By Dr
A Q Khan
July 6,
Here are
some more anecdotes from Saadi’s 'Bostan' in a free rendering of the
translation by Dr Khwaji Hameed Yazdani.
“You, O
creature of God, who was created from dust. Be as humble as the dust you were
created from. Do not be covetous, oppressive or headstrong. Remember, you are
from dust and not like fire. When the terrible fire raises its head, dust
prostrates itself in humility. And since fire was arrogant and dust was meek,
from the former the demons were formed and from the latter mankind.
“A sagacious
youth of noble family landed at a seaport in Turkey and, as he displayed piety
and wisdom, his baggage was deposited in a mosque. One day the priest said to
him: ‘Sweep away the dust and rubbish from the mosque.’ Since the young man
immediately went away, the older ones and his followers assumed that he did not
want to serve. The next day a servant of the mosque met him on the road and
said: ‘You acted wrongly; do you not know, O conceited youth, that men are
dignified by service?’ Sorrowfully the youth began to weep. “O cherished
friend!’ he answered. ‘I saw no dirt or rubbish in that holy place but my own
corrupt self. So I left, for a mosque is better rid of such as I.’ Humility is
the only ritual for a devotee. If you desire greatness, be humble; no other
ladder is there by which climb.
Bayazid was coming from his bath one morning during the Eid festival, someone
unwittingly emptied a tray of ashes upon his head from a window above. With his
face and turban all bespattered, he rubbed his hands in gratitude and said: ‘I
am in truth worthy of the fires of hell. Why should I be angered by a few
ashes:’ The great do not regard themselves; don’t look for godliness in a
self-conceited man. Eminence does not consist in outward show and vaunting
words, nor dignity in hauteur and pretension. On the day of Judgement you will
see those in Paradise who sought the truth and rejected vain pretensions. He
who is headstrong and obdurate falls on his face; if you desire greatness,
abandon pride.”
“Do not
expect anyone who possesses worldly vanities to follow the path of religion,
nor look for godliness in someone who wallows in conceit. Seek no more
honourable position in the world than being known as a man of laudable
character. You do not respect one of equal rank who is haughty towards you, so
do not do the same to others. Laugh not at those who are lowly; they may have
fallen from much higher stations and the same may befall you. One holds the
chain of the Kaaba in his hands; another lies drunken in the tavern. If God
calls the latter, who can drive him away. If God expels the former, who can
bring him back? One cannot implore the divine, nor is the door of repentance
“One day a
poorly clad doctor of law and divinity sat in the front row in a Ghazi’s court.
The Ghazi gave him a sharp look whereupon the usher took the man by the arm and
said: ‘Do you not know that the best place is not for the likes of you? Either
take a lower seat, remain standing or leave the court altogether. Be not so
bold as to occupy the seat of the great. If you are humble, pose not as a lion.
Not everyone is worthy of the chief seat; honor is proportionate to rank, and
rank to merit. He who sits with honour in a place lower than that of which he
is worthy, does not fall from eminence’.
with anger, the doctor moved to a lower seat. Two advocates in the court then
entered into a spirited discussion. They were involved in a complicated knot
which neither could unravel. From the last row of seats, the tattered doctor
called out loudly: ‘It is not the veins of the neck that should stand out in
argument’, he said, ‘but the proofs which should be full of meaning.’ With his
eloquence he invoked applause from everyone. The Ghazi was ashamed and, taking
off his cloak and turban, he sent them to the doctor as a token of his respect.
But the doctor rejected them saying: ‘Place not upon my head the fetters of
pride, for tomorrow this fifty-yarded turban would turn my head from those in
jaded garb. A man’s head requires brains and intellect, not an imposing turban
like yours.’”
“A certain
man knew something of astronomy and he became filled with pride. He journeyed
far and visited Kushyar, their sage, who could teach him nothing. Disappointed,
he was about to leave when Kushyar spoke these words: ‘You think you are full
of knowledge. How can a vessel that is full, receive more? Rid yourself of your
pretensions so that you may be able to absorb more. Being full of vanity, you
go empty.’
heard the barking of a dog in the ruined hut of a pious man. He went in search
but found no trace of a dog; only the devotee was in the hut. When he was about
to leave, the owner of the hut said: ‘Come in; why do you stand by the door? Do
you not know, O friend, that it was I who barked? When I realized that humility
was acceptable to God, I banished pride and vanity from my heart and barked at
the door of God, for I saw none more lowly than a dog. If you wish to attain
dignity, let humility be your path.’”
Wise words
Source: The News International,
Age Islam, Islam Online, Islamic Website, African
Muslim News, Arab
World News, South
Asia News, Indian
Muslim News, World
Muslim News, Women
in Islam, Islamic
Feminism, Arab
Women, Women
In Arab, Islamophobia
in America, Muslim
Women in West, Islam
Women and Feminism