By Arman Neyazi, New Age Islam
7 May 2021
That What is Forbidden (Haram حرام) in
Islam is Forbidden in All the Religions of the World
Main Points:
in Islam adultery, murder, theft etc. are forbidden (Haram حرام)
these are forbidden in all other religions also.
religion advocates divinity as a way of living.
is Haram Even If the Intention is Good
(Haram) Act Has no Individuality in It.
Islam is a way of life. Islam is a
universal religion based on pluralistic ideas, humility, humbleness, kindness,
brotherhood and everything that is logically and practically beneficial to
human being and their surroundings. Therefore that what is not good for the
betterment of the world is forbidden (Haram) and that what is beneficial
for individuals and the society is permitted (Halal).
Although people write and say ‘forbidden in
Islam’ but I sincerely take it as ‘forbidden for the whole world population’.
That what is not good for one is not good for all. Physical and mental
biologics of all of the human being is same hence that what is harmful to one
is harmful to all, irrespective of religion or region. You accept something
being ‘forbidden’ not forbidden for you is your matter but something being
‘forbidden’ for someone and not forbidden for someone else is not the case.
In almost all cases if ‘the medical
composition’ of a particular medicine for a particular disease is found useful for
the people of one country, it is useful for the whole world, with some
exceptions, that also because of the different environment and food habits.
Therefore all the rules and regulations formulated by Allah and His apostle,
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) have the same meaning and same effect on the whole
Every Religion Advocates Divinity As A
Way Of Living
If in Islam adultery, murder, theft etc.
are forbidden (Haram حرام)
these are forbidden in all other religions also. No religion encourages its
followers to go for acts that are harmful and heinous. Every religion advocates
divinity as a way of living. All that Islam announces to be harmful to its
followers is harmful to the whole of the world. There cannot be a question of a
particular religion advocating a better way of life for the human being and
other religions deny it. Allah, the All-knower says in the Holy Quran:
O mankind, We
have created you from a male and a female, and made you into races and tribes,
so that you may identify one another. Surely the noblest of you, in Allah’s
sight, is the one who is most pious of you. Surely Allah is All-Knowing,
All-Aware. (Surah Al-Hujurat - 13) — Mufti Taqi
All human being are created from the same
parents so all the rules and regulations of Haram and Halal for a decent life
are the same for all of us. And as Allah, the Most Merciful says:
"For you
is your faith, and for me, my faith.” (Surah
Al-Kafirun - 6)— Mufti Taqi Usmani
It has been indicated that ‘there is no
force’ applied on anyone for anything. Those who take Haram actions and things
as forbidden for the betterment of theirs and their society and those who care
not for all these things will be judged on the Day of Judgement.
Forbidden (Haram) Act Has no
Individuality in It
There are certain forbidden acts like
drinking and gambling which are taken as an individual act not affecting other
members of the society but it is wrong as every individual even in his
individuality is connected to society in one way or the other. An individual is
a part of society so every act of that individual causes ill effect for all
related to him. That is the reason why every religion and every religious
leader teaches the society as a whole the lessons of good deeds because he
knows individuals together form a society.
Allah, the All-Knower respects the
individuality of human being but has given each one of them a responsibility
towards the society, means it has created a society where everyone has his
individuality intact, is also bind to a society where all his good or bad deeds
affect him and others in an equal manner. As the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
“Each of you is a keeper or a shepherd and
will be questioned about the well-being of his fold” (Bukhari and Muslim).
As per the meaning of the above mentioned
Hadees, if there is a perpetrator of any Haram act he is not the only one
responsible for it rather all those who either knew about it or supported him
in any way will be counted as a perpetrator of a forbidden act. In the words of
Yusuf Al-Qardawi:
"An Islamic
principle related to haram is that if something is prohibited or forbidden,
then anything that leads to it is also considered a haram act. A similar
principle is that the sin of haram is not limited to the person who engages in
the prohibited activity, but the sin also extends to others who support the
person in the activity, whether it be material or moral support."
AL-Qardawi, Yusuf (1999). The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam. American
Trust Publications. p. 22.
Haram is Haram Even If the Intention is
Accumulation of wealth for the construction
of a mosque, the establishment of a charitable trust, religious educational
institutions or any other good work through illegal means, such as cheating,
usury, gambling can not be taken as permissible (Halal) in Islamic
jurisprudence. No matter how holy the intentions maybe but if the sources or
resources are based on forbidden ways (Haram), it will be an act of sin in
Islam. Allah, the All-knower is well aware of your good intentions but He has already
commanded you in the Holy Quran, as:
has explained in detail to you what He has forbidden you,...." (Surah Al-An'am - 119) - Sahih International
ask you about wine and gambling. Say, “In both, there is a great sin and some
benefits for people. And their sin is greater than their benefit.”… (Surah Al-Baqarah - 219) — Mufti Taqi Usmani
Other than the Holy Quran our Holy Prophet
Muhammad (SAW) also says:
“Allah is good
and does not accept anything but good, and Allah has commanded the Believers,
as He commanded His messengers, saying, ‘O you messengers! Eat of whatever is
good and work righteousness.’”
“Indeed, I am aware of what you do.”
He also said,
“O you who believe!”
“Eat of the good things which We provide
for you.”
The Prophet then
“A man travels far, unkempt and
dust-stained (for hajj, Umrah, or the like), raising his hands to the sky (and
‘O Lord!’ while eating what was haram,
drinking what was haram, wearing what was haram, and nourishing himself through
haram means.”
He also said:
“If anyone amasses wealth through haram
means and then gives charity from it, there is no regard for him and the burden
of sin remains.”
Even if somebody, individually or a nation
is accumulating medical apparatuses and medicines with a good intention of
helping the needy, of a particular community or religion, nobody will
appreciate it just as the Holy Quran and Ahadees mention. The hoarding of any
such item that the whole world needs, is an inhuman activity, so the nations
and the individuals capable of doing good deeds of helping the patients in need
of medical attention, legally are appreciated. And will certainly be rewarded
for performing their good deeds in a permissible way.
Let us all take to the straight path and
not act in a forbidden manner even if it is with a good intention. And of
course, forbidden deeds are ultimately harmful as these are harmful to society.
And Allah knows the best.
Arman Neyazi is a columnist with
New Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic Website, African Muslim News, Arab World News, South Asia News, Indian Muslim News, World Muslim News, Women in Islam, Islamic Feminism, Arab Women, Women In Arab, Islamophobia in America, Muslim Women in West, Islam Women and Feminism