
"And if you want to punish, then punish
only (as severely) as you were afflicted, but if you remain patient, then
certainly that is better for those who keep patience. And, (O Glorious
Beloved,) be patient and your patience is by Allah alone. And you should not
grieve over their (defiance), nor distress (your gracious and benevolent heart)
on account of their deceptive plots. Surely, Allah blesses them who live with
God wariness and who (also) live with spiritual excellence with His (special) companionship."
"There is no compulsion in Din
(Religion). Surely, the guidance has been distinguished from error. So he who
rejects false gods and believes in Allah has grasped such a firm handhold that
will never (possibly) give way. And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing."
had Allah so willed, certainly, all inhabitants on the earth would have
believed. (When your Lord has not made them believe by force,) will you coerce
the people until they become believers?" (10:99)
know best what they say, and you are not the one to coerce them. So advise
through the Qur'an anyone who fears My threat of punishment." (50:45).
This verse rejects the narrative of forced conversion as one is not allowed to
force any other to accept one's religion.
Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Women
in Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab
Women, Women In Arab, Islamophobia
in America, Muslim
Women in West, Islam Women and Feminism