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Islam,Terrorism and Jihad ( 9 Jun 2014, NewAgeIslam.Com)

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Pakistan: Where Have All The Pious Nationalists Gone? Why Don't They Condemn The Terror Outfits Even When They Kill Pak Army Soldiers? Should The State Still Continue To Befriend Enemies Of State?



By Mujahid Hussain, New Age Islam

9 June 2014

On June 4, two senior officers of Pakistani army, Muhammad Zahir and Lieutenant governor Arshad Hussain Rawalpandi were killed in a suicide attack in Jhang, an area adjacent to Rawalpindi. Indeed, it was an irreparable loss to the state army of the country. But do you know what is more deplorable? Not a single religious cleric or political leader in any part of the country took out a procession against this nefarious incident of terrorism. The reason is not difficult to see. One cannot have the temerity to openly speak or stiffly oppose the terrorist goons who subscribe to his own ideology and the same school of thought.

Where are now all those religious leaders, politicians, and nationalist mullahs who were in limelight, just a couple of weeks ago, for their strong demonstrations against a certain media outlet that put false blames on the Pakistani army? Where did they disappear just after they took out procession after procession in every village, town, locality and every major city of the country? Not even the religious anchors and TV presenters who were actively engaged in sensational televised programs could muster courage to speak a few words condemning the killers of the high officials of the Pakistan army. Neither Hafiz Said nor Hafiz Raza, Chaudhri Shujaat or Shaikh Rasheed opened up or spoke any words against them. Not even Shaikhul Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahirul Qadri expressed his concern over the tragedy, while Mr. Imran Khan remained completely speechless and silent onlooker. This is how our religious clerics and political stalwarts demonstrated their religious tradition and political acumen.

 My concern is not to favour or oppose a certain media group or groups, but rather an effort to candidly expose the hypocrisy, self-centeredness and opportunism deeply entrenched in our Pakistani society, far from basic human values of sympathy and tolerance. Our society has now fallen in love with death, so deeply that there could be no better treatment meted out to an opponent than death.

There is no denying that a series of incidents happened recently that raised grave questions on a number of crucial Pakistani agencies, presenting them as a laughing stock to the world. The terrorist attack on a TV presenter, for instance, was an incident that put a mark of stigma on the face of high officials associated with the sensitive Pakistani agencies. But at the same time, there was a proper solution to the problem that we completely ignored because of our irrational, emotional attitudes. We could easily disapprove the false accusations as such and could immediately prevent the obnoxious incidents that broke out, but what we saw later was more shocking and disheartening. It was indeed deplorable to see the false accusations against a section of the Pakistani army, but an accusation is just a blame that can be easily tackled.

The nefarious incident of Jhang has revealed the true faces of all such nationalists and opportunists who loudly claim to be supporters of state agencies. It seems as if they all were in a hideout when the incident happened and therefore they could not utter a single word against the dangerous killers of the two army soldiers. Anyway, what bravery could we expect from the people who loved and showed veneration to an arch enemy of the Pakistani state and army, Osama bin Laden? What favour could we seek from a people who led the namaz-e-ghaibana (prayer in absentia) for a killer of scores of Muslims? These are the people who deeply loved the murderers of young Pakistani soldiers, considered the Taliban as their brethren, declared the army as the oppressors and the terrorists as the martyrs. Obviously, there is no point in hoping any good from them. But more ironically, we find ourselves completely helpless when we see our politicians use the very dangerous elements to serve their vested interests and selfish objectives. If they had not been engrossed in opportunism, the present disturbing state of affairs would not have occurred. We wish if they could have behaved honestly and the enemies of the Pakistani state and agencies could not have penetrated into the country in such a great number!!!!

It can be clearly seen from the above that Pakistan is passing through a very critical and relatively more turbulent time. The number of the country’s enemies has now increased. Nonetheless, the well-wishers of the Pakistani state have still a chance to differentiate between the favourable and dangerous elements in the country, if they really want to stabilise it. They must trace out the obnoxious elements that seek to destabilise the country by spreading their poisonous tentacles in all its parts, fomenting the ideology of hatred and mass killing based on their religious doctrines. In such a situation, should the officials of our government build relations with such dangerous radical terror outfits that have now established their state within the country? We have many more questions like this that go unanswered whenever put up. Regrettably, we have left our country in the hands of murderous people who have more power than the state itself and whose exclusivistic view of the world has take Pakistan far from the universal brotherhood.

We are now plagued with the self-created problem. We have no well-wishers today who can howl in pain at the shocking and shameful state of affairs of the hapless country. What hope can we have in the opportunist politicians who come out of their hideouts at special occasions to make money out of their tall and loud claims of nationalism and patriotism? Time for pussyfooting has long gone.  We have no time to lose now. If the Pakistani fails to take cognizance of the present challenges, even now, then it is fated to have no option except for wailing and regretting. 


The author of nine books including the recent "Punjabi Taliban", Mujahid Hussain writes a regular weekly column for New Age Islam. He is also Chief of New Age Islam Brussels Bureau. He has been contributing to leading papers as an investigative journalist for about two decades. His writings cover a vast panorama of topics concerning political and societal existence of Pakistan, a nation passing through difficult straits since a short time after its birth. With terrorism and security issues at local, regional, and global levels as his special area of study in recent years, Mujahid Hussain has earned a sizable readership in serious circles in Pakistan and abroad. Follower of an independent, non-partisan, and objective way of thinking, the author offers honest analysis of the challenges threatening communities, nations, and humanity at large.


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