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Islam and Human Rights ( 17 May 2014, NewAgeIslam.Com)

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Lesser Hindus, Purer Pakistan: This is how Pakistan reacts to Dr Ramesh Kumar’s disclosures on ethnic cleansing in Pakistan


By Mujahid Hussain, New Age Islam

14 May 2014


Member of National Assembly and head of Pakistan Hindu Council Dr Ramesh Kumar has said on the floor of the Assembly that no member belonging to minority sections in Pakistan is safe even as the government has completely failed to provide protection to their places of worship and religious scriptures.

In the context of our national statement, it is apparently a Hindu conspiracy because Pakistani citizen and member of Central Legislative Assembly Rakesh Kumar has ripped apart our feeling of“Everything is OK”. That’s why we term it a serious conspiracy against our country and nation behind which perhaps the Bharati Hindu Baniya may be present with all his anti Islam and anti-Pakistan bias.

Since we have looked at Dr Ramesh Kumar’s statement through the prism of conspiracy against Islam and Pakistan, his statement is not important to us nor have we to be bothered about the least bit. As the proverbial good riddance, if every year five thousand Hindus (according to Dr. Ramesh Kumar) migrate to India from Pakistan, it is a good omen for the purification of the country. It is also a warning to other minority communities of the country that they should leave the God’s own country for their own good.

Member of National Assembly Dr Ramesh Kumar has crossed all limits of daredevilry by disclosing that within only the last two months, six religious scriptures and places of worship of Hindus in different cities of Sindh alone have been set on fire, though our national media has not given the least importance to these ‘alleged’ events because such events are not new in Pakistan.

Our media craves for new events and new disclosures and in the spare time, it waters the false claims of independent and impartial media by running the exaggerated promotions of its present and future programmes. Our media mullahs deliver lectures and tell old tales of the protection of minorities in Islamic state to falsify new facts. They can never accept the fact that minorities are the target in many parts of the state and the intolerant religious and sectarian organisations have made life hell for them.

According to Dr Ramesh Kumar not a single accused was arrested after the incidents of desecration of religious scriptures and places of worship. I request respected member of Assembly Dr Ramesh Kumar not to stress on this point too much because even if he mentions the sacred scriptures of the majority in comparison, even his being the Member of Assembly will not help him.

Even if his dead body is not pulled around on the streets of the city after burning him, at least it will be made sure that he will be taught such a lesson that his future generations, if they are alive, will always remember it. Mr Kumar should keep it in mind that he can at best identify the persons burning the religious scriptures or places of worship of Hindus. No person belonging to the state machinery can take this risk because here, even the judges of courts, police personnel and even governors are killed. Where does he stand?

It can be said with conviction that this request made by a Hindu on the floor of the Assembly will prove to be a voice in the wilderness and no one from the members of the National Assembly or the honourable Speaker or our so called active judiciary will take cognisance of this. Dr Ramesh Kumar will also not get a space in the national media whereas the Prime Minister, President or any minister will not be able to say anything on the topic.

This way, a heart rending scream will drown in the collective noise. There cries are only for drawing the attention and getting funds from their masters abroad. No national party can take the risk of staging demonstrations because in their view, this is not an issue on which the government can be toppled. The religious affairs departments of states will become tight-lipped and our so called intellectuals will become busy in outlining the possible anti-Islam and anti-Pakistan plans of Hindu extremist Narendra Modi in the neighbouring country.

On the other hand, a case of blasphemy has been filed against lawyers in Jhang, the centre of communal tensions. All the features of the case are communal. It is alleged that the lawyers who mostly belong to the Shia sect have abused the local officer in charge, a part of whose name is similar to the name of a sacred Islamic personality, during a demonstration. The officer in charge has directed the abuses hurled towards him to the sacred Islamic personality and has drawn the conclusion that the demonstrators have demonstrated their sectarian bias behind the veil of abusing him. This situation can be capitalised  on by militant and opportunistic organisations. In this particularly tense atmosphere of Jhang, some more players will enter the scene and the controversy may revive the bitter memories of the past.

Pakistan is fast becoming beleaguered by religious and sectarian hatred and the groups bent on unleashing violence have been using this hatred to wipe out their opponents. The law enforcing agencies of the state does not have power to face and control these armed and aggressive forces. It has been observed in the past that the law enforcing agencies that are under the civil governments become helpless before the political affiliations and apprehensions of the influential persons.

There have been innumerable examples in Punjab alone of the Muslim League (Nawaz) adopting communal groups and avoiding any action against them. The reason is simple. Muslim League Nawaz gets militant services from these groups in the elections and in return provides them with facilities and privileges. This way, the communal and extremist forces take their agenda further. What will the political parties and leaders do to crush this demon that witness but can’t even talk on the subject of ever growing religious extremism and communalism in Pakistan?

The author of nine books including the recent "Punjabi Taliban", Mujahid Hussain writes a regular weekly column for New Age Islam. He is also Chief of New Age Islam Brussels Bureau. He has been contributing to leading papers as an investigative journalist for about two decades. His writings cover a vast panorama of topics concerning political and societal existence of Pakistan, a nation passing through difficult straits since a short time after its birth. With terrorism and security issues at local, regional, and global levels as his special area of study in recent years, Mujahid Hussain has earned a sizable readership in serious circles in Pakistan and abroad. Follower of an independent, non-partisan, and objective way of thinking, the author offers honest analysis of the challenges threatening communities, nations, and humanity at large.

URL for Urdu:,-purer-pakistan;- /d/77017

URL for Hindi:,-purer-pakistan;-/d/77032


